
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Mary, the cat needs to go to the vet. :flowerforyou:
    If she only has an eye infection, the salve shouldn't be expensive (I know too much about this subject...).
    Good luck.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    I am here because I get no support in my home. My son and daughter in law are young and skinny. I had wls two and a half years ago and I lost 110 pounds, but I have recently gained back ten pounds. I don't want to be a failure at wls so I need a push to get back on the wagon.

    Ramona, Louisiana

    Hi Ramona, You have come to the right place.....many of us are here for the round the clock support and encouragement from other women who know that weight loss, health, and fitness are at the top of the list.....my husband supports my efforts but he doesn't want to hear my constant chatter about my meals, my steps, and my weight training.....my friends think I'm compulsive and obsessive, but these lovely ladies encourage me to be who I am.

    Barbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * answer the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    <3 Good morning lovely ladies. I am home this week, and intend to get a lot of paperwork done. I am just not getting enough time on weekends to do it. And I am too tired in the evenings.

    (*) Welcome Cherie and Ramona. I echo Barbie's post in that support for our weight loss journey is not always available on the home front. In fact, quite the opposite can happen; the word sabotage comes to mind at times. My DH never has had an issue with weight. Although he is supportive most of the time, he cannot really fathom what I face when it comes to food. On this forum you have ladies of similar ages, who know what you are talking about. I try to come back everyday, but typically only have time to read (or skim) the posts during the week and no time to post until the weekend (this week is an exception, since I am home).

    Have a great day.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I went for the recheck on my foot this morning and I have been released from the boot unless my heel begins hurting. I am supposed to wear low heels (ugh!!) or get some inserts for my shoes to raise just my heels to take the stress off the tendon. It may be tomorrow before I get a chance to look for the heel inserts since I have meetings tonight. VERY happy that the word "surgery" didn't come up again! He says I have to EASE back into walking which didn't make me so very happy, but it is what it is.

    My daughter is still struggling. The pain is minimal when she wakes up and increases as the day goes on. Her biggest problem is the spinning/floaty room. She says she doesn't feel safe to drive and refuses to put the other drivers at risk so she is confined to home unless someone drives her. She called her father to ask him to take her to the grocery store since I've spent so much time taking her to medical appointments, etc. (Besides, she's impatient and didn't want to wait until tomorrow!)

    I slept for 9 or so hours last night. I was exhausted! I feel much better today. Michele - I'm trying my best to take care of myself, too. Before I picked her up to go to the ER Sunday night, I packed protein bars and water to take with me.

    I am responsible for the program tonight at my meeting--it is a group of women from church. I Googled Bible study stuff and came up with absolutely nothing! So, I went looking for a book that I have called Wisdom From the Middle Ages for Middle Aged Women. It is a cool book that I'm really looking forward to reading. However, I couldn't find it so I pulled out a book named Bless This Space Between Us, a book of blessings (not table blessings) and found something in it that I could use. Of course, on Saturday, I walked to the bookshelf that I had so very carefully checked last week and put my hand directly on the book I was originally looking for. I'm combining stuff from the two books to make up my program. I will be reading more than I typically would, but I really love the way the authors stated their views and don't want to mess it up by putting it into my words. Essentially, the sections I picked both talk about listening to the heart and making room for quiet time in life so as to be able to hear your heart talking. One of them really emphasizes that middle age is a time of new beginnings, not just endings, and to use this time in our lives carefully to continue to grow and explore instead of becoming stagnant. I hope they enjoy it. If they don't, they'll have to do themselves next time! :stuck_out_tongue:

    I'm getting ready to close up shop here and switch over to job #2. Have a great day!

    Carol in gloomy wet NC
  • jhboise
    jhboise Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to setting goals for myself, but my goal for the second half of October is to lose a pound and keep it off. I've been so discouraged lately, losing a pound, gaining it back, losing it again, while not seeming to change my diet at all. I suddenly have a shape I never had before, which involves having no waist! All the extra weight seems to be in my belly. I don't have a lot to lose, but what I've got is really stubborn.

    Are there any other vegans here? I'm practicing a vegan diet due to hereditary heart problems (I mean that my mother and aunt died of heart disease and my brother just had a triple bypass. I'm OK so far but cholesterol #s are a bit high at 220).

    I am a college professor who is also taking care of my husband, whose stage 4 esophageal cancer is slowly improving with chemotherapy.

    OK, here are my goals for this month:
    Lose [at least] a pound
    Get a fitness tracker & use it (I ordered a Jawbone UP)
    Add cardio to my weekends
    Try to check in here every day.

