Snowflakes to Sunshine Week#5 Discussion (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    4. Be Interested

    You have to be willing to learn and be a student again. YOu must gain an understanding of what works and what doesn't. That means asking questions as well as doing your own research. It means being interested in how the human body works. This decision may seem optional...but don't discount its importance. It allows you to take charge of your life and your health.

    This is why its so funny how weight-loss advertisements that promise "Fast and Easy Results!" Think of programs like NutriSystems. Pre-packaged foods with the perfect portions....I am not discrediting this or any other program like it. However, if you leave the work up to the diet industry...what are you really doing? Giving someone else control of YOUR life. When you learn on your own to make the right choices, it transforms you. If you hand over these crucial decisions to a diet plan that supplies your food and does the thinking for you, you lose that ability to make healthy choices for yourself.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    My favorite...

    #5 Surrender

    I was so tired of trying and failing to lose weight. I hated that I had no self-worth. I had tried diets and eating plans and exercise, but I'd always tackled it alone. I'd start and quit, then start again later. Or I'd replay on the "experts" to tell me about some trendy new way to make the pounds melt away. I ended up more exhausted and discouraged than when I started. I decided this time HAD to be different.

    True and complete surrender made all the difference for me. I truthfully, don't worry any longer about whether I'm going to gain the weight back. Not just because I didn't go on a diet to get here, but because God guaranteed me the victory if I did the work, and He has given me the strength when I didn't have much left.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Thanks so much Krys for all of the inspiration!!! Oh and the stretch mark removal I am planning on doing is the Affirm Laser Treatments, The are done by a plastic surgeon. There is no down time and it is virtually pain free, the only downside is the price-i believe its around $400 per treatment I have read that it takes 6-8 treatments to get full results. I know it is extremely expensive but my tummy looks like i have been mauled by a tiger LOL---seriously I hate it, and I know It would be worth the money for me to not absolutely hate my body, and If i am working this hard to lose this weight I want to be able to show it off!!
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    Very inspirational Krys.. thank you
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Options what happened to the motivation we had last week? Let's talk about it and see if we can figure out why some of us are lacking the motivation now that we have been going at this for a month?

    I think it is almost that time of the month! That would explain why I'm eating some of the food I'm eating. I need to get outside and get fresh air all this snow is getting me down. I didn't set any goals to myself this week also not good. I will Keep on Keeping on! And I will push through this and come Friday I will make my goals to myself. I wish I had more exercise options. I wish joining a gym was an option. I wish I wasn't the one who is the encourager or motivator and that my neighbor who comes over to do Just Dance, Zumba and Biggest Loser on the Wii would push me when I need pushing. But I'm not waiting until Friday! Tomorrow I will drink at least 10 glasses of water, I will exercise for 45-60 minutes.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Thanks so much Krys for all of the inspiration!!! Oh and the stretch mark removal I am planning on doing is the Affirm Laser Treatments, The are done by a plastic surgeon. There is no down time and it is virtually pain free, the only downside is the price-i believe its around $400 per treatment I have read that it takes 6-8 treatments to get full results. I know it is extremely expensive but my tummy looks like i have been mauled by a tiger LOL---seriously I hate it, and I know It would be worth the money for me to not absolutely hate my body, and If i am working this hard to lose this weight I want to be able to show it off!!

    I say go for it! It'll be so worth it for you to love your stomach! :smile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm not feeling overly confident this week. I can't believe its almost time to weigh in again. I started the week off strong (meaning the Friday since our last weigh in). Then I got my wisdom teeth pulled and with all the snow fall, the gym has been closed. But I have been trying to eat ok and I have been trying to exercise from home,but I'm not nearly getting the burn I would if I were at the gym. I did zumba on wii, but I burn twice as much when I'm in the actually class. I need to get over the hump and get back to losing!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Options what happened to the motivation we had last week? Let's talk about it and see if we can figure out why some of us are lacking the motivation now that we have been going at this for a month?

    I think it is almost that time of the month! That would explain why I'm eating some of the food I'm eating. I need to get outside and get fresh air all this snow is getting me down. I didn't set any goals to myself this week also not good. I will Keep on Keeping on! And I will push through this and come Friday I will make my goals to myself. I wish I had more exercise options. I wish joining a gym was an option. I wish I wasn't the one who is the encourager or motivator and that my neighbor who comes over to do Just Dance, Zumba and Biggest Loser on the Wii would push me when I need pushing. But I'm not waiting until Friday! Tomorrow I will drink at least 10 glasses of water, I will exercise for 45-60 minutes.

