Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good Morning Sneakers!

    Barbie - me too, I haven't done yoga in awhile and really want to get back to it. My goal is to go back in April. I HOPE by then i've reached my goal and i think hot yoga will be a real good maintenance/toning tool. You do a dvd right? I LOVE going to bed and getting up early. I keep reading about the importance of 8 hours of sleep at our age and that is hard for me! On the weekends i try and force myself to stay in bed 'till 7 but i'm not successful unless i stayed up really late the night before........:yawn:

    Marie - your day sounds really nice. I love it when i have a Sat or Sun like that - cook, clean, hang out with the dogs.........good times!:smile:

    Welcome Pink - you're in the right place - i'd say we're ALL young at heart here right gang?????:love:

    I upped my calories to 1200 today so i'm pretty psyched. I know it'll slow my weight loss even more but i'm not going to worry about it. As long as i eat right and stay active - i'll get there. We ALL will!!!!!

    Happy Friday EVE!:happy:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Thursday!! Did not go to bingo last night, so no report of any wins. :ohwell:

    I am frustrated today because my scale said I gained a pound and I have been working so hard on exercise and calories that I just don't get it. :angry: The only thing I can think of is that I had too much salt in something at lunch yesterday. :grumble: I also noticed that when I went back to check on my calories, I forgot the rice I had with my chicken, so I probably was over calories. Bad day yesterday.:angry:

    Today is a new day and hopefully it will be a better day!! :bigsmile:

    Elli, glad you upped your calories, I was afraid you were going to go into starvation mode. You are such a little thing and so active, you do need to eat all your calories including your exercise calories. :drinker:

    Marie, you were up bright and early. Take this day just for yourself and enjoy it!!! :love:

    Pink, welcome, glad to have you join us. I love your accent and your way with words, so distinguished, just like Pam. Stick with us a while and hopefully we can help you shift those pounds away!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, 10,000 steps?? Gosh you put me to shame, I am thrilled just to burn 400 calories and that is hard work. You are such a good example of what MFP is all about. :blushing:

    I am kind of in a bad mood today and I am not sure why. I am glad I am going to my meeting so that I get off my pity pot. :ohwell:

    Have a great day everyone, I will be back later in a better place.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - it's ok, we still love you, bad mood and all. And of COURSE you're in a bad mood - that dang SCALE! argh:explode: it's so frustrating!!!!!!!!! I know - Barbie right? I'm like you, if i burn 400 calories in a day i'm ecstatic! When you told me about the salt and i quit using so much i know i lost another pound right after that - so it could be. Also there's always the muscle weighs more than fat......we get so hung up on the scale, i know i do it too:ohwell: Hang in there - it will come off. We know when we're down to just the last few pounds how HARD it is! Hope you end up having a great day today.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks Caliecat, elli and Sandydur for your warm welcome. Don't know about my accent Sandy, I try hard not to appear posh as I type as my friends would tell you I'm nothing like that!! By the way, hope you don't mind but I'm going to steal your ""pity pot" term. What a wonderful phrase. :laugh:
    Reading some of your ladies posts I see there is a general pattern that can create frustration when trying to lose weight so I'm delighted to join in and not feel I'm struggling on my own, although my friend Jillycornwall and I meet up for a swim each week and compare notes which helps tremendously.
    I must share my joke of the day in that, after a swim this morning and then a couple of hours digging on the allotment I completed my diary for the day and the result was a message telling me if every day was like today I'd lose about 14 lbs in a month. I laughed out loud because to be honest if every day was like today I'd be on my knees in exhaustion!! It was just coincidence that I did both on the same day. Tomorrow I will be recovering with my feet up!!
    I can't wait to get to know you all more as we progress. I will especially be looking for some good old American muffin recipes as they are one of my favourites.:drinker:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi pink and welcome! We will enjoy your posts!
    another windy day in CA. Busy one too. Marie, is Jerry doing ok? And for that matter, how are you? I know you are glad for the warm up there.
    Yes, Elli, my dh and I drive team. Some days are easy, some are not.
    lynn, you know we'd. Love to hear about all youve done, but never forget that twhat you do now is appreciated by all of us. We love to hear you sing, and post.
    Sandy, a bad mood is part of making the good mood feel good.
    All for now, be safe
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Pink - i forgot to ask you before - what's an allotment?

    Oh yea, i love it when i'm done with my food diary at the end of the day and it tells me i'll weigh 107 in 5 weeks:laugh: SUUUUUUre i will!:laugh: I think it's great to have a body buddy to help you get through exercising. Swimming is such great exercise too!

    Don't know if i told you guys i ordered a sample box of those vitalicious muffin tops - they came today and look REALLY good! I stuck them all in the freezer and kept an apple crumb one out to have with my tea before the gym. I'll let you know what i think!

    OK - here's a favor i have to ask everyone. Remember that business i bought back in May? It's doing SCARY bad:sad: Would you guys mind - anyone who uses facebook go to our website there and like us, or comment, or SOMETHING???????? Anything will help. Thanks guys. Oh - duh, it's called: Just Bekuz Products

    :heart: elli
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    p.s. - not our website, our facebook page............:tongue:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks pjsattic, I look forward to chatting on a regular basis. Is that beautiful cat yours? Looks like a femaile so I'll say she looks very pretty.
    elli ~ You're right, if only it was that easy:happy: An allotment is a piece of ground that the local authority purchase for the specific use of locals to grow vegetables and fruit. It's a large field that is divided up into about 50 plots approximately 20 feet by 60 feet each and we have to dig our section over to clear the meadow grass before planting seeds and fruit bushes. We can grow whatever we want and pay a nominal annual fee of £7 ($12??). They are very popular in this country so there are long waiting lists to get one. I share it with my neighbours but because I'm retired and they still work I can spend more time digging. It's a beautiful spot with wonderful views across the countryside and so peaceful with birdsong being the only sound other than me huffing and puffing!!!:laugh:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Pink - that sounds very cool! There are quite a few of us on this thread who love to garden. You should try and post a picture of it!
    Thanks for answering my question!

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    So, HELLO! I see everyone came out to play today.....


    Marie: You did get here before me and you always bring the girls out to play. I, too, hope the fruit trees are not hurt this year, fruit is so expensive here already. And, I didn't even know that Paula Dean cooked anything lean. (what a poem :wink: ) I only ever see her cook fattening southern stuff. Keeping Jerry in my thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Cauliflower for a bedtime snack!! OMG, save me from that fate. I love the Vitalicious tops...high fiber and way better than that C stuff.....I hope you sell your house quickly. It will sell exactly when it's supposed to so don't worry too much about it. :drinker:

    Gayla: I think I mentioned that my cousin is challenged and he's the most wonderful guy. Takes one day at a time. I always tell him that he's my hero.....I'll bet Neil is just like that, too!

    Phoebe: Be very careful out on the road. I'm sure you guys are good drivers but like my mom always says and I mean always....WATCH OUT FOR THE OTHER GUY! :laugh:

    Elli: You will like those treats. I've only tried chocolate and I'm hooked! I'm not familiar with your business but I'll check it out. :flowerforyou:

    Lynn: Hold down the fort....come out with guns blazin....put those 2 lbs in their place, duck! Huff and puff and blow their house down.....:laugh:

    Sandy: Pity Pot is a phrase from the PA Dutch. If I were on my pity pot my mother would tell me to just "go piss around a pretzel!" :wink:

    Pinkperil: Welcome to the nuthouse. The only way that we know we're in the "older" age group is if one of us accidentally looks directly into a mirror!! You may steal "pity pot" if I may steal "posh" Love it! :drinker:

    And Marilyn, my favorite: I could not stop laughing at your situation. Everyone who knows me knows that I have a phobia about something happening to me in the bathroom. They know that whoever finds me is to make sure my pants are pulled up and I'm laying on my back on the floor. That way, all the skin and stuff on your face falls back and you look younger! Watch on TV, the cops always look down first for nudity and then at your face to look for a pulse!! :glasses:

    Had a blast with Nate today, he's walking everywhere now. What a cutie pie! :bigsmile:

    And that's what's happening in my part of the world.....Later,
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :happy: Phoebe said
    lynn, you know we'd. Love to hear about all youve done, but never forget that twhat you do now is appreciated by all of us. We love to hear you sing, and post.
    Wow, Phoebe...thanks...those are words to make one think...:flowerforyou:

    The allotment idea..I never heard of that before. I hope your veggies do well, Pink.

    Maddie--you won't do...:laugh: by the way, I saw Billy Ray Cyrus' pic on the internet today...he wishes he had never put Milley in Hannah Montana...he says it broke up his whole family...It made me think of a cd I had of his, "The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus" so I went looking and found it in my cd library...I pulled it out, dug out my harmonicas...danced, played and sang. I never had noticed how many keys that boy can sing in(you notice how younger people become girls and boys:huh: ). I played harmonica with his songs in c, g, d, a and e...that's a good range of keys. I am really sorry for Billy. He is a native son to our state.:brokenheart:
    It was really fun to do that. I'll have to think of another one tomorrow.
    So, Maddie, I got up offa that you like to say:laugh: :laugh:
    Hubby,:heart: is wanting to go somewhere this weekend for a couple of nights. I may lose my days again...:tongue: I have a laptop and he has internet but I don't know that he would want to load the MFP apps on his phone. We'll see.

