Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • odettelh
    I'm joining! I'm right at the beginning so my goals are simple...

    odettelh - by March 1, I will be able to walk for 30 minutes without feeling tired and watch my food intake. I'm not worried about losing yet (if it happens, that's great) but I want to get into a workout routine and make sure my diet is healthy.

    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
    lizzymaez--lose at least 4 more pounds of the 8 pounds I have left to go. Be healthy and workout 3 times a week. Continue taking vitamins every day.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 155. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Conintue with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    slindsey137- Be down to 162 by the end of the month to keep my goal weight on track, do 30 Day Shred EVERY DAY, track all of my food everyday!
    KatySteele- lose 10 lbs by March 1st!!! Make it to the gym at least five days per week. Drink 6 glasses of water per day.
    shelsab: lose 5 lbs. Work out 5x a week. Try new classes at the gym and no more soda. Be more motivating to my friends and family in anything they are trying to achieve.
    tjradd73-lose 6lbs, at least 80ozs of water/day, 3X arms/week, 3X abs/week, burn at least 1000 calories per week!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Updating the list for odettelh...

    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
    lizzymaez--lose at least 4 more pounds of the 8 pounds I have left to go. Be healthy and workout 3 times a week. Continue taking vitamins every day.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 155. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Conintue with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    slindsey137- Be down to 162 by the end of the month to keep my goal weight on track, do 30 Day Shred EVERY DAY, track all of my food everyday!
    KatySteele- lose 10 lbs by March 1st!!! Make it to the gym at least five days per week. Drink 6 glasses of water per day.
    shelsab: lose 5 lbs. Work out 5x a week. Try new classes at the gym and no more soda. Be more motivating to my friends and family in anything they are trying to achieve.
    tjradd73-lose 6lbs, at least 80ozs of water/day, 3X arms/week, 3X abs/week, burn at least 1000 calories per week!
    odettelh - walk for 30 minutes without feeling tired, watch my food intake, get into a solid workout routine and make sure my diet is healthy

    Nadine - Sending! Right now! :D Works out to about 135 cals for 1/6 of the recipe, or 1/6 of a 9X5 loaf pan, which is a decent sized post-workout energy boost. With an apple or other piece of fruit to spike your insulin a little, it works wonders :bigsmile:

    Great goals TJ and way to rock it out in Jan! :drinker:

    Spellbinder - Wonderful to see you again :flowerforyou: Get on your goal-making, girl! hahah

    My run at the gym today was pretty weak. Not too pleased. Hoping Bootcamp + my 3miles tomorrow will be better...
    Meag :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks Meag!! and I am sure that you will kick it tomorrow at the gym!!

    welcome odettelh!!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm feeling really good about today!! I've been avoiding going to my gym because I either have to walk or bike there and it's cold and icy and just really unpleasant outside. I know that those are just excuses, but I'm not letting them be excuses for being inactive anymore. I've been using internet workout videos which have actually turned out to be a lot of fun. Did yoga in my PJs yesterday and tried some Taebo today. It was a lot of fun, but I have HORRIBLE coordination and I found it pretty tough to do the moves with the stepping and punching combos. I had to pause it and practice slower on multiple occasions. But I felt FANTASTIC afterwords (and really sweaty too :smile: ) so I have all intentions of trying it again tomorrow and seeing if I can't do better!

    Had extra room in my calories at the end of the day, so I enjoyed some dark chocolate hot cocoa, which really hit the spot. I'm rethinking the wisdom of only buying one box of it while it was on sale...

