Snowflakes to Sunshine Week#5 Discussion (CLOSED GROUP)



  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    I am having the most horrible and stressed day ever. I came home from a long day at work, and all I could do is to cry. I felt so much better after crying myself out. School is putting so much pressure on me, and my teachers are being so difficult. I am a hardworking straight A student, and I found it very difficult to achieve....On the same thought I am not losing any weight.
    In August I am planning to visit my family back in Europe. I do not want them to see me fat AGAIN!!!!
    I am sorry for throwing out things like these...I just do not have anybody to share things with.

    Again, I apologize!

    I am very glad that I am doing this, and I am hoping to see some results. On the upside....when I go to the gym, I am there working out hard for an hour and a half....BEFORE, I would only do half and hour.

    Thanks for doing this with me!!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Krystle, :flowerforyou:

    Your sooo special, Smart!! Beautiful, Oh did I say Smart oh yeah I did :bigsmile: Silly me.:wink:

    I have not had any issues THANK GOD!!!!

    EXERCISE : I'm consistant with my exercise's. I WALK every day 1 hour / No excuses! / But I have No children & I'm only working 3 to 4 days aweek. And I don't have to go into work until 12 noon. ( SO IM BLESSED)

    My FOOD : I'm also doing fantastic! I'm not eating any junk food, that will put me back into hunger mode. The foods I eat are very filling, & I'm eating the good fats :happy:
    I'm staying away from any trigger food " for me" / which is .. :laugh: The list is to long, BUT just to name a few... chocolate pudding, cakes, sweet cereal, Regular Pasta, reg BREAD & etc. BUT DON"T GET ME WRONG!!! If I'm craving sweets, I will get it! But It's not going to be a trigger food for me to gorge. I'm eating healthier peanut butter & Jam ( for my sweet tooth), I'll eat low fat Honey Graham crackers, fat free Fig Newtons & hot chocolate No sugar Added 1/2 Package. For my Sweet Tooth cravings.

    I've switched from whole wheat bread to Sprouted bread 16 grains seeds & Spelt Bread ancient grain. ( expensive, BUT well worth it) TASTE AWESOME & VERY FILLING

    I'm sure there's still some food issues, BUT If I got any better ( I don't Know :blushing: ) I'd be eating Clean OR Detoxing which I was planning on doing tomorrow ( I got that from DR.OZ)


    I WISH EVERONE ALL THE BEST!!!!:drinker:
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member I thought this would be a good exercise for all of us....

    Reply on here and write down at home ANY excuse you have made for not working out or eating right.....

    Ex. I will start Monday, I was having a bad day, I was too busy.....

    Now write down next to that or to refute your own excuse.

    Example: I was having a bad day.........I will feel much better after I workout.

    Now keep this list somewhere handy every day and any time you start to fix your mouth to use this excuse....look at the list!

    Excuse: "I'm so tired after a long day of work and caring for the kids." .........
    Response: "You will feel so great ten minutes into your workout and really happy by the end of it. You always do!"

    Excuse: "I have no energy to cook anything. Let's go out to eat."
    Response: "Plan ahead and try to have some healthy and quick recipes at hand. If you MUST go out to eat, choose what you're getting before you get there."

    I just noticed that I wrote the excuse with "I" and the reponse with "you." Well, apprently, it is the little voice inside my head refuting me. :laugh:

    This is a great exercise!
  • Excuses: 1. I have a 6 month old to take care of... I don't have time to exercise.
    2. It's my TOM and I don't feel like it

    Answers: 1. I can exercse with the baby and she will think that we are playing example: dancing while holding her, putting her in the jumperoo and working out right next to her
    2. Just because it's my TOM doesn't mean I should be a slug for 7 days... I can do something low impact like walking in place for 20 minutes.. as long as I'm moving it's good.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Oh my gosh i forgot to tell you guys...I MET MY FIRST GOAL!!!! I was 160 this morning!!! This means it is officially time for me to call the doctor to set up a consultation about my horrid stretch marks :happy: OMG i cant even tell you all how excited I am about this!! I have literally been wanting this since i got the first stretch mark during pregnancy!!! AAAAHHH I MAY ACTUALLY HAVE A NORMAL LOOKING STOMACH AGAIN!!!! I think i will call tomorrow to try to set up an appointment!! I will keep you posted :happy:
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member

    Congratulations on meeting that first goal! That is awesome!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Oh my gosh i forgot to tell you guys...I MET MY FIRST GOAL!!!! I was 160 this morning!!! This means it is officially time for me to call the doctor to set up a consultation about my horrid stretch marks :happy: OMG i cant even tell you all how excited I am about this!! I have literally been wanting this since i got the first stretch mark during pregnancy!!! AAAAHHH I MAY ACTUALLY HAVE A NORMAL LOOKING STOMACH AGAIN!!!! I think i will call tomorrow to try to set up an appointment!! I will keep you posted :happy:

    That's awesome! Great job! So what is this stretch mark removal u speak of? I may need to look into that! Because I HATE the ones around my stomach!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member I thought this would be a good exercise for all of us....

