Team UK - January 2011!



  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I feel soooo pleased with myself. I survived the London trip (with 2 meals out) and stuck to my WW points & came in under my calories.:bigsmile:

    If I dont show a good loss when I weigh in on Wed I'm going to be very dis-chuffed!

    We did loads of walking, thanks to most of the tube being shut for repairs. And the in-laws had a good time, the weekend was their X-mas prezzie from us.
  • Jim_Jam
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to this and found a UK thread when searching :)
    I was doing SW at the end of last year but have decided to do healthy eating/calorie counting instead as it seems to shift the weight faster (although I've been struggling since Christmas!!)
    Anyway, about me...I'm from Blackburn in Lancashire, live with my boyfriend of 8 years and our 2 jack russells and I LOVE LOVE LOVE football and have a season ticket at Blackburn Rovers :)
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi Jim Jam welcome aboard :happy:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I feel soooo pleased with myself. I survived the London trip (with 2 meals out) and stuck to my WW points & came in under my calories.:bigsmile:

    If I dont show a good loss when I weigh in on Wed I'm going to be very dis-chuffed!

    We did loads of walking, thanks to most of the tube being shut for repairs. And the in-laws had a good time, the weekend was their X-mas prezzie from us.

    Oh well done Jain!
    I think we northern numpties need you on our side.... ;)

    And welcome too, Jim Jam
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been on MFP a while now but figured I should stop being a hermit and talk on here more often/make friends/get & give support etc. I'm Jenny and I live in Cambridgeshire. Didn't realise I was so large until the end of 2009 in a christmas piccy so i've been slowly trying to drop some weight. I lost around a stone initially, but christmas food was too tempting so am trying to be healthy again.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi there newbies! Great to have you on board. Everyone's been a bit quiet lately - you all ok?????
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi there newbies! Great to have you on board. Everyone's been a bit quiet lately - you all ok?????

    Well I'm OK, just trying to make myself not spend the whole evening on MFP so I haven't been posting as much!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I know it is a bit quiet - I need a distraction from work so would like some posts please!!

    I'm feeling a bit blergh today - went to the gym Monday and Tuesday and just dont feel like its getting any easier. Been doing it for 3 weeks (2 routines, A and B, which I alternate) and I thought I might be able to see some progress/improvement now. Hmmmm.

    Also saw my PT whilst I was there and he said we're going to measure my body fat % on Monday (when I next see him) so I'm going to be stressing about that until then!

    Hope you're all ok =) xxx
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    It's my WW weigh in tonight, so fingers crossed. I've had a good result on my scales this week, but the WW's scales weigh heavier plus it's in the evening.:grumble:

    I scored at work yesterday, got a huge amount of fruit, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, nectarines, melon and grapes, all reduced. So I've a huge bowl of fruit salad in the fridge for me to pick at when I get the munchies. And the whole lot cost £3.:bigsmile: I do love a bargain me!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Morning all! Hope everyone is well!

    I've had the week from hell (and we're only half way through) work-wise, but my week has been brightened somewhat by my sister announcing the date for her wedding!!

    I got dragged along to a bridal shop on Monday to help her on her search for the perfect dress and we found it!!! It's beautiful and she looks gorgeous in it! We also managed to find the perfect bridesmaids dress :smile:

    Needless to say, our household is now a bit mental! Everyone (except daddy) is on a diet, and just as someone is coming in from a walk, someone else is going out for one! Laurie, the bride, had a baby in July and her weight has increased fairly rapidly since, so she hopes to lose around 4 stones before the wedding. Lynz, my other sis, wants to lose a stone and get a boob job :tongue: and my mum has 4-5 stone to shift!

    So for the next 7 months, it's going to continue to be mental!

    Anyways, I gotta go.... hen party to organise :laugh:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Lesley1981 - ooooooh weddings!! How exciting!! 7 months is a good amount of time too I think, perfect for lots of walks as the weather (hopefully) improves - good luck!

    I'm going to the first wedding out of my group of friends in April and some of them I haven't seen in years so its an incentive to lose weight and get toned up for when I see them, I'd love to be unrecognisable (and would love a boob job, but I lack the funds at the mo!!!)

  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    New boobs - yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy: Leapt on the scales today and once again they've not shifted so I'm officially going to weigh-in again tomorrow and send Rosy that weight..... just hope its not a gain LOL! I haven't been to a wedding for ages, but we have 2 coming up in 2012. Watched the Biggest Loser last night, I'm glad they don't drag it out like the American version where they have adverts every ten minutes. I'd love to have those trainers for a couple of months.

    Good luck with the fat measuring Irns :wink:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I've got a horrible feeling that if I lose 5 1/2 stone I will need a boob job and a tummy tuck lol...better start saving now!

    As for Biggest Loser, loving the doctor who told the guy who ended up on oxygen to listen to his body and the trainers, and that way he'd get the intensity right....hilarious! Has he MET those trainers? That Angie woman is terrifying! The way she approves of them when they work so hard they chuck up, then come straight back in and carry on without saying anything....errrr.....I think that might be a body trying to get a message across.....
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Haven't been to a wedding in a couple years and not invited to any of the ones taking place in the near future so def don't need to worry about that :laugh: Boob lift would be nice though if anyone wins the lotto! LOL

    Need to watch America's Biggest Loser from last night so gonna make dinner and put the telly on (yes, I watch ABL while eating, but I also watch it while exercising!) It's really cold in here tonight so gonna cheer myself up doing the ironing and making a healthy lunch for tomorrow to make up for the damage I did today, and the cream scone someone's buying me tomorrow. Gaaaaaa. I will burn it off tho, I promise Softies x
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Weddings are in the air! One of my friends is getting married in April, to a Texan. She's got a very strong Yorkshire accent & he's got a fab Texan drawl. I have no idea how they understand each other, and as for any kids they have.:laugh: I already have a dress (and a mad fascinator) that I got for a wedding last year, I just have to lose enough weight the fit into it. Sigh.

    Had a great WW loss, 5lbs. So very happy wiyh that.:bigsmile:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Had to get my ex hubby to babysit tonight while I went out to a circuit class. Came home and he'd taken over the kitchen and cooked himself a huge plate of burgers and chips. Is was just downright cruel for me to come through the door and look at that while I was starving hungry. Pleased to say though I didn't so much as steal a chip (I'd have had to fight him for it anyway) and stuck to my chicken, cous cous and veggies.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello all
    cant believe its getting so cold! again! was thinking of the couch to 5k but im not running in this cold! lol! having a good week so far, not given in to any of the chocs at work and believe you me the whole cupboard if full of them!
    hoping to have another good loss this week. good luck everyone :)
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Think the site was playing up last night, because I posted on here and its not arrived. But I just said how much Rosys post made me LOL about the Trainers and Angies admiration of the contestants chucking up and coming back to continue!!!!

    I'm just bracing myself to Shred this morning, ache all over but know once I've warmed up I'll be ok.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Jain - well done on the 5lbs!

    It's Thursday woop! Spent last night planning what I'm doing for my birthday - originally Mum wanted take-out on Saturday, meal out on Tuesday, and then I'm eating out on Friday with work and having takeout with my girlies the following weekend! I could just see the calories mounting up! Thankfully I've put my foot down and said no to dinner out on Tuesday, so hitting the gym tonight and Saturday to atone for this weekend, and hopefully the same again for next week! I know you can't "undo" calories, but it sure makes me feel better!

    Now I just need to work out how to avoid birthday cake...............
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Hello Team UK

    I've recently discovered this site and am slowly learning my way round, just found this thread :)

    I'm UK based, so hope I can join you all.

    Having a reasonably good month so far. I'm aiming to lose 3 stone by mid April, enter my first 5k race in June and losr 5 stone by then end of the year.

    Ellie x