Eight Week Transition Diet CHALLENGE! Join me Jan 24!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I see alot of posts about SODA (diet or otherwise) being people's nemesis as far as a healthy diet. I don't drink it and I won't.
    Here's why:


    Here are some of the highlights:
    We use the term "empty calories" for foods, like soda, that have no place in a nutritious diet. I feel this term is misleading. The calories in soda are far from empty. Most of them come from sugar. In the USA, it's nearly always high-fructose corn syrup, the cheapest, most processed sugar on the market. Other ingredients include caffeine, various phosphates and acids, and artificial colorings.

    Beyond the simple sugar rush, these acids and phosphates alter your body's pH levels and inhibit absorption of other nutrients. Then there are the effects of certain artificial coloring agents. For example, yellow #5, commonly used in soft drinks, has been linked to attention deficit disorder, hives, asthma, and other allergic reactions in some children.

    Then there is the nutrient trade-off to consider. A person who drinks a Big Gulp per day must go to great lengths to maintain a balanced diet. Otherwise they will almost certainly be deficient in numerous vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and essential fatty or amino acids—none of which are found in soda. For this reason, soda is often linked to type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, dental erosion, and a higher risk of kidney stones and heart disease. And that's just a start.

    Diet sodas and juicesIn an attempt to become thought of as healthier, soda companies have diversified into non-carbonated beverages and diet sodas. While these are an improvement in some ways, they are hardly a solution to the problem. Despite their no-calorie status, diet sodas have been linked to assorted illnesses. There is no good science on this yet but my own anecdotal evidence is, so far, 100% accurate.

    I've yet to have a client not lose weight by kicking diet soda. Granted, all of my clients drank an excessive amount, but regardless, there is little doubt that the pH balance of diet sodas hinders the body's ability to absorb nutrients. One client, a female athlete, lost 15 pounds by making no other dietary change but eliminating diet soda. Fifteen pounds and zero calories—more weird science.

    The bottom line to all this is that, for best results, your body would be happier if you cut most of the calories out of your liquids and cut out soft drinks—caloric or not—altogether.

    Gave them up at the beginning of the year! Yay!!

    I had to go "cold turkey". This was the ONLY way for me. I just took tylenol for the first week. I tried the "only drink one a day" approach and it led me to give myself excuses to drink more and more. I also don't drink coffee or tea. Not saying those are "BAD" just that I'm avoiding caffeine altogether in drinks. I do, however, splurge once in a while on chocolate.

    Hope this helps someone who may need help stopping.
  • I was doing pretty good today but had a moment of weakness and caved in to sweet tea. Bad, I know. But, one thing I have learned on this journey to lose weight and become healthier is to not beat myself up. I gonna continue to stick to the NO JUNK FOOD plan for the remainder of the day and challenge. So, in other words, don't give up if you slip up!
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    mndish5 - if you use honey or agave in your tea it would still fit in with the plan (still counting cals obvs).

    I had some sugar free jelly which i thought was ok on this plan, would anyone disagree?? I take junk to mean fast foods (mc'd kfc etc) sweets, choc, cake and so on. I eat ready meals sometimes (today) and also use foods like frozen veggie burgers, are these off limits?? This can be so confusing :huh:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    mndish5 - if you use honey or agave in your tea it would still fit in with the plan (still counting cals obvs).

    I had some sugar free jelly which i thought was ok on this plan, would anyone disagree?? I take junk to mean fast foods (mc'd kfc etc) sweets, choc, cake and so on. I eat ready meals sometimes (today) and also use foods like frozen veggie burgers, are these off limits?? This can be so confusing :huh:

    I would think that for this week you are correct.

    Junk to me is : chips, cakes, fast food, etc... I know as the weeks come it will become more evident that we aren't supposed to eat processed foods as well... but for this week I think you are on the right track.
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    Well......breakfast was easy, I had my special K and cranberries. Lunch was easy I had left over turkey chili but dinner is going to be tough because I my sweet hubby decided to bring home pizza since I have been taking care of our sick 3 year old daughter today. He didn't want me to have to cook.

    I don't want to call Pizza junk food because I typically get veggie pizza but in this case I might just have to :(

    Oh well tomorrow is another day :)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Don't worry, you get one (or is it two??) cheat days this week!

    I used to be a coca-cola classic addict! Then when I got pregnant with baby #2 in 2008 I quit cold turkey. I went over a year without drinking ANY kind of soda. Then, I thought I missed it in 2010 and tried it. Wasn't what I remembered, don't miss it at all. I'm also an anti-soda drinker. I drink skim milk and water and the occasional cup (1-2x month) of hot tea, sweetened with honey of course!

    I've never been a coffee drinker and people wonder where all my morning energy comes from??? :bigsmile:
  • Shoot!! My boyfriend gave me a mini bag of Doritos and I ate it without thinking.
    There goes one of my cheat days. >_<'
    I'm saving my second one for a potluck at work on Saturday.
    Oh well, my mom stocked up on a bunch of healthy stuff, so it shouldn't be too hard holding out.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Day 1 COMPLETE!! Woo hoo!!

    The only thing I was really disappointed in way my sodium intake. I was great until dinner. I had (a lot) of frozen pre-cooked shrimp. I didn't even think to look at the sodium!!! I didn't know it even had any!

    I was pleased and even passed on chips and salsa at dinner! Yay me!
  • meeshers
    meeshers Posts: 73 Member
    ok I'm in too!! I didn't really have junk today, but it wasn't perfectly in the plan, so I'll count today as a cheat day! I'm scared of week 6! Maybe we could share recipe ideas with each other...

    Well, good luck everybody!! Let's keep each other accountable :)
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    You guys ROCK! Loving this group!

    I feel like I've done pretty good today. I'm having a glass of wine now, and I know he said red wine was ok, but I'm having white. I'm still not going to count this as a cheat day tho. :-)
  • BeautyNBrainZ
    BeautyNBrainZ Posts: 8 Member
    I am so down...throwing away all my junk and chips and candy as I speak...that my main habit...lol...gonna be great... :-)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    One day down, 55 to go.

    I too, am dreading week 6....

    Feel like I gotta jump on the other weeks, cooking at home...

    Oh but wait, I'm definitely going to have a hard time cutting down my carbs. :sad:

    I :heart: carbs....
  • Day 1 is done and I did okay with it. I am really going to suffer next week, because I am so bad about eating small meals throughout the day. Hopefully I can get all the rules done right.
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    mndish5 - if you use honey or agave in your tea it would still fit in with the plan (still counting cals obvs).

    I had some sugar free jelly which i thought was ok on this plan, would anyone disagree?? I take junk to mean fast foods (mc'd kfc etc) sweets, choc, cake and so on. I eat ready meals sometimes (today) and also use foods like frozen veggie burgers, are these off limits?? This can be so confusing :huh:

    I would think that for this week you are correct.

    Junk to me is : chips, cakes, fast food, etc... I know as the weeks come it will become more evident that we aren't supposed to eat processed foods as well... but for this week I think you are on the right track.

    Thanks, i thought i was eating the right things but then when i sat down to put it on here i started to over analyse. It's so nice to have people to check with and help to keep me on the right track :smile:
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    So far today: chocolate shakeology and an apple. For lunch: salad with mushrooms and ginger dressing. Snacks: another apple, protein bar and trail mix. That's my plan :-)
  • Here is the real test today! I am on campus until 3 and I usually hit fast food, but for breakfast I had cherrios and half an english muffin with PB. I packed a banana and a fiber one bar so hopefully I can keep the cravings from taking over!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Started my morning the same as yesterday:

    All bran, 2% Milk, and Blueberries. The fiber is definitely making my trips to the restroom more frequent! haha... Sorry TMI

    Maybe I'll lose weight just from restroom trips!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Well, unfortunately this is a cheat day for me. I had a soda... BOOO!!! I didn't want to, but I've been sick since last night and it seems to be one of the only things that helps my stomach settle. I also had microwave popcorn. Hope that this helps the tummy... It usually does. Sorry girls, didn't mean to wimp out on the second day. I didn't know I was going to be sick!
  • I am in!!!! whoo hoo!
  • dmoyler
    dmoyler Posts: 27 Member
    Count me in!!!! This sound interesting....
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