New Group...Daily HEET (Healty Eaters and Exercise Team)



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    BTW, VT, this week so far I've made veggie & chicken kabobs with rice pilaf, sweet potato and split pea soup, glazed shrimp with broccoli and brown rice and (I'm not sure if I posted this one already) Peruvian-style roast chicken. Tonight, I think I'm going to make a taco salad. The kids are off from school today (snow closure) so I'm going to ask my 17-year-old to prep the ingredients for me so all I need to do when I get home is cook!

    Where do you get your recipes from? I love to cook and I am always looking for new recipes.
    All of those recipes are from the Whole Foods website!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Parmesan crusted chicken. Yum!! I am going to that site right now! I hope your leg starts to feel better.
  • VeggieTart
    R2L - you're doing GREAT!! Keep it up!! I didn't realize you enjoyed cooking so much. I TOTALLY agree. I REFUSE to eat Grilled Chicken, Steamed Broccoli and Brown Rice the rest of my life. I need color, flavor and texture!!

    Going through some papers on my desk and came across this cool little idea in a magazine. I did something really similar to this last week for breakfast. I made two pieces of toast, smeared with Cream Cheese and added a handful of fresh, sliced Strawberries. It was pretty darn tasty and something I'd do again. I bet kids would really like it as well.

    Here's what I found in the magazine...Mix together 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter and 1/4 Cup Raisins. Spread mixture inside pocket. Add 1 Cup sliced Strawberries and sprinkle with 2 Tablespoons Sunflower Seeds (no Sunflower Seeds for you R2L...I know that's you're downfall, lol!!) How fun does that sound? I can even see doing it with the Cream Cheese. Yum!:smile:

    And I'll go ahead and share this while I'm at it...Don't get grossed out!! It's REALLY good!! Warm toast, smear with Peanut Butter and add a thick slice of Tomato and cover with fresh ground black pepper. Eat while the Peanut Butter is still warm and gooey. Something about the way the Peanut Butter mixes with wet, peppery Tomato. It's Delicious...And Healthy!!:bigsmile:
  • VeggieTart
    Waving at Ceejay!! You and I were posting at the same time. :smile:
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey all! I have been super busy this week, so haven't been to check in on you guys! But, i have been logging religiously. I have 2 days to go on phase 2 of the 17day diet. I have lost 17.6 pounds so far! I have also lost 49.5 inches!!! Woo Hoo! I bought the 1 month membership to BCOR fitness bootcamp from LivingSocial for $20 and we start that tonight! We'll be doing it 3 days a week for the next month! When that is over I have bought us a 1 month unlimited membership to a yoga studio...which should be fun if I live through the bootcamp.

    My motivation to get through the son said If it kills me they'd have to buy me a really big coffin. aaah just love teenagers....

    Been sticking to good healthy foods pretty well, so I feel good about that. I feel really great..more energy, more satisfied with the healthy food choices and almost no cravings..which is AWESOME since I used to literally live for sugar!

    I went shopping at Old Navy (40% off clearance sale) yesterday and for the first time in probably 20 years I was able to wear an XXL (from the ladies department..not the womens plus sizes!)..and not in a tshirt or something stretchy..but an actual blouse!!!! its a bit snug on my hips..but it looks ok and will look GREAT soon!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    @veggietart...those recipes sounds super yummy!!!! we have become huge fans of greek yogurt here..subsitute it for darned near everything now! Best yet...greek yogurt mixed with a little bit of curry.... use it instead of mayonaise on hamburgers, sandwiches etc. It's super yummy!!!!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Good morning
    You don't have any snacks listed. You should add some snack in there. Peanut butter crackers, cottage cheese with fruit or crackers, Hummus with what ever you like that with. even have and apple or a banana. You are so close it won't take much. I notice a difference beteen 1000 and 1200 calories, so I would shoot to hit it even if you go a little over.
    You can stroll through my diary for some snack ideas too it you want.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Thanks, I looked at your diary, (that sounds like I did something bad! :laugh: ) Thanks, why didn't I think about pineapple? Yummm! I only have this problem 2-3 times a week other times I am over and get in a great workout! And vt I eat a yougurt a day I forgot to list, but money is cinda tight, so not much more dairy than that, but I will try! thanks!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Hey all! I have been super busy this week, so haven't been to check in on you guys! But, i have been logging religiously. I have 2 days to go on phase 2 of the 17day diet. I have lost 17.6 pounds so far! I have also lost 49.5 inches!!! Woo Hoo! I bought the 1 month membership to BCOR fitness bootcamp from LivingSocial for $20 and we start that tonight! We'll be doing it 3 days a week for the next month! When that is over I have bought us a 1 month unlimited membership to a yoga studio...which should be fun if I live through the bootcamp.

    My motivation to get through the son said If it kills me they'd have to buy me a really big coffin. aaah just love teenagers....

    Been sticking to good healthy foods pretty well, so I feel good about that. I feel really great..more energy, more satisfied with the healthy food choices and almost no cravings..which is AWESOME since I used to literally live for sugar!

    I went shopping at Old Navy (40% off clearance sale) yesterday and for the first time in probably 20 years I was able to wear an XXL (from the ladies department..not the womens plus sizes!)..and not in a tshirt or something stretchy..but an actual blouse!!!! its a bit snug on my hips..but it looks ok and will look GREAT soon!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!

    So great to hear that! Keep up the good work, I am so happy for you! I am going shopping this weekend, I hope I fit something smaller!:flowerforyou:
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks buterphly! Good luck shopping!

    A friend of mine was telling me that in her neighborhood about 6 women did a clothing swap...some had lost weight and needed smaller sizes and some needed larger sizes. it apparently all worked out perfectly! Its crazy but I wonder if something like that would work between us gals??? It'd be a lot cheaper to mail clothes than buy new! And, we are all doing such an awesome job we're going to spend a fortune in new clothes!!!!
  • VeggieTart
    :smile: Arf - glad to see you posting again! You're doing AMAZING! Good luck and have fun with all those workouts! It's so funny that you brought up the clothing swap! I had also thought about it but never mentioned anything. I'm too picky about the way things fit and would hate to pay for shipping for something that I couldn't wear. I've decided to shop at second-hand stores, if need be, as the weight drops off...but...I say Go-For-It for anybody else who wants to participate!

    :smile: Phly - you never told did the fish come out the other day? Believe me, I totally understand the grocery budget situation. Thankfully, we are pretty well stocked with pantry and staple items and both freezers are loaded with meat and we are still getting things from the garden. It's the fresh, low-cal stuff that's killing us from week to week. Prices are rising and expected to continue to rise for quite some time. Stock up on what you can, when you can. Plant a garden or start some containers on your patio if you're limited on space. All kinds of things do really well in containers and a single plant from a box store usually runs around $2-$4 and can yield quite a bit, especially now that Spring is on it's way.

    :bigsmile: I was thinking about the end of the month coming up and what I accomplished this month and what I need to work on next month. I really need to work on getting in more fruits and veggies (aside from a tossed salad which we do with most meals). Getting my daily water is easy for me and for the most part I'm getting my dairy in by making milk a part of my breakfast first thing in the morning but need to work on those fruits and veggies. I think for February I will start adding in a fruit with every breakfast and lunch. I almost never eat after dinner so saving a fruit til the end of day doesn't work for me. How bout you guys? Have you reviewed this past month and thought about where you could improve for next month?
  • Ready2lose4ever
    BTW, VT, this week so far I've made veggie & chicken kabobs with rice pilaf, sweet potato and split pea soup, glazed shrimp with broccoli and brown rice and (I'm not sure if I posted this one already) Peruvian-style roast chicken. Tonight, I think I'm going to make a taco salad. The kids are off from school today (snow closure) so I'm going to ask my 17-year-old to prep the ingredients for me so all I need to do when I get home is cook!

    Where do you get your recipes from? I love to cook and I am always looking for new recipes.
    All of those recipes are from the Whole Foods website!

    Thank you so much. Going to check it out.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hey all! I have been super busy this week, so haven't been to check in on you guys! But, i have been logging religiously. I have 2 days to go on phase 2 of the 17day diet. I have lost 17.6 pounds so far! I have also lost 49.5 inches!!! Woo Hoo! I bought the 1 month membership to BCOR fitness bootcamp from LivingSocial for $20 and we start that tonight! We'll be doing it 3 days a week for the next month! When that is over I have bought us a 1 month unlimited membership to a yoga studio...which should be fun if I live through the bootcamp.

    My motivation to get through the son said If it kills me they'd have to buy me a really big coffin. aaah just love teenagers....

    Been sticking to good healthy foods pretty well, so I feel good about that. I feel really great..more energy, more satisfied with the healthy food choices and almost no cravings..which is AWESOME since I used to literally live for sugar!

    I went shopping at Old Navy (40% off clearance sale) yesterday and for the first time in probably 20 years I was able to wear an XXL (from the ladies department..not the womens plus sizes!)..and not in a tshirt or something stretchy..but an actual blouse!!!! its a bit snug on my hips..but it looks ok and will look GREAT soon!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!

    Awesome Job on the new Blouse!! I will love it when I don't have to go and buy plus sizes.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    R2L - you're doing GREAT!! Keep it up!! I didn't realize you enjoyed cooking so much. I TOTALLY agree. I REFUSE to eat Grilled Chicken, Steamed Broccoli and Brown Rice the rest of my life. I need color, flavor and texture!!

    Going through some papers on my desk and came across this cool little idea in a magazine. I did something really similar to this last week for breakfast. I made two pieces of toast, smeared with Cream Cheese and added a handful of fresh, sliced Strawberries. It was pretty darn tasty and something I'd do again. I bet kids would really like it as well.

    Here's what I found in the magazine...Mix together 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter and 1/4 Cup Raisins. Spread mixture inside pocket. Add 1 Cup sliced Strawberries and sprinkle with 2 Tablespoons Sunflower Seeds (no Sunflower Seeds for you R2L...I know that's you're downfall, lol!!) How fun does that sound? I can even see doing it with the Cream Cheese. Yum!:smile:

    And I'll go ahead and share this while I'm at it...Don't get grossed out!! It's REALLY good!! Warm toast, smear with Peanut Butter and add a thick slice of Tomato and cover with fresh ground black pepper. Eat while the Peanut Butter is still warm and gooey. Something about the way the Peanut Butter mixes with wet, peppery Tomato. It's Delicious...And Healthy!!:bigsmile:

    Thanks VT. We are also on a budget. My hubby is the only one working and we are a family of 4. It's tough to make good healthy choices but I am not going to let it stop me and my family from making great food choices. I do enjoy cooking so much. I would rather cook than go out to eat. I mean I love going out to eat but I would rather cook b/c I know exactly what I am putting in the food. That is such a great idea about growing veggie plants in containers on the porch. I am going to get me some veggie plants but I am not sure when that will be. I have always wanted to have a garden. Who knows this might be the year that I do.

    Yes, I had better stay away from sunflower seeds or I will be in trouble. I love the things so much. I know they are part of why I am overweight. I will have to try the things that you suggested here. It sounds really good. I didn't end up getting any more walking in today. It was too windy by the time we got to get out and about. Well, I am off for the night. I am going to go and make some earrings.
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    First, thanks for all the support guys! Its awesome!

    On the subject of snacks...I have a problem with low blood sugar (and since all doctors claim this is impossible in someone overweight ) I have had to find a way to manage it on my own. I do this by eating 6 meals a day. I am targeting about 1800 calories a day right now and so I am trying for 6 300 calorie meals. This has helped a lot, because I am doing really good about remembering to eat now (used to be i'd eat maybe once a day because i'd forget..and then LOOK OUT..I'd eat my dinner plate!).

    One bad habit we had was eating dessert every night. Even though I don't crave the sugar I do crave munching along about 8pm when we are watching tv. Here is my solution. I fix a small salad plate of 300 calories of good healthy stuff, like..a yogurt, an apple and a 100 calorie pack. It works for me.

    I'm sure everyone can feel the grocery budget pains when eating healthier. I figure when we combine what we used to spend on groceries + eating out (which we categorized as entertainment in our budget) we are about the same. but, we don't have room for an extra freezer so theres no stocking up and that makes it hard. We eat a lot of apples right now, because most other fruits are too expensive and we make our salads out of whatever we can find on sale. The best tip I've come across is when buying salad I can buy the stuff on clearance thats about to go bad if I bring it home put in a fresh container with a paper towel in it. this absorbs the extra moisture and the stuff stays crispy a few more days! When we buy salad mix from the farmers market and do lasts nearly TWO WEEKS! still crispy and delicious! we've also found that lots of veggies freeze well. Shrooms, bell peppers, carrots, we chop em up and freeze em if we got a good deal and theres more than we can eat in a day or two.

    Lastly...i survived the class tonight.! Yeah me! It was Zumba tonight and it was fun. I kept up (which surprised me) but couldnt get most of the moves down (I'm an old white lady with no soul!)

    Thanks again for all your support! It's awesome!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am in such a great mood today. I am so glad that it's Friday and that I don't have to get up early in the morning!! I am so not a morning person at all. I got Anna Grace off to school came back and got one load of clothes in the dryer and one in the washer and one waiting to be folded on my bed. I got Jacob fed and now I am eating myself. Got the dishwasher unloaded and some dishes put back in it. Got the rabbits fed and watered, the puppy Jinger too. Whew I have had such a busy morning. I am going to finish up my breakfast and then strap on my HRM and do my walking. I am so ready and pumped up for that. I love walking!!!!!! My hubby tried to fix my bike yesterday but there is no hope for it. It can't be fixed. I don't know what happened to it but I am having him take it off to the garbage dump. I look forward to getting something new in a couple of weeks. I am hoping that I get a treadmill!!!!!! That is what I wanted when I got the bike but I decided to get a bike. Who knows maybe I can get both a bike and a Treadmill. We will have to wait and see. Well, I am off for now. I will be back later.
  • VeggieTart
    TGIF HEETers!!

    Post and run for me. Something (kind of, sort of) exciting came up yesterday afternoon so I am off and running this morning. Need to run out to the kitchen, eat my boiled egg and head out the door. I'll catch up later!
  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    It's friday!!!!!!:happy:

    Good morning heeters!
    I am finally finding myself drinking the water I am supposed to...yet it feels like I am drinking:drinker: and potting all the time. Does this slow down? (the running to go pee?) Silly question I know!:blushing: But I gotta ask. I have never drank this much water!

    Vt thabk you for asking about the fish...I was told (by the hubby who hates when I cook new things, because half the time they don't tuen out quite rite) that it was awsome! The kids loved it! I did good!

    R2L wow you have had a busy morning, Good for you.

    Arfd Congrats on the zumba! I hear it's hard to keep up with in the beginning, but rythem or not you are trying. Keep up the good work. And let me know how it goes!:bigsmile:

    This last month I have done better than I ever have. For the first time I have been told I was eating too few calories. I stoped drinking pop almost alltogether, except the occasional diet dr. pepper. (I used to drink a 2 leeter a day) My clothes fit loose, and I don't crave the junk food anymore! I have had hunny buns and swiss rolls in the cubbard, and guess what! THEY ARE STILL THERE!!! That is a big one for me! Good luck this weekend to everyone! We are all doing just great! I am so glad I found this website, and this group, thee is just so much support here! I love it ! You guys are great! Thanks!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Good morning ladies (haven't seen any men post so if you're out there lurking hi)
    Having a great day. So glad it is friday. I was talking to DH about my working out. I don't think I could stop now even if I wanted to. I love it. I have 6 more weeks to my c25k. I half wonder if I could do it sooner.

    You all are doing great. I love seeing what everyone is up to.

    Hav a great day.
  • VeggieTart
    Hey Everybody,

    Got my running around done. My hair appointment got bumped to tomorrow so I was able to slow down a little bit. I'm hoping to get a phone call today that could bring me some really good news. Trying not to get too excited over it but it looks really promising. Please cross your fingers that my phone rings!!

    R2L - I thought I had a crazy busy morning. You are like Wonderwoman!!

    Phly - Your body will get used to the water. I swear, the first couple days/weeks I walk a mile or more just running back and forth from the bathroom, lol! HIGH FIVE on the Fish!! Great Job! And also Great Job on avoiding the soda and sugary snacks! That's determination right there!

    Plume - glad to hear you're enjoying your exercise so much! Yay for you!!

    I totally blew our grocery budget out of the water. It's gonna take me several weeks of scrimping just to recover and get back on track but I was sick and tired of waiting for the sales to come around so I just went for it. I was starting to stress with my limited choices but now I am pretty much set with all kinds of healthy choices and hopefully they'll last long enough until the sales actually start cycling. My store had Morningstar Farms on BOGO this week so I stocked up on a few varieties of those. They don't go on sale all that often so I bought as much as I could fit in the freezer. Other things I bought at our big box store that sends out a coupon booklet each month. We were going to run out of a few things and there were no coupons in the February book but some in the January book so I used them up before they expired.

    Better get busy around here. R2L is putting me to shame. Got some laundry to get started and pantry goods to put away. I'll check back later.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hey Everybody,

    Got my running around done. My hair appointment got bumped to tomorrow so I was able to slow down a little bit. I'm hoping to get a phone call today that could bring me some really good news. Trying not to get too excited over it but it looks really promising. Please cross your fingers that my phone rings!!

    R2L - I thought I had a crazy busy morning. You are like Wonderwoman!!

    Phly - Your body will get used to the water. I swear, the first couple days/weeks I walk a mile or more just running back and forth from the bathroom, lol! HIGH FIVE on the Fish!! Great Job! And also Great Job on avoiding the soda and sugary snacks! That's determination right there!

    Plume - glad to hear you're enjoying your exercise so much! Yay for you!!

    I totally blew our grocery budget out of the water. It's gonna take me several weeks of scrimping just to recover and get back on track but I was sick and tired of waiting for the sales to come around so I just went for it. I was starting to stress with my limited choices but now I am pretty much set with all kinds of healthy choices and hopefully they'll last long enough until the sales actually start cycling. My store had Morningstar Farms on BOGO this week so I stocked up on a few varieties of those. They don't go on sale all that often so I bought as much as I could fit in the freezer. Other things I bought at our big box store that sends out a coupon booklet each month. We were going to run out of a few things and there were no coupons in the February book but some in the January book so I used them up before they expired.

    Better get busy around here. R2L is putting me to shame. Got some laundry to get started and pantry goods to put away. I'll check back later.

    Thanks VT, now if I only looked like wonderwoman that would be great. LOL. I hope that I do one of these days.