New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112

    Thanks VT, now if I only looked like wonderwoman that would be great. LOL. I hope that I do one of these days.

    O me too! I want to look like wonder woman too!:laugh:
  • Ready2lose4ever

    Thanks VT, now if I only looked like wonderwoman that would be great. LOL. I hope that I do one of these days.

    O me too! I want to look like wonder woman too!:laugh:

  • VeggieTart
    R2L and Phly...We are ALL Wonder Women!! We may not look like her but on the inside, we have her spirit!! Especially the two of you. I can't imagine trying to raise small children in today's society and economic circumstances. I'm always amazed and impressed with those who are doing well by their children and keeping a household together in these challenging times. And I mean that sincerely!

    Totally Off Topic...but I wanted to share something with you since we don't have money trees growing in our backyards. It's a real money saver if you use those pricey disposable razors. I've been using Venus Razors for as long as I can remember. I buy the replacement heads at my big box store and they run around $26. In all honesty, I can't remember how many come to a package because as soon as I get them home I rip the package open and drop the heads in to a container I keep in the bathroom closet. I've been stocking up on them for a couple years now whenever I had the extra money or when my coupon book had a coupon and now have quite the storage of them. A single head would normally last me anywhere from 4-6 weeks, every day to every-other day shaving. Since I found this video, I have been able to use the SAME head for well over 6 Months!!! AND, I've been doing the same thing to DH's razor that he uses on his face and he NEVER knew until I told him. No cuts, no knicks, no scraping, just a good clean shave on his face:smile:

    Copy and paste to your browser to view...

    I found two links at the same time...the first was to take the blade and run it "backwards" across your arm (so you don't shave your arm.) I was SO impressed with the results that I went to my sewing kit and found a Denim Patch that I had bought at Walmart for about $2 and was eager to try the second video. I've been using the Denim Patch ever since and "sharpen" our Razors every Saturday when I clean the shower. I wet each blade and run it backwards across the patch about 20 times.'s like a brand new razor!! AND!!! My Venus Blades (more expensive than Men's Blades) fit DH's Gillette Handles and Vise-Versa, as well as the Schick Heads and Handles that Ive bought. I figure, at this rate, I probably have enough razors to last us in to our retirement years!!:bigsmile:

    And if you haven't filled your gas tank might want to do it first thing tomorrow. I'm a News Junkie. Oil went up $4 a Barrel today and could get much worse over the weekend and through next week. Much worse. PM me if you want details. A few bags of rice and dried beans for the pantry might not be a bad idea either. I'm just sayin'.

    If any one has any money saving idea's, other than couponing, please share!!

    Other than that, Keep It Healthy!! Just a few more days before we close out the month!!:drinker:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    R2L and Phly...We are ALL Wonder Women!! We may not look like her but on the inside, we have her spirit!! Especially the two of you. I can't imagine trying to raise small children in today's society and economic circumstances. I'm always amazed and impressed with those who are doing well by their children and keeping a household together in these challenging times. And I mean that sincerely!

    Totally Off Topic...but I wanted to share something with you since we don't have money trees growing in our backyards. It's a real money saver if you use those pricey disposable razors. I've been using Venus Razors for as long as I can remember. I buy the replacement heads at my big box store and they run around $26. In all honesty, I can't remember how many come to a package because as soon as I get them home I rip the package open and drop the heads in to a container I keep in the bathroom closet. I've been stocking up on them for a couple years now whenever I had the extra money or when my coupon book had a coupon and now have quite the storage of them. A single head would normally last me anywhere from 4-6 weeks, every day to every-other day shaving. Since I found this video, I have been able to use the SAME head for well over 6 Months!!! AND, I've been doing the same thing to DH's razor that he uses on his face and he NEVER knew until I told him. No cuts, no knicks, no scraping, just a good clean shave on his face:smile:

    Copy and paste to your browser to view...

    I found two links at the same time...the first was to take the blade and run it "backwards" across your arm (so you don't shave your arm.) I was SO impressed with the results that I went to my sewing kit and found a Denim Patch that I had bought at Walmart for about $2 and was eager to try the second video. I've been using the Denim Patch ever since and "sharpen" our Razors every Saturday when I clean the shower. I wet each blade and run it backwards across the patch about 20 times.'s like a brand new razor!! AND!!! My Venus Blades (more expensive than Men's Blades) fit DH's Gillette Handles and Vise-Versa, as well as the Schick Heads and Handles that Ive bought. I figure, at this rate, I probably have enough razors to last us in to our retirement years!!:bigsmile:

    And if you haven't filled your gas tank might want to do it first thing tomorrow. I'm a News Junkie. Oil went up $4 a Barrel today and could get much worse over the weekend and through next week. Much worse. PM me if you want details. A few bags of rice and dried beans for the pantry might not be a bad idea either. I'm just sayin'.

    If any one has any money saving idea's, other than couponing, please share!!

    Other than that, Keep It Healthy!! Just a few more days before we close out the month!!:drinker:

    Awww, Thank you VT. I have had the worst day. I don't mean eating and exercise wise. Those areas have been great. I just have been in a bad mood all day. Your comment made my day and thank you for that. It is hard to raise Children this day and time in a world like this one. I know that God is with me each and every day as we teach our kids about Him and what is right and what is wrong.
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning Heeters! I am super excited this morning to share that I lost 4.3 pounds this week! I have lost a total of 18.3 pounds and 52.5 inches this month..well 34 days! Today is the last day on Phase 2 of the 17 day diet for me. Tomorrow I start Phase 3!

    Yesterday I felt pretty good, but today..I am super sore from the Zumba class. But, I am still going to try to suck it up and go to the 11am class today.

    I am really proud of myself for NOT stress eating this week, I had a very stressful week and I am so happy I am working on handling it in a different way!

    @VT: Did you get your good news?

    @RTL: Are you having a better day??
    Everyone have an awesome saturday!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good morning Heeters! I am super excited this morning to share that I lost 4.3 pounds this week! I have lost a total of 18.3 pounds and 52.5 inches this month..well 34 days! Today is the last day on Phase 2 of the 17 day diet for me. Tomorrow I start Phase 3!

    Yesterday I felt pretty good, but today..I am super sore from the Zumba class. But, I am still going to try to suck it up and go to the 11am class today.

    I am really proud of myself for NOT stress eating this week, I had a very stressful week and I am so happy I am working on handling it in a different way!

    @VT: Did you get your good news?

    @RTL: Are you having a better day??
    Everyone have an awesome saturday!

    Arf, thanks I am having a great day so far. I just woke up yesterday in a bad mood and went to bed in a bad mood yesterday. Thank God that is yesterday and today is a brand new day!! I hope you an awesome Saturday as well.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in such a great mood today. Thank God for that. I don't know why I was in such a bad mood yesterday but I am glad yesterday is gone and today is a brand new day. I am down 2.2 more pounds. Although Monday is usually my official weigh in day(I couldn't wait till then to see if all my walking had paid off and it has) and I will probably weigh again then and enter it. I am taking the Weekend off as far as exercise goes but I will be on track with my eating. I am going to be digging out my cookbooks and picking out some really good recipes to buy the ingredients for when I go shopping on the 7th. I am so ready to go shopping and get some really good foods. Well, I am off. I hope each and every one of you have a great day. I will be back later.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Good morning everyone.
    R2L I'm glad you are in a better mood. We all have those days.
    VT I am so all over that razor thing. thanks for sharing.

    I had a good morning so far- got beat up by my treadmill. tried one of the pre programmed workouts, I just finished d3w3 of c25k so this was my off day so I figured I would try that. Man did it kick my butt. I have a new goal-- to master that program. I couldn't even complete it and when I got off I felt like I was going to hurl. I didn't; maybe I should have stayed on longer. :wink:

    I compare my calories burned per minute with one of my other longer high calorie workouts and it was a lttle higher per minute. (I know how OCD is that?)

    Anyway dear hubby is making breakfast. I ate a meal bar earlier this morning. didn't want to work out on an empty stomach, but now I'm starving.
    Hope you all have a great day.
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning!

    Another post and run for me. Started off busy this morning and have several things to get accomplished. I'll check back later and catch up.

    Have a good day!!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    @RTL- glad you are having a better day! And way to go on the 2.2 pounds!!

    @DLA- awesome job on the workout!

    @VT- I hope you can share good news with us very soon!

    well...I had my bootcamp class this morning..and I am still alive...sort of. but, I burned 1197 calories!

    Have an awesome Saturday guys!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    @RTL- glad you are having a better day! And way to go on the 2.2 pounds!!

    @DLA- awesome job on the workout!

    @VT- I hope you can share good news with us very soon!

    well...I had my bootcamp class this morning..and I am still alive...sort of. but, I burned 1197 calories!

    Have an awesome Saturday guys!

    Arf, awesome job on the calories burned!!!! That's awesome!!
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Still haven't caught up yet but will do it shortly. I've been doing some things here at the back of the house because DH has taken over the kitchen again with what looks our last batch of Salsa until the new plantings of Tomatoes start producing. Gonna fight my way in to the kitchen and get some breakfast. I'll catch up in a bit!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    Good Morning Heeters! Hope everyone is doing well this morning! I certainly am! My 1st goal was to lose 20 pounds by 1/31. I have one day to go and I have lost 22 pounds! I feel fantastic!!! I reset my calorie goals this morning to make sure I don't lose momentum! Today starts phase 3 of the 17 day diet and I am feeling great about having a few more food choices!

    Today is cooking day! we are making chicken soup, blackberry cabernet sorbet, dr. mikes power cookies, bean soup, no pudge brownies and our own NO SALT chicken broth! One thing we discovered is after our boot camp classes we are waaay to tired to we are going to have good healthy stuff in the freezer / fridge ready to nuke up!

    @VT- hope hubby lets you in for some breakfast soon!!!!

    Everyone have an awesome day!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go this morning. We are going to have Devotions and Prayer and then we are headed off to my favorite place to visit Helen, Georgia!! I would live there if I could, who knows I might move there one day. I will be getting in some walking even though it's my day off.

    Arf, good job on meeting your goal early!! that is so awesome!! You are doing so good.
  • VeggieTart
    OK HEETers, all caught up!

    WOW do we have an energitic group!!

    Arf - You are doing awesome! 1197 Calories yesterday?!? Good Grief! That's practically an entire day's allotment! I sure hope you ate well after that! Your metabolism is probably running like a super-charged engine right now. Feed it well! Have fun in the kitchen today!

    R2L - You just keep chipping away at those pounds girl! I swear, before you know it you'll have 20 gone, then 30 gone and it will just keep getting better from there. Have fun on your trip today. What do you do there? Is it a Historic town? Scenic Town?

    Plume - LOL!! Beat up by the Treadmill. I know *exactly* what you are talking about. I actually have an Elliptical. A really nice one. It was banished to a land far, far away last year after I just couldn't stand looking at the Torture Device anymore. Everytime I got on it and tried to use it, it would abuse to me no end. I just didn't understand.:huh: Actually it's on the side patio under a cover to keep it protected. I've made a new spot for it and will have DH bring it in soon. I'm not *quite* ready to go there yet. The painful memories are still a little too fresh, LOL!

    Still no phone call. Hoping something will happen on Monday. Thanks for asking! Went and got my hair done yesterday. That makes me look and feel a whole lot better. But, our day got kind of messed up so we never made it out to eat. Well, we did and my choice was one of the worst I could have made. While I ate nothing but healthy all day yesterday, I was getting pretty high up there and when dinner time rolled around I pulled out some coupons for BK. Lets just say I ended the day eating almost TWICE my alloted calories for the day. Couple that with NO exercise this week and I can tell I'm starting to pack a few back on. My leg is just today starting to feel better so I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow and try to salvage something before Wednesday Weigh-In. But, I'm not beating myself up over it. It's just part of life.:smile: to do...oh...I don't know yet. Maybe something out in the garden. Time to start ripping up some stuff and getting ready for Spring Plantings.

    See ya later!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Morning heeters! hope everyonr is having a good day! And vt I know what you mean about eating too manny calories when nyou go out. A couple of weeks ago I went to golden corral...let's jut say that one meal was over my calories for a day or two. And I never realized, how bad any of that stuff was untill I came home and logged it! It shames me to think that I usedto eat likethat once a week! Not any more though!

    everyone have a great day and I will check back later!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    @ VT: It happens to all of us..and its just life. You can't get discouraged or upset just make tomorrow better! You will do it!

    @VT & Buter: Logging my food in mfp has helped me a LOT..not just because of calories, but for the SALT! It is absolutely disgusting how much salt is in restaurant food. That has been a huge eye opener for me. Obviously, the fat and calories are outrageous too..but it's so easy to go out and *think* you are making a good choice and come home and realize you picked the worst ever!!! I went to mcAllisters and we chose dinners off their new under 500 calorie picks..I chose chili...yeah it was under 500 calories with a baked potato..but it was like 1200 mg of sodium! yuk! it's a great motivation for me to work harder to prepare meals at home where I can control the ingredients!

    Thanks ya'll for all the support!!! I really appreciate it! It totally helps me keep going!! Especially on a day like today when I am hurting so bad!!!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    OK HEETers, all caught up!

    WOW do we have an energitic group!!

    Arf - You are doing awesome! 1197 Calories yesterday?!? Good Grief! That's practically an entire day's allotment! I sure hope you ate well after that! Your metabolism is probably running like a super-charged engine right now. Feed it well! Have fun in the kitchen today!

    R2L - You just keep chipping away at those pounds girl! I swear, before you know it you'll have 20 gone, then 30 gone and it will just keep getting better from there. Have fun on your trip today. What do you do there? Is it a Historic town? Scenic Town?

    Plume - LOL!! Beat up by the Treadmill. I know *exactly* what you are talking about. I actually have an Elliptical. A really nice one. It was banished to a land far, far away last year after I just couldn't stand looking at the Torture Device anymore. Everytime I got on it and tried to use it, it would abuse to me no end. I just didn't understand.:huh: Actually it's on the side patio under a cover to keep it protected. I've made a new spot for it and will have DH bring it in soon. I'm not *quite* ready to go there yet. The painful memories are still a little too fresh, LOL!

    Still no phone call. Hoping something will happen on Monday. Thanks for asking! Went and got my hair done yesterday. That makes me look and feel a whole lot better. But, our day got kind of messed up so we never made it out to eat. Well, we did and my choice was one of the worst I could have made. While I ate nothing but healthy all day yesterday, I was getting pretty high up there and when dinner time rolled around I pulled out some coupons for BK. Lets just say I ended the day eating almost TWICE my alloted calories for the day. Couple that with NO exercise this week and I can tell I'm starting to pack a few back on. My leg is just today starting to feel better so I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow and try to salvage something before Wednesday Weigh-In. But, I'm not beating myself up over it. It's just part of life.:smile: to do...oh...I don't know yet. Maybe something out in the garden. Time to start ripping up some stuff and getting ready for Spring Plantings.

    See ya later!
    Yikes!! I got those same coupons in the mail, I had to throw them out, they were just calling my name. I hope they were worth it. Sometimes when you just gotta have it, it is worth every bite. (if not you'll know for next time)

    I quit smoking 12 years ago and everynow and then I have a dream where I smoke a cigarette. I wake up not know whether it was a dream or not. I panic until I realize it was just a dream. Well this month I have done so good on my calories, I didn't go over even once. (even on the day I had my sundae at McD's) Last night I had a dream I pigged out and ate 4 meatball grinders.
    I just thought that was funny. Let the dreams begin.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Ok, I'm finally over my headcold, so it's back to business! I've had a pretty good food day already! I'm ready to rock'n'roll! I hope you are all having a happy and healthy day!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Well I'm baaaack! Went to the gym today! I was looking at pictures from last July, OMG!!! I knew I was overweight, and stsrted eating a little healthier, but I was huge! My husband looked at the pics, and was like,wow hunny theres a big diffrence! That was all the modivation I needed! My ticker says I lost 8 lbs, but I apparently lost some before I started here. It's crazy to think a small compliment, no matter how small can just make your day!

    With that said I am glad to have all of you for support, Keep up the good work everyone!