Lies I told myself



  • suziehomemaker
    oh this is an amazing thread kudos to everyone for the honesty, my big lies to myself were if i still fit in my clothes then im not over eating....not taking into effect that i was positive that they were making the sizes smaller everytime i went clothes long as i still can fit into the clothes you can get at the store than im normal there is someone out there my size......i dont care what i weigh i dont have a scale to tell one knows i weigh this much i carry my weight well....i was always overweight why change now?......and the biggest one IT DOESNT BOTHER ME TO BE FAT IVE BEEN THIS WAY MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!!

    such lies the load of them, the best things ive done in life is have children they are a blessing and they need their mom, i am getting healthy for them and for me!

    Cheers :)
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Oh and...this is just an experiment. Maybe you need to gain a little weight to get a larger Didn't work quite like I thought... This is a great post by the way : )
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    bahahaha! Yes..oh how many times that darn dryer shrank my jeans. Instead of how many times I was packing it on to my muffin top.
    That annoying washing machine was shrinking my clothes for years. I should have bought a better one.:laugh:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    one I am struggling with lately:

    I have lost 50 lbs! I look marvelous! I should probably just call it good now.

    Truth: I have lost 50 lbs. I am very proud of that. But I AM NOT FINISHED. My BMI is still in the "overweight" range.

    I will stick to it until I can wear a bikini with pride.
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Oh, my... I share so many you guys have already posted. I've lost 31 pounds so far, since July 2010, and look MUCH BETTER, but still have another 20ish to go!

    1) It's okay if I've gained weight, I have big boobs now! (They were up to a D! and now that i have lost weight they are a B!) - sorry, all 30 pounds were not just in my boobs.

    2) If I dress in layers no one can even tell if I've gained weight! - I used this every single single single day.

    3) My fiance isn't gonna notice the extra weight, he only sees me in layers and in the dark! -- oh, he noticed, he just never comments when I gain weight, - only when I lose it...

    4) This scale is WRONG!

    5) If I don't weigh myself, I don't need to lose weight! --- this makes NO sense whatsoever, but I would refuse to go to the doctor for a two year period cuz I refused to see how high that number had gotten.

    6) Oh, no problem, I'll just lose the weight 2 months before that event.... Yeah right, this kind of weight does not come off in two months!

    7) I've lost weight before, so when I really need to it'll be super easy! I have said that for 6 years. and has certainly not been easy.

    I've never really thought about what my lies are until now, and this thread really got me thinking about how many lies I've had, and am still struggling with. My most recent lie I tell myself is - well I've already lost 31 pounds and people tell me I look great so I don't really need to lose any more.... even though I am still clinically overweight.

  • puddle140
    My parents and everyone else in my family are big. That means I'm suppose to be big right? NOT! :wink:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    My parents and everyone else in my family are big. That means I'm suppose to be big right? NOT! :wink:
    Even when I was a child, I was overweight. I always use to hear that. You're father was a big man, you're grandfather, etc. Being big runs in your family :angry:
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    -my body is supposed to be this weight (whenever i lost weight from crash dieting, i'd gain it back & i always seem to maintain around the same)
    -i don't want to lose my boobs
    -i'll just crash diet before the event (the hollywood diet never took off the 10lbs in 48 hours it states, but did at least 5 till i ate anything else of course)
    -if i'm starting a diet tomorrow, so i can eat whatever and as much as i want right now since i won't be having these foods for a while
    -i'm too busy/tired to work out
    -healthy foods cost too much
    -i don't want to get back into unhealthy mindsets
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Its a buffet you have to eat alot to get your moneys worth lol
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    My number one lie was "well my skinny friend eats cookies, so I must be able to eat them too - if I'm fat, it's unrelated!"

    In reality, some people can eat cookies more than others, but my skinny friends would eat a cookie and then have a salad later, whereas I'd have the cookie, a huge sandwich, a packet of crisps, a chocolate bar.

    Oh, and telling myself "weekends don't count" - suddenly every 'weekend' was from Friday-Monday!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Hey you all I was loving this post anyone got anything to add? HOw about this one very fun lie I told myself
    Well that WII fittness thing must be wrong I'm not obbese Its made in Japan people over there are just smaller Ya because they did eat like I do
  • imaclatchie
    2. I eat healthy and don't really eat that much anyway. Reality: just because I only take half of a donut doesn't make it a healthy choice; and don't forget grazing and foraging (you know, snacking off the family's plates as I clear the table).

    This is a good one - I call it "Kitchen Eating" definitely one of my main triggers! Comes from not wanting to waste food, that you paid good money for. It's easier to serve less and get more if there is really a need (not very often).

    My mom once forced my son to eat a second sandwich that she had purchased, because my daughter didn't eat it. I was appalled afterwards - she was storing her wasted money on my kid's hips!

    My lies:
    "I'm not that sick, I'll change when I get REALLY bad..." - 50lbs over weight, insulin dependent dabtetes, 2 heart attacks, 3 stent surgeries, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, always lethargic, can't put on my socks, can't get stuff from under the sink or go up a flight of stairs - in a family where the men die at 59.... Hells Yes You ARE THAT SICK!

    So here I am.
  • imaclatchie
    ... so it's NOT the dryer? Frig.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Lie: I don't need to lose weight to feel good about myself, people should just accept me the way I am.

    Fact: Yes they should, but I DO need to lose weight to feel better and to be healthier!
  • iamamamatologan
    "I spend all day chasing after the kids, I don't NEED to go to a gym." ~ I drive almost 2 hours a day between schools/activities/etc... When I was home, I was too tired to get off of the couch. Luckily, I found a gym with childcare and, if they are feeling clingy, they can sit beside me while I work out.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    "It won't be hard for me to get back into shape like I was a year ago.. I'm just going to start trying tomorrow and give myself this one last treat."

    And that went on for about a year and a half until I was up to my heaviest weight after drinking every day for four months..
  • SlipperySlope
    LIE!!: I'm skinny--5'9'' and 125lbs--I am "healthy." No changes necessary. (As long as I look skinny, who cares, right? WRONG.)

    TRUTH: The fact that I have a fast metabolism does not mean it's healthy for me to eat junk all day instead of real food.

    It took me a long time to find motivation outside of my physical appearance, but I'm so glad I did. I feel better, sleep better, and those "mood swings" that I thought were just a part of my personality? Turns out it was my blood-sugar-rollar-coaster. I'm still a work in progress, but I'm glad I'm not hiding behind my lies anymore.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    This is my 'normal weight/what I am meant to be because it is what I come back to after I stop dieting.
    I am ok, people seem to like me, I am jovial and pleasant....The equal to the 'fat clown ' hiding and crying inside!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    The one my mom told me yesterday: "I don't have time to use MFP". She is busy - but she also sets her own schedule - she's retired and does a billion projects around the house. I argued with her a bit, and tried to get her to think logically and recognize that the 10 minutes it might take are NOT an unreasonable "sacrifice" when she's 80 lbs overweight, borderline diabetic, has high BP. We left it there, with her annoyed and me hopeful.

    This morning she logged her food/exercise from yesterday and this morning. :bigsmile:

    (Note: thankfully she doesn't frequent the boards....:laugh: )
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    The one my mom told me yesterday: "I don't have time to use MFP". She is busy - but she also sets her own schedule - she's retired and does a billion projects around the house. I argued with her a bit, and tried to get her to think logically and recognize that the 10 minutes it might take are NOT an unreasonable "sacrifice" when she's 80 lbs overweight, borderline diabetic, has high BP. We left it there, with her annoyed and me hopeful.

    This morning she logged her food/exercise from yesterday and this morning. :bigsmile:

    (Note: thankfully she doesn't frequent the boards....:laugh: )

    Just wanted to read this thread again - I really like it.

    And a side note: Mom is still logging faithfully. :bigsmile: :heart: