

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Robin, Here is a commercial version of what I was telling you about:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    Darling picture of Andrew. How fun he plays the guitar.

    BBcode stands for bulletin board code. Looked it up on internet.

    We had power disruptions last night, and I had to reload the ticker once again. The old functions are there it just seems you have to go through too many steps to get them back. :grumble:.

    Read Hot Zone years ago. Tells the story how monkeys infected with it (Ebola) in this country almost started an out break here years ago. I agree very scary. Time to build up our immune systems best we can.

    I also agree with Bill Gates one of the biggest problems is it overwhelms medical systems and reduces care for all the other things that can happen to people. Stay well all and take care of yourselves.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited October 2014
    Reload the ticker? Oh dear, forgot how I did that. :disappointed:
    ETA: I read that the tickers in the posts won't be available "at launch". Sigh.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hi everyone, still trying to navigate New format, :neutral_face:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I spoke too soon. It's raining like cats and dogs here right now. Thunder and lightning. I love the sound of rain on my metal roof.

    I've been thinking a lot about the supportive aspect of this thread. It's not just that we actively support each other by commenting on the big issues in each other's lives. We do, but it's more important than that. It's more that we are there for each other and listen to the little things that happen in our lives every day. The big stuff is sometimes wonderful and sometimes awful, and we all understand how important that is to acknowledge and support. But hopefully those big things don't define us.

    It's the little minute things in everyday life, like going to the grocery store, going to work, making dinner, dealing with our families, walking the dog or cleaning the cat box that make our lives whole and rounded. The little things make us who we are. And those little things help shape how we respond to food and other issues in our lives. And thus, it is perfectly in keeping with the fitness aspect of this board.

    Some of us don't have a support network to care about that stuff, so we share it here. It seems to me that just being here for the little things is the most supportive of all. I'm personally grateful to the rest of you for just being there, listening. And knowing that nobody here will every criticize or judge and that all advice given is given with a generous heart.

    It's like having a WHOLE LOT of sisters. And you can never have too many friends.


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Love all the pics,thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day!!
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    Hi, it's me, Cat. This new format has thrown me for a loop - and I'm not naturally very techy to begin with. But it looks now like we can italicise and boldify and stuff, so that's cool. Wait, that didn't work! Grr. Glad to have re-found you all, though :) Thank you for all your kind, welcoming comments.

    I said earlier that my goals were to continue exercising 3x per week and to start fitting in some cardiovascular exercise. Well, in Monday's HIIT class we had to do jump roping and it absolutely killed my feet. I spent the next two days walking (limping) around on what felt like swollen bruises masquerading as feet. So I skipped Wednesday's session. But I did walk around Target (slowly) and park in the far corner of the lot, so at least I did something.

    Then today, Thursday, I did something I've never tried before: a Spin Class. They've always intimidated me. So, yay for me! Boy, was it hard, especially the standing-up part. I can only do, like, ten seconds max. But hey, I sweated buckets. I dare MFP to say I hardly burned any calories. Guess I should punch it my Spin session and see that number it spits out.

    Actually the class was half Spin and half TRX. I did pretty well with the TRX portion, and just modified when it came time to put my toes or heels in the loops.

    I swear to God, ladies, I remember when I could run circles around everyone else in class. Now I'm the oldest, slowest one. But then I tell those young whippersnappers, "Just you wait. You'll see. Ageing is not for wimps!" Am I right?

    Actually, the reason I wanted to add cardio is to up my calorie burn. But you know what really impedes my activity level? Sitting here chatting to you lovely ladies and enjoying every minute of it. Maybe I should prop this laptop on my treadmill, ha ha.

    Anyway, happy to be back in the swing of it with you. Now I'm off to log my Spin/TRX class.

    Wasatch Front in Utah
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    (I posted this on my own timeline, but want to post it here as well.)

    OK guys, I've been lying. Well, not exactly lying, but not being honest about everything. I did great the first 6 months I was on MFP. I started enjoying being a girl who went to the gym and could lift/press more than a lot of guys, stayed within my calories pretty well, and thought (after a lifetime of f***ing around and having all kinds of counseling), OK, I've got this now. After about April of this year things slowed down. Annoying, but I tried to keep going, even though my mojo was hiding. On vacation I just ate whatever, figuring it was OK for a couple of weeks and I'd get back in the groove when I got back. Well, I didn't. A lot of stuff has been going on since the summer and apparently I'm just using my old eat-a-lot coping method. I've gained back about 10 of the ± 35 pounds I lost. Worse than the gaining is the feeling I'm out of control. I start the day off OK, fill in my diary and then lose it in the evenings.
    Not expecting you guys to solve my problems, but I finally decided to be honest.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Still not working in Chrome for me, but it works in Safari on the iPad so I can deal. I''m giving it a week and then emailing tech support if I am still going in circles in Chrome.

    Sylvia, I didn't know I was supposed to post when I cleaned the cat box. :D I'll try to do better.

    Cynthia, I have some of the same struggles as you. What are we going to do with ourselves? :'(

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited October 2014
    Commenting on what I read last ... first ...

    Cynthia ... I completely and I do mean completely understand what you are talking about. Because I'm doing the same ... in fact, it was around April that I started sliding back. At one time my ticker said 72 pounds lost ... now it's 63 ... because I've had to be honest. Same thing here ... start the day out great, but then lose it later in the day. Is there an answer? Yes! Go back to what worked. Find that feeling you had when you first started ... the reasons you first started ... and don't let go of them. I've decided this is the only honest way to continue on. I still have a lot of weight to lose and I definitely don't want to slide all the way back. You obviously don't either or you wouldn't have "confessed." So now that you've been honest, forgive yourself and move forward. Just one day at a time!

