

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    edited October 2014
    We are leaving after line dance class for a long weekend out of town, far enough north in Washington that we may be able to cross the border into Canada for a few hours....we packed our passports...I have been eating very carefully this week to prepare for the inevitable restaurant meals. I won't be able to post on the forums probably because I'll have only my phone not my laptop (the new one arrived but won't be up and running until next Friday afternoon when the computer guy comes) :smiley:


    Line dance class, 50 minutes on exercise bike, 24,000 steps :smiling_imp:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.
    –― Pema Chödrön
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Did about 1-1/4 hr of Kelly Coffee-Meyers 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jillian Michael's Killer Bun and Thighs DVD.

    barbie - the way I found this group was I clicked on "challenges" and then on "motivation and support". Is there an easier way? Used to be (and may still be but I don't know how to do it) that I got a listing of every place I posted and I could just click on that. Later - thanks Margaret, I'm going to try that

    judyxshoes - glad to hear all went well with your checkup

    Heather - my throat has been scratchy somewhat. I think it might be the change in the weather. I've just been drinking lot of hot tea. When is dh's birthday?

    Bit of an NSV for me -- tonight I had a craving for one of those doppel kek cookies, so I was going to have just half of one. Well, after one bite I had lost any desire for it, so I probably wound up throwing 3/4 of it away. But that's not all a bad thing

    Sylvia - lovely picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Juanita - hope things clear up for you soon

    Heather - can I PLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE pinch her cheeks???? Pretty please?????

    paintedlady - welcome! Are you a painter?

    trulabfloyd - welcome! Tell me how things are different the older we get. And the worst part (to me anyway) is that younger kids just don't understand. when eating out, I wouldn't starve myself, you'll just wind up making poor choices. I'd check online to see their menu and take it from there. Usually, you'll be able to get their nutritionals

    kayak_kutie - how did you bookmark this site? Update: I think I figured it out

    katla - I don't have much of a feeling about the tickers one way or the other. I know that if I had a ticker, one week it would be up a little, the next week it would be down. So happy about dh. I know that regardless of age, the place where my girls took horseback riding lessons ALWAYS made EVERYONE wear a helmet.

    kat - welcome. You seem to know what works best for you, that's great. Come in often and let us get to know you better

    Robin - you've been sorely missed. come in often

    margaret - lovely pic of your mom. Now I know where you get your good looks from!

    CVarol - hope it's nothing serious with your daughter

    Sylvia - glad you get to go to the ceramic symposium. Enjoy yourself. How do you play Farkel? Gorgeous pot

    katla - bigger pics - guess MFP should give us all magnifying glasses....lol. Yes, all of my daughter's helmets were ASTM approved. Be sure to get one that has that approval

    This morning we had the Newcomer general meeting. Newcomers will be there for another function tonight. Seems they had it confused and so they weren't set up for us this morning, they were only expecting us tonight. Looks like I need to tell them that we'll be there twice when I call to remind them that we'll be there. Then we started the....boo......boo hiss......closing the pool.

    Gail - what sad news about your nephew.

    barbie - have a good trip

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    Long, long day.......have read all, too tired for much. Fantastic pics everyone---kitty, flowers, etc. Sylvia.......beautiful work!!! Heather, your DGD looks just like my DD did at that age, looks exactly like her, big blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and all---amazing likeness!!!

    Best to all
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sylvia - Your Fitbit is in sleep mode. Keep tapping it until it wakes up.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Carol – thanks…. Would love to get to the point that Drama was something I bought a ticket to go see!!! :D

    Rori – what an assistant, his (her) look is that she’s in charge and you are the assistant!

    Dr Katie – I am in chrome and having no problems….

    Sylvia – LOVE the dispenser!!!! The lights on the fitbit sound like the lights it does when you are sleeping… :drinker

    Barbie !!! wow!!!! You have done great and love your Kitchen….

    It is fun having a roommate again. Barb and I get along really well, and we are each cooking one meal a week together, tonight was stroganoff and green beans.... was really good and while she is not yet doing MFP she wants to be thinner so is totally into having a "good" meal with me and cooking to my needs.

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    Still playing with new system. Learned if you click on bell and at the bottom click on all Notifications a page will come up that about half down it will say edit profile. When you click on that it will have a list. On this list you can change your picture for the forums. You can also crop your picture. It is under edit your thumbnail. You can also make choices on what notifications you will allow.

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Can you say, "Sucks." Shouldn't the bugs be worked out BEFORE the change not AFTER? The text came up teeny tiny. I had to zoom in a couple of times before I could read it. I need a magnifying glass to see each poster's pic, and I miss the tickers.

    There, now I can go on. (But I hope MFP gets it act together sooner rather than later.)

    Katia, I'm so glad to hear how well your DH is doing. Great news!

    Robin, welcome back! (I'm the same old Mimi7Grands, but MFP wouldn't let me in. I like "MimiPersists" even better.)

    One thing I am loving about the new site is the ability to add pictures. I'm going to try it shortly here. (With much trepidation.)

