T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team

LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support

“Only as high as I reach can I grow,
only as far as I seek can I go,
only as deep as I look can I see,
only as much as I dream can I be.”

What are you REACHING for? What are you seeking? Looking for? dreaming?

Are you up for a challenge? Why not do something that you have never done before? Good things start by taking baby steps and challenging yourself. Maybe trying a new kind of healthy veggie or fruit is your thing? Whatever you choose to do, Share your adventures.

Weigh in's are on Friday....Please use the following format when checking in

Your Name / SW=start weight / GW=Goal Weight/ CW= Current Weight/ Results for week

Highlight and copy the last weigh in posted by the person before you and add your results to the end of the list. This makes it easier for people to see how everyone on the team did for the week.

Good luck everyone!


  • The kitty is adorable! That kitty does exactly the opposite of my kitty, who is sleeping in my fiance's chair.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    The kitty is adorable! That kitty does exactly the opposite of my kitty, who is sleeping in my fiance's chair.

    hahaha!! yeah mine too...In fact, my cats tend to get fat during the winter and my female cat is HUGE this year. If she wasnt fixed Id think I could expect kittens soon. LOL. but its good for her, shes indoor-outdoor and it gets cold here, so thats why she looks like a pumpkin. (shes an orange tabby) LOL
  • SURE!!! I just started Jillian's WInning by Losing 12 week circuit program. I did it this time last year along with completing many other programs and challenges. Well some THINGS came up and I wimped out of my routine from about August to November. OOPS! No horrible trauma haha I promise! Well nonetheless I am STARTING fresh and new and back to some serious routines and clean eating-as I was before- and in some ways even better! I am down 58 lbs (according to my mfp start weight) and I have another 25 or 30 to go. This 12 week program by JM will get me back in my workout habits and PUSH me beyond my threshold each day! I am NOT one to take it easy at the gym! I NEVER stop moving, I mean NEVER! In between sets... I MOVE! I have had wonderful results with this and I LOVE IT since my attention span is short! hahah
    During the spring and summer we Kayak, Hike, bike and really take in the outdoors. I am not one for cardio machines but I do love me some SPIN and some good running intervals. I will make myself to some additional cardio throughout the week as well, in addition to the cardio in my circuits. Like I said when I am at the gym, I am REALLY at the gym. It's just getting there! haha
    I am actually participating in a 120 mile by valentines day challenge as well. But The accountability is wonderful and I am totally up for this challenge. I am not losing weight anymore like I used to and I am in the process of figuring this out. So maybe this crew of the THE team will be a good shove for me- for each other!
    Was that too much information? hahahah

    Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191/ .... we will see tomorrow... EVEN THO I HAD CHINESE FOOD FOR DINNER! I will definitely be retaining water weight! I am not sure I will even want to post! haha Sodium makes me gain like 3 pounds for the day! Seriously!
  • oh, can I skip tomorrow? LOL! I ate chinese before committing to this! hahaha
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    3lb loss this week..

    Struggled a bit this week, was feeling a bit mis and went over my calories one day. Really struggling with feeling hungry.

    sw - 301 now 293

    I have no idea what the other letters mean.
    Been kind of busy this week but will try to post more tomorrow. So here goes for weigh in.

    Painten: sw301/gw? /cw293 -3pound loss
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss

    Congratulations Painten on the 3 pound loss. I will take mine cause I too ate Chinese and Aunt Flo visited
    Good - luck to the rest of you

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss

    Thanks for starting the thread. I'm trying to decide if I want to weigh in or not. It's January and I haven't weighed in yet. I might do it later after I get home. I've been really good. Yesterday I drank a lot of calories away. I was craving chocolate milk..... it's so good. But I've been doing good. Yesterday was the first day in a while that I skipped breakfast..... I felt strange.... but I wasn't hungry until lunch unlike when I do eat breakfast I'm starving three hours later. Well, just doing a quick check in.....
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss
    dleanne SW 138/GW 124/ CW 138- no loss

    This is my second week with absolutely no change. I'm feeling a little better, but something's got to change. I'll wait one more week and if still no loss, I'm going to reset my calorie intake to 1100.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss
    dleanne SW 138/GW 124/ CW 138- no loss
    kaltgelt SW 240.8/GW 175/CW 238.8- 2 lb loss this week

    I REALLY need to measure myself. With all the Zumba and strength training I have been doing, I am bound to be losing inches. I wish I would have measured myself 60 lbs ago but didn't for some reason. Great job everybody on their weight loss this week. Keep working hard!
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss
    dleanne SW 138/GW 124/ CW 138- no loss
    kaltgelt SW 240.8/GW 175/CW 238.8- 2 lb loss this week
    bluedimplett: SW 224/ GW 145/ CW 201.4 -1lb this week

    Well, i suppose i cant complain too much. I've been feeling bloated and gassy all week. The only changes ive made this week was increase the fruits/veggies which increased my fiber intake. So, i read that if your feeling bloated to increase your fiber... haha, well thats what caused it. At this point not sure what to do. I hope that maybe my body is simply adjusting.

    Looking forward to a weekend of hiking with my new spiffy polar heart rate monitor. Now i will know a more accurate "burned calories" outcome. Which will help with how much im eating and to avoid overeating or undereating. yay!
  • CRAZY DAY! Woke up LATE and worked extra hours. I will weigh in tomorrow morning if you guys will let me! ;) Also, are we copying EVERYONE's weigh in each time we post our own? I assumed we would just copy the format for our own lol.
  • CRAZY DAY! Woke up LATE and worked extra hours. I will weigh in tomorrow morning if you guys will let me! ;) Also, are we copying EVERYONE's weigh in each time we post our own? I assumed we would just copy the format for our own lol.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss
    dleanne SW 138/GW 124/ CW 138- no loss
    kaltgelt SW 240.8/GW 175/CW 238.8- 2 lb loss this week
    bluedimplett: SW 224/ GW 145/ CW 201.4 -1lb this week
    vikalyn sw=232; gw=150; cw=229 -1 lb this week (i'm in a new "decade"!)

    Howdy Gals,

    I'm beat and can't chat long. Put in a long day. Munched about 1/2 cup trail mix and one string cheese...not to mention a LOT of water while entering a very tedious report. It's done and now I can enjoy my long weekend.

    Lost a pound...right on schedule! I'm very happy with that.

    Oh man, I'd love to visit with each of you but please forgive me....I MUST sleep...

    night night..........vick......*Ü*
  • CRAZY DAY! Woke up LATE and worked extra hours. I will weigh in tomorrow morning if you guys will let me! ;) Also, are we copying EVERYONE's weigh in each time we post our own? I assumed we would just copy the format for our own lol.

    That's what I thought. I am copy-pasting everyone's just in case:
    Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss
    dleanne SW 138/GW 124/ CW 138- no loss
    kaltgelt SW 240.8/GW 175/CW 238.8- 2 lb loss this week
    VialOfDreams SW=217/SW on MFP=128/CW=123.8/DW:117

    I didn't lose anything...well, I did, bc I gained a ton of water weight during my vacation, so I gained and lost it all back.
  • Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss
    dleanne SW 138/GW 124/ CW 138- no loss
    kaltgelt SW 240.8/GW 175/CW 238.8- 2 lb loss this week
    VialOfDreams SW=217/SW on MFP=128/CW=123.8/DW:117
    Jessifer123 SW 203/GW 150/CW 197 -3.5 lbs. this week

    It was overall a good week, I lost all that I had gained over the holidays. But today was bad, real bad, I have a cold and stress ate today...oh well today is over....back to it tomorrow!!!!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    I have decided not to officially weigh in again this week. I would like to do one week where I feel good about what I"m doing, logging my food, drinking enough water and exercising before I record my gain from the holidays. But congratulations everyone! All of your loses are inspiring me! And extra congrats to those of you that have lost all their holiday weight!
  • MAYBE I need to take up boxing because my internal frustration is through the roof! I eat clean for the most part, I have stayed between 1400&1600 calories for weeks and this week I stepped up my workouts- big time, which was long overdue. This morning I still managed to gain 2 pounds! I weighed myself each morning this week to see how my body reacted to the upped intensity of my workouts, already knowing that my weigh fluctuates by POUNDS on a regular basis! I was normal, up, up normal, up, normal, UP, normal and up again! I have pretty much maintained since before Christmas break...but so much effort for maintenance? C'MON!
    Back when I was a pretty unhealthy eater (nearly 65 lb ago) and I joined WeightWatchers... in the first 2 weeks I would lose nearly 10lbs of crud. I know this was mostly water and toxins that my body was holding onto. But now, because I have been eating pretty healthy for so long, my body is pretty resistant about letting anymore body fat go! During the summer I was 5lbs lighter than I am now, so why can't I get there again? If I can't get there, how am I supposed to lose 25 more! lol This is just ticking me off. I am putting away my scale for, could be up to 2 weeks! I will continue to track, eat well and I will continue with my cardio and my circuit training, eventually is has to work! Right? I am starting green juices and smoothies post workout and this may help my body grab onto something new. Maybe because I have so much muscle mass and because I strength train within my circuits on a regular basis I need to be taking in closer to 1600-1700 calories per day. This would put me at about a 20% deficit in my calories. Being "heavier" I should be able to CUT calories, but the amount of muscle I have may play a factor in NEEDING more food. Well, I will try 1500-1600 for another 2 weeks, without the scale. While adding in green drinks after workouts (maybe I won't even count them in my calories).... and we will see where I stand on January 28!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Shawnalee / SW=249 / GW=165/ CW= 191
    Painten -sw - 301 now 293 -3lbs
    losingweight4me : sw201.8/gw170/cw193.2 -2.4poundloss
    dleanne SW 138/GW 124/ CW 138- no loss
    kaltgelt SW 240.8/GW 175/CW 238.8- 2 lb loss this week
    VialOfDreams SW=217/SW on MFP=128/CW=123.8/DW:117
    Jessifer123 SW 203/GW 150/CW 197 -3.5 lbs. this week
    Crazybee sw 272 gw 175 cw 240 =loss 1.5lbs this week

    I didnt take time to post yesterday sorry. Mike was here in the morning so I didn't get online before work. After work all I did was do the weigh in online so my ticker would change then was on the phone most of the evening talking to friends. Looks like everyone did well. For those maintaining...that is a great job too! Maintaining is as important as losing...don't get discouraged!

    Not a whole lot going on here. I am going to try to get my house clean while my back in't hurting and then take a walk around the neighborhood while it isn't raining. Have a great day all!

  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Well, another football day which means a day for me at the computer....shopping! We bought, a year ago, an itty bitty 20 year old motor home (yup shorter than some luxury cars) and the upholstery and front curtains are...sad. So, I found the "perfect" fabric for both the curtain and dinette, notions and accents. I can't WAIT till it gets here. I had to really shop for the foam cushions for the dinette...but found it''s more economical to purchase a twin foam pad rather than custom sized cushions! Get out the electric carving knife to cut to size.

    I'm loving this program. I eat pretty much what I want, and if I'm careful can easily stay under calories and still maintain my other nutrients. If I exercised more I probably wouldn't even have to think about it. BUT I realize as I continue I'll really have to watch it...AND increase my exercise. eeewwwww the "E" word.

    So Deb...how was the dinner...and I don't mean the food! Cleaning house...ugh...I've GOT to super clean our bedroom.

    Oh, Shan, I've been where you are (ummmm lets see....about 3 diets ago). Please don't despair. I think your idea to shake things up a bit is a good one. On one diet program I was on we talked about a three day low calorie diet with a one high calorie day. We also talked about an exercise routine that involved 2-5 minute sprints in say a 3 mph walk. You will get there...we're rooting for ya.

    Good attitude, Jess! You are doing an awesome job!

    Val...good to see you again.

    Blue...I heard if you're feeling bloated drink water! My hint...add a little lemon juice to it. A GREAT diuretic.

    Kelly...how ya doing? You don't know where your are heading until you know where you're starting from. Weigh In d*&# it.


    That kitty pix is sooo cute, Cindi. Thanks for starting the new thread. We are experiencing our January thaw...not unusual for us...but providing some inconveniences to you on the "Wet Side", I'm hearing. The snow sliding off our roof is making a terrible noise.

    Holy Cow, 11:30 already......nighty night!

    Happy Losing
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Vicki: Thursday's dinner turned into Friday morning coffee at Stabucks on the way to work. We're going to give it one more go around. Hopefully he will get his act together. Either that or he is a real smooth talker and I fell for it. If nothing else I will have a wonderful memory of our last night together LOL. He did take his things with him so if it doesn't work out this time I won't have to ask him to come get his stuff from my house and it can really be over!

    I was disappointed at not being under 240 at weigh in. I'm eating about 1200 calories a day and yet I barely shed any weight this week. I am hoping for better this next week. Hate to get discouraged this quickly.

    It's been raining here like crazy I am waiting for an Ark to float by.

    Looks like most of our group is busy this weekend hardly anyone posted. Hope everyone is having a good time.

    Good luck this week!
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