Day by Day Challenge- January part 5



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Good luck everyone! See you tomorrow.

    Love it!
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey everyone, my name is Katie. I joined MFP last September and did pretty well for about two months. Then I returned to work after maternity leave and just fell out of my routine. I've gained 5 pounds back since I've stopped tracking my food. My short term goal is to lose 27 pounds.

    My goals for 1/4/11

    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Log my food

    Good Luck everyone!!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    @ Nam - wrote on your wall about Power 90

    Welcome Katie!
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning to all

    1/3 Monday: Lets see I have so many things I need to get done today....

    1. 30 mins on treadmill- already did this morning
    2. 15 cups of water-only drank 9cups but I'm going to try to finish the rest before I go to bed
    3. work on Laundry when I get home from work-completed
    4. Don't go over on my calories today-who hoo, I didn't go over
    5. No snacks past 8pm- so far so good.....
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi Steph, Kathy, and Katie!

    Nicole, your plan sounds great! Some of the things that I want to do this year is run a 5k in April (1 year anniversary from knee surgery) and I want to be more organized with my time and money.

    Nam, I hope you made it to your zumba class. I went to spin Friday mornning after a really tough class. I won't do that again. But I will try to make it to the Saturday morning spin class. I forgot what a great workout it can be. And my knee felt great!

    Hey Jess, how's the no smoking campaign going? Still hanging in there? Is it getting easier?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tuesday's recap:
    Keeping the chips out the house is the easiest way to be successful for the no chip challenge!! STILL NO CHIPS!
    Tuesday's goals:
    1. complete level 2 of 30 day shred. YES
    2. drink 10 cups of water. YES
    3. zumba on wii for alteast 20 minutes YES
    4. straighten up the house while its not so bad. YES
    5. try a new sweet potato recipe. YES, CAUJAN SWEET POTATOES...YUMMY

    Wednesday's goals:
    1. Stay on top of laundry.
    2. go to fitness class, plus 20 minutes (minimum) cardio.
    3. 30 day shred, level 3
    4. drink 10 classes of water
    5. eat a rainbow (colorful fruits and veggies)
    6. no chips
    7. limit one can of diet soda daily.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thanks for the welcome back Nam! And Leela, I completely agree with everything you said in the last thread and the beginning of this one. I love that this thread isn't cut throat about logging in every day.

    I took a short cut and copied my old post from last month. Its not plagiarism if I steal my own Sorry I wanted to say something about the new year and new resolutions and its so easy if you break them down into daily goals and if you do a puzzle one piece at a time, soon you'll see the big picture fall into place...
    but at the time, I just wanted to get the new January board up. You're very observant! :)
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    1. Water! – Yes!
    2. Walk! – Yes!
    3. Breakfast! - Yes!
    4. Housework! Yes!

    Sounds like something out of when Harry Met Sally. Yesterday was great, I started 30 day shred again, I’m not strictly speaking supposed to be doing anything more strenuous then walking at the moment but I was going out of my mind :ohwell: . I think I may have become an endorphin junkie. Any way I restarted at level one and took it pretty easy. I also had to really wrestle with myself to finish under my calorie goal. I’m back at work today so things will start getting easier again.

    Welcome to the newbies :flowerforyou:

    Tuesday’s goals:
    1. Water
    2. Exercise: Walk, Shred
    3. Only 1 glass of wine tonight, no seconds and no pudding (dinner with the fella’s parents tonight and his mother is the most amazing cook)

    Hope you all have a lovely day!
  • Monday
    1.) payroll quickly. Get it over with. --- DID not do it quickly..... well I did but we had a few gliches....... It was finished by 2 though.
    2.) I am so tired I feel drunk from the pms I took last night. Water to flush! did good on my water.
    3.) exercise at home!!! Yesterday I didn't work out. Evenings are just way too hectic for me so I decided to give it a shot this morning and I liked it!!!!

    Tuesday 1/4
    1.) WATER
    2.)Absolutely NO CHEATS today. I have more willpower than I have been showing.
    3.) I've already worked out once today, but I'd like to do something else as well at somepoint-no matter how tiny.
    Maybe yoga on the wii fit.
  • So a little about me...................