    QOTD: Besides oatmeal, my most common breakfast is eggs. Super quick and lazy: scramble in the microwave with a little bit of mozzarella cheese. Usually eat them with half a toasted bagel. My favorite recent breakfast was when my friend had people over for brunch. He made what he calls "French toast ravioli" - which is super misleading. It's essentially stuffed french toast that you cut the crust off of and then pinch down the sides so there's two pieces of bread forming a pouch around the filling. He filled it with pumpkin cream cheese. They were SO good. Though I'm sure, not the healthiest... good for a cheat meal :wink:
  • odettelh
    Thanks! It's great to see so many people being so successful. You guys are an inspiration :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    oh forgot the QOTD-i usually eat jimmy dean d'light breakfast sandwiches on work days since they are quick and easy, but i also enjoy orowheat sandwich thins with creamy peanut butter and sliced banana, and blueberry muffin frosted miniwheats on occassion!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    ohhhh my god. Blueberry muffin frosted mini-wheats make my life! i ate them SO much this summer I think I actually made myself self of them... Such a yummy snack - I love them just on their own, without any milk or anything else. Yum! So good for taking on the go, Tyler and I always pack some when we go on picnics or long walks or for day trips anywhere. Extra yum with coffee :wink:

    Meredith - Good to hear you've been coming up with creative ways to get active in your apartment :happy: Taebo is SUCH a throw-back! I love it! Wish I had a little more space in my tiny cramped office to do some of those workouts... I'd love to give it a go and I extra love that it's free online :drinker: Very smart girl, you are.

    AFM - My back is actually totally messed from all the shoveling during yesterday's storm. Holy geez. It feel like a hunchback today. Thursdays are usually my heaviest workout days with 1h of Bootcamp class in the AM and then 3 miles of running... I'm going to give it my best but not sure how well Bootcamp is going to go with my back in this state. I'll take it easy and rest when I need too - maybe I just need to limber up a little. We'll see!

    Feeling kind of bloated and heavy lately and not sure what the deal is with that. I don't think I'm gaining, but it may have to do with my crazy messed-up cycle (TMI, I know)... Hoping there's nothing too serious going on. I am definitely not feeling thin and fabulous these days, that's for sure :ohwell:

    In other news, I really don't care for pears much at all. Had 1/2 of one today in my oats - Meh :ohwell: Back to blueberries, apples, pumpkin or something else tomorrow! At least I gave it a shot!

    Working tonight again and hoping the snow gets cleared out a little more. Another longgg longgg day - 7am-4am. Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday. Much :heart:
  • amgant
    Hi Everyone-
    I would love to join this group.
    My name is Andrea and I am 24. I am a mom of 2. I want to be able to be in a bathing suit and not feel so like a fat *kitten* when I go away with my hubby and his family at the end of may. My goals for February are to Exercise everyday, even if it is only 30 min on an treadmill and get under 180.

    SW 191
    MFP 188
    CW 183
    Mini Goal: 168 by May 23
    GW 140
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    good morning everyone! this thread is moving even faster then usual! This morning was another boot camp class- we did a lot of different drills which helps keep the workout moving. Got in a great burn of 575 cals in just 45 minutes. Tomorrow is a running day- should be interesting to see what happens- this weekend I gotta hit my 1.5 miles without stopping!

    I hope everyone is doing great and I will check back later when I have more time!

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Im BAACCCKKKKKK!!!!! Man cant believe I was only gone for 3 days and you crazy ladies are already on to the fourth page of the new month. I LOVE it!!!! And I love how many new members we have- I think this is the biggest month I have seen since I started back in October. And it seems like a bunch of you are already pretty talkative on here which is AWESOME!

    Anyway, quick NYC recap. Trip itself was AMAZING. The gift show was exhausting but great. Had lots of delicious food at some amazing restaurants. BUT the only thing that really sucked was the first night- I think I slept for one hour total as I was up every half hour for seven hours getting sick. At one point I had to start drinking water just so I would have something to come up ( I know I know overshare) it was absolutely treacherous. Then I had to walk the show for the first day on Tuesday for 8 hours. INSANE! All in all it went really well and we found some great vendors so I am really happy. But I am still not eating nearly as much as I should after that- my poor belly is still recovering.

    Anyway, getting back in to the groove.

    January Goals: see a loss on the scale, continue strength training 2x's a week and update the routine at the end of Jan, continue running training- increase to 5 min running intervals, 1 new healthy recipe a week, and get back in to yoga/stretching routine in the am and/or pm

    I did see a loss of the scale- it was great after breaking through my insanely long plateau (amazing what eating more will do for you)! I did great with the strength training and did in fact reevaluate moving to a 4 day a week lifting plan. My 5 min running in a row goal was blown out of the water! I think my longest interval was a little over 13 minutes- 1.1 miles. Did well with the healthy recipes- ESPECIALLY when trying some AMAZING green monsters. Stretching routine was great during workouts but I could have done better with building in yoga at home.

