New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • kknudson
    kknudson Posts: 60 Member
    Yay! I'm in week one (for the second time... I started it awhile back but then got the flu....) Anyway- Week One Day 1 down last night. Going to do Day 2 on Saturday.

    Does anyone know if it's okay that I did 2 minutes of walking between runs instead of 1.5? I have a really old treadmill and it changes speed reallllllllllllly slowly.
  • Think I'm going to start Wk1 D1 tomorrow at the gym. Got podcasts loaded up ready to go and will update my progress here when I start.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Think I'm going to start Wk1 D1 tomorrow at the gym. Got podcasts loaded up ready to go and will update my progress here when I start.

    Awesome, it's really a great program (I mean, I'm only on Week 1 Day 3). I've never had the confidence running like I have this past week. Let us know how you do!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Did week one day three last night, actually just repeat it again because I am trying to learn to breathe correctly while running. Not an easy task co me it seems. Have read many articles on it, but still can't seem to get it right. Not giving up though, tomorrow will be doing week 2 and maybe my breathing will begin to adjust the more I do it...
  • This is just the post I was looking for!! My friend and I are signed up for our second annual 5k. When we did it last year, she was definately in better shape than me and I set our pace. Our goal for this year is to finish at least 3 minutes quicker than last year. I am not doing the C25K because I only have 6 weeks to get ready, so I found something similar that is just a bit more intense. I'm hoping this will give me the nudge I need to kick up my stale treadmill runs during the winter. Thanks for starting this forum, look forward to sharing progress with everyone!!

    1. Week # 1
    2. Day # 1
    3. Walking Pace (if you know from the treadmill) 3.5
    4. Running Pace (if you know from the treadmill) 4.2 (really need to work on this one!!!)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I don't think I ever posted mine.

    1. Week 1
    2. Day 3 completed, will add a Day 4 to be sure I can move on next week
    3. Treadmill Walk: 3.3-3.5
    4. Treadmill run: 5.0-5.2

    Check in weekly guys, keep posting your successes. If you wish, you can even post weigh loss while in the program. But no pressure!

    Plus, anyone who catches this post later on is welcome to jump in and start posting their info too.

    Quick question:

    So, this plan requires you follow it 3 times a week. What is everyone else doing the remaining days? I'm finding that alternating the C25K with the elliptical for my daily workouts is helping me with my running. Also, when I want to "take it easy" I do 30 minutes on the Recumbent bike in my living room which doesn't burn as much but I can definitely feel it in my muscles. What's everyone else doing (no pressure if you're only doing the 3x per week thing - there's nothing wrong with that!!).
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I do it every other day for the most part, other days a walk at incline on the treadmill and I always walk at work.
  • I am on day 3 of week one....such a good program. I would like to keep in touch with everyone doing this program....the extra motivation is great! If anyone wants to friend me that would be great...I can use all of the support I can get. I too am doing this on a treadmil.....too cold outside right not mind running outside if I am in a group, but do not like to run by myself....
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I started C25K last week, but I am so unfit and bad at running that I think I will do each week twice. That's my plan at the moment anyway.
    I didn't do all the running on the first day, but built up each day and ran all 9 minutes by the end of last week - a big achievement for me!
    I'll do week one again this week, hopefully it will be a bit easier then move on to week two from there.
    I'm running in the park early in the morning (it is summer here and perfect for getting moving early) so I have no idea of my pace except that is is slow!
    I hope you all enjoy it.
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in. I just started last week and am now on Week 2 Day 2.

    On the days in between I may go for a walk on the treadmill - just turn up the incline nice and high - it burns ALOT of calories. Sometimes I'll go at an incline of 10 for a few minutes, down to 5 for a few minutes and back up again. Its a change from running. I workout at home, so I don't have any other machines to use for cardio.
  • ersulas
    ersulas Posts: 28 Member
    Monday I start W1D2! For the second time. Last time I got to week three and was too pregnant to run anymore. lol I'm determined to get to the end this time!
  • jensyth
    jensyth Posts: 21 Member
    Great idea! I am doing this as well and just finished 'Day 3 Week 1' yesterday. That means I'll be doing Day 1 Week 2 tomorrow. Hopefully this thread will help me keep motivated to not 'give up'. I tried this same program once before and the first 3-4 weeks were fine but I think around week 5 or 6 the jump in running seemed much more drastic and I ended up not being able to keep up and lost motivation, etc. Hopefully this won't happen again.

    1. Week 1
    2. Day 3 Completed
    3. Treadmill Walk: 3.0
    4. Treadmill Run: 5.0
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I am already pretty fit, and I am not really looking to lose weight, just trying to be healthier/ more fit, and recently started following this program.
    1. Week # 2
    2. Day # 2
    3. Walking Pace (if you know from the treadmill) 4
    4. Running Pace (if you know from the treadmill) 7.1
    5. I guess I run kinda fast...on the treadmill it takes so long to adjust the speed, so sometimes I extend the intervals to be sure I did the full time.

    On the other days I do 20 minutes of skipping/ jump rope, and 3 days strength training.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    I've just finished c25k a couple of weeks ago and just popped in to wish you guys well. It really is an awesome program :bigsmile:
  • W1D1 is down, woo :-)
    Walk at 4mph and run at 6mph. And 360 calories burnt.
    Really enjoyed the first session, looking forward to day 2 on Monday.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Count me in! I just finished Week 1, Day 3 yesterday. I can't do it on the treadmill because it makes my shins hurt too bad so I run on around the outside basketball court at my work (I'm a teacher). I figure if it gets too cold outside, I can run inside the school gym. I do go to a gym but there is no in-door or outside track and like I said, I just can't manage to do it on the treadmill. So here are my stats from my last "run" (I more jog than run, but's better than nothing).

    1. Week # 1
    2. Day # 3
    3. Walking Pace (about 3.4)
    4. Running Pace (about 5.0)
    5. Calories burned: 235

    I start Week 2 tomorrow. :)

    Aside from C25K, I do Insanity 6 days a week, go to the gym once or twice a week (if I feel up to it), and play Wii Fit on my "off" day.

    Sun: C25K and Insanity
    Mon: Gym and Insanity
    Tue: C25K and Insanity
    Wed: Wii Fit
    Thurs: Insanity
    Fri: C25K and Insanity
    Sat: Insanity
  • I'm looking for a group that would have started 3 weeks ago. I'm about to head into week3 and feel like I'm going to need the support for the longer runs. Good Luck Guys.

    Couch to 5K is a fun program!
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    If you're running on the treadmill, you might try putting the incline at 1 or 2. I've heard that leaving it at 0 may be hard on the knees or back...worth a try.
  • Just finished the first Monday workout of the program I'm doing. I figure, I've been doing about 2 miles a day, 3 times a week for the past month or two, so doing Monday over the weekend would help me to actually get through it on real Monday. It took me 63 minutes, but I was able to get through all 4 miles of the day's workout. Looking forward to starting the actual program on Monday!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    If you're running on the treadmill, you might try putting the incline at 1 or 2. I've heard that leaving it at 0 may be hard on the knees or back...worth a try.

    My treadmill doesn't go beloe a 2.0 incline. I always wondered about that. This is a great tip if your treadmill does go below 2.0.

    Do you think having it at a 2.0 incline makes it easier to adjust to running outside vs. running on a treadmill?
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