Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    hope this upload works, this is Pudge, the one we still miss..but he is at peace, as Maddie said.

    I just love this right click on reply, and open in a new window..yay..doesn't take much to make me happy..when I am at home

    I was reading emails, I get one from a site called Calorie Count..the newsletters are often filled with good info. I read about weight flucuations, soy, and there was a mention of foods which are naturally diuretics.

    Buzz, good to hear from you.
    Connie, I would love to feel so safe that I would walk at night. Actually, I do feel safe from people problems, but cars are another story round here..Have you ever seen a photo where there is a dirt road that just disappears into the woods or over a hill? When I see a photo, or painting, or print, like that, I feel I could just dive into it, and walk all day.

    Marie, that vest is so pretty, I'm sure it kept you warm this last month! Glad you have it. I guess you are trying to up your fiber through your diet, not so much from supplements. I kinda like to mix both ways with mine. Tonight was a bowl of those veggies in bags that I mentioned, and so did Barbie. I added grilled chicken and it was a good meal.

    Using the pc while it is downloading makes everything take longer, so I should get off of here so the other things can finish faster. take care

    p.s. I see it didn;t work, what did I do wrong
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Buzz - here's that recipe:

    1# black beans
    2 C chopped onions
    1C sweet pepper chopped
    3 Cloves garlic crushed
    2tsp chili powder
    2 tsp cumin
    2 tsp dried cilantro
    1 28 oz can tomatoes

    Soak beans according to package directions. Rinse. Add all ingredients except tomatoes to 3 quarts water. Bring to boil, then reduce to low heat. Simmer for about 2 hours 'till beans are soft and water is gone. Add tomatoes. Cook till tomatoes are heated. Salt and pepper to taste.

    I did it in the crock pot and used my own frozen tomatoes (from the garden) and cooked it all day on high. It's 6 servings, 333 calories, 20 gr protein, 2 gr fat and 15 gr fiber.

    if you e mail me your info at: I'll send you some sample Super Seals.

    When i left this afternoon to return my grand puppies and visit with my grand daughter it was 54 degrees out. When i left their house it was 34 and now it's 19! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    night everyone - tomorrow's a new week and a new day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just look at those cousin together How Sweet is that? What a treasure Elli.
    Thanks for the chili recipes. Just look at all that fiber,,, wow!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.

    Phoebe you need to used IMG code and after you post is change to small letters like thisDo not skipp a space.The one before amd the one after.  I'.m going to wait 3 more days to weigh. To see how all of this fiber is working.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Marie - your vest is are so talented...Elli - thanks for your have some lovely photos on your profile...I too would be surrounded by animals if I could but sadly we do not have the room now as we shifted to town 3 years ago...we were on a lifestyle block where I raised calves...a very satisfying life but nothing stays the are a great bunch of gals...looking forward to getting to know you better..
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hi everyone, Thanks for the warm welcome
    I am a 56/ single/ RN - private duty Nurse ...'still working and just tired' ( loved that phrase!) / mother of one son/ Nannie to one grandson ( Yes, Marie that is him on my profile pic ...he is the light of my life) / live in Maine (sort of central area - only 45 min to coast and Bar Harbor /Acadia Natl. Park).
    1) love to garden ( have a very short season though)
    2) Dance ( have danced since was a very young girl ...ballroom/classical /square/line/contra etc)
    3) cook - and that has not helped with the weight!
    4) just started sewing - quilting ( nice vest Marie; I hope to some day make something bigger than the place mats currently doing...LOL)
    5) table games ( cards/board etc) and lawn games ( croquet/bat tennis ball - not really play game LOL /Jarts, etc )

    Currently I work 12- 14 hr overnights 3-4x's /week and am just getting the logging (especially meals) figured out for this crazy flipping schedule! Work 3 nights in a row then flip to days to function with 'the real world' :laugh: Still a few kinks body does not always cooperate and want to sleep on nights off.
    Because of my schedule I may not be able to get on for much more than logging some work days, but will try catch up on days off.
    Most of my family has made it clear DO NOT post any pics that have them or their children in them... so that only leaves my son (and his significant other/girlfriend ) and grandson. My son and gf are MFPer's as well and have done Fantastic - son -70 + #, gf - 40+#.!
    Enough on me....
    Marie - loved your vest. Hope things go well with your husband; will keep you and he in prayers.
    Irene -Hope Ralph's arm is ok. I hear you about the grand kids growing up and not so much grammie time... that is why I try to see my little guy evry week. We play, watch tv and sing alongs,have supper, pick up, bath time,brush teeth, read cpl stories and snuggle, trying to learn night prayers, kisses and bed. :smooched: Love it!!!
    Sandy - glad enjoyed the birthday celebration. This is not 'just a diet' it is a lifestyle change and life has to be part of it.
    Connie - Karate, more power to you.
    Buzz - 'metamucil cocktails' ...can not do it, makes me way too gaseous, my 92 y.o. MOM does metamucil wafers every night.
    Barbiecat - what patience to do 10,000 steps every day. I just started Leslie Sansone walking tapes and like them.
    Ellie - I will lookup and like your Biz. also..... I have heard of the Vitalicious tops but have not found them around here yet... do not want $$$$ of S/H. ' Hungry Girl' uses them in some of her recipes and they sound delicious.
    Gayla - I hear you about being wrapped up in Spring ever coming? We will probably have a lot of flooding cause the snow banks are well over 7 feet in many places. Enough Mother Nature... I want an early garden :sad: .
    Leigh - my B-day is the 9th 2 days away from you.
    Pink - around here we call those 'Community gardens'. I moved to in town residential area a few yrs back and can only have small garden, but do so love picking and eating 'fresh' veggies'
    Louise - Do as PT shows you, a bad back is no picnic, hope you gain strength/endurance and feel better soon.
    General - I too love animals. Had an Akita/St. Bernard mix that I had to give up... my neighbors complained about her barking and the authorities were fining me ( started at $125 then $300, and last was $600 and were going to come take her so to make less traumatic on her I took her in for adoption....wish I knew where she was and that she is alright. :-( ). The worse thing was that they came to my house 2x's after I relinquished her stating they had calls complaining,... I told them not possible she is not here and that I had said right along it was not Keisha barking but a diff. neighbor dog.

    I have rambled enough for now, everyone have a good day.:smile:

    Well sorry if I missed anyone; I only went back couple pages to try get to know you all a little, it will come with time.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    maeadair welcome back. First off May I called you Mae these long names I have trouble with them Wonderful reading your post and getting to know you. You are up there where it is cold. and all thhat snow. We had a pretty snowey winter down here in Texas I think our winter is about over wirh. We will probable get another freeze or too but no more snow and ice. i live in thhe Dallas area. Now watch Mother nature make a liar out of me.

    I love to craft. the only problems When I was workin didn't have much time to craft now that I have lots of time on my hand too old to do it. But still enjoy it just a lot slower in getting them done.

    Aain welcome to our world. We love having you.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    MISSING IN ACTIONS REPORT :wink: :wink: :wink:

    jO -AN I thinks she is with her daughter for a vacation.

    Gigi is having a 2 weeks fun in Mexico on the beaxh at Cancun

    Do we have any other sneakers out of Pkt.?

    Oh Jeffrey I guess he got kindapped again. But he will manage to get away soon and give us a report on his many .many task that he get invole in.
    Jake too busy trying to sell his house out from beneath Barbie, But she keeps us inform on him. A very Lovable couple so cute.

    Sneakers are very fortunate to have them all.We are very bless to have all the wonderful new sneakers. Post aften so we can get to know you. We are all seniors and often forget things. But we love to read your post.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Good Morning Sneakers!!
    Hi to maeadair, thank you for filling us in. Lots of people are wary about posting info on the internet. I'm sure we are safe here, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious. Criminal Minds tv show will scare you!! LOL, I watch it though.
    Have you been to LL Bean? I would love to visit Maine someday, not just for Bean, but I would want to go there.
    So sorry about your pup, that is sad. I'm glad we live where that is not a problem, at least not yet..I guess one grumpy neighbor would be all it takes. I'm like Irene, when she was in Alaska, I can sleep thru noise! Actually, dogs barking is one of the things that makes me sleepy, go figure!! We have two cats, but the neighborhood has a variety of 'critters'.
    Hi Judy, I think of how warm you are and how chilled I am! What is your cool season like there?
    Marie, how are you today? are you quilting this morning? you stay so busy. It makes me want to take up embroidery again.
    Thank you for the IMG code fix. I'll try it.

    Today I must leave home :-( , even though, as far as I know right now, it is just to go to the grocery and chiropractor..ok, to the gym too! LOL.. how easy ii is to forget that one.

    Yes, Marie, I think you are right, you will likely get another cold spell, or even snow. It is that kind of winter.
    be safe
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Good Morning Elli and Sandy
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning all - I'm at work but expecting a slow day due to the holiday. Hopefully I can get off early and go to the gym because i have to watch my friends 2 little girls (2 and 7) this afternoon.

    Hi Marie - thank you for the comment on my little grand daughters - that was the day after Kodi was born when she went home and Leena got to "meet" her for the first time! SO cute! Also - thank you for posting the MIA list for us! We don't want to forget any of our buddies :noway:

    Judy - you're welcome, it's true - just slow and steady! I'm no longer surrounded by animals either - i miss them - but i'm single and once my sons moved out (and i don't eat meat) it was just too much to keep up with. I kept the chickens, but then i starting having too much trouble with foxes (i don't shoot live things either) so i gave up on that too. When "my" babies (i.e. grand kids) start getting older, if they want grandma to have critters it may all start up again!:bigsmile:

    Mae - thank you for telling us about you! Wow - that is some tough work schedule - i don't know how you do it. But - we do what we have to do........Your grandson is ADORABLE! I use the same language you did - the babies are the light of my life! That's a beautiful area where you live - i remember visiting Bar Harbor and Acadia as a kid (grew up in the east). My friend and i bought these awesome blue "sea bags" in town and used them to haul everything around! I have a step bro and his family who teach at a university up there - they're both in the music department.

    Have a great Monday everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Started to post but messed up, I will be back to edit after I eat my breakfast. :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Good Morning to all,
    I read all the posts every day but haven't gotten back into the rhythm of responding personally.

    :flowerforyou: I want to say something about my 10,000 steps.......I started wearing a pedometer about ten years ago......I had one that clipped onto my waistband so it wasn't effective when I wore a dress which is what I wore when I was working so I counted only steps at home in the evening or on weekends. When I started wearing pants instead of dresses i had the pedometer all the time but the clip on ones often got reset when I leaned against something and frequently fell off and sometimes got lost. A few years ago I got a cell phone with a pedometer that was meant to be carried around in a pocket (so it didn't get lost except for the time that I washed it with my jeans and had to buy a new phone :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: ). The cell phone stepcounter reset automatically at midnight and kept track of steps and averaged them over 30 days. Now I have an Omron pedometer with computer software that allows me to keep track of all my steps since I bought the pedometer in early 2010. I count all my steps and make an effort to walk more just to accumulate the steps. I spend less time now at the computer or sitting doing anything. When waiting for something, I walk up and down. When I travel on the ferry I walk instead of sitting and reading a book. I walk at the dog park, go to dance classes, and walk for exercise but some days as much as half my steps are from walking in the house while I do my chores. When I go shopping I walk up and down all the aisles whether I need to or not. i park as far from the store as possible. If I have some free time, I put on the TV and walk or dance or jog while I watch. Someone said "if you're moving, you're losing" and a pedometer keeps track of how much I'm moving. I meet friends for a walk instead of a meal. It's surprising how the steps mount up with just some simple lifestyle changes.

    :bigsmile: elli, your grandbabies are adorable......I remember how much you wanted grandchildren since before they were even conceived.....I am so happy for you

    :bigsmile: Marie, that vest is are a woman with so many talents.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new members.....this thread is growing by leaps and bounds......I remember the days when Sandy, Marie, and I did most of the posting and now the family is huge and amazing.

    :bigsmile: for those of you who don't know, we have a family of furry children. Brandy, the black Standard Poodle age five, Sasha, the red Standard poodle age three, Haifa, the black and white cat, age 15 and Bernie the part Maine Coon cat age four
    I think Buzz asked about Haifa's name.......yes, he was named for the city in Israel....we wanted to give him a Hebrew name but everything we thought of was difficult to pronounce, even so, Haifa got called High Five by one grandchild and the Haifanator by our then teen age son.

    :bigsmile: with our house on the market and the possibility of someone coming to look at it with two hour's notice, the call to clean it every day is very urgent and my 30 minute at the computer is coming to an end so I'm off to clean bathrooms.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Marie said:
    Connie you are so good with words Wish I had that knack.

    But, Marie, I can't quilt!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Rain, rain and more rain in Cornwall so no walking or gardening today!!

    Maddie ~ I took a wonderful tour around Lancaster County yesterday and stopped off for some beautiful views of Susquehanna River before taking a peek at Marietta, all courtesy of Google. What a beautiful area you live in. I love the Colonial style properties, they are just so regal and "POSH"!! Amazing isn't it that our respective districts have followed similar patterns in history and both ended up the better for it in spite of past hardships. I suppose St Cleer is rather quaint. Did you see a photo of the Medieval well? It's said the waters cure insanity but I haven't tested that old wives tale yet!!

    Sandy ~ Thanks for getting me off that pity pot!! You hit the nail on the head because I hadn't done any decent exercise in the past five months or more so my body is no doubt adjusting to the new regime. It helps to know I'm not the only one to have a little hiccup and no, won't be put off.:flowerforyou:

    elli ~ I took a look at your website Just Bekuz and was truly impressed. I wish you every success with it and can't imagine why it wouldn't do well.

    Phoebe ~ You're a sweetheart too for taking time out to comment on my disappointing weigh-in. I won't be downhearted and recognise this is only the 2nd week of the rest of my life of healthy living so will do my best not to get impatient.
    Yes that's my Jasper looking through the window. He has a constant frown on his face probably due to a cruel 18 months at the start of his life before he came to live with me. I've managed to persuade him to trust me but it is very hard work with visitors. Can't blame him though!!

    Buzz ~ I've copied and pasted your recipe. Looks yummie and will be ideal once my summer arrives.

    Comments about warm to hot temperatures make me just a little jealous. It's not much above 10 degrees here!!
    Have a good day everyone.

    Jackie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Oh, so glad to be living in the Ozarks today. Even though the temperature is dropping (58 at 9:00, 46 at 11:30), and the sun is in hiding we don't have snow in the forecast. Contrast that with the following from our former home city newspaper this morning:

    "Sheboygan County registered the highest snowfall total in the state Sunday (13") and can expect at least five inches more inches today, according to the National Weather Service."

    Phew. Glad I don't have to shovel that. Here's a photo that was taken just about a mile from our former house. When I see things like this, I really worry about Phoebe and the other gals (and guys) who have to be out in this stuff. One of our other posters is a former truck driver and I'm sure glad she's not on the road anymore. I don't know if she's shared that info with anyone else so I'm not naming names.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sorry, in my rush to shut my hens away because it's suddenly night time and dark I forgot to say hello to the new arrivals. I can vouch for the fact this is the best place to be for support, encouragement, advice and a jolly good laugh:laugh: :laugh: I've only been here a week and am feeling more positive by the minute.

    maeadair ~ Community gardens sound much nicer than allotments in name. I hope you'll find time to pop on here regularly so we get to know you more.

    jstalittlecrzy ~ I live on my own in a pretty isolated rural area too and know it;s not always easy to go walking on your own. You'll get an array of exercising ideas and some delicious recipes here believe me so stay positive.

    Welcome to you both:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    morning Phoebe - don't look at the picture Connie posted - ugh........that's one part i sure don't miss - it's ok Connie - they all know i used to drive! Phoebe - is your back ok? or do you go to the chiro for routine maintenance? I used to every 3 months until i started doing hot yoga. Now i hardly ever have to go. Don't forget the gym!!!!! oh - unless the chiro tells you not to work out..........

    Connie - I'm happy you're not up there! We have a vendor in Eden Prairie MN who e mailed that they'd do their best to get orders out today but no promises 'cause they're shorthanded - 16 inches last night. and nowhere to put it all!!!!!!!

    Hi Pink - thank you for checking out our website. We keep plugging away - it's all about pay per click, google, schmoogle, yahoo et all!

    BARBIE - thanks for sharing yet again more wisdom - about walking WHENEVER possible! I'm going to try and incorporate some of that in my day to day! I've been dancing here at work today :tongue: does that count? i'm here alone by the way.......Holiday! Thanks for remembering - how badly i wanted the babies - and now i'm SO blessed to have TWO!!!!!!!!!!

    BACK to work! :heart: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie that look like Dallas during the Super Bowl week. nad so nice today except pretty windy. But it is getting close to March, Kite flyinf weather.

    By the way I am on Facebook along with about a 1/2 dozen MfP friends I am under Eula M Ward Be so happy to see all of you there
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    A very good morning to everyone....well, I hate to skite but it'sgoing to be a scorcher here today...we get well in to the 30's (that's celcius) 90's for a lot of you...i'm going to make the most of it cos only a week and we're into autumn...our winters are fairly mild here - we don't even get a frost where we live-, although we used to when we lived in the country which was only 20 mins from town, so I can grow things which I never could before...just love my garden - got 3rd prize for putting it in the garden competition and a very highly commended for the garden viewed from the road.

    well, i better go and do some housework before it gets toooo hot...have a great day everyone...sorry, can't remember all the names yet, but I will when i get to know you're a great bunch of gals.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Judy that sound so great. We need to see some pictures Fresh tomatoes all year/ That sounds like heaven. What fun! I am really glad to see how people live in another country So interesting. It is 80 in here in the computor room with the doors all open. We had to trn the fan on the other night.

    Connie how about that? You would be in hog heaven.

    Barbie ater I had My stroke the nures had me to weigh on a scales that was kook up to the telephone and recorded my weight to them.Twice a day I did it about 3 years and I did not like it at all. Now I weigh 3 or 4 times a week. on my own. Made them come and pick it up. I am doing fine on ahigher fiber diet now. But I do not like all this cooking. And dishes to do. I feel ilke I have had my shareof that.
    Ineed to add Barbs on our missing in actions. She is so busy these days.

    Have a great day SNEAKERS!!