SWaT Walking Group - February Walk



  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    Well the weekend is over and I'm kind of glad. Had a good one though. I walked a couple of miles between yesterday and today. When I went to change my exercise ticker it was all messed up. So I have it right now and I'm back to my routine. It's a good thing I'm not going to weigh until March 3rd. Hopefully I'll meet my goal of 3-5 pounds.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    So glad I did the Five Mile Slim Down this morning, because during the Super Bowl i indulged in too many chips with Velveeta salsa (sooooo tasty, but so full of sodium and fat grams; I'm over on both for today, but did stay under the calories - only because of the walk!).

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb1/ 4 miles and weights Slim Walk Power Walk
    Feb2/4.5 miles and weights. BL Walk Power Walk Strong Walk Alice Walk
    Feb3/ 3.5 miles with weights 3lbs all around, weights
    Feb4/2 miles ramped up LS weights all around.
    Feb 5/3 miles today
    Feb7/1.5 miles


    Slow Sunday for me, slashed the end of my thumb. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Wasted a bunch of time on that and just felt tuckered after.

    Grandkids, DH and I had a super bowl bash. We had a good time, I did keep my portions small but know I am high on the sodium. Sigh..... As a Wisconsonite I just have to say, "How bout those local boys, not bad ey?"

    GO PACK! Just this one time I promise!:happy:

    NIt all, see you in the new week, Alice
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday already?

    Power Walk/Strong Walk/Alice Walk/Weights 72 minutes 4.5 miles

    Have a great week all!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning!! Happy Monday ALL! :flowerforyou:

    Hi! Butterfly Glad you joined, WELCOME!!

    I walked 2.66 miles this morning,I kept it short because I'm heading into work 12 to 4 today.

    5th day on Sugar Detox, and I'm feeling Great. Only 3 more days left to go. :bigsmile:

    ALICE --- Sorry About your thumb, It must of been a bad one! OUCH!

    AZchatter--- Still Fantastic you stayed under your calorie goal

    JrBanta---- Sorry! I can't help :flowerforyou: Hope the pain goes away once you start walking.

  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the hint Sandara - I just must of missed the point of the "add" button - I'm on track now! I didn't get much walking in this weekend just one walk on Saturday morning. Snowing again here - how I would love to live near the beach too! Perhaps I can convince my DH to head south for a while, even a four-day weekend would be nice! Just something to thaw out :laugh:
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Hi Everyone! Haven't posted in a couple days due to technical difficulties because the hubby disconnected the internet by mistake and not only that, but the TV I use in the basement for my Leslie Sansone DVDs! I popped in one of her music DVDs and walked on the treadmill for 2 1/2 miles this morning. 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill is all I can handle it gets kind of boring. But then I did some weights and strenght training.

    Im just reading through everyones comments for the last couple days to see what I missed. I will catch up with some of you tomorrow.

    Have a good night!
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    :sad: Boo hoo for the Steelers! Okay, now that that's done...

    I did 4 miles today. My heart rate monitor was down due to an issue with the chest strap and I didn't have it over the past couple of days. Got it back today and Whew! serious calories burned. I thought I might have been slacking but I think it's the machine at the gym under reporting - at least I hope its the machine under reporting and not my HRM over reporting :ohwell:

    Yes, Sandra, come on up and we'll head over and watch the firefighters er I mean work out - where's the drooling smiley? Actually, this other gal literally fell off her elliptical because she was watching the guys. I felt bad for her, but it was too funny.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry I'm just not with the program today. I've had a headache all day that I just can't get rid of. Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow or maybe I can find me one of those gyms like Tracy's. That might keep me motivated a little more :wink:

    Sorry about your finger Alice. It is amazing how much time you can spend at the ER or doc's taking care of something like that. I Hope it's all better now.

    Keep on walking everyone so I'll feel obligated to get myself moving tomorrow! :blushing:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~Power Walk/Strong Walk/Alice Walk/Weights 72 minutes 4.5 miles
    Tuesday~4 miles/ 4 with Leslie and a weight workout.

