SWaT Walking Group - February Walk



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Only 14 miles to go to meet my February goal! I thought about upping it and may do that but since I started doing 30 Day Shred 2-3 times per week I may keep my goal at 14. We'll see...
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Today was even better outside so I got in 3 miles at lunch! YaY! I should go do some weights but I"m still cooking dinner and I'm just tired today for some reason! Everybody keep on walking! We're halfway thru the month already. Where is the time going?
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    I almost forgot to log my walk in for today. I walked 6.49 miles It took 2 hours and 11 minutes

    NIGHT NIGHT!!!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    I did my first mile outside today at work. It was a beautiful day! At home I walked 3 more miles with Leslie. I really like the 5 Mile Tone and Shape Up Video. You can choose any combo of the miles to walk. The sidewalks in MN are still snowy and slushy. Streets are dry but I can't walk on the streets my whole outside route. Can't wait until Spring! Happy Walking! Night-Night:yawn:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb 14 Weight 176
    Monday-LS Walk Away the Pounds 3mile+weights
    LS hip and Thigh plus a Power mile 3 miles
    Tuesday~LS Buns and Thighs/weights Power Walk 4 miles
    1.5 miles Alicewalk/weights
    Wednesday~4 miles no weights
    Thursday~3miles with weights all around.

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning WALKERS!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I've been eating bad the last 2 or 3 nights & I'm up 2 pounds. Yes Depression setting in. :frown: :cry: Any how, Today I threw out all Junk food "SWEETS" and I know I won't go out and buy any. So Hopefully Im Back On Track TODAY!!

    I walked 3.48 miles this morning, slow paced, my legs are still killing me from yesterdays walk. :grumble:

    Im wishing everyone Great weight loss success And A GREAT WEEK!!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I have been 'out of the groove' the past 2 weeks. I really hope to get back on track!

    This morning I jogged 54 minutes, for my total of 3.72 miles.

    Getting close to my goal, def. gonna overpass it this month!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Just giving this thread a kick down the road. It's been a long time between posts. I thing most of you started walking today and just kept going!!!!! Write home when you can:bigsmile:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I forgot to post last night but I did 2 miles yesterday at lunch. My legs are really feeling it right now. Outside walking apparently uses different muscles than the inside walking!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb 14 Weight 176
    Monday-LS Walk Away the Pounds 3mile+weights
    LS hip and Thigh plus a Power mile 3 miles
    Tuesday~LS Buns and Thighs/weights Power Walk 4 miles
    1.5 miles Alicewalk/weights
    Wednesday~4 miles no weights
    Thursday~3miles with weights all around.
    Friday~3.5 miles/weights

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    GOOD MORNING WALKERS!! :flowerforyou:

    Beautiful, Gorgeous Day today & I have to go into work soon UGH!!
    Well I just finished a moderate walk of 3 miles. I had to try and walk the pain out of my upper legs.

    Sandra ---- Your Right about walking outside uses different mucles then doing the walks inside.

    Happy Walking everyone!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did almost 3 miles yesterday--I'm getting there but not gonna stress if I don't make my goal.

    The order that was supposed to be in on Wednesday never arrived. We finally tracked it down and they say it will be here today around 1 so I am going in for the afternoon instead of the morning.
    Another order was delivered to the wrong store so I have had a couple of REALLY boring days at work. I do think we have the cleanest outside garden center in the state, though! I spent a LOT of time sweeping!

    I have been working on my jewelry and hope to have enough for a craft fair or two this summer.

    Have a great day, everyone! And a wonderful weekend, too!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I'm taking the day off from walking. I had my iron infusion today and I feel fine but thought I'd give it at least a day to settle in. That's one reason why I tried to walk every day at lunch this week just in case I didn't feel up it after the infusion. I don't think it's going to be an issue though.

    Kathy, I bet sweeping burns lots of calories too! I hate slow days at work because they just drag by. Mine was pretty slow last week but I'll be filling in for someone on vacation next week so mine should be much better.

    Alice & Teresa your both going strong! WTG!

    Everybody have a great weekend and I hope you all are going to have nice weather like we are here in Georgia.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    I have to walk today because I ate Pizza Hut for lunch. I plan to do 2-3 miles a little later this evening!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I know iron is heavy but 3 lbs? :laugh:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb 14 Weight 176
    Monday-LS Walk Away the Pounds 3mile+weights
    LS hip and Thigh plus a Power mile 3 miles
    Tuesday~LS Buns and Thighs/weights Power Walk 4 miles
    1.5 miles Alicewalk/weights
    Wednesday~4 miles no weights
    Thursday~3miles with weights all around.
    Friday~3.5 miles/weights

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Afternoon Walkers ! :flowerforyou:

    I don't know how I did it, I hope the scale isn't broken But after pigging out 3 nights in a row and gaining 2 pounds and now 2 days back on track I'm back down 2 pounds. I'm crossing my fingers the scale is right this time :bigsmile:

    I just finished walking 7.42 miles in 2 hours 36 minutes. . I was so exhausted I begged my husband to bath me & feed me ( NO GO) Wasn't going to happen (LOL). He just layed there and looked dumb :wink:

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Did 4 miles with Leslie this morning and then started a big cleaning project in the basement. Tired now so resting to finish the cleaning project tomorrow. A snow storm is headed to MN so the signs of spring coming soon are going to disappear.:cry:
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Happy Saturday Everyone,

    Haven't posted in over a week, wow. Sorry about that. Alot on my mind lately I guess. I have been walking most days though and keeping up with my food diary. Scale hasn't moved so I must be doing the maintenance thing right.

    I really hope the weather forcast is wrong for more snow our way. I got a taste of spring here in Wisconsin this past week. Even paged through some veg. garden cataloges so I could decide what I want to plant this year.

    I took the dog for a nice long walk today then made the mistake of letting him in the door right away. His belly and feet were full of mud so in the tub both of us went. Yea, I stand in the tub. Its back breaking! Then had to mop the kitchen and vaccume. I think I put giving him a bath as "wrestling" for exercise last time...lol.

    Enjoy your weekend guys!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Marie, I'm next door in Minnesota. My dog is old and has doggie dementia coming on. He knows not to leave the yard, or use to, but now has started wandering. The neighbor two doors down brought him home today. His invisible fence collar doesn't do so well when the snow is deep. I just put it on since a lot has melted. We are waiting for the storm too. We planned crock pot recipes for tonight and tomorrow while we tackle our basement store room and clean/sort/throw. It's a good inside project when the weather isn't nice. I've been walking to my DVD's and doing 30 Day Shred. I look forward to my outside neighborhood walks and going to the regional park trails, hiking up north again, and biking.

    Stay warm,