Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    Sandy - happy bingo nite and good luck! Thanks for letting us know about Jeffrey too! I'm glad he's still running! So this morning i show another pound down! Pretty excited, but won't post it unless it's still gone on Monday.

    Maddie - Jeffrey was in our group - he's like Barbie. He lost a TON of weight and works out/runs like a maniac! He's awesome. Neil is Gaylas adult son with special needs. We all love him and worry over him - but mostly that's his Mom's job. She's his greatest advocate (as you can tell by her posts) and care giver. I don't know what stink bugs are - I'll look 'em up. Last spring i had spiders that hatched IN my house and sent out their little strings all over the place (like Charlottes Web) then we had these itty bitty false cinch bugs migrating outside......very strange! All due to changing weather patterns. Congrats on your lost pound!!!!!!! OH - and thank you for talking about those vitalicious things! I just ordered a sample pack! Excited to try them!

    Gayla - glad the surgery went well AND you got to watch it! I got to watch the last c/s i attended and that was pretty freaking cool! Also glad you're melting! I always love the sound of the melting snow and the sun and blue skies that accompany it! :laugh: I just read that sentence over - i guess you AND your snow are both melting!!!!!!!

    Barbie - I hope your house sells quickly! Thanks for the cauliflower idea - that sounds great! Lots of time my supper is steamed cabbage w/ butter spray and garlic and a couple apples. Me too - i pretty much love where i live, although - the idea of sun, sand and surf IS pretty appealing to me right around now. I used to love running Florida this time of year when i drove for a living.

    Tomorrow I'm going to up my calories to 1200. I know the weight will come off even SLOWER - but hopefully i really only have 2 pounds left to lose and slow will be all right.

    Happy Day to all! We're going up to 67 degrees today!!!!!!!! woot hoooooooot!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Mattie and Elli. Mattie did you run everybody off?

    I pick p a Woman's World Mag. this morning. Very interest article on Cookin lean like Paula Dean By Lindsay Rudolph.

    Her daughter [LINDSAY"s] is going to be on her blog for Kids It remind me of Irene's Great Granddaughter in the Kitchen.

    Here is their web site So cute
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Mattie and Elli. Mattie did you run everybody off?

    I pick p a Woman's World Mag. this morning. Very interest article on Cookin lean like Paula Dean By Lindsay Rudolph.

    Her daughter [LINDSAY"s] is going to be on her blog for Kids It remind me of Irene's Great Granddaughter in the Kitchen.

    Here is their web site So cute
    I'm starting to think so. Almost nobody yesterday and now today.....Maybe I've been dumped! :frown:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    uh oh Maddie!!!! What have we DONE?????:huh:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    No such luck, I am back!!!:laugh:

    Maddie, you can't get so lucky..:tongue: .na, na, na, na, na, can't run me ooofff.:bigsmile:

    I think Jeffrey was on here a few times when I first posted.

    Marie, I love Paula Deen...she probably wouldn't think I have an accent..:bigsmile:

    Vicki -thanks for the info.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gayla--so glad the surgery is over and spring melt is on it's way..however it comes...:flowerforyou:

    Sandy-good luck with your bingo.:flowerforyou:

    Elli -you luck isn't much better than Maddie's .:bigsmile: ..where I am concerned. Wow! just 2 pounds to lose...that is awesome.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie --wish you a speedy sale!:flowerforyou:

    Phoebe is "on the road again" ..right there with Willie Nelson..I would be Barbie has done a line dance to Willie.:drinker: :drinker:

    Pam --your handle makes me smile everytime!:wink::happy:

    Irene-aren't grandkids (great) wonderful.:flowerforyou: ..I think that's why they are called grand!:wink:

    Xyla a smart trick to clean the screens. I have a smart phone that I bought last fall..I have the most unusual things screen has coconut oil that was spilled in the vicinity of :noway: and I didn't realize it.:noway: It went down into some crevice and now there is a dark blob under the screen...Yep! that's me!:blushing:

    Connie -congrats on losing a have made a step in your 12-step program.:wink:

    JoAn -that was interesting telling about your life. I'm glad you are happy now.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Buzz-thanks for painting Hawaii...:flowerforyou: didn't know you were a "word" artist!

