New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • VeggieTart
    Good Evening HEETers!!

    I hope everybody had a WONDERFUL day! I'm back on track and my body is already feeling better. No exercise but I'm sure my leg can handle it tomorrow so hopefully I will close out January with 60 miles. I would LOVE that!! I'm tracking my walking, started at the Zero Mile Marker in Key West and am working my way North, just chugging along!

    Arf - Take care of those sore muscles. Spend some time tonight with your lotion bottle after a long hot shower or bath. Rub youself down real good, feet, ankles, calves, thighs, shoulders. Get your hubby to do your back. Your feet and muscles deserve a good are killing it, Girlfriend!!

    Plume - I thought about throwing away the BK coupons but kept them *just in case*. They don't tempt me but if I'm tempted on my own, I'd at least like the opportunity to save a buck or two. Congrats on quitting smoking. It is still a vice of mine and one I'm just not ready to give up yet. And LOL at Let the Dreams Begin!! And eating 4 Meatball Grinders (Hoagies to us). That was funny!!

    Lilac!! - SOO Happy to see you back again! I thought about sending out a search party but knew you were still logging in and thought it was best to give you some space. I sure am glad to see you are back in good health and on the Wagon again. Who do you prefer to Rock-N-Roll to? I can do just about long as it's not Rap or the new Pop (it all sounds the same to me.) Give me a good beat, a few good riffs, maybe even a splash of funk from time to time and I'm all over it!

    Phly - SUPER Congrats on the compliment from DH!!! YAYYY for you!! That was a really nice story and I hope it keeps your momentum going for a long time to come!

    R2L - I hope you had a fantastic day with your family today. Still waiting to hear about your special little town.

    Aside from Cooking, Cleaning and Gardening, I live an incredibly boring those on the outside, but, for anybody who's interested, I uploaded a picture of our garden area to my profile. It was taken back in November. Some things had already come and gone and others were just getting going but even though the picture is small you can still kind of make out what's going on. We put up a little picket fence to keep the dogs out of the area and it seperates the side yard/garden from the back yard. It's 4 Raised Beds (4' Wide X 12' Long), 3 Squash/Melon Rounds (the 4th Round had my Lemon Tree in it which is a total goner at this point :cry: ) and the Bean Trellis on the right side, towards the house. DH and I sat down today and reviewed this massive seed chart I made up last year and figured out everything we are going to plant in a few weeks (already have all the Heirloom seeds.) We have some modifications to do the garden layout, he's going to build some Potato Bins and do a few other little tweaks and we have it all laid out on graph paper so we know what we can plant and where. Once he finalizes the build-out and makes all the adjustments to the irrigation we can FINALLY put the mulch down between the beds. We've been planning and working on this thing for right at a year now and I can finally see the end in sight! We also have some more Rounds in the back yard that used to hold our Citrus Trees (they also died :ohwell: ) as well as my Herb Garden that is outside the garden area. I'm going to pull up the last of our Collard Greens and some New Zealand Spinach and get them canned this week. I'm going to load that bed up with Beets and Carrots and maybe a few other things then the rest of the other beds will all be pulled to make room for Corn and lots new Spring Veggies. I CAN'T wait!!

    Time to get off here and get dinner cooked. It's all prepped and ready to go, just needs to be cooked.

    Hope everyone had a fabulous day! See you tomorrow!!

    >>>>>>>>OHHHHH....Tomorrow will be out last day in this thread. I'm going to start a new February Thread on Tuesday. Just wanted to give you a head's up that we will be running Month - to - Month. Hope that's OK with everyone!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    OK HEETers, all caught up!

    WOW do we have an energitic group!!

    Arf - You are doing awesome! 1197 Calories yesterday?!? Good Grief! That's practically an entire day's allotment! I sure hope you ate well after that! Your metabolism is probably running like a super-charged engine right now. Feed it well! Have fun in the kitchen today!

    R2L - You just keep chipping away at those pounds girl! I swear, before you know it you'll have 20 gone, then 30 gone and it will just keep getting better from there. Have fun on your trip today. What do you do there? Is it a Historic town? Scenic Town?

    Plume - LOL!! Beat up by the Treadmill. I know *exactly* what you are talking about. I actually have an Elliptical. A really nice one. It was banished to a land far, far away last year after I just couldn't stand looking at the Torture Device anymore. Everytime I got on it and tried to use it, it would abuse to me no end. I just didn't understand.:huh: Actually it's on the side patio under a cover to keep it protected. I've made a new spot for it and will have DH bring it in soon. I'm not *quite* ready to go there yet. The painful memories are still a little too fresh, LOL!

    Still no phone call. Hoping something will happen on Monday. Thanks for asking! Went and got my hair done yesterday. That makes me look and feel a whole lot better. But, our day got kind of messed up so we never made it out to eat. Well, we did and my choice was one of the worst I could have made. While I ate nothing but healthy all day yesterday, I was getting pretty high up there and when dinner time rolled around I pulled out some coupons for BK. Lets just say I ended the day eating almost TWICE my alloted calories for the day. Couple that with NO exercise this week and I can tell I'm starting to pack a few back on. My leg is just today starting to feel better so I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow and try to salvage something before Wednesday Weigh-In. But, I'm not beating myself up over it. It's just part of life.:smile: to do...oh...I don't know yet. Maybe something out in the garden. Time to start ripping up some stuff and getting ready for Spring Plantings.

    See ya later!

    VT, the town that we went to today was built to resemble one that is in Germany. So, it's a German town and I love it. There are a lot of little shops there to shop at and lots of resturants which are my favs, but I know they are all high in fat, calories, etc. We ate a late breakfast and I was not hungry till we got home. Do you have a facebook account? If so let me know so I can add you there if you don't mind. I have lots of pics of the town on my profile on facebook. My ticker is a pic of my kids in front of a fountain that they have there.
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    @RTL... We are from Augusta, GA..and have visited Helen, GA many times...I just love it there!!!! it's a bit far for us now since we live in Charlotte...

    @VT your garden sounds just wonderful! I took my daughter and we went and had our nails helped a lot to get a leg massage and sit in the massage chair for a while! But I am still gonna try to get a back rub from the hubby!

    @buter I am so happy for you! It is fantastic to hear a positive comment from the hubby isn't it?? what a great motivation!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    OMG! Ya'll!!! I made Blackberry Cabernet Sorbet and its AMAZING!!! Even better than the's just 62 calories! Not only is a very nice serving only 62 calories, but it has only 11 carbs! if anyone enjoys an adult beverage on occasion and would like me to, i'd be glad to share the recipe!!!! I cut the sugar in half so it doesn't have that overly sweet taste of a lot of commerical sorbets.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    OMG! Ya'll!!! I made Blackberry Cabernet Sorbet and its AMAZING!!! Even better than the's just 62 calories! Not only is a very nice serving only 62 calories, but it has only 11 carbs! if anyone enjoys an adult beverage on occasion and would like me to, i'd be glad to share the recipe!!!! I cut the sugar in half so it doesn't have that overly sweet taste of a lot of commerical sorbets.

    I wouldn't mind giving it a try:drinker:
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Morning all. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Got the hubby out the door around 5 this morning, Had some coffe, and I am goint to try to workout before the kids get up. Nothing fancy just some wii fit. Try to get this body moving and grooving today! See you all later!

    O and thanks on the positve feedback,:happy: So what's everyone else up to today?
  • Ready2lose4ever
    @RTL... We are from Augusta, GA..and have visited Helen, GA many times...I just love it there!!!! it's a bit far for us now since we live in Charlotte...

    @VT your garden sounds just wonderful! I took my daughter and we went and had our nails helped a lot to get a leg massage and sit in the massage chair for a while! But I am still gonna try to get a back rub from the hubby!

    @buter I am so happy for you! It is fantastic to hear a positive comment from the hubby isn't it?? what a great motivation!

    Arf, We live about an hour from Helen. I love it. It's one of my most favorite places to go. You aren't that far from me in Charlotte. I think it's about a 2 to 3 hour drive from Charlotte to where I live in S.C.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I got Anna Grace off to school and got back home and got Jacob fed some breakfast. I am now eating and then it's off to exercise. I don't know if I will walk with my water weights this morning or not though. I woke up this morning with my right elbow throbbing. I don't know if I slept on that arm or what but it hurts. I don't think I will push it with the weights. We are going to have our taxes filled out today at 6 so I am looking forward to see how much we are going to get back. I am so ready to get my treadmill or a new bike or something. Well, I need to finish my breakfast and then exercise. I will be back later.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    R2L Good to see you up and going this morning.

    Well I got the dh off to work, kids off to school, got a small workout in, cleaned one of the kids rooms, and it is now time for breakfast.
    I will check back in later.:smokin:
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Good Morning HEETers! I see most of you are off to a fabulous start! I wish you all a happy and healthy day!

    @ Veggie Tart- how cute your garden is!! I'm getting mine planned out, but it's a Topsy Turvy garden. I have to make a way to hang quite a few of them.
  • VeggieTart
    Happy Motivational Monday!!

    Does anybody use any *Motivators*?

    Just thought I'd ask since it's the last day of the month and something you might want to consider going in to February. I'm a Visual person and actually use two. In my bathroom I have two pretty glass jars. One jar holds those colored glass stone things that you buy in the craft section at Walmart. For every pound I lose I put two stones in the other jar (the reason I use two is because I have a bunch of stones and it *fills* the jars better.) I get a kick out of moving those stones from one jar to the next and seeing the one go *down* while the other one goes up. Casual observers have no idea that they actually have a purpose, they just look nice. On my fridge I use these stars that I got at the Party store. They are cardboard but with a shiny foil covering. I used some construction paper and cut out circles and used a marker to write 1, 5 and 10. The circles are glued to the center of each star. I have a bunch of each number and can mix and match any way I want according to how much weight I've lost. Sometimes I like to see a bunch of stars and will use a bunch of 1's, other times fewer stars and will use a 5 and a few 1's and so on. Those are stuck on my refrigerator with blue painters tape on the back side so they can be easily pulled off and replaced as my weight changes. Maybe you've got a pair of skinny jeans where you can see them often or an old picture of yourself. Those of you with kids can do something really fun, especially if you like to give them stars or something similar for good behavior or chores. Give yourself a chart and let them help you with your stars. Get them involved in your weight loss/fitness so they can encourage you through the day.

    R2L - your little getaway town sounds fun! Sorry to hear about the elbow. Hope you get back enough money to get whatever piece of exercise equipment you want. Too bad you didn't live closer. I know somebody with a really nice Elliptical and she'd probably let it go really cheap!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Waving at Phly!

    Thanks Lilac!! Good luck with your T/T. I know some people have some amazing success with them!!

    >>>>>Who's got some goals for February?? Think on it and let's share some tomorrow!

    Off to do some chores. Keep it healthy!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend!

    I don't think I've said hello to lilac, plume and arf yet so HELLO! :)

    It sounds like everyone is doing fabulously! Great job on the losses, ladies. R2L, LOVE the new profile pic. phly, you are BUSY! I was supposed to do some cleaning over the weekend but took the opportunity to just rest. My body really needed it.

    So, this week's menu is as follows (some are repeats): Cheesy Lasagna Rolls, Turkey and Sweet Potato Dumplings, Grilled Old Bay Lime Tuna Steaks, Chicken Pot Pie, Peruvian-Style Roast Chicken and Taco Salad. I figured I would stick with the recipes that the kids actually like to ensure that they're getting at least one healthy meal per day. Unfortunately, our mornings are so hectic that their choices are limited to frozen waffles, boxed cereal and sometimes oatmeal.

    I hope everyone has a great week! VT, I'll think about my February goals and get back to you on that.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Well got in 36 minutes of walking and burned 210 calories. I have a bad headache and I didn't want to push it today. Thanks VT, I hope my elbow feels better soon as well. It hurts. I have no idea what I did to it. I went to bed last night feeling fine and when I woke up this morning it was really hurting. I am hoping I just slept on it the wrong way and tomorrow it feels better. Thanks Ceejay for the comment on my pic. I love it too.

    Hmmm, goals for Febuary: Cook more recipes from the cookbooks that I have: tired of the same old things all the time.
    Work my way up to do more exercise and burning more calories.
    That is a couple and I will have to think to come up with some more.
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Sorry to do this...But I gotta brag! I have went from a 52 inch waist to a 49.5 inch waist in a month. (I looked at a report). Yes I gained back 2 of my pounds as noted in my ticker, but lost inches! Sorry had to brag my dh doesn't get that the small things make the big picture seem easyier to get to. My mood is set for today, and it is great!

    VT As far as goals are, I do not have any month specific goals, but I am weighing in at 264 lbs. I want to be down to 260 lbs by valentines

    And I want to fall of that darn wagon less this next month!

    everyone have a great day!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Sorry to do this...But I gotta brag! I have went from a 52 inch waist to a 49.5 inch waist in a month. (I looked at a report). Yes I gained back 2 of my pounds as noted in my ticker, but lost inches! Sorry had to brag my dh doesn't get that the small things make the big picture seem easyier to get to. My mood is set for today, and it is great!

    VT As far as goals are, I do not have any month specific goals, but I am weighing in at 264 lbs. I want to be down to 260 lbs by valentines

    And I want to fall of that darn wagon less this next month!

    everyone have a great day!

    That's awesome Phly!!! You are doing such an awesome job!!!!
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Big hello to Cee!

    R2L- I hope your elbow feels better!

    Btrfly- Great job!! No shame in bragging--it gives us incentive!

    I'm busy getting my house back in order after being sick, have a good day!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Big hello to Cee!

    R2L- I hope your elbow feels better!

    Btrfly- Great job!! No shame in bragging--it gives us incentive!

    I'm busy getting my house back in order after being sick, have a good day!

    Thank you Lilac!! Me too, it really hurts.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am in such a great mood today!! I have been very busy like always but I am so happy. We went to have our taxes filled out last night and I thought that we were not going to get much back b/c my hubby changed how he files. We used to file single 0 and this past year had to change it to married with 3 dependants. Well, it didn't make much of a difference. We are almost getting back as much as we got back last year!!!!!!!!!!!! I am excited. I am going to be looking around for me a treadmill. I can't wait!!! That is what I really wanted when I get my exercise bike. Don't get me wrong I loved my bike but I wanted a treadmill. Now I will finally have one.

    Anyways, I am so pumped and ready to go this morning. My elbow feels better and my headache is gone!! Exercise here I come!!! I will be back later!!
  • VeggieTart
    Good Morning HEETers!!

    I want to tweak the heading for this group just a bit. Keep posting here and I'll let you know when the new thread is ready!

    I'll catch up in just a few!
  • reikichris
    Good morning! I have loved reading your posts and hope you don't mind a late addition.

    So here are my plans for the day. I already had a wonderful breakfast (coffee and rice cakes with 1/3 less fat cream cheese). In a little bit I will call a friend to see if she would like to join me in taking our toddlers for a walk around the subdivision. After our walk, the twins and I will enjoy the Lentil Soup I made yesterday (yummy!).

    I will work a bit this afternoon on the computer and around the house (my floor is currently carpeted in toys :). When my son comes home from school, we will all share a fruit plate for our afternoon snack. I am not sure what we are having for dinner tonight, but I am sure inspiration will hit eventually.

    I am feeling great today and hope that I can stick to my plan!