Team UK - January 2011!



  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    everyone good today??

    Think i finally crack my food issue's i no longer eat for comfort. Had a ****ty couple of days and instead of my usual binge i've just ate as normal. Though my road rage has been worse :laugh:

    James x
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    1) Is Honey good for you?
    2) Is it usual to have an 800 -1100 Calorie Tea time meal?
    3) Does it matter if you eat before bedtime?
    4) Do you ever actually feel the benefit of taking a multivitamin?
    5) Does tea, coffee, juice count towards the glasses of water?

    Mike - here's my twopenneth....

    1) Better than refined sugar and sweetener but still has calories which must be counted.
    2 and 3) Whatever you eat before bedtime sits in your stomach overnight and doesn't have time to metabolise. There is research that says this may make it more likely that your body will store the calories as fat. If you have a 800 - 1100 calorie meal at night then that's a lot of calories that your body doesn't have time to burn. 500 cals is more normal. The earlier in the evening you can eat the better, this is why a lot of people say not to eat carbs after 5pm.
    4) Vitamins from healthy foods are absorbed better by the body but if you struggle to do that then a multi is better than nothing.
    5) There is plenty of research that says that the water in tea and coffee does count, as does the water in fruit and veg (but obviously that's more difficult to quantify). There's a great podcast by the Nutrition Diva (go to: that explains in more detail. Juice (assuming you mean fruit juice, and not concentrate / squash) doesn't count but is one of your 5 a day although it does use up some of your calories. Squash does count.

    Paul and Zomoniac - welcome to the team!

    James - I'm the same mate. Hardly ever fancy cake or chocolate or crisps and when I do I just shrug and ignore it!

    Hope everyone's had a good day. I've eaten well and exercised and in quite a good mood now considering how crappy work has been. Achieved absolutely nothing and found out that one of my mates is leaving next month. On the upside another of my mates is returning next week! A bit worried about my weekend of socialising, just got to try not to do too much damage and work my butt off on Saturday evening to counteract it. Will be quite for the next couple of days so I hope everyone has fun til then. See ya Saturday!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    everyone good today??

    Think i finally crack my food issue's i no longer eat for comfort. Had a ****ty couple of days and instead of my usual binge i've just ate as normal. Though my road rage has been worse :laugh:

    James x

    Glad I haven't been driving round Guildford then! Good on you for getting your eating under control. I was really good when I was losing weight as chocolate, crisps etc were all an absolute no. Now I'm on maintenance, have more calories to play with and have let 'treats' sneak back in again I'm finding it harder to control. Think I might have to go cold turkey again.
  • bertha2010
    Hi all,

    I only joined this today and hope you do not mind me joining in, its nice to be able to read all your comments of support to each other :-)

    I have tracked today's food intake and am more than a little mortified of just how many calories I have consumed , time for some changes !!

    Beth x
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm new to this and to be completely honest I'm struggling already.

    I'm not sleeping too well, feel ill and I'm skint which makes it all the harder to try and eat better!!! I lost two stone two and half years ago but then fell pregnant. The weight crept on and in the last year and a half I've put back on that two stone and it's depressing. I comfort eat and have nothing to wear.

    Friends and colleagues are dieting and they are doing well and I just can't seem to get started and I'm feeling pretty cr*p and have spent the last hour in tears as I'm on my own.

    I'm getting angry that I'm being so stupid and am really sorry for ranting but need to get it out of my system, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
  • binsylad
    Queen M - Many thanks, I have been to that site on your advice! Regards M
  • kerry2285
    kerry2285 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, have read through alot of this post and would like to join too if possible.

    Ive been on the site a few months but only just getting round to exploring it and this is my first post :-)

    I have alot of weight to shift but I want to loose inches mainly, drop a few dress sizes would be nice!!

    So its about 2 weeks since I started healthy eating again and I do well in the day time but its the evening when im home that I wanna snack and eat chocolate, my big down fall!!! Any tips for curving the snack craving?? I have been like it for years and really want to kick the habbit and hunger pangs at night!

    Kerry x
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi Team UK

    I've not been on this thread for a few months, like a few others, life got in the way and then Christmas. :noway: :noway: I still post on another thread, but hope to get back into posting in Team UK regularly, it's nice to catch up with other UK members.

    :flowerforyou: We all seem to be in a determined mood after the Christmas break, so here's to a new us this year. Let's hope this new determination lasts.