    So I think that my goals for this month will stay along the same lines. Continue with my 4 day a week lifting plan which will allow for one long run day and then lighter cardio days mixed in there. For running I would like to have my longest run be sitting somewhere in between 1.5 and 2.0 miles. I think that is a nice healthy goal and will get me close to running that two miles in the middle of March. Continue to work on my eating routine and focus on the yoga routine.

    *Most recent list I could find added myself and amgant

    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
    lizzymaez--lose at least 4 more pounds of the 8 pounds I have left to go. Be healthy and workout 3 times a week. Continue taking vitamins every day.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 155. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Conintue with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    slindsey137- Be down to 162 by the end of the month to keep my goal weight on track, do 30 Day Shred EVERY DAY, track all of my food everyday!
    KatySteele- lose 10 lbs by March 1st!!! Make it to the gym at least five days per week. Drink 6 glasses of water per day.
    shelsab: lose 5 lbs. Work out 5x a week. Try new classes at the gym and no more soda. Be more motivating to my friends and family in anything they are trying to achieve.
    tjradd73-lose 6lbs, at least 80ozs of water/day, 3X arms/week, 3X abs/week, burn at least 1000 calories per week!
    odettelh - walk for 30 minutes without feeling tired, watch my food intake, get into a solid workout routine and make sure my diet is healthy
    amgant- My goals for February are to Exercise everyday, even if it is only 30 min on an treadmill and get under 180.
    finncmh- See a loss on the scale. 4 days a week lifting. Cardio: by the end of the month be running between 1.5 and 2.0 miles straight. Continue to refine my eating. Really focus on finding a nice daily yoga routine for myself.
  • jbars11
    Good Thursday Morning!!
    It's freezing here in WI (not unlike much of the midwest) I did make it to my water aerobics class last night and it was fantastic! I love the way I feel when I leave, very accomplished and motivated. One of the great perks to working out is I'm much more motivated to make healthy food choices as well...which helps since I've been known to do my share of emotional eating!

    @meagalayne- Hmmm I've often looked at the blueberry muffin option and have passed it by...looks like I'll have to spice up my cereal/snack choices and try them! I love blueberry muffins so I'm sure it'll be a treat! Thanks for the kind words yesterday :flowerforyou: it really gave me a good attitiude going to the Y last night and I even made my first Y friend...she's 60 and goes to water aerobics on Wednesdays with me we chatted about wanting to try another yay...I have over come 2 hurdles...strange shyness that comes over me when in uncomfortable situations like working out (I'm so not shy socially) and I now have a buddy that wants to try a class on land too!

    @Kbellnurse- I <3 carbs also....they are a slippery slope for me so I try to limit them in my diet...I don't know if I could have just a half a for now I have to keep a close eye....but it sounds like I have to get on the 'oats train' hee hee....I'm not a fan of yogurt at all but perhaps with oats and fruit it wouldn't be too bad :tongue:

    @finnemh- ah lifting...I know that I read everywhere that I should be lifting weights as well as cardio work outs but I truly have no idea where to begin. Bravo to you and your Jan accomplishments and Feb goals :happy:

    @odettelh- Welcome! I'm new too and LOVING this thread...can not say that enough!!!

    Ok ok enough chatter....for the QOTD: I love my multigrain cheerios (seriously my fav flavor) and lately I've been on a apple cinnamon rice cake with peanut butter kick...they fill me up and I find I munch less when I have this for breakfast...but I'm loving the suggestions that I've read so far!!! :bigsmile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning everyone! Welcome our newest peeps! This group is soo awesome!

    I kind of got in trouble for using Facebook yesterday at work, so I won't be able to be on here like usual, which is probably a good thing since I am addicted! But I will try to catch up when I can.

    Meag- take it easy on your back, I have dealt with back pain and it puts you totally out of commission so just keep an eye out. Other than that keep kicking *kitten* and taking names :laugh:

    Finn- Welcome back! Glad your trim was mostly good. A loss is awesome after a plateau! Woohoo

    AFM -Sorry guys gotta keep it short but I am trying to make breakfast and lunch and get ready. I had my run group last night. We did 20 minutes of stairs, and my knee was shot. I couldn't do most of the run workout because it was hurting. I knew something was up earlier in the day and it just put it out. O well, I am taking today off because I have a concert tonight and yesterday I worked out 2 times in one day. Checked my weight and I am down .8! Woohoo! So glad the scale is moving consistently. I am going to check again tomorrow since it is my official WI day, but like I said I might take the number for today because I will be going out to eat and going to a concert tonight. Got some big workouts this weekend and the superbowl game on sunday. I need to keep myself in check on sunday with food and drinks. I know I can do it! I am previewing the course for my duathlon on Sunday, since I am a little scared of the hills I keep hearing about. O well I know I am going to kick *kitten* no matter what! Love you guys have a great day!

    QOTD- What new music are you into for working out?
    I know this is a repeat but I still haven't gotton around to getting new stuff from your recommendations and I love new music. I downloaded the Kesha New cd Cannibal, it is hilarious and really upbeat, perfect for workouts hehe. I need to redo my playlist stat!!!
  • KatySteele
    How about this BROWNIE craving! I have been in serious need of chocolate ever since this horrible ice storm!

    extremely moist-- chocolatey
    use a regular box of brownie mix substitute blended black beans for water, oil and eggs! (at first the mix and blended black beans looks really thick, but keep working the mix and it "looks" normal) Dont add extra water or anything! Then I put the brownie mix in individual cupcake foils and bake at recommended temperature for 20 minutes!

    100 calorie dessert! black bean brownies! I bring them to parties and they are always a hit, but people are always apprehensive because of the beans!!! BUT THEY ARE ALWAYS GONE WHEN I LEAVE.


    Jbars great job on the two lb loss! :)

    AFM-- I haven't had to work the past two days because of this aweful ice storm that has swept through Indianapolis and many other cities!!! Awesome not to work... not awesome how many times I opened the refridgerator!!! Although..... Thursdays are my day to weigh in and I loss 2 lbs this week!!! WHOO HOOOO! down 4 in 2 weeks... baby steps :) Eight more to make my February goal!

    Have a fantastic Thursday!! :)
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Wow…So many new people & the thread is moving faster than ever! Welcome all the newbies!!

    Meag – Hope your back gets better soon & the bloating must be the cycles. Anyhow, I’m sure you still look awesome :)

    Mkingraham – Awesome burn at the boot camp class. Good luck for your 1.5mile run. You will do it!!

    Cait – Hope you are ok soon! Congrats on breaking through the plateau!! Nice goals for Feb. :)

    Jbars11 – I totally agree, working out makes you eat better. I need to get back to my workouts asap.

    Aly – You just gave me an idea – I’m going to add climbing stairs to my workout. Thank you :D I’ll make a note of it since I’m only making changes to my workout next month. I used to use the stairs machine at my previous gym & miss it here but wonder why I never thought of climbing the building staircase. Congrats on your loss! You are doing really well. And, all the best for your dualthon. You will definitely kick *kitten*!!

    KatySteel – Awesome loss!! I’m a little apprehensive of your brownie recipe (like most people :) ) but am going to try it this weekend.

    AFM – I’ve been traveling since Friday & most of it was unexpected. So, the only time I went to the gym was on Sunday, for about ½ hr. It’s been a week & am desperately wanting to workout but it’s no tin the books yet. There’s still more travel on the cards but I’m hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow morning as I’m taking the day off of work. Haven’t been eating healthy too, since I usually eat healthy when I’m exercising :( But I felt awfully stuffed yesterday and so I’m back on track today, at least with eating.

    Since I haven’t been to the gym in a while, I don’t know what my current weight is and if I’ve gained/lost/maintained. I don’t think I would have met my Jan weight loss goals & I definitely haven’t met others too. Bad month!!