    Good to meet you--
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Donnamwebb: We all started this journey with a lot of work ahead. Your sense of fear may have been fear of change. It can be hard to try something different. You can make the changes you need to be healthy, but they come in doable steps. No starvation diets around here! :noway: We faithfully log every bite and swallow (at least we try,) set monthly goals and report on our progress at the beginning of the new month. Many people modify their goals monthly, but mine have been virtually the same the whole time I’ve been here because they work for me. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Alison: You can do it! I worry about the kidney pain. Do you get infections? Maybe this calls for a doctor appointment. :flowerforyou:

    Cherys: Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Thanks for the compliment, and for the encouragement to find a good helmet. I’ll try to get a picture taken of me on my lesson horse. We’ll see. DH doesn’t want to go back to the stable right away. Standing in the cold is hard for him. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Good luck on the passport photo. We need to renew, too. We use ours primarily to go to Canada, although we’ve been to Mexico and the BVI. :flowerforyou:

    Beth: The dreadmill is a good place to start because you can use it whenever you want. If you have money to invest in equipment, a bike would be easier on your knees. You can put a regular bicycle onto a trainer and use it as a stationary bike if you have one already. I suspect the cost of that option would be lower than a machine but I haven’t looked into it. I use my stationary bike whenever I over eat, which provides a handy and easy remedy. I often read while riding the bike, or even listen to audio books. I know Barbie has hers in front of the TV. I’m storing the bike in the garage anyway so I might as well use it. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I hope the incident at the Y was not serious. I love your story about the trumpet recital “lip therapy.” Very nice. :bigsmile:

    Ramona from Louisiana: Welcome! This is a very encouraging group. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the compliments on my picture. I’m thinking that I won’t resemble a deer to those crazy hunters out there. :noway: It looks like we’ll be working in the indoor arena for some time to come, so outdoor riding may be in the future. I needed a helmet anyway and I liked the fuchsia one. I had good news last night. DD and the grandbabies are coming to visit for several days at Halloween! Color me HAPPY! :happy:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I attacked the closet today. I rid myself of about 100 garments and 20 pairs of shoes. I love that feeling. I can actually see what I own now. I still stuck a few things away that I just couldn't get rid of. Maybe next purge. The meds seem to be helping along with the time away from work. I am slowly but surely starting to feel like myself again. Thank you for letting me back into the fold here. This is a great bunch of ladies.

    Barbie glad you are back from your travels.

    Katla love the helmet.

    Have a great day all!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    So good to see everyone here. I have been gone about a year or so, but it seems like everyone is doing pretty good.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. It is a beautiful fall day here, actually a little warm. I got a ton done today at work without anyone else there. My brother and sister in law came into town today to see dad and we plan to go out tomorrow night. Maybe they’ll stop over for a bit tonight.
    Renny: thanks for the suggestion. I’ll try it!
    Pat: good news on not needing to see the dr for such a long time. Darling baby!
    Barbie: I didn’t notice the tickers were gone! How do you add them back and then update them when your weight changes?
    Margaret: I don’t see a star outline by the title of the forum???
    Deb: what a great picture of you and how wonderful you look. You must be so proud.
    Michele: why won’t they ever have aqua Zumba at your Y?
    Alison: I hope you are feeling better soon!
    Bwcetc: thanks for the tip about the cog, but where do you see it? I cannot find any of these little icons anywhere.
    Joyce: sorry about your storm damage!
    Sylvia: that joke was cute!
    Mary: I’m not sure I get the comment about the vet treating the cat like a person??? Sorry if I am dumb!
    I am having such a hard time with this format. Sorry to sound like an old bag, but I can’t increase the size of anything, even under “view” on the internet. I may need to try google chrome or something else. So I have missed many but thinking of all of you. Welcome newbies! Take care Meg from Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited October 2014
    Katla - I went to yoga today, but according to MFP 90 mins of yoga only uses up 234 calories. :grumble: So I thought of you and took myself off to my machines and made it up to 504. Much better! I have eaten all of them though. Having some sort of machine in a spare room can be so helpful, especially if you are a bit agoraphobic like me. :laugh:

    I am feeling much happier because I now have something else to look forward to! ! ! ! !
    It is our 10th wedding anniversary in November and we wanted to do something nice, but not too strenuous. So I suggested we went up to Oxford, which is less than 2 hrs drive from here and visit the Ashmolean museum. It has wonderful things to see, including King Alfred's astel that features in DH'S last novel, The Morning Gift. That got DH excited and Oxford is his old university. So I have done some research and we have decided on a hotel and a restaurant which I can book tomorrow. :bigsmile: The hotel has a car park, which is essential in Oxford. What fun! I so love these little trips. Just one night away in beautiful surroundings can do you as much good as a much longer holiday.

    Joyce - sorry to hear about your weather problems. Sounds quite exciting though! :tongue:

    Carol - sounds like a good discussion. Listening to that inner voice is soooooooo important. <3 Most of us ignore it at our peril. I think the reason I have not been as depressed in recent years is that I listen to it a bit better and know when messages are coming through. But I am still an ace procrastinator! ! ! !

    Got my passport photo done and it is all sent off now. Of course I look like a mad criminal. :tongue: When it comes back I will renew my drivers licence and get an old person's bus pass. :laugh: My old London one runs out in March . :sad:

    Love to all. Hope I sleep tonight.
    Heather in showery Hampshire UK

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm on cloud nine! I just got home from Walmart where I found Rotel brand tomatoes and peppers with NO SALT ADDED! I didn't even know they made it that way. I bought 8 cans! This is going to make my life so much easier. It's nice to find a few things with no salt added. Now, if only they made Prego that way.

    Janet, I'm sorry to hear that your husband has cancer, but glad to hear he is improving. What do you teach? My hubby teaches chemistry at the university here. I can't imagine what a vegan could possibly eat that would increase cholesterol. I thought it came directly from bacon. At least that's where I think I got it.

    Heather, Oxford sounds like fun. I love the Inspector Lewis series on tv that is set there. It looks beautiful.

    Meg, I'm having trouble adjusting to this format too. And it doesn't help that it looks different on my ipad, my desktop, and the browser on my phone. They all look so different!

    Fallen, where did you go for a year?

    Robin, doesn't it feel good to purge your closets?! I took three huge tubs of stuff to the Salvation Army a few months ago, but there is a lot more waiting to be sorted.

    I just heard hubby drive in, so I need to look busy.

    Bye for now!


  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday morning here. My DVD in the lounge no longer works argh! SO dragged out WiiFitPlus and did 31 minutes before breakfast. jillian's hard Bodies shortly and a dog walk after lunch.
    I am sick of food on Livinglite and have gone back to Jeannette Jenkins' book for meals. Food at 1840 and Fibre a massive 31 MUCH better and more satisfied I tell you.
    Husband has gone fishing for the day. I have ironing of clothes to do, washed our bed-sheets and dog's doona covers and have cleaning to do.
    Keeping busy.
    Duramine is NO use at all blah. Will keep taking until I see doctor next week. Glad to be training again thoughh.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good evening all. Managed to get hair trimmed & stop in a couple shops. Brought a few groceries home,then out to walk. Wasn't 't as fast as I should have :\:\

    done,but 90 mins is better than nothing.

    The sky opened about 3 pm,been a soaking rain ever since.Gray & dreary describes this day.

    Meg,I agree. Can't enlarge print,nor delete a picture. Won't be adding anymore pics unless/until that changes.Truth is,don't enjoy reading this fine print.Another huge complaint is writing a long post that is always cut in 1/2 when I post it. Grrrr

    Renny,my DH is the same. His wt & vitals stays the same,with never a wt problem.No fair

    ************************** Rest was deleted as usual. Pat :'(:\
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening! Dr. appt. for Gwen lasted much longer than I planned for. Late letting neighbor's dog out........poor thing, was he ever happy to see me!

    We had a very summer like day, mid-80's and humid.........rain coming. Tomorrow is cross country meet, may be cancelled again depending on timing of the storms. Tomorrow night, a fundraiser to buy winter food for the horses at the therapeutic riding program. It's at a pizza place...I'll take DD, feed her, and probably just make a donation.

    Welcome to all the newbies! Stick around, get to know us and vice versa. Please let us know where you are from.

    Vicki.......No, I don't think you went too far......I probably would have been calling the police on them.

    Alison........Condolences on the loss of your cousin.

    Barbie........Welcome home!!!

    Sylvia.......Inspector Lewis fan here too!

    Hello to everyone else!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    [quoteMargaret: I don’t see a star outline by the title of the forum??
    Meg from Omaha
    It is right above the small magnifying glass.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    jhboise wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to setting goals for myself, but my goal for the second half of October is to lose a pound and keep it off. I've been so discouraged lately, losing a pound, gaining it back, losing it again, while not seeming to change my diet at all. I suddenly have a shape I never had before, which involves having no waist! All the extra weight seems to be in my belly. I don't have a lot to lose, but what I've got is really stubborn.

    Are there any other vegans here? I'm practicing a vegan diet due to hereditary heart problems (I mean that my mother and aunt died of heart disease and my brother just had a triple bypass. I'm OK so far but cholesterol #s are a bit high at 220).

    I am a college professor who is also taking care of my husband, whose stage 4 esophageal cancer is slowly improving with chemotherapy.

    OK, here are my goals for this month:
    Lose [at least] a pound
    Get a fitness tracker & use it (I ordered a Jawbone UP)
    Add cardio to my weekends
    Try to check in here every day.

    Good to meet you--

    Janet...you do have a plate full of challenges. We...as a group...are here for you. If there is anything certain it is stubborn weight accumulation in the belly to lose. I am not vegan, although I tried it. Personally, I thing Vegan is a great way to go when it comes to food choices. Yay for you!!! There is a lot of heart disease in my family too, and I have to take a second look at either vegetarian or vegan as my go-to.

    I do hope that you will not be discouraged.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited October 2014
    To be more clear about the cholesterol-food connection: I just had the results of my blood work, and despite losing a significant amount of weight since my last blood test, my cholesterol count went up. Doc thinks it may the result of a bad test. However, I know from past experience, and he acknowledged that too, that when high cholesterol is genetic, it really does not matter. Soooo disappointing for me. I worked so very very hard to get or keep it in normal range, and it actually went UP!!!

    That is not to say I will not eat or live healthy; it just means that it may not make a difference in blood tests. My overall health is great. Doc said, "keep up the great work: eat healthy and exercise." Okey-dokey.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    For those of you wanting larger print, have you tried holding down the control key and scrolling the wheel on the mouse up?

    Thanks to all for the thoughts on my nephew's health. He may now have gone to the rehab place. His doc said he was in denial about the severity of this as DN told the doc he expected to be back at work 3 weeks from the surgery. I told DH, also diabetic, he'd better take good care of himself!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour on the rebounder today. Tomorrow's plan is to go to the yoga class and then the deep water.

    Joyce - walking in the sand is good exercise too. You seem to be having a great time, I'll be looking forward to hearing more about your trip

    donnamwebb - welcome! A great place to start is exactly what you're doing -- just keep trying. We only fail when we stop trying.

    Alison - my deepest condolences on your cousin's passing

    cherys - welcome. We're so glad you joined us

    Sylvia - you take care of yourself, ya hear???? "Lip therapy" -- how sweet! When we went to see a show with a magician (I would really have called him more of a story teller with some magic thrown in), he proposed to his gf on stage. Can you imagine being proposed to in front of 300 people?

    Ramona - you'll get lots of support here, that's for sure

    Vicki - I don't think you went too far at all. That's terrible!

    barbie - Vince is the same way as Jake. He really doesn't want to hear all about how I "healthified" recipes. He'd be very happy if they invented a vitamin e (for exercise). So coming here at least I can post my exercise and get ideas for foods and different exercises and know that I'm not going to get a rolling eyes. Yes, get that letter answered!

    You know, I'm very proud of Jessica. She's called the guy who is our financial advisor. It's not that she's using the same guy, it's that at her age (30), she's actually thinking about her financial future. Not many 30 year olds do.

    Got an email from Bryan. I'd be willing to bet that Denise emailed him and told him to email us. Of course, as usual, he said that he'd call us this weekend (it's not going to happen, I don't know why he even bothers to say it). He said that he's sorry its been so long since he last called (yeh, right) but he's had a ton of work and hasn't had any time. Assuming this is true, why he's choosing to do so much work is beyond me. I thought the reason he wanted to live over there was because he didn't have to work as hard. Of course, that might have just been his talking. Maybe his "ton of work" involved playing rollerhockey. I THINK he's still doing that, not even sure of that.

    Carol - yea no more boot!!!! So sorry about your daughter. She's very wise in not driving and thinking of others, not just herself.

    Janet - welcome! Boy, you sure have a lot on your plate. Could the high cholesterol number be partly heredity?

    Robin - oh, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. Doesn't it just feel great to clean out closets, etc? Just think, now you'll have more room for the new (smaller) clothes!

    tallen - welcome back!

    Meg - I suspect the reason they don't have the aqua zumba at the Y (and this is just my personal opinion) is that using the pool for swim lessons brings in revenue. AquaZumba would be a class included in your membership. Why they don't just charge for the class, I don't know. Someone said (and this is just a "said") that the guy who is head of the aquatics dept doesn't really like the lefeguard who is already certified in land zumba, has the time and will get certified in aqua zumba, so he's not going to push it thru. Crazy, if you ask me. But this new CEO of our Y seems to be most interested in children's fund and getting new members, not increasing the offerings to the members.

    Heather - happy early anniversary

    Had rummikub at my house tonight. Went later than usual. Gotta get ready for tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi all,
    Wandering back in…. I need to be here and can’t seem to get time -
    Welcome to all the new ladies! I am not going back to catch up, just jumping in here!

    Things here are fine, not keeping as careful track as I should, so today was a back on track day, and it feels good. There is lots of embroidery to get done..more new clients today – yeah!!!

    I made yogurt and drum roll….. It worked!!! I went to all organic milk and starter yogurt; that may have been the difference.

    Robin – great job cleaning the closet!!!

    Heather – Oxford should be great fun

    Alison – sorry to hear of the death in your family

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California