    Reply on here and write down at home ANY excuse you have made for not working out or eating right.....

    Ex. I will start Monday, I was having a bad day, I was too busy.....

    Now write down next to that or to refute your own excuse.

    Example: I was having a bad day.........I will feel much better after I workout.

    Now keep this list somewhere handy every day and any time you start to fix your mouth to use this excuse....look at the list!

    Excuse(s) for not going to the gym/exercising:
    1) The boys decided not to go when I picked them up from school.
    2) I'm baking bread and have to be around to knead/shape/ferment,
    3) Have to soak the horse's hoof or other livestock issues,
    4) Phone calls got in the way,
    5) Too many chores to get done today,
    6) Unexpected projects popped up and on and on.....

    1) I will go to the gym after bringing the boys home if I planned on it because I feel so much better after I work out,
    2) I will put in the Slim in 6 DVD while bread dough is in one of the rises because I don't have to go anywhere to get a 30 minute work out that makes me sweat,
    3) If I can take 30 minutes out of my day to help a horse feel better, I can take AT LEAST 30 minutes for myself to make ME feel better!
    4) I will not answer the phone unless it is one of my family (and they all have recognizable phone rings), when I'm getting ready to or in the middle of a work out at home.
    5) I will plan to throw some laundry in as I'm heading out to the gym or getting ready to work out to a DVD.
    6) Sometimes unexpected things come up and I may actually not be able to work out - but I will plan to add in those minutes over the course of other days.

    And why - because I tend to forget how GREAT I really feel after working out!!! And because I know it will help me be healthier and reach my goal of looking good for my daughter's High School Graduation in May!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok my top two things are:

    1) One day of missing exercise won"t kill me!

    Solution: Nope, it won't kill you. But what if something else happens tomorrow and you can't workout. Don't make things harder on your body, by trying to cram 2 or 3 workouts into one day. Get up an extra 45 minutes in the morning to knock it out.m.You will feel better and just in case you are tired when you get know you already did it.

    2) I can eat this (Insert bad food here)...and I will just do more Zumba later.

    Solution: Don't do it...more Zumba may negate the calories, but not the sodium or the fact that the chocolate is not going to be of any nutritional value to you.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Krystle, :flowerforyou:

    Your sooo special, Smart!! Beautiful, Oh did I say Smart oh yeah I did :bigsmile: Silly me.:wink:

    I have not had any issues THANK GOD!!!!

    EXERCISE : I'm consistant with my exercise's. I WALK every day 1 hour / No excuses! / But I have No children & I'm only working 3 to 4 days aweek. And I don't have to go into work until 12 noon. ( SO IM BLESSED)

    My FOOD : I'm also doing fantastic! I'm not eating any junk food, that will put me back into hunger mode. The foods I eat are very filling, & I'm eating the good fats :happy:
    I'm staying away from any trigger food " for me" / which is .. :laugh: The list is to long, BUT just to name a few... chocolate pudding, cakes, sweet cereal, Regular Pasta, reg BREAD & etc. BUT DON"T GET ME WRONG!!! If I'm craving sweets, I will get it! But It's not going to be a trigger food for me to gorge. I'm eating healthier peanut butter & Jam ( for my sweet tooth), I'll eat low fat Honey Graham crackers, fat free Fig Newtons & hot chocolate No sugar Added 1/2 Package. For my Sweet Tooth cravings.

    I've switched from whole wheat bread to Sprouted bread 16 grains seeds & Spelt Bread ancient grain. ( expensive, BUT well worth it) TASTE AWESOME & VERY FILLING

    I'm sure there's still some food issues, BUT If I got any better ( I don't Know :blushing: ) I'd be eating Clean OR Detoxing which I was planning on doing tomorrow ( I got that from DR.OZ)


    I WISH EVERONE ALL THE BEST!!!!:drinker:

    Thanks so much :blush: you all are too flattering! LOL
    But so glad to see that you are doing so well and always keeping a positive about the journey! That is so awesome, and that is just what is needed for success!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Thank you guys for this awesome thread! Krys, as always, keeps me motivated with everything she says, thanks Helengator and for the great information and klwa, I love this! "A pound a week is 52 pounds in a year." I've been feeling pretty blah this week too, even though I've still been trying to bike to work in the snow. (Crazy? I prefer dedicated! :bigsmile:) My nutrition has really been slacking and I've got to make a much better effort during the rest of this challenge.