    Anyway, here are my goals for Feb:
    (1) Workout regularly, as much as I can
    (2) Eat healthy. (Mental note: I AM NOT GOING BACK TO WHERE I STARTED!!)
    (3) Come up with a strength training plan for March onwards.

    I know my goals are to vague but I also know that I won’t be able to count calories and exercise on a daily basis with all the traveling. Hence, I’m going to come up with a more concrete plan for the next few months in order to meet my final goals. If I meet my goals in time for summer, I of course get to wear a bikini & I’ll also get a tattoo. Hopefully, that should help me stay motivated!

    QOTD – I listen to music that probably none of you listen to :) Love listening to latest Hindi movie songs.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
    lizzymaez--lose at least 4 more pounds of the 8 pounds I have left to go. Be healthy and workout 3 times a week. Continue taking vitamins every day.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 155. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Conintue with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    slindsey137- Be down to 162 by the end of the month to keep my goal weight on track, do 30 Day Shred EVERY DAY, track all of my food everyday!
    KatySteele- lose 10 lbs by March 1st!!! Make it to the gym at least five days per week. Drink 6 glasses of water per day.
    shelsab: lose 5 lbs. Work out 5x a week. Try new classes at the gym and no more soda. Be more motivating to my friends and family in anything they are trying to achieve.
    tjradd73-lose 6lbs, at least 80ozs of water/day, 3X arms/week, 3X abs/week, burn at least 1000 calories per week!
    odettelh - walk for 30 minutes without feeling tired, watch my food intake, get into a solid workout routine and make sure my diet is healthy
    amgant- My goals for February are to Exercise everyday, even if it is only 30 min on an treadmill and get under 180.
    finncmh- See a loss on the scale. 4 days a week lifting. Cardio: by the end of the month be running between 1.5 and 2.0 miles straight. Continue to refine my eating. Really focus on finding a nice daily yoga routine for myself.
    spellbinder25 - (1) Workout regularly, as much as I can, (2) Eat healthy. (Mental note: I AM NOT GOING BACK TO WHERE I STARTED!!), (3) Come up with a strength training plan for March onwards.
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    So I'm checking in, I am still snowed in and can't make it to the gym. My treadmill in the garage is not working. :( Yesterday I shoveled snow for 45 minutes for my workout. Today the wii fit and a workout video. I hope to get to the gym again tomorrow. I really miss my cardio, running or the elliptical! I did check my measurements today for the first time so I made goal number one. I think I'm behind on the questions of the day. For breakfast at work I eat greek yogurt and mix in Kashi go lean honey almond crunch like granola. So good and it takes a while to eat so I'm satisfied!. When I'm at home I've been making egg beaters wraps or omelets loaded with veggies! I love mini bella mushrooms, baby spinach, and green peppers with fat free or lowfat cheese. Then the low calorie high fiber tortillas or toast. I usually drink some green tea or coffee with sugar free creamer. I love pandora on my phone for workout music I entered the Katy Perry station and get lots of motivating music. Have a good day!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Katy-those brownies sound yummy! do you blend the beans yourself or can you find em that way already? have you ever tried the WW recipe of substituting the eggs and butter with diet coke or diet sprite?? i have tried the diet coke in chocolate cake and the diet sprite in confetti with fat free cool whip and it is very yummy!i cant remember how much soda you use but i know you can google it to find out! Great job on your loss so far too btw!!

    QOTD-i have been a Bruno Mars kick lately for working out!!

    AFM-good start so in my water, and stayed under my sodium (which is a little side challenge that I am doing with someone this week). Yesterday I got in 1/3 on abs, 1/3 on arms, and burned 306/1000 calories, and so far today 2/3 on abs, 2/3 on arms, and 689/1000 calories so far for the week!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning all!! Although its probably nearing afternoon where most of you live!

    Meag - hope the bloating goes away soon! Thats never a good feeling and can make a person feel "blah" no matter how hard you try to live a healthy lifestyle. And we all know you are pretty much that poster child!! :bigsmile:

    Aly - hope the knee gets better soon! The concert should be super fun tonight. I took my bf to see Social Distortion last Thursday and we had soooo much fun!!

    Spell - hope that the travel will subside or that you will at least figure out how to incorporate your healthy lifestyle into all of the unplanned travels. Although your goals sound vague, they sound reasonable for what you know your month is going to look like.

    Cait - sorry to hear that your first night in NYC was less than stellar. But glad that the trip was great as a whole!!

    Welcome to all the newbies!!

    AFM - yesterday was my first day back on the wagon and it felt great!! :bigsmile: I did slip up in the evening and indulge in cookies but considering how my last few weeks have been going, that was not a big deal to me. I have decided to not focus on working out this week but getting back to eating properly. Next week I will hit the gym again. My new schedule for work has me off at 4:00 on Mondays so I can go to the gym before I have to pick up my daughter from daycare. And its time to get serious about my 5k training. Last night when I got home, I had a flyer from the Angels Baseball Foundation inviting me to join their 5k and one mile fun run on March 27. I did the fun run last year during All-Star weekend and have been looking for a 5k to enter so this seems to be speaking to me on several different levels. So if I stick with my 5K training starting next week, it should lead me right up to the actual 5K. I am so super excited. As soon as I get paid tomorrow, I am sending off my registration. Woohoo!!

    Today was my official WI day but I woke up with about 15 minutes to shower, get ready, and get the kids going before we had to leave so weighing in didn't even cross my mind. I will WI tomorrow and hope that the number isn't too scary considering my bad eating habits lately!!

    Minor victory for me this morning. I had to be into work early today so that I could get off early and take my mom to an appt at the orthopedic surgeon. After just getting back on the wagon yesterday, I didn't want to already slip up with my breakfast so I completely planned out my breakfast and packed it last night so that I would be prepared. It worked out wonderfully!!! :drinker:

    QOTD (yesterday) - my breakfasts during the week consist of oatmeal. I am still trying to figure out which combinations work best for me. The one I tried yesterday was a no-go for me but I choked it down anyways and will try something new tomorrow.

    QOTD - I don't have a specific playlist for when I work out. I use whats already in my iPod (usually hip hop and rap) and go with it. However, after I receive my tax return, I am gonna buy a new iPod with more memory and get some good work out playlists.
  • KatySteele

    Blackbean brownies.... I buy a can of black beans and put them into a blender until they are pretty well blended. It is okay if there are still some small choppy beans. The mix isn't going to be completely smooth! This is no problem! (The beans don't smell freakishly yummy when blended, but TRUST ME). Work the blended can of beans into the brownie mix! Then put in cupcake foils and bake for 20 min!

    I am suppppppppppppppper confident that everyone who tries these brownies will be WOWED!!!! Be brave friends, give it a shot! You will love them! AND FOR 100 CALORIES, they can't be beat!!!!!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Meag - thanks for the recipe! I'll try it out soon as I have some free time, hopefully this weekend so I'll have yummy post workout snacks for next week :)

    Afm - this thread is moving so fast I've just been skimming posts on the bus but have hardly any time to reply! Sorry I feel so selfish :(
    I made it through my run last night and although I didn't do great I didn't do bad. I accidentally reset my gps to miles so for once I know my mileage! In 1:05:30 I did 6.7 something miles. Not great but I don't feel too discouraged given all the set-backs I've had plus I had to slOw down over icy patches. During my cool down I did one super steep hill ( thought i was going to slide backwards on thr icy pavement) but I def have my work cut out for me. 7 weeks to get my pace down to 8.5min/mile and maintain it for 13miles. Sucks knowing I was almost there before Christmas and now I'm so far back. Ohwell, no pain no gain!! Resting my legs today as I have 20ks tomo (I think about 11/12 miles?) but did an upper body workout this morning

    Going to the city tonight so I was super good and packed all my meals for the next two days to keep in my work fridge. I was in the kitchen for nearly two hours prepping but I feel so much better knowing I'll be staying on track.

    Qotd - I listen to a huge variety depending on what I'm doing. Some latest and favorites are;
    Dev and the cataracts - base down low
    Martin solveig and dragonette - hello
    The cranberries - zombie
    Taylor swift - last kiss (running cool down music)
    Blue foundation - eyes on fire (running warm up song)