P90X - Don't Do It



  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Just want to chime in and say that I think the OP is spot-on. I know there's a P90x fanbase and a lot of 'true believers' here, but he's right when he says it's not for everyone (most people). Most people need sustainable routines and lifestyle changes... if that's what P90x gives you, more power to you, but I agree that it could be demoralizing when simpler options are available.

    Controlling your calories, lowering your fat %, building muscle and cardio are what people need. It's a gradual and lifelong process, not an *kitten*-kicking all-out workout. You can get the same results by practicing your elementary and middle school calisthenics combined with sensible eating (and if you want to be super-cut, just ramp it up!).

    As for "muscle confusion:"


    The 'trick' to fitness is sticking with what you're doing and having a balanced workout. There is no silver-bullet. If that's what P90x does for you (gives you a plan and the motivation to keep to it) then I'd say it's worth every penny. But for those who haven't started doing it already / want to save $150, there's other ways to reach that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow :). It's great if something works for you personally, but that doesn't mean it's going to work for the next person.
    I don't think any p90x supporters are saying it's for everybody. We've done it. We know it's not. We all (well me) agree with you & the OP about that. The problem seems to be stemming from the OP basically saying that P90X is for NOBODY....which is why there is such an out-pouring of p90x testimonials I think. It's not to say p90x is for everybody, but that it sure as hell was for alot of people.

    I think the same thing would happen if I posted "30 Day SHred-Don't Do It' or 'Couch to 5K-Don't Do It'....lots of people would come out to tell you that they have in fact done it & that it worked for them. But that wouldn't mean that those supporters were telling every member of MFP that they should go out & do it too.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It gives you a workout plan
    It gives you a diet plan
    It tells you to modify and quality vs quantity
    Hit pause if you have to

    Its hard
    It takes discipline and dedication.

    The real question is how bad do you really want to be fit?:) Just press play and forget about it. Modify modify and modify:)

    In the movie White Christmas there is a disussion early in the movie about Angles. In other words what's the motivation. The OP has clear business interest in building a case against P90X, and the rest of team Beach Body in order to help sell HIS services as a trainer. That's fine. I used to be a Finacial Services Pimp. I get the need for self promotion.

    However, Some of you P90X'er and other TBB Fans are being a little militant. This quote here: "How bad do you want to be fit?" Well Aperantly not bad enough that I'm going to spend $150 on DVD's. If I'm going to drop that kind of money I've getting a new driver, or upgrading the shifters on my Mt Bike.

    Just because someone isn't doing P90X doesn't mean they're not dedicated. It doesn't mean they don't know how to "bring it"
    It doesn't mean anything, really. There are 3 million ways to get in shape. However someone acheives their goals is fine, as long as it's healthy and it actually works.

    You can disagree with the OPs opinion as vigorously as you want, but I think it is inappropriate to state that he is attacking P90x purely out of self interest. That would be like saying that everyone who defends P90x and happens to be a BB coach is a "Beach Body pimp".
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You can disagree with the OPs opinion as vigorously as you want, but I think it is inappropriate to state that he is attacking P90x purely out of self interest. That would be like saying that everyone who defends P90x and happens to be a BB coach is a "Beach Body pimp".

    I've read most of the thread and just kept thinking to myself.... Is no one getting it - he is a personal trainer - he is losing money by people and programs like P90X. Of course, he wants you at a gym, working out with him and his other trainers, its about the money to him.

    I'm not a beach body coach, I am doing the P90X program and plan on insanity next. I did it because I wanted to be a faster runner, and muscular, not just thin. I've met several people who have told me "I bought that program and have never done it". Exactly! But how many sign up for gym memberships and never go. The fact that anyone even gave creditability to his statements by this long ongoing thread has been very entertaining to read.

    Point blank, it comes down to a personal decision of what you think will work best for you. I love P90X for myself, but wouldn't encourage anyone that I didn't already think had some level of wanting to commit to do it.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    I'm not a huge P90X fan. I've tried it a few times and never finished it because I got bored with it. BUT...
    P90X is too hard. Is that brief enough?

    Yes, it's hard. But on the other hand, anything worth having is worth working for. If you want to grow you have to push yourself to do things you've never done before. Doing that will ALWAYS be hard. Like I've told people before, if it's easy then you're wasting your time.
    P90X is too long.

    I agree that the yoga workout seems entirely too long while you're doing it, but all the other workouts are an hour or slightly less. I work out at the gym every morning from 4:00 to 5:15....plus 10 minutes of drive time to and from the gym (1 hour 35 minutes total). P90X isn't too long. You spend about 5-7 minutes warming up and stretching, 40-45 minutes actually working out and another 5-7 minutes cooling down and stretching. The duration is actually pretty perfect.
    P90X is too complicated.

    It's actually quite simple. Even the diet plan. Do what you're told. Eat what you're told. It's not easy, but it is simple. I design all of my own workouts and my own diet plan. That is far more complicated than "just hit play" and following the P90X diet plan.

    You make some good points about longevity and being able to stick with something. As I said above, I got bored with P90X. Working out in the living room just doesn't work for me so for me it wasn't the right program. That being said, just because it wasn't the best workout for you or me doesn't mean it's a monumental waste of money for others.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    I think if I remember right, the OP said he had a hard time doing P90x. That's a bit weird considering although the program is difficult its not that difficult, especially after you get through the first few weeks. Also if you are a personal trainer you should be in good enough shape to be able to handle it.
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    I've read most of the thread and just kept thinking to myself.... Is no one getting it - he is a personal trainer - he is losing money by people and programs like P90X. Of course, he wants you at a gym, working out with him and his other trainers, its about the money to him.