    I have been outside walking and playing with 2 grandchildren (boy 3-girl 4) . It has been 70 + today. It's supposed to be 75 and 20-30 mile ph winds tomorrow...that is March weather in Feb.
    It will make everyone sick if a snow comes back in now..but it could change in a day, here. I am just going to enjoy the sun while we have it.:wink::flowerforyou:

    My weight has held steady for the past 2 days..I hope that means an end is sight for the standstill and seesawing up and down 2 lbs. It's been a long seige but war was ever won in a day...(that I know of)...and I am fighting for my health as well as how I look. :tongue:

    Hope all goes well with each of you!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Don't know where everyone else is, but I've been outside. It is 70 degrees here, the sun is shining brightly. No coat or sweater needed to work in the yard, rake winter's leaves, mulch some fall left-overs into the soil and uproot the stragglers that were left behind in the garden. Our Magnolia is covered with ***** willow-like buds, there's new growth on the apple and pear trees and I'm feeling reborn.

    I'm not naive enough to think that winter is over for us but like Indian Summer in the fall, this Indian Spring cannot be ignored.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Lynn and Connie - where do you both live that it's 70 out? I'm in colorado - it's in the 60s today but SO windy i won't be able to walk my dogs......guess i'll hit the gym after work.

    Lynn - I just re read your profile - glad your health is improving - it truly is the most important thing we have!

    Take care all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We just hit 70 after the sun came out sure hope thing don't bud out and we lose all the fruit trees aroun.d here (f it freeze again. We usally have one before Easter.We don't have any but the Pecans tree.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    That's a danger here the next 3 mos..with peaches, apples, strawberries..etc...:flowerforyou: Last year it was dry weather that hurt apples before it was all said and done.:noway: Hope all the fruit and veggies do well this year.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Elli said
    Lynn and Connie - where do you both live that it's 70 out? I'm in colorado - it's in the 60s today but SO windy i won't be able to walk my dogs......guess i'll hit the gym after work.

    Lynn - I just re read your profile - glad your health is improving - it truly is the most important thing we have!

    I live in South Central Kentucky. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 75 or so and 20-30 mph winds.
    Thank you so much for wishing me well. I am doing better at the moment and I am thankful for this time. Thank you so much for wishing me well...well:happy: I really do appreciate it...but humor comes out in everything I do sometimes....:wink:
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, on a skim through not enough time to read and catchup on everyone.
    CALIECAT My hopes are with you and Jerry. Good thing it was caught early.
    I have had a wild life in the past two weeks. I slipped a disc in my lower spine getting out of my truck. I did not think anything to serious of it, it has done that lots, however on this day it moved farther and made me take some notice. That night I decided that maybe I need some extra sleep, my back will feel better next day. NOT. 4 am I called to my sister to call 911, I was hanging on the toilet paper roll for dear life. Just in my nightie, hair looking like I fell out of a dryer, not washed up and sitting on the potty.....two gents come up the stairs to the bathroom. WHAT WAS I THINKING???? Breathe. Well they looked after me and we got to the hospital. Three days there, and home for 9.
    I think I should buy a crash suit, this year is starting off wild!
    Well I am determined anyway to get back what left, so I am starting Pilates at the basic level, this teaches breathing, proper contraction of the lower abdominals, and works into a exercise routine that I can add into another so I can get back to strength training once I have finished and mastered the main exercises of Pilates. My food portioning is off to a better start since my intestines have been crunched by my lack of posture. Now to get them cleaned out and into better shape. I have been keeping an ice pack on my back which has reduced the swelling to 30%, feels nice to be able to put my socks on with out pain.
    Hope to keep up again, catch you all soon.

    Remember motivation can not happen if you don't make the choice to create it.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    elli asked:
    Lynn and Connie - where do you both live that it's 70 out? I'm in colorado - it's in the 60s today but SO windy i won't be able to walk my dogs.

    Elli, I am in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks. We're about 30 miles from the Arkansas border on one of the plateaus that make up our "mountains". Our anemometer registered a gust or two as high as 17 mph, but most of the day the breeze was around 10 mph. Enough to blow the leaves around but not enough to be uncomfortable.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I dont know the mph, but in parts of Calif., it was Windy! We watched a big metal drum roll by, get rescuedgo by again! Dirt was flying. Clouds sun rain, etc. I just finished driving for the night. Having grilled ckn mini salad in Wendys. Read the posts but cant comment on all of them. Marilyn, so sorry about your back and the position you found yourself in. Bless your heart! Sometimes just a twist the wrong way can do it. Take care all of you.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Phoebe said
    I just finished driving for the night. Having grilled ckn mini salad in Wendys. Read the posts but cant comment on all of them.

    Phoebe, I must say, I am in awe of you and your driving. I was raised around farm machinery and large 2 ton trucks and such. I could drive all of those. I always wanted to get in a semi and drive it...but never had the opportunity. I haven't been in or around farm machinery or trucks now in years. It would be a power trip to control one of those "babies." you drive...:bigsmile: I can remember when you didn't see women driving semi's...people thought I was nuts when I would say I might drive one sometime just to see if I could. We've come a long way, baby:flowerforyou: :smokin:

    I've lived a softer life since those days...:tongue:

    It has been windy here today...where I live, in March, we have a lot of wind..and today felt like March weather here. We hare supposed to have 20-30 mph winds tomorrow and even warmer. Be Safe!:flowerforyou:

    ps. Connie did you notice my quotes...:happy:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :happy: do you all remember the commercial for a perfume ....I believe it was perfume...(senior momet:bigsmile: ).....I can bring home the bacon ...fry it up in a pan...and never, never, let you forget you're a man...I'm a woman..w-o-m-a-n....It was a song too, of brain thinks in songs. I have done that all my life.:bigsmile: Thinking about Phoebe and others who WORK and can do all kinds of other things too:bigsmile:
    Sometime, I'll tell you what all I have done in my life...well...maybe most of it.:laugh:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Connie - sorry, now i remember - a cheesehead who relocated to the MO Ozarks. It's pretty there. Humid in the summer though isn't it?

    Lynn - that's funny - i SO remember that commercial!

    Phoebe - do you and your hubby actually team drive? I was never good at that at all. No way could i sleep behind someone else driving. Sure do get more miles like that though......Hope you're out of the wind!

    Marilyn - sorry about your back - backs are weird like that - you can just move the wrong way and throw it out. I got mine pretty good while we were renovating my house. I was lucky to get it cleared up with exercises.

    well, i'm done for the night - i'm pretty excited to up my calories to 1200 starting tomorrow!!!!!!! Have a good one everybody.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    my walking friend who comes over from Seattle thought there would be rain today so she didn't come.....the weather turned out pretty good so the dogs had a great time at the dog park and I did a bit of work in the yard and Jake and I had time in the afternoon to have a good meal together (fish, squash, and spinach) and spend time doing things together.....

    :flowerforyou: I got my to my goal of 10,000 steps but not the 20,000 I get when I walk four and a half miles with my friend.

    :flowerforyou: We haven't done yoga in awhile and someone just reminded me of it so I'm going to remind Jake about it tomorrow after he comes back from lunch with his friend.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: we've been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier and we like it. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello all you Golden Sneakers, can I join your post? I'm 62, retired a couple of years ago but feel very much still young at heart. You do all seem to have a good laugh on here and I know, if I'm going to shift a few pounds I need to keep a sense of humour!! I live in the UK but spent several years in Canada back in the 70's and also travelled across the US in an old Buick with a friend so know where some folk are geographically. I'm off to dig in my allotment for an hour but will pop back and dip my toes in the post later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    pinkperil welcome to the Golden Sneakers. We have another one from the UK. Her name is Pam. We all love her So sweet and nice. Hope to get to know you better too. We are a very good bunch of Seniors. Trying out best to get rid of our excess fat and enjoy life . Looking forward to seeing you again:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: .
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    ha ha ha ! Mattie I beat you here this morning. This is a leisure day no Place to go today . Can stay home and cook a pot of beans and work on my quilt.

    Gonna be a nice day here in Texas. So Sammy and I will get a couple walks in .