New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Ok, I did Week 2, Day 3 today and I was ready to cut my legs off. My shins were KILLING me. I know that I probably should have taken the day off, but I WANTED to run/jog. It would have been wonderful had it not hurt so bad. I wasn't winded or anything...just in pain. :sad:

    I'm getting fitted for running shoes on Sunday. If a change in shoes is not going to help alleviate the shin pain, then I'm going to have to throw in the towel. :cry:
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140
    Ok, I did Week 2, Day 3 today and I was ready to cut my legs off. My shins were KILLING me. I know that I probably should have taken the day off, but I WANTED to run/jog. It would have been wonderful had it not hurt so bad. I wasn't winded or anything...just in pain. :sad:

    I'm getting fitted for running shoes on Sunday. If a change in shoes is not going to help alleviate the shin pain, then I'm going to have to throw in the towel. :cry:

    Make sure you are stretching your legs BEFORE and AFTER you run! A good 5 minutes or so will help a lot!
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    Finished week3 day3 today and it felt great! (although i'm pretty tired now). I was thinking about redoing week 3, but i think i'm going to keep moving forward. The podcasts really help.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Wow we've got a lot of runners running on Fridays. Great job everyone!

    Audra, welcome. Good job on your runs and hiking and good luck on your 5k. You can do it!

    Aalexander, Awesome! Thanks for the inspiration that it gets easier over time. Also, I"ve never had a runner's high, so that'll be something I'll look forward to too!

    Cohollywood - So you saw a difference when you slowed your pace? I think I might give that a try.

    Shvrngrl - Thanks for all the encouragement :)

    NewMeat - there has to be a way to make the shin splints better. Its great that you're getting fitted for a shoe. Are shin splints just like cramps? I know when my husband overdoes it on the elliptical he says he has to drink lots of extra water and eat a banana or two to alleviate his cramps. Maybe that'd work for you? You can totally do this. When you get fitted, see if the running store has any tips for them.

    Vanzeem, great job finishing week 3. I'm a little scared of week 3 but I'm going to give it a try on Sunday. If I don't do well, I'll repeat week 2. Keep up the good work!

    Well, today was an elliptical day for me (ran yesterday) but I'll run W2D3(repeat) tomorrow and try W3D1 Sunday. I hope I survive it :)
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Just a quick post to let you know that I finally got back to running today.

    Because my last run (which was also my first run - W2D1) was fairly easy on me, I decided to up the ante by another week. I did Week 3, Day 1, and found my limit!! I completed it as scheduled, but thought I was going to die on my last run interval. The music selection helped me push to the end: Kanye's Stronger (That that don't kill me, can only make me stronger!)...

    Week 3, Day 1 (R90s, W90s, R3m, W3m) x 2
    Walk speed: 3 mph
    Run speed: 5.5 for the 90 sec runs, and 5.2 for the 3 min runs
  • mandavann
    mandavann Posts: 38 Member
    Newmeat30~~Are you running outside or on a treadmill? I am having a hard time with mainly my left shin. I've been icing it as well as doing some exercises to stretch it out really good. (If you google shin splints tons of exercises will come up) I've read that running on a treadmill is actually better for the shin splints. I've been running outside so I'm switching to a treadmill now.
  • LisaLisaBoBisa
    I did Week 3 Day 1 tonight - can't believe I ran for 3 minutes! :-)

    On my off days I don't do anything. Getting to the gym to do the C25K program seems to be all I can fit in at this time.

    Also, where is everyone finding the music they are talking about? I have C25K Lite for Android (free). It's great but would have to pay in order to have music.

    Have a great weekend everyone. I'm working on Day 2 on Sunday!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Mornin' everyone!

    Well, I just attempted my 4th (repeat) day of W2 and I couldn't finish. I did it for 15 minutes and had to stop. I am just so worn out from 90 minutes of elliptical last night and workout out every day. I"m disappointed and unsure of how I will get through W3D1 tomorrow morning but I'll give it a try. If I have to repeat all of W2 I will.

    My biggest frustration is that I seem to be gaining weight throughout all of this. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I just can't imagine that's what it is after only 2 weeks. I've worked out every day for almost 2 weeks and have only been over my calories 1 day in those 2 weeks. I drink a ton of water and while I do have some junk to fill in my calories, I generally eat pretty clean. Any ideas? It's getting pretty frustrating, to be honest. I worked my way down 5 pounds the first week, then it shot up 3 pounds for 4 days. Then went back down, then shot back up. I don't get it.

    Sorry, don't mean to vent.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    BTW, congrats to everyone who finished their week. It is great hearing how week 3 is treating people, that's awesome. Keep up the good work!
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Mornin' everyone!

    Well, I just attempted my 4th (repeat) day of W2 and I couldn't finish. I did it for 15 minutes and had to stop. I am just so worn out from 90 minutes of elliptical last night and workout out every day. I"m disappointed and unsure of how I will get through W3D1 tomorrow morning but I'll give it a try. If I have to repeat all of W2 I will.

    My biggest frustration is that I seem to be gaining weight throughout all of this. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I just can't imagine that's what it is after only 2 weeks. I've worked out every day for almost 2 weeks and have only been over my calories 1 day in those 2 weeks. I drink a ton of water and while I do have some junk to fill in my calories, I generally eat pretty clean. Any ideas? It's getting pretty frustrating, to be honest. I worked my way down 5 pounds the first week, then it shot up 3 pounds for 4 days. Then went back down, then shot back up. I don't get it.

    Sorry, don't mean to vent.

    Hi - You might try spacing out the runs - your body may need the day off in between to rest. The program does have 3 runs/week . Give yourself a full rest day to have your batteries recharged - maybe the day before you start a new week? Are you doing any strength training? Maybe you could do that on non-run days. Your body needs time to adjust to the exercise.
    Don't worry about the scale...did you take measurements? I know my scale can to funny things too - but when you see the measuring tape getting smaller and clothes fitting better you know you're on the right track. If you're eating and exercising right the scale will go down - just give it some time.
  • Melij
    Melij Posts: 95 Member
    Just finished my first day of week 1. Surprising I was able to do it all...Not bad for an out of shape, overweight Grandma. Yay for me! I'm sure it will get harded so you guys keep posting to help me out. Even better, if anyone else is just beginning friend me and we'll encourage each other even more.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    week 3 day 1 for the second time today going to do it a couple more times before i go on since i got hurt last week.
    Run pace 5.4
    walk pace 4.0
    cool down pace 3.5
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I did Week 3 Day 1 tonight - can't believe I ran for 3 minutes! :-)

    On my off days I don't do anything. Getting to the gym to do the C25K program seems to be all I can fit in at this time.

    Also, where is everyone finding the music they are talking about? I have C25K Lite for Android (free). It's great but would have to pay in order to have music.

    Have a great weekend everyone. I'm working on Day 2 on Sunday!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    if anyone has downloaded the program to android you can also download pandora. its a free music program you tell it your favorite artists and it will play music by them and groups like them, if you dont like a song you hit thumbs down and you'll never hear it can run it while you are running the c25k program
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member

    Newmeat, so you jog with just your HRM. Can I ask what zone you have it set to? I used mine for the first time last night on the elliptical and I had to go so slow for it to not yell at me. I have it set to stay in the fat burning zone - zone 2. I'm curious what it'll do tonight when I do my c25k run, because I can't go that slow when I run.

    My HRM (Polar F6) has a setting called "Own Zone" and I set it to the "Moderate" setting of my Own Zone (if that makes any sense). So with my personal setting that is a Low zone of 135 and a High zone of 155 so I try and walk with my HR in the 130s and run with my HR in the 150s. ****Forgive me if that makes NO sense.

    On another note...I'm getting fitted for shoes on Sunday and I *should* be sporting my new pair in time for my run Sunday afternoon and hopefully it will be pain free. :)
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Just checking in. I finished week 3, day 2. Like a pp, I couldn't believe I ran for three minutes. Actually on the last leg, I ran fora minute longer than I was supposed to and felt like I could've done more! That was exciting. Great job, everyone.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Newmeat30~~Are you running outside or on a treadmill? I am having a hard time with mainly my left shin. I've been icing it as well as doing some exercises to stretch it out really good. (If you google shin splints tons of exercises will come up) I've read that running on a treadmill is actually better for the shin splints. I've been running outside so I'm switching to a treadmill now.

    I had been running on a treadmill and I couldn't make it through the first run without having to stop (it is the transition between running and then slowing down to walk). Once I switched to running outside everything was wonderful until my last two runs. It started with my right shin (inside of leg about an inch above my ankle to just below my calf) and as of Friday my left leg has decided to join in. I'll see what the running pros have to say tomorrow.

    @HM - The pain is not like a cramp that you would get in your calf or other part of your leg. It is a dull throbbing that gets stronger and stronger with every step. When I'm actually running the pain lessens, but when I switch back to walking it is like a spike is going through the front of my shin.

    We'll see how things go at the running store tomorrow. I'll talk to the experts, see what they say, and go from there. I'm not the only person who has ever encountered shin splints before so I'm sure that there is something that can be done...I think the first and most important thing would be to have a shoe that is appropriate for my foot. :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Just finished my "official" week two. Breathing was much better tonight than it was at the beginning of the week. Going to do another day or two of week this week before I start week three just to work on my breathing.
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello Everyone : ) I have just finished kicked my butt a little bit (I think it might have been more mental than anything as I was scared about the three minutes - but I did it). I'm experiencing shin splints too (only in my right leg atm). I was having a warm bath with radox after the runs and that was doing a great job but hmm not today.

    Good luck goal is to find something to fill in the rest of my days as up until today I had been doing the runs back to back and I'm thinking that's not the idea of it but I really just wanted to keep doing it.
  • cohollywood
    Finished W1D3 today and it felt great!!

    Warm up/Cool down: 4.0
    Walk: 3.5
    Run: 5.0
    Distance: 2.05

    My right shin is really hurting now that I'm done. It could be because I ran yesterday too. Hopefully that's why - I'll spend extra time stretching on Monday when I started week 2.

    What does everyone do during the runs if you are on a treadmill?? I find myself getting really bored for those 60 seconds and feel it might be a problem in the future when the runs are longer. Right now, I'm really concentrating on getting my breathing right - but, again, I'm just sensing this is going to be a future boredom problem with me. Maybe I need to start bringing a magazine or something.