    The first pic is of me, my brother, and my son at my brother's 60th birthday party. That was a great day.

    The second pic (I'm hopeful here) is of my two DGD's, toasting each other with Shirley Temples at the oldest DGD's 10th birthday.

    The last is of my mom and dad (88 and 92) on the deck at Sunnyside in Tahoe. They're doing pretty well for a couple of old codgers. (I can say that because I am one too!)


    p.s. the second pic has been "uploading" for 5 minutes. I can't delete it. I'll see if I can post then add the pics to the next post. Here goes :smile:
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    nope. no can do on the other pics. they're about 400 kb. Hmmm.
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I tried dragging and dropping the pics into the reply. No problem with that. Okay. I've stretched my brain enough for the evening. Time to close up shop. G'night all. Sleep tight. And, as my mom used to say when we were kids, "Don't let the KaBugsKa Bite." (That's in German, in case you didn't know. :wink:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OK, I guess it is my turn to attempt some changes. I want to be able to post pictures and get my sticker back. So here goe
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »

    OK, I don't think I did that right. I had been going through pictures to find me at my heaviest and that wasn't it but it wasn't the one I wanted. Plus it is tiny. I am not the one in the red, I am the other one. I think it was in 2009. And what in the world does BBCode mean?

    Got a cal from my youngest, the one here in town. You have to think of a very stuffed up person, huge headache, weak, just feeling poorly kid. Mom I need you to take me to the Urgent care. This kid hardly asks for anything. She will probably stop off to put in a shift on her way to her own funeral. That's the kind of work ethic she has. She is sweaty, fever, not just sweaty but actually diaphoretic, terrible haedache, swollen lymph nodes and as Moms we all know what out kids look like when they don't feel good, eyes kind of sunken, can't hardly walk. She is shivering, can't stop shaking, dressed in 3 layers. I actually had to hold and guide her hand to sign in at the urgent care. He said she had a sinus infection and a bad virus. Gave her medicine, cortisone and something to dry up her secretions. He didn't feel she needed an antibiotic for the sinuses which I didn't agree with. But then we went straight to Walgreens. I DO NOT like Walgreens. Finally I took her home and after Charlie and I ate I went back, still had to wait but got them and took it to her. I can't get her tonight so I suspect the Vistaril he gave her has her snockered. But she was going to go to the Fall Festival with ehr sister and kids o Saturday. Michelle is always known as the cool aunt. She doesn't want kids of her own because with kids you have to take the husband along with it. But she loves to play with everyone else's kids. She is always on the floor wrestling with the them. Her two nieces love her to pieces. This vacation just will not be the same without her. So I hope this medicine gets her to the beach and then maybe on Monday she will feel like playing. He said she will not be cured by Sunday. If she isn't able to go :( then we will jsut take one car. One very crowded car. We were planning on the luxury of the other car so we could take my wheel chair.

    Joyce, indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Cynthia: I copied the url for my ticker onto the word document I use for posting and saved it there. It should show up anytime I post using my saved word document, but I don’t think it will show up otherwise.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
    Hi Katla, thanks for the tip. I don't see myself saving Word documents on each of the three computers I use, and then digging them up when I want to post. Maybe it's unreasonable of me, but I don't understand what the point is of removing this feature.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    In other news, I had a couple of pigment spots "frozen" yesterday. I've had this before, but now I have pretty big blisters on two spots. Never had them before and was not warned that this could happen (I called the office and they said it often happens.) Not so happy.
    Hope everybody has a good day.
    Cynthia [OK, the flowers seem to have disappeared as well; grumble]
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited October 2014
    Here's my buddy (on our new laminate kitchen floor, BTW).

    edit: whoa, pretty big. Can I get it smaller? And why is there an extra thumbnail?? So many questions.
  • AlaskaSusan
    AlaskaSusan Posts: 35 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello all, I want to jump in here! I am 59 and just returned from my very first trip to Hawaii, which was terrific, but I am really happy I managed to lose almost 5# in the 2 weeks there! So, here are my October goals: lose 7-8 lb by month-end by drinking all my daily water, keeping calories at 1000 per doctor, keep carbs low, and run/wt train 4 times per week, walking on my off days. I lost weight last year and am trying to kick a 7-month semi-plateau where I lose/gain the same few lbs..I want to be accountable so here goes! :-)
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Barbiecat - what a fabulous effort! You look so happy and healthy. Good for you.

    I managed to go out for dinner last night without breaking the calorie bank. No one was drinking, so I didn't partake either. I chose a grilled lamb rump with garbanzo beans, red bell peppers and a delicious yoghurt sauce.

    Today I hit 600 burned calories, with a combination of 20 minutes on the rower, 30 minutes of gym work and 45 minutes of walking/jogging with Rudy the giant German Shepherd. I think he is more pooped than I am.

    I must learn how to post pictures, but I think I only have one photo of me at my heaviest. Bleh.

    Cheers from Deb in Melbourne