    Marie-glad you are having a good, peaceful day. :wink:
    Speaking of beans and fiber. Thanks to Buzz's imput, I have changed my diary to show the fibers and added more fiber the scale is doing better. Maybe me too:bigsmile:

    Sandy-look how well you are doing with your excercise...I think Elli is guys have got this far and the last few pounds are ALWAYS harder...believe it or not , I've been there before. I would agree that your muscle is weighing more. That's good because you are burning calories while you rest...isn't that good to know. :tongue:

    Connie is always saying to shake up our bodies by changing what we do everyday. Vicki's program backs that up. Look how well she is doing by changing every l7 days...I believe that is right. Since I didn't intend to post this much, I am not using the notebook...and am trying to do this by memory..Uh yeah...taking your lives into my own hands:laugh: :laugh: just don't hold it against me if I get something wrong...I am entitled...that is one thing about getting older...WE are ALL entitiled..:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    I just saw the UPS driver come up to the door. Now, if we hauled pkgs up and down the steps of truck like those people do we would have skinny legs in our shorts like they do.:bigsmile: Yeah, He had on shorts.:bigsmile: Anyway...I got side tracked.

    You all have a good weekend if I am not back on tell you later.:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Pinky Thats sounds good about the allotment How will you water you garden? If your summer is like ours we have to water often.
    I order me some thornless blackberry Bush and they came in today. Now I got to get myJerry[ my hubby to plant them, He is painting our sheds today.

    I guess that anwser Phoebe questions He is feeling find, He goes back to the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully we will know what he is planning on.

    Sitting here wondering How I am going to get some more fiber. I plan on a flax seed muffin I make it up and used a muffin top pan to bake them Pretty good. I like them for breakfast. But haven't made them in a while. Phoebe they are Met B friendly. I will post the recipes
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Maddie - you and Lynn both crack me up! Go piss around a pretzel????? Really?:laugh: too funny!

    Lynn - you're not kidding! At our age we can get all kinds of things wrong! My Dad is 93, he had open heart surgery in Sept. He's recovering well but still waiting to drive. Yesterday he told me "i'm 93! I can do whatever I want! I'm going to take myself driving in a parking lot and make sure my ears work and my eyes work and my feet work!" omg - he cracked me up too!:laugh: :laugh:

    My vitalicious stuff came today! muffin tops! yum to eat! not so good hanging over my pants!:embarassed: Anyway - i'm excited to try them! I took out an apple crumb one to try before the gym. Did i already tell you guys that???????? yea, i'm trying to do this by memory - and mine sure isn't that great!:ohwell:

    Sandy - i think you called me something like "tiny little thing" i love you - thank you!:heart:

    Thanks Irene for posting on the Just Bekuz FB page!

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Pinky Thats sounds good about the allotment How will you water you garden? If your summer is like ours we have to water often.
    I order me some thornless blackberry Bush and they came in today. Now I got to get myJerry[ my hubby to plant them, He is painting our sheds today.

    I guess that anwser Phoebe questions He is feeling find, He goes back to the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully we will know what he is planning on.

    Sitting here wondering How I am going to get some more fiber. I plan on a flax seed muffin I make it up and used a muffin top pan to bake them Pretty good. I like them for breakfast. But haven't made them in a while. Phoebe they are Met B friendly. I will post the recipes
    Why don't you just add Metamucil or Benefiber to your drinks or food. No taste at all.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    elli said:
    Connie - sorry, now i remember - a cheesehead who relocated to the MO Ozarks. It's pretty there. Humid in the summer though isn't it?

    No more humid that it was back on the Wisconsin shore of Lake Michigan where we lived for 46 years.

    Went to Silver Sneakers this morning and the Fit 4 Life crowd swelled the ranks of exercisers to the point that some of us had to stand. If you've ever done 45 minutes of "chair" exercises standing up, I challenge you to try it. I've never worked so hard. Instead of having the chair support your body weight while doing the exercises, you are supporting it. To say I was "dewy" when we were done is an understatement.

    Having a "heart health" screening in the morning so I have to fast from 7:00 PM tonight. Then at noon I'm scheduled for a PAD screening. Both are free programs offered by our local medical center. With the cost of health care skyrocketing, I take advantage of every "free" thing I can.

