Eight Week Transition Diet CHALLENGE! Join me Jan 24!

ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I ran across this AWESOME article by Steve Edwards - and I think it would make a GREAT challenge here on mfp.

Join in if you are interested in starting this Monday January 24. Let's keep each other accountable and CHANGE OUR EATING HABITS over the next eight weeks!

Here's the information: http://www.scribd.com/doc/47206472/8-Week-Transition-Diet

Let me know if you have problems downloading or printing the document!


  • hi
    just joined and it wont let me down load to have look at or to print
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Try this link. If it doesn't work, I can email you the document. It's working for me when I log out. You have to either log into scribd using your facebook account OR just create a free account. :-)

  • I am definitely up for this!
  • HI, I'm new to Myfitnesspal and definately interested in joining this challenge. Junk food is my biggest problem so the first week I know I would definately need some positive encouragement!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Im in. As of today, I had challenged myself to not eat junk food until the end of the month. So this is a perfect way to start eating "cleaner"
  • Malalu
    Malalu Posts: 39
    Yes, I'm Ready!!!
  • Already downloaded it, printing it out at school tomorrow. Let's do this! >w<
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    bump for later :smile:
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Yeah! Glad we got some people who want to do this.

    Here's the run down of Week 1 :-) :smile:

    No junk. Eliminate junk food from your diet. That's it, just junk. Other than this, you can eat whatever and whenever you like. Now, how hard can that be? Guess this depends on what I mean by "junk." But all I'm concerned with this week is the obvious stuff like potato chips, candy, ice cream, cake, etc. You may be stricter if you'd like, but for Week 1, don't be too hard on yourself. For many of you, this step alone will reap huge benefits.

    Cheat Days: 2
    Since no one's perfect, you get 2 days to cheat. That's right, 2 days where you can eat anything you want! A trick on these days (and, yes, this means there will be more) is to listen to your body. At first, it'll probably tell you it wants whatever you've been denying it. However, over time, it'll start to crave nutrients you're deficient in. Learn to read your body's subtleties. If you're craving ice cream, you may be short on essential fatty acids. If you crave a hamburger, your diet may lack protein. This way, you can make better food substitutions. It's a way of getting in tune with yourself that will benefit you for your entire lifetime.

    Weekly focus: Water. Not swimming in it, though that's good too, but staying hydrated with it. You should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Diet sodas and such are no substitute, because they contain a passel of ingredients that live right at the bottom of the junk heap. Drinking a glass of water when you feel hunger pangs coming on will not only keep you hydrated, but will help stave off your hunger to some degree.

    As for other drinks, juices and sugary sodas also (obviously) fall into the junk category. And alcohol should be kept to a minimum. We tend to forget (purposely or not) that alcohol has calories. A lot of them: 7 calories per gram. Mixers can be even worse—not only can they add calories, but sugary calories influence the way alcohol reacts with your body. When you do drink, red wine is the alcohol of choice, with natural beer running second.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    I started a FB group for this too if anyone wants to chat there:
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Bump - I know there are more people out there who want to join us!!
  • Just downloaded this and I am totally in!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Ok, I read this article and I'm in.... but let me tell you this is going to be INCREDIBLY difficult for me. I want to eat clean, I really do, but it sounds like alot of work and I am spoiled by convenience. I'm especially dreading the week where we cut down the rice and breads, etc.

    Also, dreading the six small meals - I am a surgeon and sometimes I am in surgery for 8 hours straight so I'm scared I'm going to fail that particular week miserably. Can't exactly grab a quick bite when you are all sterile and scrubbed up and have your hands gloved in a warm body!

    With that being said, I know that if I can do this - I will reap HUGE benefits. So hoping to get some encouragement along the way! Count me in.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Ok, I read this article and I'm in.... but let me tell you this is going to be INCREDIBLY difficult for me. I want to eat clean, I really do, but it sounds like alot of work and I am spoiled by convenience. I'm especially dreading the week where we cut down the rice and breads, etc.

    Also, dreading the six small meals - I am a surgeon and sometimes I am in surgery for 8 hours straight so I'm scared I'm going to fail that particular week miserably. Can't exactly grab a quick bite when you are all sterile and scrubbed up and have your hands gloved in a warm body!

    With that being said, I know that if I can do this - I will reap HUGE benefits. So hoping to get some encouragement along the way! Count me in.

    Glad you are joining us. Just do the best you can. This doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" kind of thing. Obviously your work schedule isn't going to be conducive to the 6 small meals...although I have never understood how you can FUNCTION for 8 hours straight with no food (I'm a nurse). Just do the best you can and try to stick to the rules whenever possible. :-)
  • Nthomas11
    Nthomas11 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! :smile:
  • I'm in! I have a hard time staying motivated to get in shape/eat healthy. This plan seems like something I can accomplish. Looking forward to it :)
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I'm in! i know I won't be PERFECT at it, but I sure would like to try! I need all the help I can get!! MUCH SUPPORT WILL BE NEEDED HERE!!


    Anyway, I don't use Facebook, so I'm hoping we can chat a lot here too?

    Thanks in advance and look forward to working on this together!

  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Im glad ppl are joining. I was considering not doing the challenge because I dont know if I can stick to the rules EVERY WEEK. I figure even if I cut out the stuff, lets say, 4 days out of the week, its better than what I was doing before. So, we may not be Perfect at this challenge but our goal should be to TRY OUR BEST & DONT GIVE UP!

    Let's do this!:smile:
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