    I'd better get ready for work, I've made my healthy sandwich for lunchtime, will stock up on fruit and low fat yogurts to snack on, (save reaching for the Kit Kats) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a good day.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning everyone, and hello to all the newbies (I'm sure I'm still in this category as I've only been on here 2 weeks!).

    Just wanted to wish you all luck, and this is the best place to find support and succeed so I know you're going to be fantastic!!

  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29
    Hello and welcome newest newbies!

    mickyloo - sorry you're having such a tough time, but stay with this site and you will get loads of support from all the awesome people here. As a fellow (hopefully former) comfort eater just make sure you count those calories and I'm sure you'll see a difference that will put friends and collegues to shame :) And give yourself a break, if you have a kid it will be harder to do things like exercise etc. re money I actually think that by planning my meals, eating less and not buying ready made crap I'm saving money (yay!). Don't feel silly for the rant, we all need them :) Good luck!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Afternoon all!

    Mickyloo sometimes it's good just to get a rant out and then it's said and done. Focus on logging your calories everyday and like Oddelly said above try planning out your meals. We're all here for you!

    The sugar monster has been stalking me these past few days. Normally I'm totally fne with staying away from chocolates and other naughty things but this week...SERIOUSLY what the hell is going on with me?!?! Have to get these cravings in check!

    Trying out a new class tonight called Adidas Zone Cycling. I hear it is stupidly tough and harder than spinning so hoping I can keep up! Has anyone done this before?

    On another note...I'm going to be in Guildford on Tuesday for work! Bowling anyone?!!!!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi to new newbies - Mickeyloo, Bertha and Kerry (think that's all since last night!)

    Mickeyloo - feel free to rant. It's what we're here for.

    Mike - glad you popped in on the Nutrition Diva. I :heart: her and have been listening for months! She looks at the argument from every angle and then gives her take on it. Her newest book is out in March so can't wait for that!

    I know I wasn't going to come on but I think I'm addicted to the site like a few other people so popped on for a couple mins in my lunchbreak (after going for a 10 min walk around the block!) Hope you're all having a good day. I'm finishing early to do level 2 of the Shred before I go out to dinner tonight. Not sure whether to take my HRM to London tomorrow when I'll be spending most of the day walking but some of the day on the Tube (also won't be able to cal count my meals which is a nightmare at the moment as I want to count everything!) Ah well, may have to have one day of normality!!!!!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member

    On another note...I'm going to be in Guildford on Tuesday for work! Bowling anyone?!!!!

    Ooh I have a week off next week, tempted but depends if I still have the car or not. Been borrowing my Mothers car while mine is sat on the drive gathering rust.
  • Donwilks
    Donwilks Posts: 34 Member

    If its ok, I'd like to join Team UK?!

    Always struggled with my weight and successfully lost 1.5 stone just over a year ago which I have now stupidly put all back on and more!!! I am so cross with myself but determined to get close to that again and get back to how I look in my profile picture!

    Am loving the site and the calorie counting - am also now a regular visitor of the gym so at the moment and motivated and determined even with minor slip ups!

    Looking forward to getting lots of helpful tips and advice!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148

    On another note...I'm going to be in Guildford on Tuesday for work! Bowling anyone?!!!!

    Ooh I have a week off next week, tempted but depends if I still have the car or not. Been borrowing my Mothers car while mine is sat on the drive gathering rust.

    could be doable if we can get a team together. What's everyone think?
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member

    Hi everyone, have read through alot of this post and would like to join too if possible.

    Ive been on the site a few months but only just getting round to exploring it and this is my first post :-)

    I have alot of weight to shift but I want to loose inches mainly, drop a few dress sizes would be nice!!

    So its about 2 weeks since I started healthy eating again and I do well in the day time but its the evening when im home that I wanna snack and eat chocolate, my big down fall!!! Any tips for curving the snack craving?? I have been like it for years and really want to kick the habbit and hunger pangs at night!

    Kerry x
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Can someone please explain to me how to highlight a quote and reply. I keep doing something wrong :ohwell:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Can someone please explain to me how to highlight a quote and reply. I keep doing something wrong :ohwell:

    At the bottom of the message you want to quote, just click blue writing that says "quote" You then get a message box that opens and already contains the message you want to quote. Just write your response underneath
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Can someone please explain to me how to highlight a quote and reply. I keep doing something wrong :ohwell:

    At the bottom of the message you want to quote, just click blue writing that says "quote" You then get a message box that opens and already contains the message you want to quote. Just write your response underneath

    Do you mean like this.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Yeah it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Yvonne :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: