New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone! Did W2D2 last night. It was a little easier than last time. Although I had to talk myself into getting on the treadmill. I was able to do the running at 5.8 (tried upping it to 6.0 if a had a little energy for the last 15 seconds of the running portion) and walked at 4.0.
    I'm planning to walk tonight on the treadmill while catching up on a couple of shows!
    Have a great day!
  • kknudson
    kknudson Posts: 60 Member
    Finished W1D3 last night! What a sense of accomplishment- for real I am way proud of myself. It was rough there for a minute, but I just had to take a sip of water and refocus on what I set out to do. I walk at 3.5 and run at 4.5 BUT THERE IS NO SHAME HERE. I am not strong enough in my heart/muscles/bones yet to increase my speed. But that's what this plan is supposed to do for all of us, ja?

    Starting Week 2 on Wednesday. I am thinking it's going to be tough-- but I'm welcoming the challenge. I hope everyone is kicking Week 1's BUTT and I'll see ya in Week 2 ;)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Aloa, great work!

    Antoni, welcome! You've touched on one of the things I love most about this program is that it keeps you on your toes so you don't get bored, which for me, translates into a more focused form while I run (I tend to shuffle when I get bored, which taxes my body even more). Let us know how you progress!

    Andrea, awesome work. You're blowing through this program, great job!

    kknudson, there is NO SHAME in 4.5. That's a great pace. We're not here to compare ourselves to each other since we're all at different levels of fitness. You've got a great attitude and we're happy you're in this thread with us!
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I downloaded some free podcasts last night and i LOVE it!! I did week3 day1 yesterday and can't wait till tomorrow to do it again. I did have a podcast that had techno music and it was okay, but i found a few with 'real' music and that definatly keeps me motivated!!! Good job everyone!!
  • mommyof5kids
    I completed week 2 day 2 today....

    *walking @ 3.7
    *jogging/running @ 5.0
    *used my incline tody---set on 1

    felt good so I did an extra 15 minutes
  • LisaLisaBoBisa
    Hello Everyone!

    Week 2 Day 3 will be done tonight! Thank you for starting this thread. It's great to have a group of people who are at the same level as me!

    Trying to lose 10 lbs. Disappointed that the scale hasn't moved since I started January 1. Going to the gym 3 times a week, using treadmill, doing C25K program (found an app for my Droid). Keeping track of my calories but was hoping to see a 1 lb drop per week, at least!

  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Week 2 Day 3 will be done tonight! Thank you for starting this thread. It's great to have a group of people who are at the same level as me!

    Trying to lose 10 lbs. Disappointed that the scale hasn't moved since I started January 1. Going to the gym 3 times a week, using treadmill, doing C25K program (found an app for my Droid). Keeping track of my calories but was hoping to see a 1 lb drop per week, at least!


    Welcome Lisa. have you been taking your measurements? If not, I'd suggest starting. That's the first thing I do when the scale frustrates me because losing inches is just as delicious as losing numbers on the scale. More so because it means there's a physical change in your shape that people will notice!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    *used my incline tody---set on 1

    I feel weird calling you Mommy. hehe.

    So did you notice a difference with the incline on 1? My treadmill won't go below 2.0 incline (which is less than fun but I guess I'm used to it). Do you think it was easier or more challenging running in a little bit of an incline?
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    *used my incline tody---set on 1

    I feel weird calling you Mommy. hehe.

    So did you notice a difference with the incline on 1? My treadmill won't go below 2.0 incline (which is less than fun but I guess I'm used to it). Do you think it was easier or more challenging running in a little bit of an incline?

    I set my incline on 1 last night as well for W2D1 which could possibly explain my difficulty last night, I didn't find too much of a difference from my first week but I am going to continue with it through the rest of this week and I will get back to you.
  • cohollywood
    This thread is inspiring. I started my weight loss challenge the last week of November and have lost 18 pounds so far. I am NOT a runner - just two days ago I did my first ever treadmill workout and did a mile in 14 minutes. Saw this thread, read through the whole thing, sent myself an email with the link to the podcast so I can download when I get home tonight, and will start W1D1 today!

    I'm super excited! We're going on a cruise in a few weeks, but, at the very least I'm going to try and get the 3 days done while we're gone. Right now I'm working out 6-7 days a week for 30-60 minutes a workout.

    I'm excited! Thanks everyone for the inspiration! I'm going to run a 5K too!!!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    This thread is inspiring. I started my weight loss challenge the last week of November and have lost 18 pounds so far. I am NOT a runner - just two days ago I did my first ever treadmill workout and did a mile in 14 minutes. Saw this thread, read through the whole thing, sent myself an email with the link to the podcast so I can download when I get home tonight, and will start W1D1 today!

    I'm super excited! We're going on a cruise in a few weeks, but, at the very least I'm going to try and get the 3 days done while we're gone. Right now I'm working out 6-7 days a week for 30-60 minutes a workout.

    I'm excited! Thanks everyone for the inspiration! I'm going to run a 5K too!!!

    Welcome, We look forward to hearing about your ups, your downs, and your trip!
  • mommyof5kids
    I did not really notice any difference using the incline...I think as I go along I am going to try to switch the incline every so often since it is really easy to do on my treadmill.........
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Well, I did Week 2, Day 2 today. I had to jog in the cold drizzle but that wasn't a big deal. The problem was that my shins (especially on my right leg) were KILLING me. I wanted to sit down and cry. I kept going. I figured my leg would start cramping if I stopped so I kept on going. I didn't jog near as fast as usual. Normally I burn 250+ cals, today I only burned 210.

    Now, 2 1/2 hours later, my leg is securely wrapped and it feels much better. I take my wrap with me on Friday so I can jog while wearing it. Well...time is ticking and I've got a double dose of Insanity tonight :noway:

    Happy running/jogging!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I've just done Week 2 Day One.

    I'm not actually doing it outside at the moment due to the weather. Instead I'm doing it on my exercise bike. By the time the weather gets better I should have completed it. So what I'm going to do is start the couch to 10k when that happens.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    This should prove how much of a non-runner I am.

    So shin that when your shins feel like they're being electrocuted and get all stiff (hence the splints). I've had that happen to me a couple of times, but not since this program (probably b/c of the treadmill settings).

    My question is, how do you treat those...or even prevent them? Does it have to do with water intake like a normal cramp? Is it a cramp? I've never really understood them despite always hearing about them.
  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    I am in i start tomorrow
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Started by accident wk3 day 1, will not be making that mistake, plan to finish wk2 day 2 Thursday and now that I have gotten a taste of wk 3, I just may repeat wk2. Still running at 4.5, walking at at 3.5 also added .5 incline

    Everyone looks like they are doing great, you all are awesome!!!
  • shanners85
    shanners85 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm going to re-start this at the gym. It's just too damn cold to run outside right now and hopefully move outdoors when the night weather hits!
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140
    I downloaded some free podcasts last night and i LOVE it!! I did week3 day1 yesterday and can't wait till tomorrow to do it again. I did have a podcast that had techno music and it was okay, but i found a few with 'real' music and that definatly keeps me motivated!!! Good job everyone!!

    Which one did you use? I wanted to get the Go Nicole yourself but with couldn't get it.
  • shanners85
    shanners85 Posts: 28 Member
    I use Suz's podcasts when I do my run. I find the music she has is more my "type" of music then the other ones I have found. Here is the link for it.