Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Oops...wrote to much and didn't get the last two....

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    So I'm really excited to join this group! I am 27 years old, full time nurse, and mom of two. I have been doing MFP for a month and I am absolutely addicted. I'm 5'6" and weigh 146#. I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
  • kbellnurse
    Question of the day - What are you doing to get ready for this month?

    Hmm - well I am trying to always plan my meals the day before and I am not letting myself bring any "treat" food into the house anymore. And I have to say that it's already paid off! Today I found out my poor broke ole car is toast. The mechanic called and told my husband, nothing we can do, gotta look for something else. (When you can't afford anything else this means searching around for a "new" beater which will probably let you down just like the old one..damn being a student). My husband had his business partner over so it was just me alone in the kitchen making my healthy little chicken soup.

    My first instinct : Cry (which I did - blaming the onions)

    Second..: EAT!!

    I opened the cupboards, fridge, freezer, Searching for that piece of chocolate, cookie, something sweet or salty, something fatty and delicious to drown my sorrows. And alas, it wasn't there!! I even admit embaressingly I thought about marching across the street to the convenience store. Not having a car is a pretty sh**y deal where I live. I've already had to go two weeks of borrowing my husbands truck the odd time it's free just to get groceries. It's put a huge cramp in my workouts/social life and all my bussing is cutting into my schooling! But, since there was nothing to eat.. I couldn't. So i kept on chopping, made my soup, and moved on.

    The soup was delicious too. So glad I didn't cave while buying groceries and pick up anything sweet. :)
    (that was kind of more of store than a question answer..sorry!)
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    Hello. I am new to this thread as well. I am 26 a mother of a 2 year old and a happy wife. I started mfp in Jan. and lost 11 lbs. I still have a long way to go. This month I want to loose 8 lbs, exercise more, and eat try new fruits and veggies. I am excited to be a part of this group.

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I think we lost someone in the shuffle...
    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow! :noway: So inspired by all the NEWBS! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Happy to have you all and I really hope you stick it out. Please, be warned (again), this thread really moves so if you can't keep up - don't sweat it! Just do what you can, read whenever it's convenient for you, and try to post us with updates whenever you have something you want to share!

    I really cannot express my gratitude and appreciation for this group enough -- The motivation and support that I continue to receive every day from you lovely folks is truly remarkable. Being a part of this group is SO rewarding, and on days when I really don't want to push any more, you ladies really get me moving! :happy:

    Today was a weird day... I ate really well, for the most part, and had a great meal plan laid out including leftover Moroccan Stew for dinner and enough cals left for a sweet healthy evening snack - ie: and AWESOME green monster. Then at 5pm my boy called me from work to tell me he was driving over once he finished up to spend some time together before the big blizzard hits... Well, that's wonderful and I'm happy to hear it, but whattt about dinner? Ohhh, right. Dinner. Hadn't really thought about it. How about we just run out and get Pita Pit? :grumble: I LOVE pita pit. He knows this. We both do, actually. And for food on-the-go, it's super low-cal and a great healthy alternative to fast-food. But it RACKS up the sodium and always puts me wayyy into the red, which is frustrating. We also had coffee and frozen yogurt in bed for dessert instead of my awesome GM - which for the first day in weeks I didn't get to enjoy... So some good and bad. Still under my cals but through the roof on sodium and sugar. Several not-so-good days in a row, now. Cals are always fine it's just eating clean that I am REALLY struggling with. Help! :ohwell:

    Melisa - I love how similar our goals always seem to be - 1/2 training, maintenance, and generally kickin' *kitten* and taking names! New recipes and healthy eating, too! We are totally going to OWN February - Just like we did in Jan! :bigsmile: So happy to have you kickin' it with me in this group!

