January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 (Friday)



  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Lost 5.7 lbs this week (mostly water weight I'm sure) :happy: Changing my 3 month goal to an even 155.

    Three Month goal: 155 lbs
    Week 1 (1/7) - 170.8
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    SW: 176.5
    CW: 170.8
    GW: 155
  • mrandolph09
    mrandolph09 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in-
    Starting today, so glad I have found this. I started using Myfitnesspal on Tuesday of this week.

    Three Month goal: 165
    Week 1 (1/7) - 180.3
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    SW: 183.3
    CW: 180.3
    GW: 165
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone: It's Friday thank goodness. It was really hard coming back to work after the holidays. I've been doing okay in comparison to the holidays but I really do have to start cracking a whip under my butt and take this more seriously. I'm so sluggish and sleepy lately ... not enough exercising for sure. That's my goal. I want to do something every day (exercise class, exercise dvd, wii fit or Zumba game, geocaching, hiking, walking, swimming). Seriously, I love all of these things. Surely I can do one of them every day right?
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Only started on Tuesday but I have lost 1.5lbs.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    WOW everyone! We have 39 participants in the challenge! :) Pretty cool if I do say so myself!

    I am only missing a few weights (ckholmes; jensueferrell; sharina1985; jamie17; kizzy_muss; twimama; sabell82; SayRah; gremlinsurfer_514)

    This is really fun to 'organize!' I hope everyone is doing well today and not discouraged by the number on the scale. It's week only week one!
  • sabell82
    Three Month goal:
    Week 1 (1/7) - 151
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    SW: 166
    CW: 151
    GW: 130
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im in at 265.0 SW Yuck
    Sorry so late :(
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Still waiting on just a few weights! I'll finish it up tomorrow morning and post! If the rest of the peeps don't respond then I will just leave it blank for week 1!
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    If I'm too late, it's okay. If not, I am happy to join you guys!!!! I started a few days ago at 294.

    Three Month goal: 272 for 24 lbs. lost. Hopefully more!!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 294, lost 1 lb since starting 1/4
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    Thank you for doing this!!
  • kp106
    kp106 Posts: 10 Member
    If it's not too late, I'd love to join too! I'm new here, so I know I'm gonna need the motivation. This looks great!

    SW: 147
    GW: 125

    Three Month goal: 135 (about 1 lb/week)
    Week 1 (1/7) - 147
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    I'm also training for a bike race in April, so I'm not sure how much weight I'll be able to lose without putting on muscle weight too. Really hoping to lower my body fat percentage overall. Weight goals are somewhat secondary until then, but this looks like a great tool to help me keep my eyes on the prize!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    If it is not too late to jump I would love to join this challenge.:happy: This is an awesome idea!

    Three Month goal: 195 (avg. loss 1lb per wk)
    Week 1 (1/7) - 208
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -
  • HeartsTurtle
    I'm hoping it's not too late to join!

    I joined MFP this week because I have really been struggling with losing weight. I keep putting it off and saying I'll start "Monday"...... I think this challenge would be a great way to keep me accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise.

    I'm going to Paris in May for my honeymoon and really want to get back down to the weight I was a few years ago! So here it goes:

    Three Month goal: 160 lbs
    Week 1 (1/7) - 175 lbs
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11) -
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hey guys here is the spreadsheet! I was missing a few weights but I went ahead and posted anyways. If anyone wants me to change their Starting Weight to something else besides week 1's weight, just message me. Good luck to everyone and thanks for participating!! :):smile:

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Happy Weekend Everyone: I won't get to the gym today ... I'll pop in my Zumba DVD at some point today to get my daily exercise done ... it will take up less time then heading out ... I have a ton of housework to do and Christmas decorations to take down and laundry to do ... man ... might be less strenuous if I go to the gym :laugh:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    OK y'all let's pretend I didn't post the first chart :wink: That's what I get for doing a spreadsheet at 7am on a Saturday! I fixed it, we are still only on week 1, lol! Thanks for those that messaged me my error :tongue:

  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Three Month Goal: 140 lbs!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 158 lbs
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -
  • mom2boys2011
    HI I would love to join this challenge !! I just started mfp yesterday and also started Beachbody Power 90 dvd's. My 1/7/11 weigh in was 172.4. I would love to get down to 135 but not sure if thats realistic in 3 months...probably not.

    Three Month Goal: 150lbs!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 172.4
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25)

    HW: 198
    MFP SW: 172.4
    GW: 135

    I hope its not too late for me to join your challenge!!
  • nikki35634
    I tried the 30 Day Shred yesterday with 5 pound weights and I couldn't even finish! I bought some 2 pound weights last night so hopefully I'll be able to get through the whole workout. This has made me realize just how out of shape I am!
  • barbaralee
    Hello, I'm in!!!

    Three Month goal: 165
    Week 1 (1/7) - 193
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in!
    starting weight: 187 on 12/30/10
    goal: 160 at end of 12 weeks
    Week 1 (1/7) - 182
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) -
    Week 7 (2/18) -
    Week 8 (2/25) -
    Week 9 (3/4) -
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -