Got 30-35 lbs to lose ? Join my group and we can do it toget



  • Went to the gym this morning to do resistance training. Had a tough back workout, but ut was worth it. I know I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!
  • okgirly
    okgirly Posts: 30 Member
    Count me in!!!
  • I would love to join you all.
    SW 186.5
    CW 178
    GW 140
    I have 38lb to lose by 28th May, as that is when i am getting married. Hopefully this forum and app will keep me motivated.
  • I'm in! Starting weight... 163 pounds. Goal weight is 130lbs. This will be great! Thanks!
  • danser84
    danser84 Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to join as well !!! My starting weight was 165 and I'm looking to go down to around 130lbs...Thanks !!
  • emkess
    emkess Posts: 57 Member
    I would like to join. My current weight is 170 and I want to get down to 140. Would love the motivation!
  • dericcarson
    dericcarson Posts: 78 Member
    Would love to! Count me in!!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Went to the gym this morning to do resistance training. Had a tough back workout, but ut was worth it. I know I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!

    Great job Steve!!! Have a happy, hopefully not TOO sore Sunday!! :smile:
  • I'd love to get on board, too. I've been doing Jenny Craig since September 2010. I'm down about 22 from when I started, but I still have 35 pounds to go. Started at 196.6, and weighed in at 175 today - aiming for 140. Looking forward to it. Good luck, everyone!
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i would love to join but i have 38lbs to lose.

    starting weight 179lbs

    current weight 168lbs

    goal weight 130lbs
  • Hi Everyone. Are we all ready for our weigh in tomorrow? Well Done to us for sticking at it! WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  • Hi; I would like to join; I have almost similar goals; I just started on MFP last week & Lovin it; Last week my wight was 244 pounds. Yesterday I dropped to 240.7, my goal is to be 218 pounds by 31st of March & 202 Pound by the 23rd of June. My Dairy is public so everyone can look at my daily routine. I am an good chef at home & a passionate gym goer "just started" I could share my experience with all & at the same time be motivated & committed. Please put me in. Thanks
  • HW2Hottie
    HW2Hottie Posts: 100
    Thanks for the tip!! I am in Texas too and not used to the cold weather anymore after being here for several years coming from a cold climate. I hate the way the cold air hits when I leave the gym but I am up after that!
  • HW2Hottie
    HW2Hottie Posts: 100
    Thanks for the tip!! I am in Texas too and not used to the cold weather anymore after being here for several years coming from a cold climate. I hate the way the cold air hits when I leave the gym but I am up after that!

    Ok someone please tell me how to get this to appear under the post that I was replying too! I look like I am "talking" out of turn! He he!
  • shazzannon
    shazzannon Posts: 117 Member
    I'd love to join this group. I've already lost 30 pounds using MFP, so I know I can reach my fitness goals with a little extra motivation and accountability! My aim is to lose the remaining 30ish pounds by the time I graduate from college in May.

    SW: 203
    CW: 173
    GW: 140
  • Hey!

    I really want to join your group. Im currently 158lbs and i'd like to be 120-125 by June 17. (Going to FL)

    I need the help and support(:
  • Hello, I would like to join your group! I am currently 212 lbs and I would like to weigh 177 lbs by 4/12/11. I need the help and constant support! I would like to be able to feel confident and good about myself by the summer!
  • Weight today for weigh in is 168lbs! Woop!
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    Let me join. I need to loose about 35 myself.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    So weigh in Mondays ! So how did you all do SlimPossibles ?

    I weighed in this at 158.6....

    I would like to give a warm welcom to our newest members.....okgirly, jenny1979x, kristakayklein, danser84, enikess, dericcarson, katwell, lusha20, radwan_masri, shazzannon, lokitaa21, dietra and oneof9 ! Welcome to The SlimPossibles, where weight loss is possible !!!! lol

    So how was everyone's weekend ? Great I hope ! Back to Monday and routine !

    If and when everyone has a chance send me in your weight please !

    Have a fabulous day !!!

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