    Thank you my dear! I love that you are like the SPREADSHEET QUEEN! I don't know what I would have done without you! Ridind your bike in the snow?! Are you crazy!? LOL. But just get back on track with the nutrition girly...its never too late!
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Great exercise Krys!

    My excuses:

    1. I'll do my workout later and the reality is I never get around to it.

    Solution: Do it as soon as this excuse comes floating into my mind, or even better do it right away in the morning so it is done for the day!

    2. I don't want to try a new class on my own because it's my fear of the unknown and what happens if i can't get through the workout.

    Solution: The reality is I probably can push myself to complete any workout, stay confident. I should try to go to one fitness or adventure class on your own every week. If I feel more comfortable invite my best friend or mom for some bonding time and an aqua fitness class :)
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am having the most horrible and stressed day ever. I came home from a long day at work, and all I could do is to cry. I felt so much better after crying myself out. School is putting so much pressure on me, and my teachers are being so difficult. I am a hardworking straight A student, and I found it very difficult to achieve....On the same thought I am not losing any weight.
    In August I am planning to visit my family back in Europe. I do not want them to see me fat AGAIN!!!!
    I am sorry for throwing out things like these...I just do not have anybody to share things with.

    Again, I apologize!

    I am very glad that I am doing this, and I am hoping to see some results. On the upside....when I go to the gym, I am there working out hard for an hour and a half....BEFORE, I would only do half and hour.

    Thanks for doing this with me!!!!
    There is no need to apologize, we all have hard days.

    It is still the begining of the semester, you have a lot of things to learn and plenty of time to do it in. It is hard work to get straight A s, it is a huge accomplishment and requires a lot of commitment.

    Also being in college makes it harder to stay in shape. I know I gained the freshman 15, (or in my case 25.) Just hang in there you are doing great.
  • Happy Groundhog Day Ladies.... remember you are worth it and you can do this! Let's show that fat who's boss!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Ok, so for those who have been talking about not seeing the loss they are looking for...I challenge you all to do this. Take a look back at your food diaries. Understand that all fats are not created equal, all sugar are not created equal. So even though you feel like you are under calories, fat, carbs, etc. Are you eating things that promote weight loss? I can be at 1200 calories a day and still not lose weight if I am not putting the right fuel in my body. This may be the case with a lot of us that aren't seeing "big" numbers on the scale. So I would tell everyone to look back at your diaries and see how nutrient-rich the foods are that you are eating.

    For example, I know sometimes we may eat packaged oatmeal or grits for breakfast....try instead old fashioned Quaker Oats oatmeal that does not have the higher sodium or sugar as somoe of the packaged stuff. Also, cheese slices, unless stated they are processed. Processed foods, slow down the metabolism. If you are eating it for protein purposes, try eating greek yogurt and add some fresh fruit to it. After reading up on some things, I realized that I was not giving myself enough leafy greens. Also, protein is huge! Especially, lean protein.

    I talk about this in my "Eating Clean" blog It goes into great detail regarging how these two (lean protein and complex carbs) go hand in hand in increasing metabolism and BMR! Just something for everyone to think about! :)

    I had missed this message: I agree with this, Its perfect!!!!!!!!
    Thats what I see all the time, people staying in there 1200 calories range, but eating junk food / processed food. and not losing much weight.
    I'm trying to go by this. But I still eat the processed cheese and for my snacks I'll eat packaged junk.
    BUT!!! THIS is very difficult to get it all right, without feeling totally miserable.
    I am definetely eating less of the packaged junk food, But I haven't been craving sweets lately. BUT! When I do start to crave it Does anyone have any suggestions. WHAT sweets are out there, that are healthy??? Please don't say apples & oranges (LOL)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Honestly...when I crave sweet I either eat pineapple chunks or granola with some kind of honey or almond.. I eat one called Honey Almond Flax...OMG so good! LOL
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Oh my gosh i forgot to tell you guys...I MET MY FIRST GOAL!!!! I was 160 this morning!!! This means it is officially time for me to call the doctor to set up a consultation about my horrid stretch marks :happy: OMG i cant even tell you all how excited I am about this!! I have literally been wanting this since i got the first stretch mark during pregnancy!!! AAAAHHH I MAY ACTUALLY HAVE A NORMAL LOOKING STOMACH AGAIN!!!! I think i will call tomorrow to try to set up an appointment!! I will keep you posted :happy:

    Awesome!! You're doing great! Stick with it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Not sure if any of you are familiar with Chantel Hobbs book, "Never Say Diet Again" but long story short....she lost like 200lbs and has kept the weight off, with no surgeries, dieticians...nothing! Which is amazing. But in her book she has something called "The Five Decisions" and I want to pass this information to you all.


