January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 (Friday)



  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Yay! Down 2.9 lbs from last week!!

    Three Month goal:
    Week 1 (1/7) - 145
    Week 2 (1/14) - 143
    Week 3 (1/21) - 142.2
    Week 4 (1/28) - 139.2
    Week 5 (2/4) - 137.6
    Week 6 (2/11) - 137.6
    Week 7 (2/18) - 139.6 :(
    Week 8 (2/25) - 136.8
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) GOAL 135 -

    Height: 5'4
    SW: 145
    CW: 136.8
    GW: 130
    BMI: 23.6
    Goal BMI: 22.8
    BF%: 22
    Goal BF%: 20
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    Three Month goal: lose 15 pounds, more importantly exercise 3X a week!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 187.5
    Week 2 (1/14) - 185.0
    Week 3 (1/21) - 182.5
    Week 4 (1/28) - 182.5
    Week 5 (2/4) - 182.0
    Week 6 (2/11) - 180.5
    Week 7 (2/18) - 179.5
    Week 8 (2/25) - 178.5
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    :Only a 0.6 lb loss since last week.:frown: I suppose I should be happy with a loss but now there's no way I'm going to meet my 3 month goal which is discouraging. I didn't get any exercise in this week because I have had a horrid headache, I'm not sure what's going on. I keep hoping it will go away so I can really get in on the mini challenges 100%

    Three Month goal: 155 lbs
    Week 1 (1/07) - 170.8
    Week 2 (1/14) - 169.2
    Week 3 (1/21) - 171.0
    Week 4 (1/28) - 169.4
    Week 5 (2/04) - 168.2
    Week 6 (2/11) - 165.0
    Week 7 (2/18) - 165.4
    Week 8 (2/25) - 164.8
    Week 9 (3/04) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    SW: 176.5
    CW: 164.8
    GW: 155
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Forgot to post my mini challenge results and its not letting me edit my post for some reason, SO:

    1. 208/2000 calories burned :frown:
    2. 300/448 oz of water
    3. 4/7 days under calories

    Ok so I didn't do so hot this week but I'm determined to do much better this coming week, starting today! But I'm so proud of everyone else that really kicked it into high gear this past week!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    It has been a crazy busy week at work ...

  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Just wanted to say congrats to everyone! You're all doing great, and kerri don't delete me from the spreadsheet i'm still here :D just can't weigh in because i don't have scales at the new house. Wish i did though because i have a feeling i've been doing pretty good :)
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    sorry i've been out all day and just got home.....

    154 :)
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    Down another 2 lbs this week...I'm now at the weight I was when my DH and I met 4 years ago! yay!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 182
    Week 2 (1/14) - 178
    Week 3 (1/21) - 175
    Week 4 (1/28) - 174
    Week 5 (2/4) - 171
    Week 6 (2/11) - 170
    Week 7 (2/18) - 167
    Week 8 (2/25) - 165
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Here are the results for this week ladies!~ =) Much better than last week! I kind of looks like our overall numbers aren't moving up that much but remember that I delete people every week if I don't get their weight for 2 consecutive weeks so there are a lot of original people missing. We are doing SO well, let's keep it up!!!!!!


    Top "losers" this week are:
    1. CarthagoDelendaEst
    2. kerriBB37
    3. having_faith


    Check back tomorrow because I will post mini-challenge ideas!!!! =)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Those numbers look great! Congrats to the leaders of the week. I can't believe the group has lost almost 300 pounds in less than 2 months. Great job everyone!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    How's everyone doing? sorry I haven't been able to post as much :( The weekend was a crazy busy one and had to work extra shifts.I'm exhausted! And uni starts again today.. I have no idea how I'm going to fit in working out and everything else in my hectic schedule.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    HI everyone! Are we ready for the weekend to be over!? HECK NO! lol, but it is what it is!
    I think that the mini-challenge last week was a super big success and I think that we should do something like it again this week! Lots of ideas going on and I think we should step it up a notch and really make it unique to us! Here's my idea, let me know what you guys think.

    mini-challenge #2

    1. ____ calories to burn for the week: (for example, 2500 calories to burn for the week or 4000, whatever YOU want!)

    for example, Sun: (800 calories burned doing spinning and weight lifting)
    we will do Mon-Fri for our challenge!

    Mon: calories burned(how they were burned)
    Tues:calories burned(how they were burned)
    Wed:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thurs:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Friday:calories burned (how they were burned)

    2. Under _____ for the day:

    for example, for ME, I want to be under Carbs for the day

    3. 64 ounces of water drank

    So to post it to your profile or to this thread just make it simple
    "Mini-challenge. 1. 800 calories burned doing spinning and weights, 2. Under carbs for day, 3. Drank 80 ounces water"

    What do you guys think? I have some other ideas about specific exercises we can try and encorporate throughout the week if that sounds something fun you'd like to do! Just get back to me!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Woohoo! This is my first mini-challenge as a newbie :) Cant wait to get stuck in!!
    Im actually quite excited about this week... hope I can pull it off!
  • having_faith
    having_faith Posts: 13 Member
    I think those 3 goals would be great for another mini challenge. I will post my goals on my profile and then how I do each day on the wall like we did this past week. I love these mini challenges. They are not too overwhelming and can be very specific to what we need to improve on!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    *MY* goals are going to be...
    1. 3500 calories burned Mon-Fri
    2. Under my carbs daily, and
    3. 100 ounces of water each day

    =) what are *YOUR* specific goals?
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    This week's mini-challenge goals:
    1. 3000 calories burned M-F
    2. Net calories = 1000 daily
    3. 100 oz. of water daily
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Had a GREAT day today! Went shopping with my mom for some new jeans...we always do a shopping trip prior to attending the Big Ten bball Tourney ;) Good excuse right?! ;)

    So...I've always HATED jean shopping...but today I had a great time...I liked the way I looked in many different styles and brands. I ended up buying two pairs of jeans...one pair of Silvers and one pair of Big Stars. I even bought a size smaller than I thought I'd be able to :)))

    THEN...I found a super cute dress that I just had to try on b/c it was so stinkin cute. I then found a need for a new dress b/c my bf and i have a few weddings to attend this spring/summer. SO...I tried on lots more dresses....and surprisingly...they all looked great!!! My mom even said..."wow...that one makes you look so thin" and another time she said..."you look really good". I was SOOOOOOOOOO happy to hear that! Always boosts the ego ;)

    At the end of the day I came home with 2 pairs of jeans and 2 dresses :)

    Thanks for listening...just excited about the great experience ;)
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    1. 2000 calories burned Mon-Fri
    2. Under 2000mg Sodium daily!
    3. 80 oz of water daily

    Good Luck everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • My Goals

    1. 1500 calories burned Mon-Fri
    2. Under my calories daily, and
    3. 80 ounces of water each day

    Good luck! Loving the mini-challenges!
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    My goals:

    1. 1800 calories M-F
    2. 92 oz water
    3. Under carbs every day (150)
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