    Joy in UK ... some of the ladies keep an open document running alongside this discussion and then post all at once. You'll see they are able to comment on everyone's status. Some, like me just comment on what resonated with us at the time ... although we may have been nodding our head at everything! This is a very supportive group ... you just have to let us know what's going on in your life so we can give our unsolicited advice!! :laughing:

    I'm going to try and add a photo of my two sons and I at Christmas last year. You all hear so much about them, I thought you might like to "meet" them! Standing to my left is Sean who deals with the migraines and in the chair is his brother, Ian who has had multiple issues the last few years.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Sylvia, I didn't know I was supposed to post when I cleaned the cat box. :D I'll try to do better.
    I didn't know either! When will someone tell us the rules?! ;)
    (Of course, I had to have my cat put to sleep in May. I'd have to think of something else to report.)
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Cynthia, I have some of the same struggles as you. What are we going to do with ourselves? :'(
    Sure wish I knew. :s
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited October 2014
    Ok. This is the photo! Sean with the migraines at my left and seated is his brother Ian with the multiple health issues.

    Beth in WNY
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, beautiful fall day here, we are going to my DD cottage for the Thanksgiving weekend and hope to get some walking in while the leaves are in bright colors so pretty and love that fall smell.
    I really understand how some of you are feeling with the backsliding I too am in this frame of mind and just can't get going again. Have had a bad few months first my brother died just 3 days before Christmas then his wife of 60 yrs our dear Sil died 3 wks ago plus 2 dear friends inbetween just got in some very bad habits all over again. but being here and hearing how we are all dealing with life and all it throws at us is the best medicine and like we have our own cheering group.

    Love all your pictures and stories
    HI to all our new friends hope everyone finds their way back with the new system kind of
    hard if your not a tecky...

    wishing everyone well and yes we will get back on track I too updated my ticker with the new 6 pound gain but lost it somewhere the ticker not the pounds yet.....

    Juanita in Sudbury
  • JackieMM6
    JackieMM6 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone. First time with this group. I've been on this site for years but took a very long break. If there is anything I need it's encouragement to stay with eating healthier (I hate the word diet). It's not really a choice anymore but Dr.s orders. I eat because I love food. No other reason. It's not stress, depression or anything that makes some people eat. I simply love food. I don't care how full I am, I want more of the flavors. I'm counting calaories, carbs and cholesterol. Cutting back on my foods is the biggest challenge I ever faced.
    I'm 64, married to same man for 38 years, two daughters, 6 grandchildren. They are all the loves of my life. I enjoy sewing, knitting, crochet, cross stitch and I've had some experience with felting, but not good at that. I'm a retired librarian so I like a good book too. I hope to visit here often and get to know more people and make new friends.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    cynthia~ im with ya sista.. not doing well, start out great than lose it at night.. gotta get back into the swing of it. DH left today so will be home tomorrow afternoon instead of saterday night, well I have plans for saterday morning and I am keeping them ;)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Cynthia. I feel like I understand, too. It is so much easier while at work; structured, and easy internet access. Plus, I work with many fit and healthy women (most of them 1/2 my age, but irrelevant). Then I get home, and hubby doesn't care. He eats and/or cooks everything in sight, everything unhealthy that I am trying to avoid or control. He doesn't care how much he weighs, or how much I weigh. And then there's my son. 14 y.o. in 4 different sports, so he still has the metabolism of a hummingbird. When he is "too lazy" to make himself a snack or breakfast, he drinks my SlimFast. It all seems so unfair. Now, it's also the crazy hot flashes. This recent one has lasted an hour & half. I just want to lay on the tile floor naked, but that's not appropriate for my work environment. :D It is such a relief to read about others' with similar struggles. Thank you ALL for sharing and caring.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited October 2014
    {{{Cynthia}}} I did the exact same thing this summer, starting right around April. Got too busy gardening (excuses, excuses), didn't take the time to prepare many meals, grabbing quick sandwiches which is an absolute no-no for me. Now I feel like a big fat cow stuck in quicksand! Sinking, sinking, down to the abyss of Porkerville. Must dig my way out, and fast! It's getting crucial...zippers not wanting to zip! I do good in the mornings, then by night I start goofing off and it all goes to hell. No self control. Yep, 10 lbs. Make it stop!! Ugh!

    jb in Porkerville :tongue: :laugh:
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    Cat here. Hey, the italicise and boldify buttons DO work. It just doesn't show up correctly until posted.

    I, too, do well in the early part of the day, and then start making less-than-stellar choices later on. It's my brain's fault, pretty sure.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi all, I have little computer time so I read posts but do not comment, sorry.
    Going well and dragged out Wii to do Sport Active ii this morning, did 26 minutes of a cardio one then moved over to do step and did 10 minutes of that. Bob Harper's kettle bell cardio soon and 40 minute walk this afternoon (raincoat if raining again)
    Weight is same this morning but got a good night's sleep.
    Doctor in 2 weeks for ECG and weigh and BP.
    I had the Livinglite breakfast of grillled ham and 2 egg omelte on granary toast this morning. Posted food at 1936 cals, so all OK.
    Took beagle dog for a walk along our country roads yesterday afternoon, almost home and she grabbed at part of dead wallaby, swallowed it right down. It smelled disgusting. Well she was on spare double bed whilst I was on computer and up it came ugh!. Dear husband scooped it up. Doona cover in wash and doona ourtside. Argh! She is just plain anughty sometimes.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Feistycat ... the brain's fault ... of course!! :p
    Lesley ... your beagle was definitely being naughty!