    You have to start here, and I'll warn you: this one can really hurt. The truth is, we all put on different personas in different situations, but you are the only one who knows who you are when no one else is in the room. I had people believing I was confident and happy with my life. No matter how authentic we'd like to be, we keep some things hidden. Especially when it comes to the parts of our lives we don't like. We get really good at hiding dissappointment and self-hatred.

    Back with more later..... :)

    We all fail, and nobody wants to wear a sign that says, "I blew it again!" The great news is, you can face up to your failures and get rid of a lot of fear by allowing yourself no more excuses. To do that, the first decision you have to make is to be completely honest about your failures. When you change your brain, you begin to identify all excuses you've been using to sabotage your success. I realized I had always mislabeled my excuses, calling them "reasons" that explained why I has setbacks or couldn't reach a goal.

    I had to tell myself the truth----that I had been a liar. In the past, whenever I said I didn't have time to exercise, I was really saying that exercise was not important enough to me to make time. Or I'd promise myself I'd give up all sugar on Monday so I could eat an extra piece of cake on Sunday, but by Monday afternoon some stressful event would drive me to the cookie jar. These lies had to stop.

    When I made the first of The Five Decisions, I was done with lying to myself. My first commitment was to tell the truth even when it was painful to do so. Owning up to the truth is emotional. It is also the greatest step you can take to get started (OR KEEP GOING IN OUR CASE)
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes...

    The University is closed again today and after lounging and cooking all day yesterday, I realized I had turned into my mother. Whenever we were snowed in as a child, my mother would bake and cook up a storm as if we weren't going to get back out of the house for months, rather than a day or two. I was home all day and have absolutely no excuse for not exercising. I played a bit on the wii fit, but I didn't really break much of a sweat so i didn't log it..One way or another, I sat in front of the television most of the day, watching back to back episodes of a variety of shows on demand. After limiting myself to two cookies, and munching on carrots while my sweetie knocked off an entire dozen (mr. six feet tall, in-shape, high metabolism, eat anything and not gain weight dude), this morning I decided to get get up this and come back to my sanity..

    Hit the zumba, hit the yoga mat. I should have come to the thread yesterday to see the excuse/refute exercise. That would have probably got me back in check yesterday. But today is a new day and I tried something new and healthy. I love hot cereals, but I also know that my favorite, cream of wheat, is the devil on my metabolism. I ventured to buy barley and made a recipe from women's health magazine: 3/4 cup of cooked pearled barley, a tsp. of real maple syrup with a few raw sliced almonds and a 1/2 cup of warmed vanilla soy milk. I can say, I truly enjoyed. Sated but not stuffed. Its not my good time old school favorite, but on a day like today, when I feel like I needed to punch of the fiber and protein, its right on the money. Many people swear by old fashioned oatmeal to keep them fueled and satisfied for hours, but honestly, in about 90 minutes, I'm hungry after I eat the stuff. We'll see if the barley is better.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    2. Be Forgiving

    Some of the greatest success stories of all time have come from people who regularly had failed but remained determined. Eventually they used their previous failures as motication for future success. With the second, of the Five Decisions, it's time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and look ahead. If you fall back on old habits and remind yourself of all the times you vowed to do something and then failed, you're preparing for yet another failure. Your second decision, to be forgiving, retrains your brain to think differently about who you are.

    You are no longer defined by your past. Move On!

    On the other hand, and here is the tough part, forgiveness is not a license for further failure. Forgive yourself, but learn important lessons from your mistakes. You really must be careful not to let the ability to forgive yourself become a new excuse not to get the job done.


    Success is a direct result of committment. We all know this, but we allow fear to convince us we can't make it happen. Often that's because we look too far into the future and tell ourselves we won't be able to keep at it over the long haul! The strength and level of your committment will grow as the success starts to happen. The important thing is to decide today that you will be committed, and then let the small successes you experience every day build your confidence and committment.

    The decision to stay committed will be easier as you see results and have more and more invested in what you've already accomplished. For the Brain Change to work for you, you must shift your thinking away from dramatic weight loss and focus on changing the way you think of yourself. You are breaking a bad habit. Therefore, your job in the beginning is to concentrate on sticking to a small goal and then using your growing confidence to achieve more challenging goals. Reprogram yourself into keeping one simple promise at a time.

    Prepare yourself for frustration. It's hard to start exercising and not see immediate results. Sometimes we start to feel that things are taking too long. But you have to remind yourself that this is process.
This discussion has been closed.