    Feb wk 2/ 8.5
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Tracy --- Oh, I wish I was going to your gym ! I probably would of been the one to fall off what ever it was that girl fell off of. Don't those men have the BEST body's ever!!!!

    Just stopped in to say Hello, Today Im taking my Day Of REST!

    Day 6th of Detox Is going GREAT!!! No sugar sweet or Carb cravings & tomorrows my last day of detox! YEAH!!!!!!!! :happy:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a while and outside of work I haven't done much walking, either. I did get in a mile before work yesterday but that was it. At least I am starting to get walking back into my schedule!

    Don't have much time. I will try to get back here later.

    Have a great day, all!
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone. I had gotten of track and now I'm back. The doctor had given me some new meds that made me feel really bad. I quit taking it. So although it fixed one problem it gave me more:frown: So I walked 2 miles and I hope everyone has a good day.:smile:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm feeeling much better today so I didn't even cut the computer on until I got my walk in. I did the 3 mile burn body fat & sculpt your arms. I didn't really like that one much when I started out but I really liked it tonight. It starts out with one lb hand weights, then up to two and finally 3 lbs for just a bit. It also has a faster segment with no weights and a little boosted walking too. I need to go back through all my workouts and refresh my memory instead of doing the same ones over and over. I could really feel this one in my abs.

    Tomorrow is hump day, I hope everyone has a good one!

    Glad your feeling better Viggie!
  • constancemwj
    just a quick checkin to let everyone know I'm still here. I've company all weekend and all week so the walking has kind of laxed. but I did 4 miles today.
    I got to get moving or I won't make my goal this month...\
    Hope you are all doing great
    Keep moving
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~Power Walk/Strong Walk/Alice Walk/Weights 72 minutes 4.5 miles
    Tuesday~4 miles/ 4 with Leslie and a weight workout.
    Wednesday~4 miles coffee with Leslie and the weights

    Feb wk 2/ 12.5

    Morning all, -5 again this a.m. this is one long cold spell. Hiked through the knee deep snow to fill the bird feeders. I am always amazed that those tiny little bodies can handle this weather, especially when food is so scarce. And we think we struggle with our exercise!

    Onward and upward, Alice
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you all are having a wonderful week? I got up bright and early on Sunday morning and was off walking by 7 a.m.!!! I walked passed Brookside Cove, The Hamptons to Rock Island and back! It is 2 miles each way so, I did a total of 4 miles!!! I just did the same walk today!!!! I love it is is so pretty. I am so fortunate to live in South Florida and be able to enjoy this beautful weather!!! A few more months and I will be complaining about the heat, humidity and hurricanes!!!!!! :grumble:

    Enjoy your week!!!
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Catching up from yesterday. I did the 3 mile flatten your belly walk and today I'll be doing something when I get home - haven't decided what yet though. My son made me (he really did) make cookies on Sunday and I haven't had much self-control so need to work those 100 calorie suckers off.

    Since all you ladies have agreed with me regarding the scenery at my gym, I've decided to take pictures for you all so you can enjoy the view as much as I do:laugh: Of course, the fire fighters haven't been there at the same time I was since Sunday, but I'm still hoping :bigsmile:

    Heading to AZ next week to visit my parents. AZChatter and Sarah, please dial up the heat at I'd like to see 60s and know you would too!

    Ta ta for now!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello :flowerforyou:

    I walked 6.47 miles today / 2 hours & 15 minutes. OMG! It was gorgeous out today 70 degree weather, windy & SUNNY !!!! I better get my happy moods in now, Because when Summer comes I'll be crying. LOL :laugh:

    Your a real sweetheart to get out in that snow to feed the birds. (Im sure there loving U for it). I don't know how those birds survive, I have a parrot and I went outside with her yesterday and she was shivering & I had to put her in the screened in patio. It was about 78 degree's out but slightly windy.

    I'm NO Longer logging into " Walk across America":angry:

    7th and Last Day of my sugar detox, Everything Is GREAT!!! But I can't wait till tomorrow to eat my brown rice pasta. And then I can't wait for my evening sweet poataoes and my morning sprout Raisin bread.. YEAH!!!!!!!