Got 30-35 lbs to lose ? Join my group and we can do it toget



  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    I have decided to not weight myself for the entire month of February. I was getting very frustrated with not seeing any weight coming off. I am in the second week of Insanity and decided I would hold off on weighing and measuring for the whole month. I am still in this challenge and will continue to follow and post, just not weighing. Good luck to all
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Lost 1 lb, weighed in at 169 lbs, yeah...finally out of the 170's!
  • ljpham
    ljpham Posts: 25
    Had a horrible week and a half. Up to 159.
  • jofmpls
    246.4 from 248.6
    It's a start!
    Also, almost made it through a half marathon on rollerblades on Saturday. I was only 3 laps short (2.5 for a mile) but the knee with that pesky missing ACL was grinding pretty hard and I had to quit lest I not be able to skate again through the week.
  • jenikkinicole
    2/7/11 - 158 :)) Woohoo!

    Also lost an inch in my waist ~ Yay! Pants that fit... I'm on the right path! haha.
  • I would love to join! I have 35 to loose!

    My starting weight was 200
    I now weight 152
    and would like to weigh 117 for my wedding in June : )

    I have been working hard now I just have these last 35 to go!
  • jepantle
    2/7/11---169...2 lbs gone!!!
  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    2/7/2010 . Eating Right and back to RUNNING - 199.8 this morning!!!!
  • lizconnor0823
    Frustrated! I am changing the batteries in my seems to be acting up lately and I will pass the blame to an inanimate object! My weight seems to be fluctuating by 2-3 pounds a day, up and down, up and down. I am eating well (mostly) and exercising consistently. What's going on?! Any advice would be appreciated!
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    I did not do well this week.
    I am up to 168. :sad:
    Another freaking gain.
    Not an excuse, but it is that TOM and I am retaining water like the Hoover Dam. :laugh:
    Oh well, on to a new week.
  • naturalbeauty47
    4lbs gone @ 202!! Almost out the 200's!!
  • mrsshides
    173! down 1
  • Vegas47
    Hello All ,

    Got 30-35 lbs to lose ? Join my group and we can do it together !!!!

    I want to lose that weight in the next 4 months through diet and exercise. If you have similiar goals, why don't we do it together....share our thoughts, tricks, food ideas and exercise and of course MOTIVATE each other...... WE can do this !!!!

    Every Monday will be our weigh in.....

    Send me your name and starting weigh and I will get a chart going to track our weekly progress !

    Hope to hear from some of you !!!!

    Cynthia :smile:

    just ran across this is it too late to join????
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Still no new weight lost this week, but clothes are looser from increasing exercise at least! Feels good!
  • Vegas47
    Im in!! My first weigh in is 155lbs
    Thanks :)
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I'm down two pounds, from 223.2 to 221.2 :)
  • viclynn
    viclynn Posts: 56 Member
    Checking in. No change from last week. 180.
  • amyh2006
    amyh2006 Posts: 8 Member
    lost 0.5 pounds since her last weigh-in!
    She's lost 6.5 pounds so far.

    Starting weight: 173
    Current weight: 166.5
  • jrcboiler
    jrcboiler Posts: 12 Member
    So I'm not sure if my body is going crazy or if it's my scale. I weighed in yesterday at 173. I would be ecstatic about this number, except for that is a 5.5 lb loss in one week... I'm pretty sure my scale is off. It's an electronic scale, maybe the batteries are going dead? I weighed again this morning at 173.5. Thoughts? Comments? While I stayed around my calorie goal everyday last week I wasn't super active or healthy. Hmmm....