Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good morning! Wow, I can't even begin to reply to all of that!! I'll be too old when I finish :laugh:

    Pink: I just googled images of St Cleer. What a fabulous place! It's what we would call "quaint and charming". If you google images of Lancaster County PA and Susquehanna River Marietta Pa....that's where I live.

    I think that I'm going to google images today of where you all live! Woo Hoo!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    :frown: :frown: I jumped on the scales this morning full of enthusiasm because of all the exercise I've achieved together with keeping below my calories this past week and couldn't believe my eyes, in fact got myself into a remarkable crouching position to double check as I didn't have my glasses on. I've gained one pound!!! I'm incredibly disappointed but know once I've spent a couple of hours on my newly acquired pity pot I'll get over it and move on!! I struggle to drink 8 glasses of water a day but will now push myself as I figure it's only one every couple of hours.

    Jackie, please don't get discouraged, I think you will be surprised the next time you get on the scale if you watch your salt in take. Also I don't know how long it has been since you exercised regularly but you could be gaining some muscle. As everyone says don't get hung up on the scale, record your measurements and if your clothes become looser, than you are on the right track. No more "PITY POT". :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    With that being said, I did exercise yesterday and probably could have managed to stay under calories but my son and I were watching movies and I snacked on some vegetables straws which put me over. :angry: And today we are going to my step sons to have the homemade lasagna that my step daughter made so I anticipate going over calories again today. This is so hard sometimes. :grumble:

    Again and I know I am repeating myself, but reading the posts from our English friends is just so much fun. With new expressions and the proper language it is a good start to any day. :love: :love:

    As far as our comedians, Lynn, Maddie and Barb, they produce laugh lines instead of frown lines.

    I LOVE THIS GROUP!!!! :heart: :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    :frown: :frown: I jumped on the scales this morning full of enthusiasm because of all the exercise I've achieved together with keeping below my calories this past week and couldn't believe my eyes, in fact got myself into a remarkable crouching position to double check as I didn't have my glasses on. I've gained one pound!!! I'm incredibly disappointed but know once I've spent a couple of hours on my newly acquired pity pot I'll get over it and move on!! I struggle to drink 8 glasses of water a day but will now push myself as I figure it's only one every couple of hours.

    Jackie, please don't get discouraged, I think you will be surprised the next time you get on the scale if you watch your salt in take. Also I don't know how long it has been since you exercised regularly but you could be gaining some muscle. As everyone says don't get hung up on the scale, record your measurements and if your clothes become looser, than you are on the right track. No more "PITY POT". :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    With that being said, I did exercise yesterday and probably could have managed to stay under calories but my son and I were watching movies and I snacked on some vegetables straws which put me over. :angry: And today we are going to my step sons to have the homemade lasagna that my step daughter made so I anticipate going over calories again today. This is so hard sometimes. :grumble:

    Again and I know I am repeating myself, but reading the posts from our English friends is just so much fun. With new expressions and the proper language it is a good start to any day. :love: :love:

    As far as our comedians, Lynn, Maddie and Barb, they produce laugh lines instead of frown lines.

    I LOVE THIS GROUP!!!! :heart: :heart:
    Sandy: Does your family know that you are struggling on this program? Maybe you should talk to them about it. I'll bet they would make something better for you if they knew how important it is to you. Put the recipe for lasagna in the base here and then see how much you may safely be able to eat. It is not ok to "cheat" one or two or three times a week. I think that one of the obligations of your MFP friends is to let you know when you may be on a slippery slope and pull you back. I know you only have like 4 lbs to go but don't change that to five or ten or twenty. Sorry, that I can't be funny this time...but next time, I promise!! :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    omg you guys - miss a day here and it's not easy to catch up! we ARE a chatty bunch huh???

    CONNIE - thank you for the "trip down memory lane"! It made me think of the "Easter Parade" in NYC - not a real parade, just Easter Sunday everyone in their Sunday best walking towards St Patricks (i'm pretty sure that was the 1) Cathedral. Life sure was simpler back then wasn't it? Karate sounds.......difficult! You might try kick boxing - Billy Blanks has some really great dvds available. It's really fun. Wow - you're brave to walk your dogs down your country roads at night! I know they're BIG dogs - but i always make sure to walk in the light. Especially when the corn is high!!!!!!!!