    My name is Jessica, Jess, Jessie, mom. lolololol. I will be 29 this month. I am 151lbs and stand at about 5'5". I like definition. I don't want to be a stick. I don't really care what the scale says as long as it's protraying the muscle and not this fat thats on my body. I want to loose the fat, gain muscle but NOT look like a body builder either. Just healthy and glowing. No pudge around the middle. That's my biggest issue. Pretty much ok with everything except for my stomach. Been on MFP since August 2010. Lost 20lbs in the first two months. Then gained, lost, gained, lost. STILL gaining and losing the same weight. After the holidays I'm at about 16.5lb dif from when I first started. I will get back to that 20lb mark AND go further. I have to find my willpower. I love this thread. Been a part of it for a few months now.Made GREAT friends on here. It's laid back. Even if you fail on your goals it's ok. the people here pick you up. I try to read everyones posts but I may not be able to respond to them all. I've been trying to stay off the computer so much at work for NON work things. lololol. But I love all of you and welcome all the newbies!!! Good Luck to everyone!
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Happy Tuesday, I feel like I did really good yesterday.

    Goals for Tuesday

    1. Drink 15 cups water
    2. No more than 3 dt Pepsi(12oz)
    3.on my breaks, walk outside Snack past 8pm( i can do this)
    5. Attend Girl ScoutS Meeting......
    6. 30 mins treadmill- ALREADY DONE
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I totally forgot about this challenge! So many to choose from. I'm sticking to two. This one and SWa. That way I know I will be accountable to the same people.

    Today's goals

    1. Exercise (did it)

    2. Drink 10 cups of water

    3. Log everything.

    Have a good and sucessful day:flowerforyou:
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    yay!!!!! happy 2011 everyone!

    today's challenge
    1. 6 more cups of water (had 2 this morning)
    2. do a 20 minute circuit session (morning yoga already done)
    3. stay within calories
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1.3.11 Goals:

    1) WATER - Horrible at this lately. I had 3 cups yesterday - must do better
    2) Day 3 of Power 90 - CHECK
    3) Take down Christmas Tree!!! - CHECK
    4) Wear HRM while exercising - YAY CHECK

    Completed Day 3 last night. Yesterday my arms hurt, today it's my legs. A little reprieve I suppose. I finally set up my HRM and it is AWESOME! :o) I burned 295 calories last night doing Power 90 Cardio 1-2. I keep trying to make it to the gym in the mornings to get some elliptical in...but so far it hasn't worked out. Maybe next week. 295 calories is great, but I really could push myself some more. I still am very happy to be starting with the "easier" version of the program. I'd like to incoroporate the Zumba videos my roomie has too. All of this money spent on videos is going to be used this year! That's my main resolution Nicole :o) I have Billy Blanks Bootcamp, Slim in 6, Power 90, got Gold's Gym Cardio for Wii, my roomie has Zumba and some others I'm sure that MUST be put to use this year! Also, I would like to lose 2.07 lbs. per week to reach a 50 lb. loss by my birthday (4/12/11) where I'll be 29. Also, Leela, for whatever reason, I did not equate your no chip goal with food. I thought you and your hubby were going to be nicer to each other! No chips on your shoulder kinda thing. LMBO! Just goes to show you that I need to be in better relationships. And this is why I've been single for 2 years. Good heavens. Mainly this year is going to be for me. I have to set goals to accomplish to better myself, in health, attitude and life. I love this challenge because it's baby steps...and that's the best way for me to approach things. Thank you everyone for being here!!! :o)

    1.4.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Day 4 of Power 90
    3) Find somewhere for the Christmas stuff to go!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 3:

    1. Water.--GOOD
    2. Exercise --already done, all 60 minutes of it!
    3. Finish putting away the Christmas things.--DONE
    4. Only one piece of cake--it's my son's birthday and he is the BEST so we are having cake!--DONE (and it was good!)

    As I said--I've been under a lot of stress so I am also committing to doing a meditation before bed.--ALSO DONE

    Goals for Jan. 4:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise for 60 minutes.
    4. Meditation before bed.

    Not a bad day yesterday. I just need to keep my mind calm and focus on what I CAN control and not worry about what is not in my control. The meditation helps a lot, as does working out.

    Welcome to all our new people. I love this thread. Setting goals for one day is so doable!

    I am going to reset my ticker as I have decided that I need to lose about 40 more pounds to be in a healthy range, not the amount I have on it now.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Rhonda and I've been on MFP since march 2009...I havent been logging on too much the past month, I sort of fell off the wagon! I have gained 6lbs over Christmas, I went crazy with the choclates and no exercise! But today is a new day and I setting daily goals I think will help me get to where I would like to be!

    Jan. 5 goals:

    1. drink lots of water ( at least 8 glasses)
    2. eat healthy snacks and meals
    3. no eating after supper
    4. do Turbo Fire 30
    5. continue taking down the decorations
    6. play a board game with my son this evening
    7. watch a movie with my hubby!
    8. take a bath to relax ( buy some bubble bath!)

    Lots of goals but I think I can do it!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Leela-- I didn't even notice it was copy and pasted! haha.

    I did pretty well yesterday-- I wanted to go for another walk since the dog tired out pretty quickly but I got myself walking which was good and I"m pretty sure I went over on my 8 cups of water. Snacking wasn't so good. Going to try that again today.

    So... same goals as yesterday.

    1. 8 cups of water.
    2. No snacking.
    3. Walk with Ace.

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Rhonda, I love your positive attitude. You can do it! You have to look at it one day at a time. We made so many cookies for Christmas, it was crazy. Followed by cheesecakes, pies, cakes. I thought it was never going to end. It all tastes so good, but it does add on the pounds. I was still working out, so the candle wouldn't burn at both ends. I didn't even step on the scale to see the damages.

    Well I just came back to refresh myself on my daily goals. I'll post tomorrow's goals later.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    mid day check in
    Wednesday's goals:
    1. Stay on top of laundry. PASS
    2. go to fitness class, plus 20 minutes (minimum) cardio. PASS
    3. 30 day shred, level 3 NOT YET
    4. drink 10 classes of water ONLY AT 5
    5. eat a rainbow (colorful fruits and veggies) YES, MORE TO COME WITH DINNER
    7. limit one can of diet soda daily. I ALREADY HAD THAT ONE CAN, SO NO MORE FOR THE REST OF THE DAY
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Don't stress too much at work. I want to start the new year calm and in control at work. *CHECK*
    2. Lots of water. *8 CUPS*
    3. Remember to take my lunch from home. It's all ready I just need to take it out of the fridge. *I REMEMBERED!*
    5. If I achieve #4 then go to Tri Class and the new Zumba class! *DOUBLE CHECK*
    6. Eat breakfast. *A QUICK BREAKFAST*

    So today has been a good day even though I had a starbucks having promised myself I wouldn't this week! I went to Tri class and then Zumba straight after and I am so totally knackered!! Tri was so good today and I have to say I really enjoyed Zumba. This class was better because everyone was new to it so we were all learning it together and the teacher was good so that helped!

    Lee so great that you went to Spinning and so pleased for you that your knee is doing fine! I really need to try and go to spinning more often.

    Happiness thanks for the info on Power 90. Sounds tough but I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! Keep pushing play!!

    Actually hope you don't mind if I rant a little.....
    I read on a thread the other day that these particular posters didn't believe people when they show a burn of over 1000 calories and think they are inflating their number. Reading that really annoyed me (even though it shouldn't) because I know if I log a calorie burn that I didn't achieve I know I am only cheating myself. I have never done that and I never will. I burn over 1000 calories a few times a month if I have done a couple of classes but never in one class so it is totally achieveable and I know I am burning that much because of my hrm. I don't know why some people come here to be negative and not supportive to others. Sorry rant over! I just had to get it off my chest!

    So now that I've vented on to Wednesday's goals!
    1. Loads of water.
    2. Go to legs bums and tums after work.
    3. Have a healthy lunch.
    4. Wake up earlier so I have time for breakfast.
    5. Go to bed as soon as I log off here. Have to leave early tomorrow. Technically this a goal for today but nevermiind!
    6. Try not to drool too much when I see my very HOT client in the morning!

    We all want to drink more water so as soon as you've read this drink a cup straight away and it will be one down for the day!! :drinker:

    See you tomorrow!
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