    I probably have the same excuses as you and the temperature sure doesn't help for me... minus 35, minus 46, minus 30 almost everyday... I just want to stay in bed... But I will do like you and push myself tomorrow! We can do this!

  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    There were 7 foot snow piles as I drove in to work this morning but as I got out the car, I heard a few birds chirping...

    A blessed reminder that sumer is coming and motivation for me to stay on track. Have a great day everyone!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Happy birthday you February babies!! :flowerforyou: Val and Amanda, and anyone else celebrating! what happened to the motivation we had last week? Let's talk about it and see if we can figure out why some of us are lacking the motivation now that we have been going at this for a month?
    What I did recently to boost my motivation was ask myself why I really want to lose weight, what losing weight will mean to me, and (seriously) what have I been getting out of being overweight for this long? I think we all must be betting something out of being overweight, or we would lose the weight, and that would be the end of that. But there is definitely more to it than that. Why have you been holding on to your weight? (See my blog in my signature if you want to read what my understanding of why I'm this weight is.)
    am so excited about a new week and a new month. I have some great plans for February that should help me cut down on my late night snacking. I am allowing myself 3 free days in February. Super bowl, all-star game and Valentine's day. My husband and I are doing a February challenge where we don't eat after 9pm. I really hope this helps with my loss for next week.
    Great choices, TeamLeela!
    Another thing I do is sleep in my workout clothes...
    I LOVE that!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    This was news to me but may not be for others, but it might also be a scientific explanation for the lull that has come over some of us!!! Did you know that it takes 90 days to break a habit!! 90 days!! :huh: Thats right!! So if we want to break the habit of BAD EATING !! 90days. If we want to break the habit of living a sedintary lifestyle ..... 90 days!!! If we want to break the habit of making bad decisions for our health and body ....... you got it ladies . . . . . . . 90 days!!!
    I've only ever heard 30 days, so I hope this 90 news doesn't make anyone think their goals are that much harder to reach. Another important thing to remember is that we need NEW habits to replace the old ones, or else those old habits will just return, because there is still that space for them. ie. If you want to stop drinking soda or coffee, you'll probably want to replace it with water or green tea. Obvious, but important.
    Take a look back at your food diaries. Understand that all fats are not created equal, all sugar are not created equal. So even though you feel like you are under calories, fat, carbs, etc. Are you eating things that promote weight loss? I can be at 1200 calories a day and still not lose weight if I am not putting the right fuel in my body. This may be the case with a lot of us that aren't seeing "big" numbers on the scale. So I would tell everyone to look back at your diaries and see how nutrient-rich the foods are that you are eating.
    This is sooo true. I think a lot of people (generally) really need to look at what they are eating. I've been noticing in the food diaries that are open to the public (in general), people are eating one huge unhealthy meal (often some sort of fast food), a little breakfast, and no lunch at all. Good for being under calorie, but wouldn't those people rather be eating more veggies and fiber, and actually feeling full, rather than barely getting by. Holding back in this sort of way, will definitely lower someone's motivation to stick with it!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am having the most horrible and stressed day ever. I came home from a long day at work, and all I could do is to cry. I felt so much better after crying myself out. School is putting so much pressure on me, and my teachers are being so difficult. I am a hardworking straight A student, and I found it very difficult to achieve....On the same thought I am not losing any weight.
    In August I am planning to visit my family back in Europe. I do not want them to see me fat AGAIN!!!!
    I am sorry for throwing out things like these...I just do not have anybody to share things with.
    eversits... You are doing so well in school! Don't let anyone get to you. Be confident! People that work for their grades are more likely to be successful than those (annoying) naturally smart people. :wink: You can do it! Use your time now (when you aren't studying!) to workout and eat right (and remember that eating healthy, will help you in school as well!!), or you might find that August will be here, and you will be in the same position. (I know this feeling, cause it's happens to me every year when I've looked back on my progress so far.) Keep going!!
    Also being in college makes it harder to stay in shape. I know I gained the freshman 15, (or in my case 25.) Just hang in there you are doing great.
    That all depends on how you look at it. I lost weight in college, and I think it's easier to do so because you're occupied with classes and studying. For me, I was also away from family, which was a huge relief, so I was less stressed out and likely to eat. Everyone has a different experience. :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am definetely eating less of the packaged junk food, But I haven't been craving sweets lately. BUT! When I do start to crave it Does anyone have any suggestions. WHAT sweets are out there, that are healthy??? Please don't say apples & oranges (LOL)
    Awesome! Good for you! I crave a lot of sweets too. Maybe try raw honey in some herbal tea? (Sometimes I lick it off the spoon. :blushing: ) Add some stevia (natural sweetener - 0 calories - slightly odd aftertaste) to your oatmeal instead of white/brown sugar, or maple syrup. There's also 100% natural maple syrup and agave nectar that you can have some fun with in small quantities. Moderation is key. I'm sure you could find lost of energy bar-type things with these natural ingredients in them at your local health food store, or health food section of your grocery store!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm not feeling overly confident this week. I can't believe its almost time to weigh in again. I started the week off strong (meaning the Friday since our last weigh in). Then I got my wisdom teeth pulled and with all the snow fall, the gym has been closed. But I have been trying to eat ok and I have been trying to exercise from home,but I'm not nearly getting the burn I would if I were at the gym. I did zumba on wii, but I burn twice as much when I'm in the actually class. I need to get over the hump and get back to losing!
    You can do it! I know the whole wisdom teeth/gym closed/not getting the same burn feelings. Look at your sentences for a sec. "I have been TRYING to eat ok and I have been TRYING to exercise." Change it to I HAVE been eating ok, and I HAVE been exercising. As long as you are making a serious effort and commitment to these things, even with a temporary lower burn, you'll still be fine in the long run. :flowerforyou:
  • forgiven4life
    There were 7 foot snow piles as I drove in to work this morning but as I got out the car, I heard a few birds chirping...