    You can disagree with him if you want, but you don't need to attack or dismiss him by saying it's all about money. Dismissing it like that is a logical fallacy - just because he says it doesn't work for people on an internet forum doesn't mean everyone he convinces is going to show up at his gym. More than likely no one he talks to here will even be a client, so I think that's a bit disingenuous to assume.

    Also, he didn't say he couldn't do it, just that it didn't sustain his motivation with what it was compared to other workouts. Reread what he said more objectively and I think you'll find he's just sharing his opinion and has several valid points. I'd love to hear from people who are using P90x for 1, 2, 3 and 4 years to see how they've sustained their interest and see if they could keep it up.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'd love to hear from people who are using P90x for 1, 2, 3 and 4 years to see how they've sustained their interest and see if they could keep it up.

    I'm entering my 3rd year of P90X based workouts.

    I haven't done the program to a "T" for going on 3 years because my fitness level has become more advanced and for the cardio based component I have purchased either P90X+ or Insanity.

    The weight training component of my workout has always been P90X based throughout this time whether it was a P90X "Mass" round (6-8 reps, heavy weighted dips between benches and 60 lb weighted vest) or higher reps.

    By tweaking the workout it hasn't been difficult to maintain interest. I can't say that by just doing P90X with easy workouts like Cardio X, Kenpo & Plyo (which has become pretty easy) that I could have stayed completely focused for nearly 3 years.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'd love to hear from people who are using P90x for 1, 2, 3 and 4 years to see how they've sustained their interest and see if they could keep it up.

    My husband and I will be finishing our 1st year of P90X on February 15th. Before P90X I was 273 lbs and couldn't jog on the treadmill for more than a 1/4 mile. The first time I did the P90X plyo workout I could only complete a half hour. in the summer we did Insanity and now do P90X and Insanity as a hybrid (2nd round of hybrid). I'm also doing plyometrics with a weighted vest. And now training for my first 5K. At today's date I've lost 61 pounds of fat since November '09. P90X was a major part of that fat loss.

    Insanity is now more challenging cardio wise than P90X. P90X definitely gave me my start. We plan to order Turbo Fire (gasp, another Beachbody workout), but we plan to do a P90X and TF hybrid when we do. P90X is the staple. I love challenging myself each week.

  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    And now training for my first 5K.

    I think you're gonna find that 5K to be pretty easy - don't know what kind of time you're aiming for.

    Running was my preferred exercise for most of my adult life, then I took the summer off (brutal Houston heat) & did P90X instead. After I tried running again after the summer I expected to have lost some of my cardio & general running conditioning, but the amount of cardio P90X gave me was sufficient to keep my at my level previous to taking time off. And I know how dedicated you are to the program so I'm sure it'll be a piece of cake for you.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Aw shucks, thank you!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    And now training for my first 5K.

    Currently doing a P90X/Couch to 5k hybrid. I'm on Week #3
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Do you have a race coming up? We will be racing February 19th.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Nope don't have one picked out yet. Other then doing LIVESTRONG: Philadelphia in August. Hopefully by then though I am running half marathons, because I want to run the ING Rock n' Roll half in September.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Great! Plan it, do it.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    I'm a big fan of the "modified p90x". I'm following it, but if I happen to get bored halfway through a DVD, I stop and go for a run, do another DVD (Jillian and Juliane Hough are big favs) or simply move on with my day.

    Also, I hate their food plan. It's complicated, as you said, and I think it's a LOT of food for females. So I count my calories on here like all your wonderful people.

    Why stay with it? Because the short, simple circuits (especially with strength training) keep me interested, and I get in tons of reps, whereas when I'm left to my own devices I slack off a little. I also find Tony to be one of the less-annoying DVD trainers out there, but that's a personal choice.

    No matter what the program is, leave ample room to make a couple of adjustments in for yourself. As long as your feeling a burn and putting the time in, you'll do well. It's all about balance.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Do you have a race coming up? We will be racing February 19th.

    My wife is running in the Amy's Fund 5k in April. It benefits cervical cancer. My wife is a 2 time survivor.
  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    Doing P90X and love it and the results. Don't follow the diet plan per say because it is too complicated for my time restrictions. I use MFP to track my goals. I absolutely hate running but wouldn't advise against anyone running by suggesting it is a fraud or too hard. In order to be successful you have to find what works for you, but to say P90X is not a good program and not worth the money is inaccurate. It is not a weight loss plan to drop X amount of lbs by X day. You will get in shape and lose weight though.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Running was my preferred exercise for most of my adult life, then I took the summer off (brutal Houston heat) & did P90X instead. After I tried running again after the summer I expected to have lost some of my cardio & general running conditioning, but the amount of cardio P90X gave me was sufficient to keep my at my level previous to taking time off. And I know how dedicated you are to the program so I'm sure it'll be a piece of cake for you.

    I was mostly a runner prior to P90X (and Insanity) as well. I ran a 1/2 marathon 3 or so years ago. I like P90X/Insanity because it gives me a schedule that I need to follow. Similar to training for a race - you have a schedule that you need to follow in order to be able to complete the race.

    If I left my exercise schedule to myself to decide, I would talk myself out of doing it or not go as hard or as long.

    I'm thinking of running the Disney 1/2 marathon next year so I've started doing more running. I also noticed that my general running conditioning really hasn't been hurt by just doing P90X/Insanity.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Doing P90X and love it and the results. Don't follow the diet plan per say because it is too complicated for my time restrictions. I use MFP to track my goals. I absolutely hate running but wouldn't advise against anyone running by suggesting it is a fraud or too hard.

    Hmmm, interesting point. And running is really hard for me.
  • topete19
    Sounds to me like someone is just trying to promote his own personal training service! This site isn't intended to DIScourage people, it's intended to help motivate and encourage people on their personal fitness journeys. If you're just interested in plugging your own business instead of being a positive influence then I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself.