New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member

    And this mght seam like a stupid questions - but could you do me a favour and tell me what SuperBowl is all about. As a non-USA person I know it is some ball game but have no idea why it's such a big deal!

    The Super Bowl is the biggest game in American football. It is when the two best teams in the football league play to see who is the very best. The Super Bowl is to football what the World Cup is to soccer (except it is only for American teams).
    Peoples get together to watch the game, drink beer, eat food, and enjoy friends.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    I run like an elephant. It wasn't so noticeable at the gym, but when using my mom's treadmill it sounded like a stampede! I think it must be a form thing. Any tips?
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Hi! I just joined MFP today. I saw your blog and would like to join. I've been doing C25K since January. I completed week 3 and lost motivation to start week 4. So I'm getting back on plan today. Its great to read how others are approaching there workouts. I'm using the treadmill. I usually walk at 3.7 or 3.8 and run at 5.0-5.3. I was a liitle discouraged after W3 because at the end of the workout I covered less than 2 miles. The first two weeks I was able to get in 2 miles. I felt like I was going backwards. So this time I'm not even looking at distance. My goal is to complete the program.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Additional workouts?????

    I see that most everyone else is sticking the plan and doing this every other day. This was my only workout so some weeks I wasn't skipping days and still avg about 4 - 5 workouts. I guess I will do the same and add more workouts.

    Will check back after my workout today. :bigsmile:
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140
    Hey all- I did week 3 Day 4 again.... Im still not ready to move on. I had a good workout.

    Good news though I talked DH into going with me! Yippeee! He walked on a treadmill for the first time in his life today! I tried to do the week 3 podcast next to him... That worked ok except when he wanted to talk....=) He isnt ready to use headphones and walk on the treadmill at the same time yet... LOL so maybe next week I will get him going on the C25K .
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Just finished Week 3 Day 3 today. On to week 4 on Tuesday. I got on the treadmill this afternoon, turned my ipod on blast - couldn't hear the kiddies crying or calling mommy (they were upstairs with Daddy) - it was a nice break. I'll have to do lots of streching tonight because I found my low back was sore this week - I think it's tight hip flexors...nothing that a few good streches shouldn't loosen up!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I run like an elephant. It wasn't so noticeable at the gym, but when using my mom's treadmill it sounded like a stampede! I think it must be a form thing. Any tips?

    i am the same way i can make it quieter sometimes by pulling up my torso (trying to stand up straighter) and making sure the first point of contact on the front is the heal of my foot and roll through the stride.... i live in a modular house so sound travels through the crawl space and echos so it's even louder... lol oh well...
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    whew!!!! i did week 4 day 1 today...the walks i did on on 4.0 and runs i did at 5.2 the cool down i did at 3.8 but did it a full incline on the treadmill...then finished out to 2.5 miles just walking at 3.5 to really cool time 35. mins total distance 2.5 burned 450 calories.....feeling really good right now no leg pain at all....i hope it continues to be that way.....
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    Today was my first run of the 2011 season. It felt so good. My music player froze so I had to just listen to my voice feedback. I ran for 4.88 miles and I feel great! I'm so excited, that is a good start to the season....half marathon HERE I COME!
  • lyndy_loo
    lyndy_loo Posts: 2 Member
    Hi can I join?:smile:
    I've just started running and I'm following the c25k plan as I'm currently unfit and have enrolled in 10k run in May to incentivise me. I've only done W1D1 so far and have no idea what speeds or anything i should be going at?
    I had the treadmill on an incline of 3.5 and after warm up I walked at 5.3-6 and then ran for the minute at speed 7, each time for the repetitions. Does this seem about right or too slow or what?

    I did 2k in about 20mins
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    Well, I just got done with the first workout for this week....and i actually did next week's run!! Yup, i skipped ALL of week 5!! I figured that i've already done one run of week 6, only two more to do now!! (and what doesn't kill ya only makes you stronger right??) Good job everyone!!!
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    To Heather shrinking! Try to run on your toes/balls of your feet. You're not actually supposed to put your foot ALL the way down, but i do when i need a little break. *keepin' me on my toes :)*

    I just finished w5d1!! I was feeling a little discouraged after last week, a had 2 difficult runs (once for running too soon after eating and getting a cramp, one for not eating breakfast). But this run was GREAT! It's walk 5 warm-up, run5 walk3 run5 walk3 run 5 cooldown 5. I was surprised each time it was time to walk, and I ran for a little at the end of the cooldown. It feels nice to know I'm not hitting a wall.

    As for podcasts, I listen to Cool It's music I don't listen to on a regular basis (hip hop/pop) and it's kinda refreshing to hear something different.

    I am really loving this site, it's keeping me accountable for my eating, something I have never been before. I did "bad" on fri and saturday, but I was travelling. I got right back on track today.

    W5D1 walked @3.0
    ran @5.0

    don't know my weight, but weighed myself after a big meal and drinks (liquid, not alcoholic) and was fully clothed+ an extra shirt and was the same as naked and empty tummy about 2 weeks ago...progress, right??
  • MermaidMamma
    MermaidMamma Posts: 30 Member
    You sound about right, I run a little slower, but I'm not a fast runner. I heard 3.5 is the "ideal" brisk walk. But I guess it depends on your leg length!!
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I was on the C25K website and was reading this story and it really motivated me. Sometimes it's hard to keep in mind that i'm fortunate to be able to run and there are people who are out there that would love to run, exercise or even walk but can't, not because they are lazy and don't want to but because of a medical condition or disability. Anyways, just wanted to share this story and help motivate others. What a story...
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Sorry I haven't been following up as often, this one will be long...

    Heather, congrats on your first run and for succeeding over that pesky treadmill! You're on your way!

    Patrica - Awesome job. Week 4 is tough! How was it different on the treadmill vs. outside?

    Irongate - how's it going? Great job on your run and definitely go at your own pace, that is what is so special about this program is that there's no timeline and days or weeks can be repeated as often as needed. Don't move on until you're ready and don't push it too hard because you can't run if you're injured.

    lklein - welcome! great run! 6mph is what I'm striving for but it'll be a long time before I get there. That's amazing!

    Jamie - welcome! I think a lot of us run inside. I'm personally nervous I won't run as far or as fast if I'm responsible for propelling myself outdoors.

    Reese - AWESOME job comlpeting week 3. Wahoo!!

    Hollywood - I know you won't get this while you're gone but HAVE AN AMAZING TRIP! And great run. You're doing so well!

    Dlynn - welcome and we're happy to have you check in whenever you can (careful it can be addictive) :)

    Kendra - great run! Can't wait to hear how week 3 treats you. I'm glad that lowering the incline made your knees feel better. way to listen to your body!

    Mommy - awesome job! When you extend your runs are you running, walking or continuing the alternating according to your weekly program?

    Kspeds - awesome job! That's a brisk walking pace, great workout! And the running pace is great! Keep up all the good work!

    RatBoy - Welcome! We ALL have a lot of work to do in the running department so you're in good company. It's a day and a week at a time, and we'll get there for sure! Awesome run. It took me until week 4 to hit the 2 mile mark in the allotted time for the runs. So great job!

    McCracken - No shin pain? That's awesome! It's so nice to see progress and see how to fix things from week to week. Great job! And nice run today! Amazing.

    Ruby - Awesome job! I was totally freaked out about the 3 minute runs too. I suggest trying W3D1 and if you have to take breaks take breaks. You might find you can do it easier than you think. If not, then go back to week 2 for a day, then try week 3 again. Just be safe running outdoors! Haha, the super bowl is the championship series between 2 football (american football - not soccer) leagues. It's a big "Get together and eat and drink while watching funny commercials, halftime shows and a little sports" type thing that America is ever so fond of.

    Kai - You're doing a fantastic job! Keep up the good work - you'll be doing long runs before you know it! And kudos on the hour of the elliptical. That's what I do on my off days too and it ain't easy!

    Grey-Stars - we're all at different points in the program - don't let the title of the thread fool ya! Welcome! The apps and podcasts seem to keep everyone here pretty motivated. I love that they've made these tools available!

    NewMeat - So you've been running indoors in your new shoes - I forget - were you able to try them outdoors before the weather turned bad?

    Fit4Life - Welcome! MFP is a wonderful tool (and addictive for some of us!). You'd be amazed at the progress you make and it's really amazing how close you become with other members. I don't know how I ever lost weight without it (well, clearly I never did successfully!). I agree with you about week 3. I did W3D4 yesterday and I pushed the speeds up and still didn't get to 2.0 miles during the run. Just wait til you get to week 4 because you'll get there then! I like where your head's at. I agree. It's much more important to finish the program and learn to run for long periods of time. We can work on speed once distance is in the bag. I think the program suggest running 3 times a week. Some of us run every other day (about 4 times per week). I think it's important to have non-running days sprinkled throughout the week to help your body rest those muscles. So on the days where we're not running, a lot of us do additional workouts. It's not required. lol, i bet we do it just so we can eat the extra calories that day :)

    Rookie - Awesome job! And kudos to you for getting the Hubs on the treadmill! It's great to do this program together. We have a treadmill and elliptical in our basement, so I play my c25k over the stereo and DH likes to adapt the program for the elliptical. It's nice to know there's someone beside you struggling with it too :)

    Andrea - way to go! Also, I love that you're going to associate running on the treadmill as a break time for yourself from the kids. THAT alone will probably keep you motivated to get running. I love it!

    Shvrngrl - great run! Awesome! You'll be there before you know it!

    Lyndy - absolutely! We're all at different spots in the program so you'll fit in wherever you are! I think you need to find speeds that are comfortable for you. Walks that are brisk but that won't sap your energy that you won't be able to complete your runs. And runs speeds that are realistic that push you, but that you can finish. However fast or slow that is is completely up to you. Great run!

    Vanzeem - great job! keep up the good work! And thanks for the link to that story!

    Mermaid - great job. I'm glad to hear things are going a little smoother. And now you know what works for your body in terms of eating and such. Awesome work!

    Me, I finished W3D4 yesterday so today I wanted to give W4D1 a try. I completed it successfully. I burned more calories and got over the 2 mile mark, which I'd been trying to do. The funny thing about today is that I even had to skip church this morning because I barely slept last night and I have cramps that have caused me to see spots. I was totally motivated by you guys to go and give it a try and I did and SUCCEEDED. I did my walks at about 3.0-3.3, my 3 minute jogs at 5.0 and my 5 minute jogs at 4.7. Then I hopped over to the elliptical and knocked out a 30 minute (320 cal.) burn while watching The Invention of Lying on tv. Now, I'm an hour out from super bowl (which I'm just watching with DH at home - no parties here) and I have almost 1200 calories to spend for dinner and snacking. So thanks everyone for all your encouragement! I've never pushed myself like this before and I have a feeling its because of ya'll!

    Here's to a new week and the scale moving down!

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Great to see lot of new people here, the company makes it so much easier!
    It's an off day for me today, so I went for a walk around the burbs. Onto Week 2, day 5 tomorrow.
    Heather, you are doing really well, exercising when you feel yukky is tough. Hope you enjoy the game (and ads and half time entertainment - we hear all kinds of references to these, nothing about the actual game!)
    Ruby (in smokey Western Australia - as if floods and cyclones weren't enough, we have bushfires now).
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    The plan: C25k week four modified- run two minutes walk one, run four walk three and then repeat. Doing 3 and 1/2 about killed me last time so 5 is going to be rough. Will do modified for a week and then move on to the the original week four.

    What took place: Warm up and cool down 20 minutes 45 minutes of run two minutes walk one, run four walk three, repeat, and finish with run three walk two with a five minute run. :drinker: :happy: :yawn:
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Me, I finished W3D4 yesterday so today I wanted to give W4D1 a try. I completed it successfully. I burned more calories and got over the 2 mile mark, which I'd been trying to do. The funny thing about today is that I even had to skip church this morning because I barely slept last night and I have cramps that have caused me to see spots. I was totally motivated by you guys to go and give it a try and I did and SUCCEEDED. I did my walks at about 3.0-3.3, my 3 minute jogs at 5.0 and my 5 minute jogs at 4.7. Then I hopped over to the elliptical and knocked out a 30 minute (320 cal.) burn while watching The Invention of Lying on tv. Now, I'm an hour out from super bowl (which I'm just watching with DH at home - no parties here) and I have almost 1200 calories to spend for dinner and snacking. So thanks everyone for all your encouragement! I've never pushed myself like this before and I have a feeling its because of ya'll!

    Here's to a new week and the scale moving down!


    Amen about the scale!!!

    Great job today, your such an inspiration. Looks like we both a to worried about the five minute run.:laugh:
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    HMKan: I prefer to run outside :) I bring my dog with me and he loves to run. I get a little dizzy on the treadmill. Not sure why! I didn't fall, thank goodness. The treadmill is a lot easier on the knees though, that was nice. I might take one day on the treadmill going forward or if it gets too cold again.

    Congrats on completing Week 4!!! I first hit the 2 mile mark at week 4 as well!

    Everyone is doing so well. It really does keep me motivated to keep going by seeing everyone's successes :)
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Options I am definitely NOT a runner, but I'm going to give this a shot. I start week 1 tomorrow morning, and I'm planning to sign up for my first ever 5k at the end of April. Don't know what came over me, but I saw this thread and figured, why not? So thanks for the motivation!