    OK everyone else - Happy Feb 1st and good luck getting off to a great start! Can't wait to get to know all you new members in the coming weeks - Work hard and stay focused - your goals are definitely within reach! :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I just had an awesome swim! I did about 50 minutes and did 650 yards in 15 minutes which isn't bad considering I was losing form the last 6 laps or so. I think I totaled about 2100 yards. It felt good to be back in the water after a full week off it. Ready to kick *kitten* the rest of the week. I can't believe I only have 2 months of tri training and then Hawaii. What am I going to do with myself and this break....I am nervous honestly without having a strict workout schedule to follow and a team to work with... O well No need to think about that now. Have a good day/night everyone.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hello to all!! and welcome to the newbies!! just quickly checking in for the moment, and weill get to a real response at some point.. so my final WI for the jan was 154.5, which means i reached my main goal for the month of being under 155!! this month i'm aiming to be in the 140's..

    as for my snowboarding experience... um yeah i didn't know my butt could hurt so much!! i have a nice bruise on my left knee, and had to spend the entire next day in bed b/c my backside was in so much pain.. i couldn't even enjoy laying down lol.. i was able to balance though felt like i was going really fast, when apparently (according to my experienced friend), i was going slow haha. i can kinda turn, but every time i got near people i'd just crash myself so yeah after a few hard falls i just got totally psyched out and all i wanted to do was have a beer by the fire and be done with it... my friend laura who is also learning, and i are gonna go back on a weekday when it's dead and try our second lesson. the good thing is that i've been told by several people to not give up on it b/c it's hard/frustrating at first but once you get the hang of it, it's awesome.. so here's hoping i eventually get it haha!

    good luck to everyone with the new month!!

    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    nmpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!

    Hey All.... not much time this morning to chitchat... hopfully I will be back later on I dont want to lead off on a bad foot this month, but I really pushed myself too hard on saturday and I STILL cant walk. My thighs hurt more when I am not moving. I woke up about six times last night because of the pain. No Good. I need to try again until I get this right, slow and steady!

    Happy GroundHOG DAY everyone!~!~!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    HOLY HELL!! this is crazy fast!! 3rd bump just to keep up!!!

    WELCOME to all of the new newbies!! LOL

    Allie-great job on hitting your Jan goals!!!

    Aly-awesome job on getting back in the water and killing it!

    AFM-WI today after I get up this afternoon and then i can FINALLY post my new Feb goals!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Melisa - I love how similar our goals always seem to be - 1/2 training, maintenance, and generally kickin' *kitten* and taking names! New recipes and healthy eating, too! We are totally going to OWN February - Just like we did in Jan! :bigsmile: So happy to have you kickin' it with me in this group!

    I saw that too!! I hope we continue to kick *kitten*!!! I have been feeling SO good lately and haven't been worrying as much about the scale...I even went about 3 days without weighing myself which is not like me (I normally weigh myself everyday to see fluctuations). Thinking about making the brownies today since we had a snow day!!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Ok....have a little time to write....

    jbarsll-I use 30 day shred too...haven't used it as much since I started my 1/2 marathon training. I am using another of her DVD's-No More Trouble Zones and I :heart: it!!! Really works out my muscles and I have not only physically noticed more definition (especially in my arms) but I also feel stronger when I run! I use 3 lbs weights for the majority of it (8 lbs for all the bicep work).

    aly-56 mile bike ride=AWSOMENESS!!! :tongue: way to continue to push yourself and do fun challenges!!!

    Meag-I had cottage cheese, fruit, and cinnamon last night after dinner (well I tried to-both of my girls kept stealing bites-they normally don't like the cottage cheese/fruit combo-must be the cinnamon :laugh: ). Can you send me your brownie recipe again??? PLEEZZZZ...though I had it but can't find it and I actually have the time to make it today-plus promised the girlies some YUMMY I must deliver! :smile:

    Nadine-the drinking used to be a problem for me too...until one hungover Sunday morning my 5 yr asked me if I was going to get off the couch at all and play with her...that was enough for me!!! For me now it doesn't even taste good...and frankly the headache and blah feeling for me the next day just isn't worth it! Good luck and don't get too discouraged!!!

    lola-someone mentioned doing 30-day shred I think...that is a good and quick circuit training-it is comprised of 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute abs-with a warm-up and cool-down (all in about 20 minutes). I recently bought another DVD of Jillian Michael's called No More Trouble Zones. This one doesn't include much cardio but really focuses on strength. I'm using 3 lb weights for the majority of moves (8 lb with the bicep moves). I REALLY like this DVD and have noticed a difference. She works arms, shoulders, abs, butt, and legs-and I feel it the next day!

    AFM: Snow day today + fun outside in the snow with my girlies = extra calories burned :laugh: hoping to make some protein brownies (from the cookbook of Meag) and getting my intervals in on the treadmill today...other than that going to clean up the house a little bit-girls' bedrooms are getting a little out of control!!!

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!!!

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I am so excited that there are so many new people joining the thread!!

    So I did my interval training this morning .25 walking .25 jogging. I even uped the sped on a couple of the intervals to really push myself. It felt really good! I am considering jumping to week 5 or week 6 of C25K to help with my intervals. Their fday 1 and day 2 of those weeks have some good intervals that I think I should try out. So that will be my plan for friday!

    Also yesterday my BFF had a baby girl!! So exciting!! So hopefully I am able to keep up with exercise and eating right when I go to visit and see the baby. Can't wait to hear from everyone about day 2 of February is going! Keep kicking *kitten*!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Holy smokes! We got hit with one MAJOR storm last night.... And so I just spent the good part of an hour digging myself out of my house. Poor tired muscles. With all my workouts this shoveling was a killer! My abs and back are really feeling it, and the arms and shoulders could be better too! Ah well... Since I can't make it to the gym on account of the snow (at least not until possibly late tonight, if they clear the roads a little) the shoveling will have to suffice.

    Melissa - I will send the recipe asap. Hope your girls aren't expecting anything super-sweet though! But knowing them, they will love these! Chocolate-y and delicious :bigsmile:

    Megan - Stick with the C25K schedule and don't jump ahead - It's set up that way for a reason. It's great that you are feeling so good about your running that you want to skip ahead, but you'll have plenty of time for longer and harder intervals in the future once you're done C25K. If you push yourself too hard, too fast, right now you could be in for some trouble.

    Folks are finally coming home from their 2+ week vacation in Mexico today (just in time for me to shovel our entire property for them) - Going to make this Chicken and Veg w/ Peanut Stir Fry Sauce that I tested out with Tyler last week for dinner, I think. We have all the ingredients, so no need to hit the grocery store in this weather. Should be very yummy!

    Hope you all have a great Hump Day! Catch up soon :heart:
  • jbars11
    Good Morning Everyone!!

    Just checking in. I'm loving this thread and all the wonderful inspiration that I'm finding here =)

    I did water aerobics last night, I'm getting the hang of it and I really like it. I'm pretty self conscious about doing regular aerobics until I've been a little more active. Which is hilarious because while on the treadmil before class I read an article in Self about a woman's falling in and out of love with spin class and how she wouldn't go back because she was too fat to go to the gym....made me think...isn't the point of going to the gym so you can get into shape?? I'm going to work on that self conscious bit and try a couple 'out of water' classes in Feb...Ooops there I am adding to my Feb. goals...but two classes in the month is very possible!! I've been sticking to 25-35 minutes on the treadmil before water aerobics which I'm loving...although my ipod is on the frizz and at Apple in CA to be borrowing my hubby's ipod for the treadmil has been interesting.

    I weigh in on Wednesdays at my office. I work at an AIDS Service Organization and we have a medical clinic. It's not open on Wednesdays so I picked Wed. mornings to weigh in because well I'm always here on Wednesdays and that way I can't obsess over weighing in everyday...I'm happy to report a 2 pound weight loss from last week :bigsmile: yahoo =)

    Happy Groundhog Day...although here in WI it was cancelled due to the blizzard. LOL
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    This is my 3rd month being part of this thread, and I, too am amazed at how fast this one is already growing! Very inspiring!

    As for my January, it wasn't as awesome as the previous months, but I still managed to lose 3 lbs. My goal was to lose 6, but I'm not fretting over it. a loss is a loss. This February my goals are to 1) Drink 12+ cups water/day 2) 3x week intense cardio....emphasis on the INTENSE. (I just recently got into sprint intervals. omg.) 3) Limit carb consumption in general...but especially after 5PM (props to meag for this one!) and 4) lose 3 pounds, reach 152 lbs. I've got a little over 3 weeks to do it!

