New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Eeeek, I'm gonna be a little behind! I'm starting my C25K on Valentines Day! Not sure weather I'm brave enough to run outside as I am definitely NOT a runner!
  • steph813
    steph813 Posts: 33 Member
    I would love to join in. I am not a runner at all. However, my son (he is 10) enjoys doing the 5k and I would really like to run one with him this year. How do I get started? Is there a training schedule online anyone can recommend?
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    There are schedules at and has podcasts with music. I haven't heard the podcasts yet as I'm just starting tomorrow, but it looks like other people here are using them successfully.
    Good Luck!
  • steph813
    steph813 Posts: 33 Member
    Great thanks! Can't wait to get started. I always wanted to be a runner.
  • myliljunebugs
    myliljunebugs Posts: 18 Member
    I'm brand new here and just signed up on the website today. I plan on doing the c25k program starting next week. I can't this week with no treadmill and nearly a foot of snow on the ground right now :P A friend has been through this program (and is now training for a half marathon!!) and said she would support me in any way she can :) Oh, I'll also be having an 8 year old tagalong running with me ;) My son LOVES to run!
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    Quick check in... finished week 4 and on to week 5. Aiming to begin on Wednesday. I'm feeling quite positive about it.

    Keep up the good work everyone and welcome to all the new c25kers... Keep at your own pace and you can do it
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! Just so you know, don't let the title of this thread fool you. When we hit 500 posts (the maximum) we'll begin a new thread that won't have a specific week number attached to it. We are all at different places in this program and most of us are still in the first half. So come one, come all! I highly recommend checking out podcasts (search for C25K in the iTunes store under podcasts). I also highly recomment iPhone and Android apps. Personally, I use a C25K iPhone app for my runs, I hook it into my stereo or use headphones. It lets me dump my own music into its program so that I can jam to my own tunes while the app will let me know when to run/walk and when I'm halfway done and whatnot. We are super stoked to have some new members, so let us know how it goes!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Heather (the elephant) - when you're running, consciously try to lift yourself up and step lightly so that you don't make any (ok, well very little) noise when you land. I've noticed myself stomping, then made a mental shift, and made myself 'lighter'. You'd be surprised.

    This is also applicable to those suffering from shin splints. I know it sounds simple, but really: try to run lighter. Also, if you're experiencing shin splints on only one leg, it could be a result of your breathing. A lot of people hit the ground harder on their first beat of exhalation, and if you're always landing harder on one side, it could hurt! Try breathing on an uneven count: breathe in for 3 steps, then out for 2: instead of in/in/out/out, try in/in/in/out/out. This will ensure that your first breath out, will alwaye be on alternating feet, and spread out the impact. I know once your winded, just breathing at all can be a challenge, but at least try this while you have the 'ability'.

    lyndy_loo - ME TOO... I'm also working towards a 10k in May. I am on Week 3 of C25k, and then I'll push right into an 8-week 10k training program. My sister is very fit, and has challenged me to do this with her when I visit her this spring. Walk / run at whatever pace is comfortable for you. I'm pretty slow (and a 5'2" shortie) and usually walk between 3 - 3.5 mph and run around 5.0 mph.

    Heather (HMKan) - congrats on finally getting to the 2 mile mark in your C25k workout. I know that was a goal you were striving for! See? The longer the run intervals, the further you go! Makes sense!

    Andrea - running is a "mommy-break" for me too... How old are your little ones? My girls are 2 and 5.

    Reese - great for you for adding in that 5 in run at the end of your workout - see? you really CAN do it!!

    As for me...

    I think the plague has officially left our house. I'm ready to get back at it. SO... I spent lots of time last night planning my workouts for the next 4 months. Run days will be Tues / Thurs / Saturday (+/- a day, if necessary), and yoga on Mon / Fri (again, +/- a day, if necessary). Any other workouts will be a bonus! This week, I'll be picking up where I left off in Week 3. Then once the 5k program is done, I'll start building towards the 10k.

    I know it's a bit of a crazy challenge for me, but my sister knows me well, and if she had suggested the 5k, I'd think 'oh, that's not so bad' and wouldn't push myself (like last summer, I slacked off 6 weeks into the C25k program). The 10k scares me, and I NEED to put the work in if I want to survive.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi can I join?:smile:
    I've just started running and I'm following the c25k plan as I'm currently unfit and have enrolled in 10k run in May to incentivise me. I've only done W1D1 so far and have no idea what speeds or anything i should be going at?
    I had the treadmill on an incline of 3.5 and after warm up I walked at 5.3-6 and then ran for the minute at speed 7, each time for the repetitions. Does this seem about right or too slow or what?

    I did 2k in about 20mins

    My runs are in mph so it's a little different. but it's really just what is comfortable for you. it's not about how fast you go as long as you are indeed running, it's about the time you run. and building up the distance... so run where you are comfortable...
  • dlynn08
    Did Wk1D1 on Saturday, will do day 2 on Tuesday. I was tired, but not dying at the end. Really liked the podcast! My walk was 3.0 and my run was 5.0
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just started doing this yesterday! I will not complete in 9 weeks though, my goal is to do the workouts twice a week ( the other days I am at the gym I really want to go to my Turbokick and step aerobic classes!). Yesterday was workout one week one, and I walked at 4.2 and ran at 5.3. Didn't feel too winded, the one minute intervals were definetely manageable.
    Funny thing is I don't actually WANT to run in a 5k or anything. But I hate running and this is a great way to get me to run, so if a side effect is running for longer periods of time in a row, I am game.
    There is this fundraiser at our city's zoo that I want to do. It's an annual fitness challenge where you do stations like kettlebell tosses, ropes course, etc and the end of the challenge is a one-mile uphill run. I didn't sign up last year because of that my hope is by August to feel confident enough to run one mile without embarassing myself in public.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Way to go Dlynn!

    HT, great goal. Keep up the good work!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! Just so you know, don't let the title of this thread fool you. When we hit 500 posts (the maximum) we'll begin a new thread that won't have a specific week number attached to it. We are all at different places in this program and most of us are still in the first half. So come one, come all! I highly recommend checking out podcasts (search for C25K in the iTunes store under podcasts). I also highly recomment iPhone and Android apps. Personally, I use a C25K iPhone app for my runs, I hook it into my stereo or use headphones. It lets me dump my own music into its program so that I can jam to my own tunes while the app will let me know when to run/walk and when I'm halfway done and whatnot. We are super stoked to have some new members, so let us know how it goes!

    Thanks for the heads-up about the Android app. I just completed W1D1 and while the podcast was good to help keep me going, I can see how listening to someone else's music choices would get old fast. Can't wait to try day 2 with my own music!
  • irongate
    Doing great so far. Doing W2D2 today...did the previous day on Saturday and felt great. It wasn't a challenge which is nice since I am a little worried about next week. I signed up for the half marathon in disneyland in Sept. I talked to my sister who is running with me to see what speed she is at and we are about the same speed, which is making me feel a lot better since she runs every other day and is in shape. Looking forward to continuning the program.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! Just so you know, don't let the title of this thread fool you. When we hit 500 posts (the maximum) we'll begin a new thread that won't have a specific week number attached to it. We are all at different places in this program and most of us are still in the first half. So come one, come all! I highly recommend checking out podcasts (search for C25K in the iTunes store under podcasts). I also highly recomment iPhone and Android apps. Personally, I use a C25K iPhone app for my runs, I hook it into my stereo or use headphones. It lets me dump my own music into its program so that I can jam to my own tunes while the app will let me know when to run/walk and when I'm halfway done and whatnot. We are super stoked to have some new members, so let us know how it goes!

    Thanks for the heads-up about the Android app. I just completed W1D1 and while the podcast was good to help keep me going, I can see how listening to someone else's music choices would get old fast. Can't wait to try day 2 with my own music!

    Well in all fairness, the iphone app I use lets me use my own music. I don't know if the android app does. I don't have music on my android, so I use my ipod touch for that. But check it out. I love using my own music. I loaded my Zumba class music into the app because that always gets me going!
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Ok, I am supposed to be doing Week 5, Day 3 know, the 20 minute straight one! I have never in my life ran for that long without stopping, even back when I was in shape. I am terrified! By the end of my last run (5 min walk, 8 min jog, 5 min walk, 8 min jog, 5 min walk), I was exhausted. How am I going to do this? Has anyone done this week yet? How did it go for you?
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    This is my second time checking in and I love this thread. Here is what I got:

    Alright I'm on W2D1 and I kinda messed up :embarassed: I forgot to check the work out schedule before heading to the gym and for some reason I thought week 2 was the opposite of week 1 so I ran 90sec walked 60sec. Turns out I was suppose to walk 2 minutes... Oops. Well good news I didn't kill myself :drinker: , but I was running and walking slower than last week (run 5mph and walk 3.8-4mph) I'll correct this on Wed. and see how it goes.

    Happy Running
  • zydratethief

    I accidentally did W3D1 today, instead of W2D3, but instead of stopping, and setting it to W2D3, i continued with it.

    Half-way through the first three minute run, i didnt think i could do it, but i said to myself "STOP WHINING" and i got on with it.

    So i covered 2.50 miles in 25 minutes, running a mile at an average pace of 8.55 min a mile down from 9:45 (which i am proud off)

    My walking speed did increase by about 20 seconds, but ill let that go (for now that is)

  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Ok got back on track today - did W4D1 again except this time I took the speeds down - 8kmph and 5.5kmph for walking. It was so much more manageable. I reckon I should work on getting through it first then working on my speeds when I get comfortable running.
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    I would love to join in. I am not a runner at all. However, my son (he is 10) enjoys doing the 5k and I would really like to run one with him this year. How do I get started? Is there a training schedule online anyone can recommend? (treadmill version)

    Here are the links from cool running. There's lots of info there, too.