    Hi BUZZ - ziplining is when you're attached to a line way above tree line and you "zip" from 1 station to the next - it's THE funnest thing i've ever done! Vitalicious are these muffin tops and brownies that are 100 calorie snacks and nutrition dense. So far my favorite is the banana nut - i just ordered them online. I can't remember who said, but they're right - the shipping is kind of expensive. I think i got 24 in the sample pack though and so far they're well worth it! Thank you SO much for checking out our Just Bekuz website! the Super Seals are actually our main product - they are for exactly what you're talking about - to protect your bte hearing aid from moisture. Let me know if you want to try 1 or 2 out and i'll get your address and send you a sample with a tool for applying it. We have LOTS of customers from FL and other humid places. No - I'm not hard of hearing (yet!). I made a black bean chili yesterday - no meat - do you want the recipe?

    IRENE - on MY, that Alaska adventure looks AMAZING! Thanks for sharing the pics of the tundra apartments! How long ago was it that you were there. Alaska is the only place i haven't been that i'd REALLY like to go. If i ever do it though i want to take a whole month off 'cause i'd want to drive up there. Dog sled - TOO COOL!!!!!!!!!

    JUDY - 8 pounds in 2 weeks is great Don't get discouraged - slow and steady is what it's all about.

    BARBIE - thank you for looking at Just Bekuz. I hope your biz picks up as well. it can be scary huh? You ARE thin enough to wear a bikini! don't you weigh like 110 now????? Thanks for telling Sandy and I about the 3 pound fluctuation too. That will really help me. Do you still weigh every day? That is my plan - i know it seems a little obsessive, but i feel like it will keep me accountable. Usually when i start doing "bad" i tend to ignore the scale.

    GAYLA - Neil is in my thoughts and prayers. He's so lucky you're his Mom and you know so much you can help figure out what's going on with him........

    IRENE - how's Ralph? so sorry he fell. My house is also calling me to come clean but so far i'm doing a fair job ignoring it! that's way cool you have that track so close to your house! it sounds ideal!

    hey SANDY! how's the weekend going? Sounds like not too stressful with the step daughter? At least she's cooking good stuff! That's awesome that your OTR son came by! How's he liking the job so far? I always loved it when i'd get a lay over close to family or friends! When Dillon (my older boy) was between 18 months and kindergarten he used to go with me. We had some great adventures together!

    And speaking of him - he's on the phone so i'm going to sign off! Love you guys, happy Sunday! elli
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Bump...Callie cat spoke of this post on another and invited all seniors....back later
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    BARBIE - thank you for looking at Just Bekuz. I hope your biz picks up as well. it can be scary huh? You ARE thin enough to wear a bikini! don't you weigh like 110 now????? Thanks for telling Sandy and I about the 3 pound fluctuation too. That will really help me. Do you still weigh every day? That is my plan - i know it seems a little obsessive, but i feel like it will keep me accountable. Usually when i start doing "bad" i tend to ignore the scale.

    Elli, I weigh first thing in the morning after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything and just before I get in bed......I wear exactly the same thing when I weigh so clothing is not a factor. I write down my weight on a paper chart that I keep on the bathroom counter so I can see the fluctuations........what happens is that even though my weight sometimes varies as much as two pounds from day to day, I notice that the trend and that it gradually goes down a little bit at a time....If my weight seems to stay up, I take inventory of what I've been eating (peanut butter is usually the big offender or several days of restaurant meals)......I don't allow the daily fluctuations to upset me or change my usual plan of eating and exercising.....the reason for the nighttime weighing is just to notice the fluctuation that happens during the day......I notice that a day of high sodium eating usually results in higher bedtime weight as does drinking too much water late in the day......the regular weighing reminds me that keeping my weight in check is an extremely high priority for me.

    :flowerforyou: we have a beautiful day was 28 when I got up and over 40 and sunny by 9:30 when the girls and I got to the dog I'm headed out for a walk and some errands.....Jake has gone to Seattle for a meeting so he got to enjoy a beautiful ride on the ferry.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    BARBIE - thank you for your wisdom! You've been maintaining at a low weight so well! I'm going to follow in your footsteps i hope! Our weather is like yours today - 22 when i got up but i just got back from walking the dogs and it's 49 out! yippeeeeeee:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene, since you like so many scraps in your quilts I thought I would post my vest i made a few year back. And i sure did wear it a lot. this winter, It is so warm.


    Alice my daughter and I went for lunch. She would not let me take my camera to take a picture of my food. But I did real good We went to lovely Deli and I had a big big salad and for desert I had a toast bread with Hummis, a few grapes.. very satisfying. Don't know how many Grams of fiber Not as much as I would have had at home But I really did try to pick wisely. Guess I will have some Black beans for a snack this afternoon, since my fiber was lower than usally.

    Lots of post today. So good to see so many of you here today. Ussally on weekends it is kinda of slow,
  • viliberty1957
    Irene, since you like so many scraps in your quilts I thought I would post my vest i made a few year back. And i sure did wear it a lot. this winter, It is so warm.


    Marie...the vest is beautiful. It is very satisfying to be creative especially with practical projects you can actually use.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: maeadair Glad to see you drop by. Always happy to see a new one around here. Is that a grandson. Or son? He is a cutie.. What a face? typical of a boy. waiting to hear more from you.
  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    hi everyone, I'm definately a senior, 63, and trying, again, to lose some of this weight that seems never to go away.
    I started here over a month ago and then got away from it and now I'm back, hopefully to stay. I know "what" I should do. Getting myself to do it is the hard part. I live alone - do 2 dogs count? - very seldom go out and my closest neighbor is about 1 mile away.
    Cooking for myself becomes a problem because I.m not a good planner and do not like most vegtables, but eat a lot of salads.
    Motavation is definately a problem. Any advice, encouragement is greatly appreciated.:heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    jstalittlecrzy welcome to our group. We all have the same problens or did have. Some have conquer there problen some are still sruggling. I am on the struggling side. but really working on it. Glad to see you joined us.This is the place to be for the greatest support You will find anywhere,
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    hi everyone, I'm definately a senior, 63, and trying, again, to lose some of this weight that seems never to go away.
    I started here over a month ago and then got away from it and now I'm back, hopefully to stay. I know "what" I should do. Getting myself to do it is the hard part. I live alone - do 2 dogs count? - very seldom go out and my closest neighbor is about 1 mile away.
    Cooking for myself becomes a problem because I.m not a good planner and do not like most vegtables, but eat a lot of salads.
    Motavation is definately a problem. Any advice, encouragement is greatly appreciated.:heart:

    Hello, and welcome. I know how hard it is to make that first post in a thread populated with unfamiliar names and faces, but you are safe here. You can express your opinions, share your frustrations, and ask for help without fear of being snubbed or ignored. The secret is to visit often, post something every day and join in the fun.

    When I first ventured here, I took some time to read the earlier threads and it didn't take long to get to know the 30 or so who regularly post here. We are scattered across the United States and Canada and have a couple of gals from England and from "down under" including New Zealand.

    We range in age from the low 50s to the mid-80s; some are married, some widowed, some divorced. We are primarily female but there are a couple of guys who are secure enough in their masculinity to join in the gab fest. Some of us are retired, and other still working and just tired!! :smile:

    While being fit and healthy is of great importance to us, we've all learned our goals can be affected by lots of other things like injury, disease, stress, disappointment, and we readily talk about them all here. We are care takers and care givers.

    And like you, most of us share our homes and lives with four-legged critters. Don't know why that's the case but throughout my lifetime I've found that the nicest people have room in their hearts for all of God's creatures.

    Tell us what to call you, where you're located and the month and day you celebrate the anniversary of your birth and you'll be well on your way to membership in this great club.

    I'm Connie, and I live in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    MARIE! I LOVE that vest!!!!!!!! You are so talented! I can't sew, crochet, quilt........anything!

    Welcome new people! I second what Connie said! LOTS of us have 4 legged "roommates"!

    I'm elli, i live with 2 mixed breed dogs, a little doxie and 4 or 5 (depending on the day) feral cats. Well - they live out in the hay shed! And some days - visiting "grand puppies"

    Took the dogs - including grand pups Lucy and Wayne on a long walk - now i'm off to have a visit with baby Kodi, drop off the grand pups and hit the gym. Hope you're all having as peaceful, lovely weekend as i am!

  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Marie and Connie. Thank you for the warm welcome.
    My name is Leigh and I am another cheesehead but still in Wisconsin, the very northern, coldest, snowest area.
    My birthday is Jan 7th and I do try to ignore it as much as possible.
    My goal right now is to eat better, and chart my daily food intake (even if its bad)
    try to give up Pepsi. And thats hard for me but I'm working on it.
    and start exercising.
    Today is the beginning of the rest of my life...........thanks for the help
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Welcome to maeadair and jstalittlecrzy!!
    Connie, you said it all in your welcome, you are awesome! I believe I am also using your tip about right clicking on reply too..It's great, thank you so much. I can use it at home, but not on my so called smart phone.. :-(
    I took a nap this morning when we got in coz I drove last and I wasn't tired, but I was drowsy..
    I won't try to do a big post because I've got some computer stuff that really needs to be started.

    I do want to say to Jackie..the same thing happened to me too. I swore I wouldn't check my weight for two months, but I did today, and ugh, I was UP two pounds. I'm sure as Barbie says, weight flucuates, but I don't wanna know about it anymore. I was in a positive mood until I weighed.. I see your white and gold kitty on your ticker, a sweetie.

    I'm glad to see Most of the wayward girls have checked in..

    Now where is Barb? (weaklink) I'm getting to be an old hen, fussing..LOL..must have gotten that idea from Jackie!

    Hi Marie, love ya girl!
    to all of you others, I read your posts and I am thinking of you..but I need to get productive on my pc
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ELLI, would LOVE the recipe for black bean chili. I just posted a cannellini salad on our recipe board. I'll add it here, too. And yes, I'd love to try the sweatprotectors. It was hot at our pool party today, and you know the result!
    MARIE, The recipe I'm posting today is good fiber and Low sodium! Sounded
    delicious! I will only eat 1/2 cup, though, at the recommendation of my sage nutritionist!
    JACKIE, yes, she's my Jacqueline! But always a Jackie! I was also up about 4 ounces this morning, but the digital scale also said my water was UP! So I'll follow my own advice and stick with my menues!
    SW - (11/16/010) 237
    CW - 2/1/11 = 216
    You're doing just GREAT! We'll try to help you reach your April goal.
    I'm currently trying to add more fiber and protein to achieve a better
    weightloss. Thus the recipes with beans! Don't disappear!
    Didn't eat a thing at the pool party, so I'm starved now! Gotta run, but I'll post that Cannellini Salad recipe first:

    Cannellini Bean Salad (Phase 1 in South Beach Diet)

    This quick, easy bean salad is great cold or at room temperature, making it a good take-along dish for work or a potluck. Serve it as a side with grilled chicken or fish. You can substitute 2 or 3 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs for dried and try dried basil in place of oregano, if you wish.

    Prep time: 10 minutes

    Makes 4 (1-cup) servings (or halve everything in nutritional analysis for 1/2 cup servings)

    2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
    1 tablespoon minced red onion
    3/4 teaspoon dried oregano
    2 medium cucumbers, peeled, seeded, and diced
    1 (15-ounce) can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
    1 red bell pepper, finely diced
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Whisk together oil, vinegar, onion, and oregano in a large mixing bowl. Add cucumbers, beans, and bell pepper; toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

    Nutritional information
    Per (1-cup) serving:
    180 calories
    8 g fat (1 g sat)
    22 g carbohydrate
    7 g protein
    5 g dietary fiber
    80 mg sodium
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Bump...Callie cat spoke of this post on another and invited all seniors....back later

    Oops - didn't see this earlier. Please read my welcome to jstalittlecrzy, and know that it is also addressed to you. Hope you do take advantage of this bump and come back later.

  • marlouise
    Hello Ladies

    PHOEBE AND ELLI, yes I am being careful, these exercises are for people with back problems that need to learn how to strenghten their spine and lower abs. I am doing them to the book too, no cheating or rushing through. Today I completed all the warm up exercises, so now I will work on them for the next two weeks, or until I can do them by memory. The beginner exercises are next to do, so I want to be able to learn the new moves without messing up my form. Today I squated to the floor for the first time in almost a year! I could have danced.

    MARIE, my hopes to you and Jerry.

    DELRAYBUZZ, yes it is a good laugh, I wish to look at fate in such a manor, because what else can you do?

    Okay ladies it is back to training again, early bed and early rise, so for the next while I may be posting earlier or a couple of days in between. However I will be doing my best to be consistant.

    I'll catch you all tomorrow again, take care.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Buzz for the recipes , I copy and posted it to my recipes . Sound so good.
    il I love black bean chili

    I love black bean chili. Havent made any lately tho plan on picking over some Pinto beans tonight to cook tomorrow My faverite beans.

    Marilyn so good to hear from you How is your Kitty cats.?

    Connie you are so good with words Wish I had that knack.

    Good night all.