The single biggest cause of male deaths...



  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member

    The topic is about suicide and why so many males commit suicide. The number should be ZERO but it's not so its obviously a problem that needs to be discussed. Quit demanding that you be right and getting a topic off topic and then get it deleted and start talking about an actual issue!!!


    Did you notice that when Robin Williams died suicide and depression were all over the news and people were writing a ton of articles about it. Now you see jack squat about suicide or depression stories because the media has moved on to other stuff? Which is sad, it should be talked about even if someone famous didn't just kill themselves.

    It's actually kind of funny (not in ha-ha sense) how many issues could be solved if as human beings we'd be willing to communicate with each other.

    I really do not know why either. I thing it is a traditional macho men crap that needs to be stopped.

    As a girl, I thankfully don't have the pressure of being a macho man, but I do know that there's a lot of pressure to not show emotions and I'm not sure why. Even as a girl, if you cry, you're being too emotional. If a guy cries, he's being a woman.

    I suppose it all starts/stops at the home with our parents and kids, but I feel like so many parents don't know how to react or handle if their child is having issues. Mine wanted to help, but the only thing they understood to do was to take me to the doctor and get me meds (which was actually a very bad thing for me).

    Is there anywhere that requires child-rearing classes? I feel like this needs to be a thing...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    The topic is about suicide and why so many males commit suicide. The number should be ZERO but it's not so its obviously a problem that needs to be discussed. Quit demanding that you be right and getting a topic off topic and then get it deleted and start talking about an actual issue!!!


    Did you notice that when Robin Williams died suicide and depression were all over the news and people were writing a ton of articles about it. Now you see jack squat about suicide or depression stories because the media has moved on to other stuff? Which is sad, it should be talked about even if someone famous didn't just kill themselves.

    It's actually kind of funny (not in ha-ha sense) how many issues could be solved if as human beings we'd be willing to communicate with each other.

    I really do not know why either. I thing it is a traditional macho men crap that needs to be stopped.

    As a girl, I thankfully don't have the pressure of being a macho man, but I do know that there's a lot of pressure to not show emotions and I'm not sure why. Even as a girl, if you cry, you're being too emotional. If a guy cries, he's being a woman.

    I suppose it all starts/stops at the home with our parents and kids, but I feel like so many parents don't know how to react or handle if their child is having issues. Mine wanted to help, but the only thing they understood to do was to take me to the doctor and get me meds (which was actually a very bad thing for me).

    Is there anywhere that requires child-rearing classes? I feel like this needs to be a thing...

    I think people are just scared to let things out. I know I was. I knew though that when I did finally let it out that I could figure out a solution. You be surprised that I can admit to crying for six hours. In front of friends family and random people at treatment. I do know that was the start to healing and it has.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    That's very interesting. Funny, in the last year I've heard of people I know and know of killing themselves and they have all been men. I think there were about 5.

    They were in 12-step programs, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

    If they were in the step program for drugs or alcohol they did not take it seriously. That program is very helpful.

    It may not be that they didn't take them seriously. I definitely agree, that 12-step programs work, but addiction is very powerful, and for many, there are other, underlying issues, such as mental illness. If those are going undiagnosed, or untreated, then many times, the demons win. Even those who are fighting hard, lose the battle. They get overwhelmed. They think they can't go on any more. There's a lot more to it that not taking it seriously. Usually those who don't take it seriously are those who aren't ready for recovery or simply don't want to. They drink themselves to death of overdose. I'm sure some might commit suicide, but as a general rule, I wouldn't think so?
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member

    The topic is about suicide and why so many males commit suicide. The number should be ZERO but it's not so its obviously a problem that needs to be discussed. Quit demanding that you be right and getting a topic off topic and then get it deleted and start talking about an actual issue!!!


    Did you notice that when Robin Williams died suicide and depression were all over the news and people were writing a ton of articles about it. Now you see jack squat about suicide or depression stories because the media has moved on to other stuff? Which is sad, it should be talked about even if someone famous didn't just kill themselves.

    It's actually kind of funny (not in ha-ha sense) how many issues could be solved if as human beings we'd be willing to communicate with each other.

    I really do not know why either. I thing it is a traditional macho men crap that needs to be stopped.

    As a girl, I thankfully don't have the pressure of being a macho man, but I do know that there's a lot of pressure to not show emotions and I'm not sure why. Even as a girl, if you cry, you're being too emotional. If a guy cries, he's being a woman.

    I suppose it all starts/stops at the home with our parents and kids, but I feel like so many parents don't know how to react or handle if their child is having issues. Mine wanted to help, but the only thing they understood to do was to take me to the doctor and get me meds (which was actually a very bad thing for me).

    Is there anywhere that requires child-rearing classes? I feel like this needs to be a thing...

    I think people are just scared to let things out. I know I was. I knew though that when I did finally let it out that I could figure out a solution. You be surprised that I can admit to crying for six hours. In front of friends family and random people at treatment. I do know that was the start to healing and it has.

    That's a good point. Just letting things out, whether it be vocally, creatively, emotionally... we are quite a repressive society. I suppose we're taught that early... when asked "how are you", it's just a generic greeting that should only be answer with a positive.

    I'm glad that you're healing and that you can admit to crying period, let alone for any length of time. Its definitely a great release, that is often seen in such a negative view.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I think he is probably referencing the chart here:

    That shows it as #1 for 20-34 and #1 for 35-49, thus it would be #1 for 20-49

    Thanks for clarifying that (and really I should have done that in my OP). Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ;)

    I am very grateful to everyone for sharing their experiences and views on this thread and hopefully if we can keep the issue in focus it will help us all deal with something which can have a devastating impact on people's lives.

    It's good to argue, errr, I mean talk...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Glad to see the statistic talk has stopped. I don't know why it even started.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    in the UK where I live for men aged between 20 - 49 years old almost made me fall off my chair when I read what it was.

    It is not road traffic accidents.

    It is not heart disease.

    It is not cancer.

    Or even obesity.

    It is suicide.

    So, if you are a man and you struggle with these thoughts, if you feel despair and hopelessness and doubt please know you are not alone. It is not a reflection of your worth as a man to any degree. There is help out there for you and taking that help is just as important as looking after yourself physically.

    CALM - The Campaign Against Living Miserably - is a UK charity which supports men who struggle in this area. Their website can be found here:

    Live long my brothers.


    Bump... cause I love you... :heart:

    And not in a stalkerish sort of way...

    Because you're across the pond. :grumble:

    Lol. Thanks love.

    It's amazing such an important issue gets so little airtime it seems....

    Obviously. It is called "Population Control". Hence, cigs and alcohol are still legal, there is still "no cure" for cancer, just to name a few examples.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    It is sad that men feel like that if they talk about their emotions or admit they are having an emotional problem, they are weak and not being "manly." A lot of dumba** men (and quite a few women) believe that a "real man" should just shut up about their emotional issues. They should just "man up" or "suck it up," as if they got scraped on the knee or something. I was one of the people who believed this.

    Now, I realize the damage this is causing to men and society in general. I believe it is getting better though. There are people out there who will help you and I promise you won't feel like a lesser man. In fact, it will help you become a better man who can still be tough when he needs to, but also empathetic and nurturing when required. Just because you let yourself be vulnerable with trustworthy person doesn't mean you can never be a strong and confident man. This whole belief system needs to end!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It is sad that men feel like that if they talk about their emotions or admit they are having an emotional problem, they are weak and not being "manly." A lot of dumba** men (and quite a few women) believe that a "real man" should just shut up about their emotional issues. They should just "man up" or "suck it up," as if they got scraped on the knee or something. I was one of the people who believed this.

    Now, I realize the damage this is causing to men and society in general. I believe it is getting better though. There are people out there who will help you and I promise you won't feel like a lesser man. In fact, it will help you become a better man who can still be tough when he needs to, but also empathetic and nurturing when required. Just because you let yourself be vulnerable with trustworthy person doesn't mean you can never be a strong and confident man. This whole belief system needs to end!

    Well said sir. I remember though in high school sometimes my friends and I would just play horse in basketball and talk about anything. Everyone needs someone in there life who they can say anything to them and not feel judged or womenly or anything negative.