    A blessed reminder that sumer is coming and motivation for me to stay on track. Have a great day everyone!

    I love this! Way to look for the positives!
  • bhonniered
    So I took some advice I saw and slept in my workout clothes :tongue: No excuses! Thinking about going to a yoga class tonight - last time I went it wiped me out, but that was 2 or 3 months ago. I am in better shape now so maybe it won't be as much of a struggle. :bigsmile:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning...I hope everyone is having a wonderful morning thus far! I got to work today and was feeling pretty good. Looking forward to getting home and doing some exercise. I am going to keep it light today, since tomorrow is weigh-in day! Can you believe that it is time to weigh-in again already! This totally makes my weeks go by faster, which I am all about LOL The closer I get to Summer, the better.

    So I did want to bring up a topic today....Strength Training....

    I wanted to see how many people are incorporating strength training with their exercise regimen. For those that are not...I want to stress the importance in doing so. Our bodies have underlying muscle beneath in our body fat. We actually have more muscle, the more we weigh, so that our bodies can handle the fat we carry around (sad but true). However, if you begin to strength train while doing cardio and eating right (this doesn't mean starving yourselves), that muscle will turn into lean muscle and increase metabolism and greatly increase our ability to burn calories 24/7...Who the heck wouldn't want that. LOL

    Great thing is studies show that it only takes 15 minutes of stress to create a new muscle! So you don't have to do anythin gcrazy or pump iron for 2 hours in the gym. Starting off with some simple dumbbell curls, tricep kick backs, military presses, etc. Another great alternative for those who may not have hand weights or resistance bands is....Pilates!

    I have personally never tried it, however, I have seen a lot of Pilates Bodies...and they are not too shabby lol.

    So just some food for thought for your ladies to think about. A very good example of this is the fact that the Biggest Loser contestants engage in strength training, from the very beginning. This actually accelerates fat watch the word FAT LOSS. So the scale is not going to always show this. A good idea is to get a set of calipers and learn how to use them. This will measure body fat, and is something that works in great tandem with the scale. This way you can see how much fat you are losing :)

    Have a great day SNOWFLAKES!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I took some advice I saw and slept in my workout clothes :tongue: No excuses! Thinking about going to a yoga class tonight - last time I went it wiped me out, but that was 2 or 3 months ago. I am in better shape now so maybe it won't be as much of a struggle. :bigsmile:

    You would never think that Yoga could be so tiring right...? LOL I tried it for the first time probably about 8 months ago and I was breathing all kinds of hard lol
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member

    You never cease to amaze me!!!! LOVE :heart: all of the information and tips that you provide us with. You are a walking encyclopedia when it comes to weightloss, nutrition and exercise. I think it's awesome that you educate yourself through research. It is obvious that you have put forth a lot of time and effort to obtain this knowledge!!! Have you started that "book" yet?:drinker:

    I can't thank you enough for ALWAYS taking the time to share this wealth of information with your "Snowflakes" *BIG HUG* :love:

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Amanda, great job on meeting your first goal!! Do you have any birthday plans?