Day by Day Challenge- January part 5



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    cheers! :drinker:
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    okay today was alot harder for me, I think I'm tired from yesterday.
    Happy Tuesday, I feel like I did really good yesterday.

    Goals for Tuesday

    1. Drink 15 cups water-COMPLETD
    2. No more than 3 dt Pepsi(12oz)-DRANK TOO MANY
    3.on my breaks, walk outside- WENT OUT WALKING FOR ONE OF MY BREAKS Snack past 8pm( i can do this)- I WILL DO THIS
    5. Attend Girl ScoutS Meeting......-COMPLETED
    6. 30 mins treadmill- ALREADY DONE
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So a big CHECK for all my Tuesday's goals. Here's to a successful Wednesday.
    1. zumba in the morning plus 20 minutes of cardio.
    2. level 1 shred.
    3. 10 cups of water.
    4. make sure there are no left overs before cooking something new.
    5. to help me eat the rainbow, cut up enough salad to last for about 3 servings.
    6. no chips, limited pop.

    The goals are pretty much the same. Staying consistent is the key.
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    My goals for 1/4/11

    Exercise!! DONE
    Drink 8 glasses of water...WELL I MADE IT TO SIX GLASSES
    Log my food...DONE

    Goals for 1/5/11

    8 glasses of water
    Limit my intake of Diet Coke
    Continue logging my food
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Tuesday’s goals:
    1. Water- Yup
    2. Exercise: Walk, Shred- Yup
    3. Only 1 glass of wine tonight, no seconds and no pudding – No pudding and I traded my glass of wine for a small second helping.

    Hope you all have a lovely day!

    Hi Everyone!

    I love how positive everyone is at the moment.

    Wednesdays goals:

    1. Water
    2. Under on calories
    3. Walk and Shred
    4. Draw
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    okay today was alot harder for me, I think I'm tired from yesterday.
    Happy Tuesday, I feel like I did really good yesterday.

    Goals for Tuesday

    1. Drink 15 cups water-COMPLETD
    2. No more than 3 dt Pepsi(12oz)-DRANK TOO MANY
    3.on my breaks, walk outside- WENT OUT WALKING FOR ONE OF MY BREAKS Snack past 8pm( i can do this)- I WILL DO THIS
    5. Attend Girl ScoutS Meeting......-COMPLETED
    6. 30 mins treadmill- ALREADY DONE

    Wednesday Goals:

    15 cups of water
    30 min treadmill
    walking outside 2x today
    only eat 3 meals + 2 snacks today

  • tekiegirl
    tekiegirl Posts: 78 Member
    Hi all, I know January has well and truly started but I want to join in :o)

    Goals for 5th Jan:
    1. Drink 1l water.
    2. Eat no more than 1200 calories.
    3. Unpack bag from New Year trip.

    I am so bad at unpacking... :o)
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    1. Drink at least 8 cups of water.

    2. Exercise do the WATP 2 miles

    3. Get my Bible studying done for my meeting tomorrow.
  • Tuesday 1/4
    1.) WATER --- CHECK
    2.)Absolutely NO CHEATS today. I have more willpower than I have been showing. CHECK
    3.) I've already worked out once today, but I'd like to do something else as well at somepoint-no matter how tiny.
    Maybe yoga on the wii fit. CHECK--Hubby and I played bowling, baseball and golf on the wii and I cleaned up the house.

    Wednesday 1/5/2011
    Happy 4 Year Wedding Anniversary to ME!!!! Love my hubby more than life. Couldn't live without him.

    1.) water
    2.) Keep Cals in check. chocolate will NOT cure a sinus infection!! I always crave bad stuff when I don't feel well.
    3.) cook a wonderful and healthy dinner for my hubby and catch up on the dishes.

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    did everything yesterday but only 20 min of exercise.

    ooookay todays goals:

    1. do lunchtime yoga
    2. go for a walk (havent been outside in 3 days)
    3. pushup challenge
    4. water! 8 cups
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1.4.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - Better than before apparently, I must have gotten up every 2 hours last night! UGH
    2) Day 4 of Power 90 - CHECK! :o)
    3) Find somewhere for the Christmas stuff to go! - I need containers, but I go home and workout and then make dinner and the night is over

    1.5.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) P90 W1D5
    3) At least one load of laundry...I'm out of athletic socks after tonight's workout ;o)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 4:
    1. Water.--Very good!
    2. Stay in my calories.--YES!!!
    3. Exercise for 60 minutes.--Done
    4. Meditation before bed.--Done

    I made myself stay on track yesterday. At one point I even kept telling myself, "Eating will not solve this problem!" This time I listened and then agreed! Yay for me!

    It's a bit late but I was busy this morning.

    Goals for Jan. 5:
    1. Water (right on track)
    2. Stay in my calories (so far so good!)
    3. Exercise is already done.
    4. Meditation before bed.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Wednesdays goals:

    1. Water- Almost I think I was one short
    2. Under on calories- Yes
    3. Walk and Shred- Yes and tried out a bit of the New York City Ballet work out which was hilarious.
    4. Draw- No

    Good for you Kathy! Great work to stay in control when you’re stressed. I wish I had your powers of persuasion.

    Hope you had a good anniversary and feel better today Jess.

    Yesterday I was really grumpy all morning; I hadn’t slept well, nothing seemed to work in the office (I’m looking at you here computer) and some idiot guy in the park seemed to think I went there to pick up (yeah alright mate, take me back to yours, I’m powerless to resist your calls of “Oi darling”) but then after my walk, I stopped in to buy my lunch. The woman at the checkout was so pleasant and so lovely that it completely turned my day around.

    1. Water
    2. Exercise: Walk for 45mins & Shred
    3. Under on calories

    Hope you all have a great day! See you later.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Did pretty good yesterday didn't quite meet my water goal (7cups), but I only drank 3 dt pepsi..... Oh I even did my tae bo dvd, that I haven't done in years.... Wow I think that I realize I'm so out shape.

    Thursday Goals:

    Tae Boe- Completed
    30 mins of treadmill-
    Walk during my breaks(2x)
    Watch Grey's Anatomy- new episode
  • Wednesday 1/5/2011
    Happy 4 Year Wedding Anniversary to ME!!!! Love my hubby more than life. Couldn't live without him.

    1.) water - so so...........
    2.) Keep Cals in check. chocolate will NOT cure a sinus infection!! I always crave bad stuff when I don't feel well. --Dont really know with the "anniversary dinner"........... lol Chinese is what he wanted so I just quick cal what was left of my cals.
    3.) cook a wonderful and healthy dinner for my hubby and catch up on the dishes--nope I felt like poo and hubby wanted chinese.

    Thursday. 1/6/2011
    1.woke up STARVING and pigged out on some breakfast foods. so I need to work out at some point this evening. want to be in the green.
    2.water water water
    3. Get my bills done.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    taking a break from formally logging my goals...just for a little while...I have a lot to sort out...but I'll be back when the dust settles :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 5:
    1. Water (right on track)--Good!
    2. Stay in my calories (so far so good!)--Went over a bit but not too badly.
    3. Exercise is already done.
    4. Meditation before bed.--No. Fell asleep!

    Stress is really getting to me. I have some very unpleasant things to do today and my stomach is all tied up in knots! I'll feel better after I workout, though, so I will be doing that soon.

    Goals for Jan.6:
    1 Water.
    2. Stay within my calories.
    2. Exercise.
    4 .Make calls I keep putting off.
    5. Meditate! (It really does help!)
  • tekiegirl
    tekiegirl Posts: 78 Member
    Goals from yesterday:
    1. Drink 1l water. (DONE)
    2. Eat no more than 1200 calories. (1233 - not bad)
    3. Unpack bag from New Year trip. (almost finished)

    Goals for 6th Jan:
    1. Drink 1l water. (ALREADY DONE)
    2. Eat no more than 1200 calories net (total - exercise).
    3. Attend spinning class at the gym and burn LOADS of calories (hopefully).

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I've been doing pretty well on my goals... minus the snacking. But I'm not snacking as much as I had previously doing so I'm getting there. Goals are pretty much the same.

    1. Water.
    2. No snacking.
    3. Walk the dog.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1.5.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - eh
    2) P90 W1D5 - CHECK
    3) At least one load of laundry...I'm out of athletic socks after tonight's workout ;o) - Found one more pair so definitely HAVE TO tonight

    1.6.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) P90 W1D6
    3) Laundry - Whites
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