Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: for Jake and me, every day is Valentine's Day........after two days of having the house perfect, we were able to relax today.......I fixed lean turkey ham, squash, and cauliflower for lunch then we enjoyed the afternoon and evening together with the pets....Jake and I feel like newlyweds even though we've been married for 22 years......this is my second marriage and his fourth so we had a bit of practice (trial and error:laugh: ) before we found each other.

    :flowerforyou: marie, thanks for the info about fiber......I checked my food today and I had over 50 grams of fiber so I guess I'm on the right track. :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Valentines Day to all of you, my dear friends.:heart::heart:
  • viliberty1957
    PHOEBE…yes, I agree. My Plecostamus needs a proper name. My great granddaughter, Mariah, is the pet namer in our family. At first she named him “Scary,” but after she got used to him she changed his name to “Funny,” and finally settled on “Sucker Mouth.”

    BUZZ…Yes, freezing the beans works well. Not only for reducing the gas, but also having the beans on hand in the freezer any time you decide you want to cook some.

    I got my utility space painted. It took two coats, but is such a small space it wasn’t too big a job. Such a little bit of effort made such a big difference.

    I booked my flight to Oregon for the end of the month. I used to fly a lot, but it has been several years. I guess it’s time for a new adventure. I’ll spend a couple of days on my son’s construction company books to get them in order to file taxes, then a few days visiting family and friends.

    Mariah spent the night and today with me. Before she went to bed last night she made a long list of the things she and I would do on Valentine’s Day. Since she can’t write yet, she made her list with pictures. And I must say we got most of them done, including getting her valentines ready and making the valentine cookies by using a heart shaped cookie cutter on pop tarts. Oh, yes, and she roasted her “turkey” (game hen) with dressing. It was beautiful and good. When her mother picked her up she said, “Granny, this is the best Valentine’s Day ever.” So my day’s work here is done. Hahahaha.

    Good night everyone…and God Bless!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Once again, this morning, I am in a room full of amazing women!! Buzz, you blow me away everyday! I could see Hawaii in my mind this morning, thank you!

    Irene: How lucky is your Mariah!!! I'm going to steal your idea for my 6 year old grandson. I'll bet he would enjoy that. All the men in my family love to cook! Thank God.

    Barbie: Did you happen to catch the baking competition recently where they had to make dogs that met the standards of the AKC competition? One of them made a standard poodle and used cotton candy for the fur. I swear that dog looked like it was going to walk off the table!!! Yours are gorgeous!!

    Sandy: Another woman with a huge heart!! Can I pick em or what????

    Seems everyone here is always getting in the car or on a plane to go somewhere....We have a place in Puerto Rico that I haven't been able to get to. I"m can't leave my mother alone that long and she won't go along. I'll get there one day and to the beautiful beach......I think I'll meditate on that until little Nate gets here. Then meditation is over!!!

    Later, Maddie :glasses:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Have a good day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! Trying to get motivated to go ride my bike, some days it is really hard to get started. :ohwell: The good news is on the home page everyone keeps everyone motivated and I try to keep up with them., even if they are 10 or more years younger than me. :laugh:

    Phoebe, drive safely and keep checking in. Great job on the weight loss, did you think we wouldn't notice? :heart: :heart:

    Buzz, I agree your description of Hawaii was wonderful. I was there over 40 years ago and loved every minute of it even though we were only there for three days. We had been in Japan and we stopped in Hawaii for the time adjustment. My marriage was not so good and it wasn't romantic like I would have hoped, but everything else was wonderful. :love: :love:

    Irene, is "sucker mouth" an algae fish? They amaze me, how they keep a tank clean. Your little grand daughter is an amazing little girl wise beyond her years. :bigsmile:

    Barbie, how sweet are you and Jake? Always the honeymooners, always there for each other. You are two very lucky people. Sometimes it takes time to find the right person, I feel like you do and don't know what I would do without my hubby. :heart: :heart:

    Maddie, you so deserve that trip to Puerto Rico, isn't there anyone that could stay with your mom so you could get a little time away?
    You are a wonderful daughter and your time will come from being the wonderful caregiver that you are, especially with all that you have been through with your own health problems. I admire you and am glad you are part of our group. :love:

    I better get myself moving, I have to pick up my granddaughter later to get her to dance.

    Have a great day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have ben reading all of your posts about these trips and cruise. Me I just like to stay home. In my yonger days I would like it tho,
    Jerry don't really like to travel.. i used too.

    Irene you have a nice trip plan. Enjoy your Family.

    phoebe be safe on your way home

    Barbiecat seems like you get plenty of fiber. You are on the right track all counts.

    Buzz Thanks for gettin us on more fiber.

    Sandy I seen a comercial on TV last night with a dog that looks just like Dsisy I dont remmber what the commercial was for but it did not appears as smart as our Dsisy

    mattie Have a great time with nate today. Let him burn some of that energy you have.

    Mattie Have a great

    I would like to say Howdy to any new members that might show up today.And that you are all Welcome.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :frown: Running around like a chicken without a head today! So many things that have to be done and I wish I were't such a control freak, but there you are! And we want to watch a Netflix before going to our Jazz Preservation Society Concert tonight! So---:grumble: !

    I'm trying to figure out how to add fiber, and beans, to my nutritionist's menues, and I realized the best way for me to begin to uinderstand what the heck I'm doing is by using our FOOD page to figure it all out. So I managed to plan 32 grams of fiber today, plus 100 g of Protein. When I see her on Thursday, I will request she help me plan this! The chick pea salad ended up yummy yesterday, and I have to figure out exactly how to count nutritional values on that. The closest I could find in SEARCH was a four bean salad, but I think mine is different. Any suggestions for figuring out our own recipes' values?

    So HI everyone, I'm off and running! Learning how much we all have in common, too! We're all unique...yet very similar :flowerforyou: !!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Buzz said:
    CONNIE, it always amazes me, also, when we attend a rally for some good health cause or hospital function, that the food is all sugar and white flour :grumble: , and everything else that is instant heart attack! Why on earth can't they at least do bran muffins or veggies and lite dips? :ohwell:
    And good for you taking on the Fit for Life Challenge! :flowerforyou: Tell us more about that! ???

    Fit 4 Life seems to be a program that is offered all over the United States by one type of group (hospital, gym, fitness center, clinic, association, etc.) or another. Our Fit 4 Life Challenge started on February 5. It is a 12-week program that was supposed to start with a 5K walk/run/bike, but due to bad weather it will now END with same. We paid a $20 registration fee, and were weighed in and measured from chest to calf. Each week we have to report either to our sponsor (Healthy Lifestyles) or to the Howell County Health Department to be weighed. During the week there are regularly scheduled work out opportunities as well as total access to The Firm, a local gym and fitness center, or to Curves.

    In addition there are WOWs - Workout of the Week - that change. Last Saturday there was an introduction to Karate and also a lecture on Nutrition. On Sunday there was a non-scheduled, spontaneous group walk in downtown West Plains. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings there is an hour of circuit training for seniors or beginners. Two nights a week there are kick boxing sessions. We get a weekly calendar and there is also a Facebook page to keep us up to date.

    At the end of the 12-weeks, we will again be measured, and do a final weigh in. Prizes will be awarded to the people who loose the most weight, or inches. It is not limited to women but I'd guess there are only about 15-20% men in the 250+ group.

    I'm hoping to loose a solid 12 pounds during the Challenge. It will probably not be enough to win any prizes but that isn't why I'm doing it. The access to the gym for 3 months for $20 is all the incentive I need.

    So I'll keep you posted on my progress. I'm charting it separately from MFP.
  • viliberty1957

    This is my sweet Mariah when she was about three...her first cookies. She is the oldest of my two great grandchildren. The other is Dalton, almost brand new. I haven't seen him yet.


    Mariah this winter with her first snowman.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Irene, she is such a cutie putie!! Love those grand kids!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Jeffrey just sent me a tweet to say he is doing great, just very busy!!

    Talk to you later!!
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    They are adorable pics - what a sweet child.

    Pam :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    OMG! How cute is she!!! Like a little princess!!! Pinch her cheeks for me....:heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thought for today.

    The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form
    of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they are okay, then it's you.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I know I'm nuts! Lol! Thx for putting up with me. Irene, she is going to be a great beauty when grown up, now she is a living dollA see your kitty in the window!
    no time for a longer post, but where is Barb, did she chk in?
    take care
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everybody - just a quick check in. busy day today - work, walk with the dogs, quick supper, work out at the gym, book group and finally home! I'm blessed to have so much in my life to keep me busy and young at heart right??:wink: tomorrow Dakota is bringing the grandpuppies - Lucy and Wayne over to spend the day which means, tomorrow night i get to take them home and spend some time with Kodi Grace, WHO by the way, turned 1 month today! I need to get some pictures of her up.

    Irene - that little Mariah is adorable! And I love what she said to you about Valentines Day. It's SO cool that you can be such a fabulous GREAT Grandma! I love the pic of her with her first snowman.

    Wow Buzz - thank you for taking me back to Hawaii if only for a brief moment! In 2007 for Katie and Dakota's birthdays we went to Hawaii for a week. It was THE best vacation ever! That is one place i would go again for sure. Hopefully when the babies are a little older we'll all go together - the moms and dads can go do stuff and the girls and grandma will hang out! We went ziplining which was one of the funnest things i've ever done.

