January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 (Friday)



  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Stupid stupid carbs! Anyone have any good low carb snacks? I usually eat oatmeal and berries for breakfast, some kind of bread for lunch and some salty snack throughout the day. Whatcha guys got for me to try? :)

    I always eat a piece of fruit and WW string cheese for 1 of my snacks. Fruit is pretty high in carbs which is why i tend to go over if my carbs are less than 40% but the string cheese I get only have 1g of carbs. Also egg whites have no carbs, egg white veggie omelets are a good snack too :)

    1. 0 calories burned (again)
    2. Under 1500mg of sodium
    3. 72 oz of water

    Pretty decent day, 2 of my 3 goals accomplished but I've got to get to the gym tomorrow for sure. It's just impossible on the days I have night classes :grumble:
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Also, as far as carbs, nuts are a low carb snack and you can get flavored ones if you are having a salty snack craving. Chicken is really good because it usually has no carbs, pretty much any protein is low carb. Stay away from milk, and keep your fruits limited.
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    I'm a bit late, but I too struggle with keeping my carbs under control. Sooo, my goal for this week has been to stay under my carbs and exercise no matter what. I know how hectic the week is going to be so I've set this goal so that I don't slack off. We'll be on the other side of town in the evenings and won't make it to my regular gym. I'm a bit upset because I might not be able to do Zumba and that's what keeps me going. I'll do weights today, but it was suppose to be zumba night tonight :(

    Yesterday's mini challenge was met: I exercised and did not go over on carbs :)
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Also, I understand that fruits are 'carby' BUT they are good for you. It's best to eat more fruits and veggies and less processed foods. I struggle to follow this as well ... I believe the recommended serving is 2 - 3 per day. Berries are not so high in carbs ...
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Also, I understand that fruits are 'carby' BUT they are good for you. It's best to eat more fruits and veggies and less processed foods. I struggle to follow this as well ... I believe the recommended serving is 2 - 3 per day. Berries are not so high in carbs ...

    I agree with you there Lucy, it's much better to be eating good carbs than bad carbs. My only suggestion was to limit intake to maybe 2 servings per days and watch which ones you eat since some fruits, like pineapple and mangos are very high in carbs compared to others :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there. I really like reading through the posts here. I'm sorry I haven't been on much. I've got the blues big time and just don't want to spread it around. It's not too bad ... just the blahs you know? But today is March ... which means Spring is almost here. Woo Hoo!!!

  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hi there. I really like reading through the posts here. I'm sorry I haven't been on much. I've got the blues big time and just don't want to spread it around. It's not too bad ... just the blahs you know? But today is March ... which means Spring is almost here. Woo Hoo!!!


    Is there anything we can do to help? :-(
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Mini Challenge was a success today! Woohoo!

    1. 1129 calories burned
    2. Under calories
    3. 70oz water drank :):)

    Very happy with today. And Im even more happy because I know I would never have had a day like today if it wasnt for you guys. Ye definitely gave me the motivation that I needed today, so Im soooo thankful I found MFP and all of you!! Woohoo! Happiness :)

    Tomorrow is going to be another good day methinks... even though Im not going to be able to have such a high burn as today because I've alot of work to do tomorrow and wont make the gym but I WILL do my exercise dvd at home :)

    Also Im feeling great from drinking 70oz the past two days! It's been tough because Im not used to drinking water so regularly throughout the day but its definitely making me feel better. Now, if I can just get to drinking as much as you guys!! hahaha

    Hope y'all had/are having a great day today! :)
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Tuesday 1 Mar 2011

    1) 11 cups fluid
    2) 31g fibre
    3) 1017 calories burned

    I officially love the gym. I can't believe I didn't go before. Though to be honest, 30 day shred has greatly improved my fitness level and so before now I wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes!

    May go back tomorrow... :-)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Mini-challenge for today:

    1) burned 831 calories :)
    2) under 1000 NET calories (but getting closer)
    3) drank 128 oz. of water (so far)

    On a bad note...I SOOOO splurged tonight. I surprised my beau with gourmet cupcakes from a bakery today...he LOVES cupcakes and he had a bad day so what a great way to cheer him up ;) And...of course...I ate one...they're too good not to eat one!

    I went light on my dinner so I was able to splurge! ;)
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Mini Challenge:

    1. 711 calories burned doing walking/rowing/strength
    2. Under 1500 mg of sodium
    3. 80 oz of water

    Success at last! Everyone is doing SO great with the mini challenges, keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    Side note: It's def time for new tennis shoes. I figured I'd get blisters tonight since I haven't walked that much in a while but when I got home I realized my shoes had rubbed the back of my feet raw and they were bleeding lol. They were getting old though and I'm always looking for an excuse to spend some money :laugh:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'm so proud to be a part of this! I didn't have the best day but I'm so glad everyone that's posting in here did! It's not very often I am seeing patients from 8am-7pm so I didn't really have time to hit the gym. I have been working out so much that I figured a break would be ok :) I tried, really really tried, to watch my carbs but damn it is hard! I need to go to the grocery store!! I was under my calories and was just shy of 100 ounces of water. Those saved me today!! I am also proud that I didnt emotionally eat. I got 4 boxes of girl scout cookies delivered to me today just after I got some bad news. I made the decision that the Tagalong would not cheer me up!! I ate half of a special K bar (peanut butter chocolate) and that kind of cured the urge. Anyways, enough excuses and rambling. I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the mini's. There have been some great successes this week =)<3 you all!!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm so proud to be a part of this! I didn't have the best day but I'm so glad everyone that's posting in here did! It's not very often I am seeing patients from 8am-7pm so I didn't really have time to hit the gym. I have been working out so much that I figured a break would be ok :) I tried, really really tried, to watch my carbs but damn it is hard! I need to go to the grocery store!! I was under my calories and was just shy of 100 ounces of water. Those saved me today!! I am also proud that I didnt emotionally eat. I got 4 boxes of girl scout cookies delivered to me today just after I got some bad news. I made the decision that the Tagalong would not cheer me up!! I ate half of a special K bar (peanut butter chocolate) and that kind of cured the urge. Anyways, enough excuses and rambling. I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the mini's. There have been some great successes this week =)<3 you all!!

    H-U-G-E accomplishment! I know I would have been all over those cookies, especially if tag-alongs and samoas were involved. So despite what you say, I think this has been a great day for you as far as goals!!!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    I agree with your comment - about the fruit - ellis, we are on the same page:)

    Mini challenge: worked out tonight, slightly over carbs . . .
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    It just occurred to me that I go home on the day the challenge ends! It will be amazing to let my mum know the progress I've made...as yet I don't see that big of a change in the way I look yet.

    Also, there are 4 WIs left of the challenge!!!

    In this time I have to:
    Get under 11 stone
    Lose 6 pounds
    Fit into size 12 jeans (which are at home, so this will be the first thing I do when I step through the door!)

    I hope I do it :-)

    Good luck to everyone else, have lovely days!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member

    This is for Sandee, myself, and anyone else watching carbs this week ;) Hope you get a chuckle!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Started the day with my feelings being hurt. Feel like such a girl right now. But I refuse to eat to feel better. Dangit ... why are people so mean sometimes? And why the hell do I care? There are a lot more nice comments coming my way then that one *kitten*'s comment so I'll just have to focus on that instead. Thanks for letting me rant my friends.
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    magglett, I hope you feel better about it soon. I know you won't let one person's ignorance upset you for too long.

    Today, I had a bad day. I felt quite faint and wobbly and just couldn't stop eating... ended up eating LOADS. I'm way over my calories...and I feel awful. I think I may have gained back the 4.5lbs I lost last week...which would make me VERY upset. I know it is not all fat, but it still makes me mad.

    I went to the gym after and am about to do 30 day shred...tomorrow, I hope that I feel lighter, I'm going to go crazy on fruit and vegetables. I'm hoping to track tomorrow and that the damage won't be too bad on Friday, but I am expecting some sort of gain. I will try my best to lose it the next week though.

    I wish I didn't throw everything out of the window though. I feel so bad about it. I know I wasn't feeling well, but I don't feel like I can use that as an excuse. It's not like I ate lots of healthy food...I just used it as an excuse to eat all the bad food I could find. Which didn't even satisfy me. It didn't feel like a cheat day, more like a binge...which makes me feel even more horrible.

    Sorry for the mini essay - but I'm just so upset right now...
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    My custom made orthotics finally came in. I wore them to go for groceries tonight and they sure feel funny. Like there's something in my shoe that shouldn't be there. Reminds me of the princess and the pea story. But he said I'll get used to them eventually. I can only wear them for short periods of time each day until I get used to them. He said it's like breaking in skates and if I wear them for too long too quickly they'll hurt my feet. I'm a bit impatient, I just want to break them in and get back to my hiking. But I'll take it slow like a good girl. Have any of you ever had to get used to custom orthotics? How long realistically will it take?