    Found one of our local food marts carries the Vita muffins. I'm gonna pick some up tomorrow and see what the fuss is all about.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Feeling a little under par, having some tummy pains, I think a little rest is in order so no exercise today. :sick:

    Elli, thanks for the encouragement,I do get too hung up on the scale and my weight has always fluctuated so I am sure I am just in a funk today.
    I went to face book and liked Bekuz Products. Is it a new site for the hard of hearing??

    Pink, don't every feel like you are struggling alone, that is why we are here, to help each other. You can certainly steal my "pity pot", in fact you can keep it, so I don't use it anymore. :laugh:
    Glad Elli asked about the allotment, for some reason I thought it had something to do with money.:ohwell:

    Phoebe, loved your picture of your kitty in the truck. (face book) :love:

    I am going to have to try those vitalicious muffins that everyone is talking about, are they only bought online?

    Maddie, love your Minnie Mouse, where are you finding these wonderful graphics? I'm with you, no cauliflower for a bedtime snack for me, which is why Barbie lost all her weight and I have not. :grumble:
    Special needs people, kids and adults are always awesome. :heart: And between you and Lynn, you keep us smiling. :bigsmile:

    Lynn, you are so funny, I love reading your posts. :laugh: Keep dancing and moving and grooving. :flowerforyou: Are you talking about the Viki that used to be with us??

    Marie, be sure to let us know what the doctor says tomorrow, we are all waiting with you. :heart:

    That is all for now, time to make dinner and hit the couch.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :laugh: Okay, you caught me in a "goof" was another Vicki..and I was thinking she was on this forum...see how badly I needed the help that Buzz gave me with the Notebook. BUT...I am entitled...:bigsmile: anyway..whether I am entitled or not I am slightly embarassed....:blushing: ..just slightly...mind you.:tongue:
    Sandy, catch me every time....:happy:

    I hope your tummy pains get better. :flowerforyou:
    I'll try to check in before I leave and see how it went for Jerry. Wishing you good news, Marie.

    Amanda-what you are going through brings back a lot of sad memories. My Litlle Granddaughter lived 2 hours. It's rough..don't feel guilty about your babies...enjoy them...

    'til tomorrow...
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Well, it's Friday in NZ and a bit cooler today - should do a bit more exercise...a friend just dropped her little white poodly dog off for me to babysit for the weekend...she is one of my little Holly's pups and quite adorable..she won't go to anyone else except "nana" at least we can still go out tonight for a few wines which is our Friday night treat and then get fish'n'chips on the way home...a kiwi tradition - hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • marlouise
    Hello Ladies, another good day for me. Did a 20 minute walk today and it was great! I miss walking, sooo spoiled by driving I don't give walking a second thought.

    ELLI, do you have worries of it happening again, did your doctor give you any restrictions?:smile:
    MADAGOOGA, it has to be one of the worst places to have an emergency, I don't have a TV. I gave that up over eleven years ago, no time to watch it.:smile:

    Back to work at Tim's on Tuesday for a few hours then again on Thursday. Got my EI application done today so hopefully things will get into gear.
    Hope all is well here. Don't give up!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from cold and windy Saskatchewan. We are no longer melting!! Yesterday I drove home from the city in a blizzard. Dave had to get the snow blower out today. Just as I was getting ready to leave this morning I heard about an accident on our highway so I was a big suckie and got Dave to drive me. I was so glad that I did. It snowed more today and they tell us that there are several cold days ahead. Yuck!!
    The snow might not be melting but surprise, surprise --- I am, lost 3 pounds this week for a total of 9 pounds!!

    Neil is doing well. He walked from his bedroom to the living room today. Tonight he called in a panic that the bedcovers were caught in the pin in his toe. He didn't want to knock on the wall for two reasons -- first the other guys were sleeping and secondly the staff person told him he was rude to do that when he called for help to get up and that he should get up himself!!! Consequently he was still in bed when I got there. I told him to just knock on the wall when he was ready to get up. The same staff person was still there when he knocked and asked me if he did that at home. I 'patiently' explained that that is the only way he can get our attention, so yes, that is what we tell him to do. Grrrrhhhhh!! For the new folks, Neil had his vocal chord paralyzed during surgery a few months ago so is unable to talk other than a whisper. Glad there are more good staff than not so good!

    You girls were busy today but you provide lots of fun reading.

    Welcome, Pink. I know you will like it here.

    Sandy -- sorry that you aren't well. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Marie -- You and Jerry are always in my prayers.

    I will catch up with the rest of you folks one of these days!! I am not used to being away from home daily and I am pooped!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :heart: