New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    Tried W1D1 again last night and had to stop after 5 runs because my calf started cramping up again. Frustrating! I'm glad I walked the rest though - my legs are okay today (especially compared to the last time that I kept running, despite the cramps, and hurt for more than a week afterwards!) so at least I'll be able to run again tomorrow and keep building up, slowly.

    I hope the new shoes help your shins, Newmeat!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Good morning everyone & Happy Sunday! I just completed Week 4, Day 1 this morning! It was difficult, but I managed to get through it and not stop - which really surprised me! I took my pace down a lot so that I could make it. I swear, I really could've walked faster than I was "running". LOL. My posture and breathing really struggled during the 5 min stretches... I tweaked my knee a bit (I've had knee problems in the past). It's not too bad. What I've found is that some parts of me will get sore/tweaked a bit - but since I'm in good shape, it's really not that big of a deal and it gets better pretty quick :) I stretched pretty good after my run.

    My next run is on Tuesday. I'm really going to focus on my form/posture, stride, how I land on my feet, and my breathing. I know that's the only way I'm going to get through this. My GPS tracker that I use on my phone stopped at the end of my run (darn app). But my estimate is I did about 2.18 miles and had an avg pace between 4-4.5 mi/hr.

    Happy running everyone!
  • mama2pax
    I did W4D2 yesterday. I cannot believe I ran 5 consecutive minutes - TWICE!! Whaaaaaaaaat??? I've never been a runner! I am elated!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I did C25KW3 today in the park, passing two herds of deer and stretching the last 3 min segment into 5 min downhill! (I'd done it first 2 weeks ago, sortof, very slowly.) I started C25K a month ago, but running isn't my priority and I'm taking it *slow*. Most days I feel that I'm horribly horribly slow, but really, it's getting better -- suddenly the 1.5 min segments have become really solid, and the 3 min segments aren't too bad either. Pace is about a 13.5 min mile most of the time.... and a 11 min mile running downhill. Slow progress indeed, but progress.

    I should attempt week 4 on the treadmill, but my gym membership runs out tomorrow, and then I'm moving to Alaska, so that may take a while.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi everyone, I started week 2 today. Day 1 wasn't too bad, though I did walk one of the runs. Tomorrow I'm going to run them all!

    HM, hang in there, don't focus too much on your weight, remember that it is the big picture, longer term that matters not the small differences on the scales from week to week.
    You are making really positive changes by exercising regularly and eating the right amount of calories. That WILL make a difference!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Mornin' everyone!

    Well, I just attempted my 4th (repeat) day of W2 and I couldn't finish. I did it for 15 minutes and had to stop. I am just so worn out from 90 minutes of elliptical last night and workout out every day. I"m disappointed and unsure of how I will get through W3D1 tomorrow morning but I'll give it a try. If I have to repeat all of W2 I will.

    My biggest frustration is that I seem to be gaining weight throughout all of this. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I just can't imagine that's what it is after only 2 weeks. I've worked out every day for almost 2 weeks and have only been over my calories 1 day in those 2 weeks. I drink a ton of water and while I do have some junk to fill in my calories, I generally eat pretty clean. Any ideas? It's getting pretty frustrating, to be honest. I worked my way down 5 pounds the first week, then it shot up 3 pounds for 4 days. Then went back down, then shot back up. I don't get it.

    Sorry, don't mean to vent.

    Hi - You might try spacing out the runs - your body may need the day off in between to rest. The program does have 3 runs/week . Give yourself a full rest day to have your batteries recharged - maybe the day before you start a new week? Are you doing any strength training? Maybe you could do that on non-run days. Your body needs time to adjust to the exercise.
    Don't worry about the scale...did you take measurements? I know my scale can to funny things too - but when you see the measuring tape getting smaller and clothes fitting better you know you're on the right track. If you're eating and exercising right the scale will go down - just give it some time.

    Thanks Andrea. I run every other day on the treadmill (starting Sundays) and use Saturdays for a repeat day if I'm nervous about moving on. But like yesterday, if I am too worn out to do it on Saturday, I just stop. I would like to continue workout out daily. I should probably incorporate strength into it (pilates at least) but I'm trying to get some lbs off first. I did take measurements. I measure on Mondays. Last monday I hadn't lost any inches (frustrating!). I'll see if I've lost anything tomorrow. I do know that I tried to get into a pair of jeans that still doesn't come close to buttoning, even though they're the same size as my other jeans which are too loose. I don't know. I'll get there. Just need to vent every so often :)

    Congratulations to everyone who completed last week's workouts and who began this weeks today. Awesome job you guys!

    NM, shin splints sound terrible. I hope you feel better soon. I am sure I"ll have my first experience with them before too long. Hopefully your new shoes will make that big a difference on how you run and thereby eliminate this problem. I have friends who insist on running 'barefoot' via those toe shoes. They claim to love it. I wonder if they help with shin splints.

    Kai, great job. I hear you about psyching yourself out. I nearly did the same thing with my W3D1 run today. It's funny how we do that to ourselves. But it feels really great when we actually get to the run and realize we can do it! Is running every day working for you? If so, keep it up. Otherwise you might want to consider slowing it down to 4 days a week and mixing it up with some strength or another form of cardio. But if it works for you, go with it!

    Hollywood, awesome job! While I"m on the treadmill, I play my C25K app through my stereo. So I crank the volume up almost loud enough that the bass gets me moving. I also turn the television on mute so I can watch (for example) Buffy kick some vampire butt while I'm working out.

    Tale, welcome. Good luck with your move. Maybe now's the time to invest in a treadmill because something tells me you won't be running outside in Alaska. I have some friends who just tranferred up there with the Air Force and they posted on facebook something about being really excited that it was getting up to 9 degrees!

    Ruby, thanks for the encouragement. I know the scale shouldn't control me, and it doesn't (well, it doesn't too too much). Tomorrow bring Jan 31, it was my first mini goal and I blew it. To boot, I only lost like 1 lb in the month! My goal is to lose 10 lb per month so Feb's goal will be pretty unattainable if I pile Jan's on top of it. Either way, I'll figure it out.
    As for you, I can't wait to hear you tell us about how you made W2D2 your beyotch tomorrow!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Rode the stationary bike tonight in the wk1day1 c25k format. Bike riding is not one of my strong points either. During the walking portion had a resistance of two and upped to five during the running.

    Tomorrow I start week three, decided I am going to attempt it instead of repeating week two. Hoping I make it through the three minute run without meeting my maker...:smile:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Rode the stationary bike tonight in the wk1day1 c25k format. Bike riding is not one of my strong points either. During the walking portion had a resistance of two and upped to five during the running.

    Tomorrow I start week three, decided I am going to attempt it instead of repeating week two. Hoping I make it through the three minute run without meeting my maker...:smile:

    Reese, I had the same thought. In fact, before I went downstairs to run, I was going to post on my status "Heading down to Suicide by Treadmill" but my husband (wisely) convinced me it was in bad taste. It really wasn't too bad. You totally have this. I can't wait to hear how you feel about it when you're done!
  • mommyof5kids
    Just finished week 3, day 1

    *walking speed 3.6
    *running speed 5.0

    It really does feel good to set out and finish something I have started.....good luck to everyone!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Rode the stationary bike tonight in the wk1day1 c25k format. Bike riding is not one of my strong points either. During the walking portion had a resistance of two and upped to five during the running.

    Tomorrow I start week three, decided I am going to attempt it instead of repeating week two. Hoping I make it through the three minute run without meeting my maker...:smile:

    Reese, I had the same thought. In fact, before I went downstairs to run, I was going to post on my status "Heading down to Suicide by Treadmill" but my husband (wisely) convinced me it was in bad taste. It really wasn't too bad. You totally have this. I can't wait to hear how you feel about it when you're done!

    Suicide by treadmill, :laugh:

    I'm going to give it all I got :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Rode the stationary bike tonight in the wk1day1 c25k format. Bike riding is not one of my strong points either. During the walking portion had a resistance of two and upped to five during the running.

    Tomorrow I start week three, decided I am going to attempt it instead of repeating week two. Hoping I make it through the three minute run without meeting my maker...:smile:

    Reese, I had the same thought. In fact, before I went downstairs to run, I was going to post on my status "Heading down to Suicide by Treadmill" but my husband (wisely) convinced me it was in bad taste. It really wasn't too bad. You totally have this. I can't wait to hear how you feel about it when you're done!

    Nice job, such an inspiration!!!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    So excited! I got fitted for running shoes today. Now that I know what kind of feet I have and my style of running, it will make buying shoes much easier in the future. I have a slight pronation that requires moderate stability control. I ended up getting a pair of Brooks. They were not my favorite color, but they fit the best. I wore them tonight when I did my Insanity workout and they fit really well.

    I'm supposed to run tomorrow for Week 3, Day 1 but I'm planning on holding off until Tuesday or Wednesday just to give my legs some extra time to rest.

    You guys are doing great running!! I love reading your updates. Keep up the fantastic work everybody! I look forward to running with you Tuesday or Wednesday. :drinker:
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Tale, welcome. Good luck with your move. Maybe now's the time to invest in a treadmill because something tells me you won't be running outside in Alaska. I have some friends who just tranferred up there with the Air Force and they posted on facebook something about being really excited that it was getting up to 9 degrees!

    Yeah, anything between -10 °F and +10 °F (that's about -23 to -12 °C) counts as "warm". I've seen people run outside in <-20 °F, but don't think I'm up to it yet. My lungs would burst, and you have to be super careful about sweating. I'll have a few options for gyms, though, and one even with an indoor running track.
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    I have friends who insist on running 'barefoot' via those toe shoes. They claim to love it. I wonder if they help with shin splints.
    I'm using C25K to adjust to my toeshoes! I've heard folk claim the change in form helped their shin splints but I couldn't say one way or the other - luckily, my shins have always been okay. It seems to have helped my knees but it's completely unforgiving of weak calves, so I'm still building up to a full week one :( But, as long as I'm patient, I'm sure my muscles will beef up and I'll be running properly again soon.

    Six-seven minutes tonight. Bring it on. :laugh:

    Does anyone else find that you (sub-consciously) end up running to the beat of your music, regardless of whether that's the right pace or not?! I do that quite often and usually only realise it's happening when I'm gasping for breath. Might need to be pickier when I'm choosing my tunes...
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Morning all - glad to see everybody progressing so nicely it's awesome :happy: I will be redoing week 2 this week, only managed to get in 2 runs last week and both I was struggling with (had too much time in between them) so I am just going to redo the whole week so I feel totally comfortable moving onto week 3.
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140
    Struggling with week 3! =( For the love of God I cant complete the 3 minutes! I am staying at week 3 until I can complete it! TWICE!

    I found some great stuff to look at on spark people- Including a short VIDEO on stretching out your legs before and after running for shin splints!

    This article is about shin splints- in the related content on the side is the video!
  • cohollywood
    W2D1 is in the bag.

    Warm Up/Cool Down - 4.0
    Walk - 3.6
    Run - 5.0
    Distance - 2.04 miles

    I woke up this morning and my legs hurt and I felt kinda ick and really really didn't want to run, but I sucked it up and went to the gym afterwards, and lo and behold, I feel much better now!! W2D1 went okay - I was pretty tired by the end of the last run, but not totally exhausted.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    All right! I did Week 2, Day 2 today and it went just fine. Yesterday I walked one of the runs, but today did all the runs, hooray!
    Tomorrow will be a walk (probably on the beach :happy: ) and I'll do Day 3 on Thursday.
    Rookie, thanks for the stretching info, I've been looking for something like this, I'm getting sore calves, so think I need to be stretching better.
    Have a good day everyone, enjoy your run!
  • cohollywood
    Okay - so I'm SUPER excited, so I just had to share...

    We're leaving for a cruise on Saturday, and I had all my stuff packed, but I dug it all out again this afternoon (yes, I have better things to do with my and now I'm going back and foth over different outfits that I've pulled out of storage because they fit and they look good!! I even pulled out a s-e-x-y red dress my husband has never seen on me for one of our elegant nights and it fits great! I'm SO excited to feel CUTE in my clothes again!

    I even walked around the house in a bikini for a short period of
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    so i've done day 1 week 3 three three times and i think i am going to move on tomorrow. i wanted to do if for a few days because i was not using the program before and i was running to much and got hurt so i wanted to make sure i could handle building up again. so tomorrow i'm going to move on... i am not sure how anyone is holding to running only three days a week. i am so adicted to it.. i want to do it every day.. i am doing other workouts along with it from Discovery but i still want to run all the time.....that's a good thing right...