    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    TerriBly sorry this is goIng to be another selfish post. I've been trying to back read but they're is just so much so fast!! I'm struggling to find time to log my cals, plan and make my meals, and read what's going on here.

    I was really good last night and took the grocery list for this "two week eating plan" out of the clean eating magazine I bought and went to the grocery store. The list was divided into two weeks (yay no spoiled produce!) so got everything for week one. $100. A lot of things I've either never eaten or would never think about getting! I am trying to decide whether I should still log everythng individually or trust the daily calories the magazine lists. Hmmm see what I have time for.

    Set my alarm for 5:45am got to the gym for 6 and did a leg workout. Running after work today and really need to amp up my runs!!! I've been Babying myself a little since my sore foot but I'm now down to 7wks before my 1/2 and I really need to improve my pace if I want to make my goal time. Today's workout;
    20min warmup; 3 sets of 4min at 10k pace, 30sec rest in between sets; 3sets of 2min at 5k pace, 3min rest between sets, 20min cool down. Oh geeze this is gonna hurt :(
  • kbellnurse
    Good morning group! :)

    It's crazy to hear about everyone elses wild weather! Usually here in Alberta I'm the one who's status is "major snowfall!" but the sky seems to be falling everywhere! We've had record snow falls here this winter, which is really saying something since it's like perma-winter around here.. Anyway ..

    This morning I tried something new for breakfast (taking a break from eggs & toast) had some rolled oats with berries and greek yogurt. I was hesitant to dump the yogurt into my tasty oats but I really try and have protein at breakfast.. SOOO GOOD! And easier to eat really, you know how sometimes when you're eating oats you get to the end and it's just so sticky and "hearty" you don't know if you can finish? This is definitely a new fave for me..

    Just letting my food settle here so I can get my work out in before heading off to school. The plan is to go to early and get caught up on a bunch of things I'm falling behind in. (If I spent half as much time "schooling" as I did "dieting" I'd have a 4.0 for sure..)

    I'm going to do a Kettlebell interval routine. Might do one of my videos (Lauren brooks going to aim for a 40 min routine so with warm up/cool down an hour workout total.

    Having my delicious chicken soup for lunch I made last! Wednesday nights I don't make a big dinner for us "fend for yourself night" so we'll see what I whip up when I get home.

    Have a good day everyone! Happy hump day! :)
  • Lizzybugz
    Lizzybugz Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Everyone. One of my friends recommended I join this group for some motivation. =) I am 26 and live in Ohio. I am definitely out of shape compared to what I used to be. So upsetting but I am finally doing something about it this year! 2011 is a year of plenty of good changes! =)

    Anyhow. I hope to lose 4 pounds this month and work out at least 3 times a week. I have been rather lazy and have been working out maybe once a week haha, twice if I am lucky. =) These seem to be reasonable goals so hopefully I surpass them!

    LiZzy mAe

    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
    lizzymaez--lose at least 4 more pounds of the 8 pounds I have left to go. Be healthy and workout 3 times a week. Continue taking vitamins every day.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    JANUARY RECAP: January did not go well for me at all. I got very sick about halfway through the month, which is about the time that I fell off the face of the earth (and the January thread). I lost at least 4-5lbs (in a little over a week) while I was sick because I couldn't eat. Then all that weight rebounded plus a little more - which was expected but still distressing. It took me a few weeks to get myself back on track, but I've been logging again for the past week and I feel strong about my commitment to my healthy lifestyle, MFP, and this Kick *kitten* Crew.

    FEBRUARY GOALS: My January goals were definitely working for me until I got sick - so I'm going to repeat them for February.

    - Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.
    - 30 min of cardio 3x a week
    - Exercise Challenges: Continue the 100 push-up challenge 3x/wk. Restart and keep up with C25K.
    - Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day
    - Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day.
    - Try one new healthy recipe a week
    - Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs. FebSW = 155.

    When the spring semester starts (next week) I will be taking a yoga class 3 days a week for credit - so I HAVE to go, or I fail the class. Once that starts, I'm going to develop goals for myself in that class. I'm really excited about it :bigsmile:
