Team UK - January 2011!



  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Apologies in advance - this is going to be a miserable ranty post because I'm in a foul mood and am so angry with my Dad right now and need to vent!!!!

    So went to the gym last night for Personal Trainer appointment with Alan and he'd looked at my printed food diary (averaging 1400 - 1600 calories a day since 3 Jan) and he said I'm doing well but gotta eat more as my basic metabolic rate (ummmm, don’t really understand it) is 2200 with all the exercise I'm doing so 1400 is too low so I've gotta aim for 1700 a day (obs not chocolate, they still have to be healthy calories!). Then did really hard workout session.

    Came home and told M+D and told them I'd lost 5lbs and Alan had told me to eat more, and Dad just started saying how that was bulls**t and if anything I should eat less than what I am now, he saw the BBC programme (How to loose weight......I did a blog article on it a few weeks ago) and was like you obviously under estimate how many calories you eat so you've been lying to yourself and him and its ridiculous that you can expect to lose weight by eating more.

    Well I obs retaliated by saying I know how many calories goes into our food because I cook for you 5 times a week, I don't lecture you about how much beer, wine, Jack Daniels or other rubbish you put in your body, I have been working my *kitten* off at the gym 3 times a week, and I'm going to trust someone with a nutrition qualification over you. He just said it was ridiculous and I was kidding myself.

    I then had to eat dinner (yeah, really fancied eating by that point) and I just cant snap out of being so unhappy and disappointed that he doesn't believe me or trust me and its that lack of support. Just really unimpressed - if this was my sister he'd be so much more supportive but he just seems to want me to fail.

    Grrrrrr! So I went to bed miserable and crying, which means I've woken up with puffy eyes and a headache! And I now just can't snap out of this mood. I'm not going to say I'm thinking about giving up because I'm not, but it just makes me question myself because if my Dad thinks I'm kidding myself, who on earth can support me!

    Sorry, v miserable post but I had to get it out of my system or I'd sit at my desk and boil all day!
  • posherspice
    posherspice Posts: 15 Member
    Families eh. Definitely, trust your professional adviser, not someone who's obviously got issues of his own. And don't give up, you're doing so well! Deep respect for all the effort you're putting in - and don't forget, you're not doing it for your Dad or anyone else, you're doing it for you, so don't let anyone else get you down.

    I'm new to this thread and it's great to see we UK guys and girls getting together!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you =) xxxx
  • mutleyreid
    Hey Irns88, your doing really well. Keep on the track your on and you will get to where you want to be. My mum used to always say eat less too and it caused some major rows. I lose more now from eating more!

    Ps I'm a southerner
  • binsylad
    How do you join Team UK......Just being here? LOL
    Just started this in earnest this week......could be a bumpy ride.

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Welcome Mike.
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    lrns88 - If we always listened to family, we'd get nowhere!

    I've not told my family I'm doing this, but my boyfriend knows and is being very supportive (mainly by trying to get me to do more exercise!), even though he's the reason I put on weight in the first place, and he's got into the habit of bringing a bottle of wine home after work most nights!

    You'll get plenty of support on here.

  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    lrns88 - If we always listened to family, we'd get nowhere!

    I've not told my family I'm doing this, but my boyfriend knows and is being very supportive (mainly by trying to get me to do more exercise!), even though he's the reason I put on weight in the first place, and he's got into the habit of bringing a bottle of wine home after work most nights!

    You'll get plenty of support on here.


    Thank you =) thanks to everyone whose posted lovely messages on here! Just had to get the rant out of my system (and check I wasn't the one out of order!). Feeling a bit more positive now and wanting to prove the nasty man wrong!! xxx
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Mums and dads always seem to think they know best, even though who they're disagreeing with is someone who is fully qualified!

    For years my mum told me I was putting on so much weight, and that I should really watch what I eat! The problem was, she was doing 99% of the cooking!!! I also found it very hypocritical of her, seeing as she herself is a rather plump lady! When she told me I should get out walking I thought to myself "when last did she go out for a walk"!

    Anyways, my mum recently went to Slimming World with me, and lasted two meetings, claiming she didn't like it because she disagreed ENTIRELY with what it tries to teach you!! HOW???

    The trick is to ignore it, when they go off on their wee rant just leave them to it!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi all and welcome to those newbies on here. I've had a quick catch-up but forgotten half of it so forgive me for not commenting individually. Did remember James and the Isle of Wight Festival (how many photos are you using James it keeps changing?!!!) I heard today its fully booked did you get in? Also remember poor Irns bless, hope you're feeling a bit better now. Us parents don't know everything and it can sometimes be hard to apologise to our children when we realise we made a mistake. I'm sure your Dad will come round in the end. The best way to prove your point is stick to your trainers advice and show your dad who's right and that will show in your physical appearance. Big Hug. :smile:
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everyone

    lrns88 - I totally understand where you're coming from. Unfortunately parents think they know EVERYTHING! Despite growing up being given cake, crisps, bread, mashed spuds with butter, chips, deep fried potatoes and stuff covered in cheese and cheese sauce it was my love of crisps (where I'd normally have one pack a day, max) that, apparently, caused me to grow up fat! Thankfully I now know that I know more about exercise and nutrition than them. Am sure that you and your PT will prove to your dad that he doesn't know everything - sadly the "just eat less" thing just isn't the solution to it all. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    phil - I'm with Kendra on the student cookbooks. I'm a pretty good cook but I bought one last year as there were some pretty great recipes (and also advice on alternative ingredients in case you can't afford the proper stuff! LOL) Am sure your skills will develop. My ex is just learning to cook and he'll be 40 in July!

    I missed out on a bit of cal burnage today as I had a lift home from work from dad. Did do the shred tho but also burned less calories than before - clearly my body is starting to adapt. On the plus side my abs are aching more from the crunches so things are starting to change as a result from shifting up to level 2. Gonna do loads of working out tomorrow night as it will be my last chance to do proper exercise until Saturday. This weekend will be a real test as I'm out for dinner Thurs, in London on Fri (for lunch and dinner), lunch on Sat and lunch on Sun! Hopefully I won't go nuts and I have to explain to my bezzie that I'm only having one course on Thurs :ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Thank you to everyone with all their lovely comments after my rant yesterday. You are all fantastic!!

    Yesterday wasn't a great day, went out for dinner and rather than being conservative I ate exactly what I wanted (including a massive ice cream pudding). The calories were awful, but it was worth it!

    Back on it today, went to Sainsburys before work for some more fruit and nuts to keep me going, have bought soup for lunch already so I can't decide I fancy something else at lunch time, and am hopefully hitting the gym this evening =)

    Hope you all have a fab day =) xxx
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member

    I'm inviting myself to join Team UK.

    *waves* \o
  • binsylad
    So, been here a couple of days, and been watching both Calories and Exercise. I have a few of questions...... from your experiences

    1) Is Honey good for you?
    2) Is it usual to have an 800 -1100 Calorie Tea time meal?
    3) Does it matter if you eat before bedtime?
    4) Do you ever actually feel the benefit of taking a multivitamin?
    5) Does tea, coffee, juice count towards the glasses of water?

    There you are folks - your opinions are appreciated........

  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    So, been here a couple of days, and been watching both Calories and Exercise. I have a few of questions...... from your experiences

    1) Is Honey good for you?
    2) Is it usual to have an 800 -1100 Calorie Tea time meal?
    3) Does it matter if you eat before bedtime?
    4) Do you ever actually feel the benefit of taking a multivitamin?
    5) Does tea, coffee, juice count towards the glasses of water?

    There you are folks - your opinions are appreciated........


    Here's my twopen'orth...

    1) Not really- it's still refined sugar, it's just that bees refine it instead of Tate & Lyle...
    2) My dinners are considerably smaller (500ish), but I have changed my portion sizes completely (smaller plate). I'm also eating low GL carbs, so I'm not getting very hungry, and I hardly ever have pudding anyway.
    3) I would say probably not if you are within your calorie limit.
    4) I don't bother- I just try and get all my nutrients from healthy food. I don't think you feel physically different when you take multivitamins (unless you had a deficiency disease!), just a warm glow from feeling that you're doing something to help yourself.
    5) No-Tea and coffee are diuretics, coffee more so than tea so you will pee out the water that you drank in. Juice- personally I don't count it, cos it's got so much sugar in it I only have diddy glasses otherwise it sets my sugar rollercoaster off and I feel hungry every hour and a half for the rest of the day. A glass of water is supposed to be 250ml at least, preferably half a pint. God knows how much sugar there would be in that much fruit juice.

    *actually, I've just checked- Tesco longlife orange juice- 26.3g sugar in 250ml- more than 5 teaspoons!*

  • fireflye38
    fireflye38 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all,

    Just thought i would say a hi, and can i join Team Uk. As i do need some help with motivation and there seems to be quite alot here. Well keep going everyone. Paul
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Hey guys!!

    I'm really feeling rotten today :frown: although I don't feel sick, I've completely lost my appetite! Perhaps its something to do with me not sleeping the last few nights and being really busy in work....

    I'm hoping that after my after-work walk I'll feel a bit better and maybe look forward to my dinner this evening!

    Just out of curiosity, I recently bought some pretty new jeans which fit me perfectly except for one place... I still have the dreaded muffin top! A size bigger was just too big everywhere! Has anyone any suggestions re simple exercises/stretches that I could be doing at home in order to reduce the muffin top effect??
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    So, been here a couple of days, and been watching both Calories and Exercise. I have a few of questions...... from your experiences

    1) Is Honey good for you?
    2) Is it usual to have an 800 -1100 Calorie Tea time meal?
    3) Does it matter if you eat before bedtime?
    4) Do you ever actually feel the benefit of taking a multivitamin?
    5) Does tea, coffee, juice count towards the glasses of water?

    There you are folks - your opinions are appreciated........

    [Ok my thoughts are:

    1. Same answer as Rosey on this one.
    2. Yes, my evening meal is my highest. I have quite an active job housekeeper/gardener/masseur and I find eating larger meals in the daytime makes me feel queasy with all the bending.
    3. No, if you're within your calorie allowance then have it. I've even read that it can keep your metabolism raised through the night therefore burning more calories whilst asleep.
    4. My answer is same as Rosys.
    5. Lots of confliction on this one. I do count it as I drink mainly tea and coffee. Only drink tiny amounts of water (usually after exercise or in hot weather). Juice is ok also, but still count the calories.

    Its a lifestyle change, so do what you can do for the rest of your life. Its no good being all saintly initially if you can't sustain that for the rest of your life. /quote]
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Still got the quote thingy wrong!!!!!!!!! I'm having one of those days today:grumble:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hey guys!!

    I'm really feeling rotten today :frown: although I don't feel sick, I've completely lost my appetite! Perhaps its something to do with me not sleeping the last few nights and being really busy in work....

    I'm hoping that after my after-work walk I'll feel a bit better and maybe look forward to my dinner this evening!

    Just out of curiosity, I recently bought some pretty new jeans which fit me perfectly except for one place... I still have the dreaded muffin top! A size bigger was just too big everywhere! Has anyone any suggestions re simple exercises/stretches that I could be doing at home in order to reduce the muffin top effect??

    Hi, I'm feeling pretty rubbish too, honorary man flu I think in my case! I've been quite limited with the ab exercises I can do because of a bad back so as I can't do crunches I have been mainly doing planks and side planks. I have found link to show you how in case you are unsure I have found these really effective as even if you still have a layer of fat on your stomach (I still do!) your stronger core will help hold your tummy in.