    Marie - although i would go to Hawaii again, mostly i like to stay home too. I love our long weekends camping in the mountains and atving - but if i never have to get on a plane again it would also be all right.....I've really become more and more of a homebody. And when i do go someplace i'd way rather drive. My friend/co worker Angela and i are going to Chesterfield MO in March for a business meeting though.

    Hey Sandy - thanks for letting us know Jeffrey is ok. I'm hoping since he so busy that means he found work that he really loves!

    ok all - it's bed time for me! We're halfway through the week tomorrow! Sure hope i lose another pound this week. It's SO SO slow right now!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. Melting, melting, melting!! Yeah! I spent the day with Neil. He is doing great, minimal pain controlled with Tylenol. I got to see the surgery which was very interesting. It took me back to my Operating Room nursing days. That was when I was pregnant with Gregg so a long time ago!! I was so proud of Neil, he never moved a muscle. They froze it and draped it so that he couldn't see which was likely a good thing. We met some very old friends in the waiting room which was nice. We nursed together in the Coronary Care Unit for a couple of years. We are going to go out for dinner and get caught up.

    I am very tired and will try to get caught up tomorrow unless I get another early phone call to come in to the city. I am counting on sleeping in and spending the afternoon with our young prince.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we've done everything we can do to get the house ready to sell, now we just have to trust God and keep the house clean.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, Mariah is darling and your Valentines Day adventures were the best I've heard :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I've done a fair amount of traveling in my life and now I'm most happy at home or nearby....I love where I live and my husband and pets and if things were any better, I couldn't stand it. I've been to Hawaii a few times but now I'm not so interested in beaches and warm weather

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, my high fiber bedtime snack tonight is frozen cauliflower with garlic powder and butter spray.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I, too, am glad to hear that Jeffrey is doing well......i miss his newsy posts

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm happy to hear that Neil is doing are such a great mom to be there for him all the time.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we've done everything we can do to get the house ready to sell, now we just have to trust God and keep the house clean.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, Mariah is darling and your Valentines Day adventures were the best I've heard :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I've done a fair amount of traveling in my life and now I'm most happy at home or nearby....I love where I live and my husband and pets and if things were any better, I couldn't stand it. I've been to Hawaii a few times but now I'm not so interested in beaches and warm weather

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, my high fiber bedtime snack tonight is frozen cauliflower with garlic powder and butter spray.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I, too, am glad to hear that Jeffrey is doing well......i miss his newsy posts

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm happy to hear that Neil is doing are such a great mom to be there for him all the time.

    :heart: :heart: JoAn, thanks for sharing your great love story :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Bingo night and this afternoon lunch with my husband's brother and his wife, unless his brother gets detained with work. :tongue: They bought some girl scout cookies from our grand daughter so it is a good excuse to get together. :happy:

    Good luck with the house Barbie, I hope it sells quickly so you can begin the next chapter in your lives. :heart:

    Gayla, if I were in the room with Neil watching that surgery I would have been on the floor, I can't watch them take blood. :laugh: I am glad he did well and again has you for his caregiver. :love: I did send him a card, so hopefully that makes him smile. :bigsmile:

    Elli, Jeffrey does have a new job and is still training for races. Nothing can keep him down, he has more energy than that bunny!! :laugh:

    Phoebe, hope all is going well on the road, I haven't heard from my son so not sure if he got a load or not. It seems he only calls when he need money. :angry:

    Marie, not sure when you said Jerry's appointment was so check in and let us know. I hope you have another beautiful day in Texas. :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone is having a good day, eating healthy, exercising, drinking lots of water and staying happy. :love:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I feel bad that I don't know who some of the people are that you're talking about. Like Neil and Jeffrey. I must have missed something in the posts.

    I want to know if any of you, in other states, are having a "stink bug" problem. Google if you don't know what they are. They just keep coming out from somewhere. I'll be watching TV and one will fly onto the TV, or be crawling across the carpet or land or my finger and make me scream and almost kill myself trying to get away! :mad:

    The don't bite or anything but they are very annoying and this past year in late summer was the first I had ever seen them. Then they were all over the outside of the house looking for places to hide over the winter....yuck and yuck!

    I lost a lb but I'm not posting till Monday. I'm hoping it will stay and bring a sister or brother :wink:

    I'm loving those vitalicious muffin tops and I ordered brownies which has walnuts on top. I think the fiber at the end of the day is helping me. Maybe it binds up some other stuff and takes it out to the trash...know what I mean. :blushing:

    Hope all is well today....later!