Pregnancy 2011-February



  • Mamatoabunch

    Buying or selling?

    Buying in WI, we have not sold our home in NM, we are in now. That would be celebration #2 :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    The only medicine I'm allowed to take has been recalled! And every store is out of the generic version. :grumble:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy February!

    Mwilson - Your bump is adorable!

    MJ - Happy Belated Birthday!

    Mama - Good luck on the house, I'll be praying for you!

    Katrina - Hope you feel better soon! I'll bet that cinnamon roll was good, just reading about it made me want to go buy one!

    LittleSpy - I've been doing the same thing, not buying a lot of the stuff that I'm craving, and it's helped to curb some of the weight gain. However, my administrator at work heard me mention that I like peanut butter m&m's, so she went to Sam's club and bought me a giant box of them.....thanks!! lol I was a Diet Dr. Pepper junkie before I got pregnant and haven't had a regular one since pregnancy, but after reading about your Dr Pepper experience, I think I'll be having one tomorrow!

    I dont feel like I look pregnant yet, depending on what I'm wearing. I have one pair of maternity pants with a high panel that smooths my stomach out and makes it look more "baby bellyish". If I wear my pre-preg pants, I just look plump :wink:

    Ultrasound tomorrow morning!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member

    Buying or selling?

    Buying in WI, we have not sold our home in NM, we are in now. That would be celebration #2 :)

    That's quite the move! Family there or just like the cold and accents? So, would you bring the cow or get a new one? I've shipped livestock cross country a few times (3 horses on 3 different occasions). It's expensive! And I don't prefer to trailer them myself when the drive is that long.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hubby and I aren't really into buying gifts for each other for any occasion. We usually get something that we need for the house, or something that we both want. I'm definitely not a flowers/jewelry kind of gal, so I like this much better! This year for Valentine's Day we'll probably have dinner and watch a movie.

    Speaking of movies - has anyone else seen the movie Babies? We watched it instantly the other night on Netflix and it was soo cute! I'd call it a documentary I guess. It follows 4 babies from around the world from birth to about 16 months.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    It was 2 degrees yesterday. I am not used to it being that cold.

    Are you talking farenheigt or celcuis?

    The past couple days here have hovered around -35 celcius, which is the same as -31F
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    Speaking of movies - has anyone else seen the movie Babies? We watched it instantly the other night on Netflix and it was soo cute! I'd call it a documentary I guess. It follows 4 babies from around the world from birth to about 16 months.

    I saw that movie, but did not rent it. I want to see it really bad! All the more incentive now.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    oops made a mistake here! I hate that I can't delete my posts when I accidentally press quote instead of edit.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    It was 2 degrees yesterday. I am not used to it being that cold.

    Are you talking farenheigt or celcuis?

    The past couple days here have hovered around -35 celcius, which is the same as -31F

    Fahrenheit, I don't know how you handle that. Yuck! I hate being cold.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Speaking of movies - has anyone else seen the movie Babies? We watched it instantly the other night on Netflix and it was soo cute! I'd call it a documentary I guess. It follows 4 babies from around the world from birth to about 16 months.

    I saw that movie, but did not rent it. I want to see it really bad!

    I've seen it. I really liked it. It was before I was pregnant and it definitely made me baby hungry.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Are you talking farenheigt or celcuis?

    The past couple days here have hovered around -35 celcius, which is the same as -31F

    @ joonzgurl
    You must be in my neck of the woods! I'm in Northern Ontario! :D
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Enjoy the cute flutters now, my lil girl was beating me up all morning... I told hubby I couldn't wait til she can hurt him :laugh: Our 8 year wedding anniversary is on the 9th so we always celebrate our anniversary and Valentines Day together. We dont do gift for eachother at all, I think it is just swapping money and would rather do something more constructive with the money. We usually have dinner and a movie or something. When we do have gifts they are 100% homemade with the help of the kiddos. I LOVE these kinds of gifts and would not care if I ever got another piece of jewelry again. Well maybe just one more, a couple years ago he got my a necklace from and it has our 2 boys faces in white gold. I would like to add our daughter to that but it was pretty expensive so that may have to wait a while. People still ask me about it almost everytime I come in contact with others, it really does look like the kiddos so I guess that is the BEST gift he ever BOUGHT other than that I would prefer something homemade from the kiddos

    I went to the doc yesterday because mine is moving so much it was hurting I thought I was in labor. He is ginormous or something and the way he moves now can be so uncomfortable.

    On a side note, I weighed for the Nurse Pract. Yesterday and it was up like 5 lbs in 4 days. I know i've been eating bad but seriously. I know that isn't right, I track my weight at home, but what bothers me is now it is in my chart. I don't know why that bugs me. So when I go back on Thursday for my reg. check up it is going to show a loss....Well it should. Which to me is inaccurate.

    I've been eating super bad. And they told me yesterday to back off of walking so much. WHATEVER.

    Speaking of weather it was 70 degrees here Tuesday and now they have closed the schools for today for "fear" of icy roads....Really it is only 30 but we are getting a slight bit of sleet, so they have closed schools and state offices. We do have lots of water here on the ground to freeze with the rivers and swampy areas, so I guess they are just preparing ahead of time. I bet they close them tomorrow too.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I keep wishing I could feel her move more distinctly and then I keep telling myself I'm going to want to retract that wish in a couple months. :laugh:
    I also hate being really cold. I'm pretty sure I've never felt -35*F and I don't think I ever want to. :noway: I start being a huge wimp around 20*F. I'm currently living in Columbia, SC so it very rarely even gets down to 20*F here. It was like 40*F this morning and my hubby was like "Brrr, it's cold." He lived in Denver for years! :laugh: Temps are very relative, I guess. We pay a big price for mild winters though. I can't say I love the 3-4 months we spend around & over 100*F at 95% humidity. The Weather Channel deemed us the hottest city in the southeast last summer & the city slogan is "Famously Hot." Not even joking -- look: I'm a little worried about coping with being 9 months pregnant in July here.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I am going back to the Dr. today - think I may have a yeast infection (pleasant, I know). It's been happening off and on the whole pregnancy and she just now decides well maybe she better take a look at it (after 31 weeks, mind I've been telling her about it every appointment. Oh well there is an upside to having to go...! Friday when we did our 3d/4d the technician said tha since the baby wasn't cooperating very well we could come back and give it another shot. I told her we probably couldn't because I couldn't take another day off work. Welll....since the dr. wants to see me and I have to go anyway she scheduled me in for this afternoon. Hopefully baby girl will not be asleep this time with her face hidden! YAY :smile: My husband can't go this time, but that's ok,...he was there last time. This will actually be the first OB appointment I've been to without him. He's so supportive :love:

    The weather here hasn't been terrible - just rainy all week...which makes for terrible weather for moving/unpacking...especially since we don't have any landscaping yet and are tracking red clay (which is currently our whole entire yard) all over the house, with two dogs. It's a mess! TIME FOR SOME GRASS TO GROW! Little SPy, I grew up in Columbia and remember the heat! I don't live far now, I'm near Augusta, so we are still HOTTTT in the summer! I'm ready for a little spring now with all this rainy, cold weather! I doubt we'll get any more snow this season, but last year it was the wknd of my birthday when it was the best (or worst, whichever way you look at it) snow we had...middle of February. I love snow, but only because it is very rare for us! I'm sure those of you snowed in and in icy conditions would think otherwise! :laugh:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    The weather here hasn't been terrible - just rainy all week...which makes for terrible weather for moving/unpacking...especially since we don't have any landscaping yet and are tracking red clay (which is currently our whole entire yard) all over the house, with two dogs. It's a mess! TIME FOR SOME GRASS TO GROW! Little SPy, I grew up in Columbia and remember the heat! I don't live far now, I'm near Augusta, so we are still HOTTTT in the summer! I'm ready for a little spring now with all this rainy, cold weather! I doubt we'll get any more snow this season, but last year it was the wknd of my birthday when it was the best (or worst, whichever way you look at it) snow we had...middle of February. I love snow, but only because it is very rare for us! I'm sure those of you snowed in and in icy conditions would think otherwise! :laugh:

    Oh I love the snow too and we tend to get lots! We are right outside of Chicago and the kids are on their second snow day. We got about 23 inches of snow and it is beautiful. I am just happy I am not closer to my due date because then I might be a bit nervous about getting to the hospital. However, I am sure we would be fine in our 4x4 truck :)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Speaking of movies - has anyone else seen the movie Babies? We watched it instantly the other night on Netflix and it was soo cute! I'd call it a documentary I guess. It follows 4 babies from around the world from birth to about 16 months.

    I had been waiting and waiting for that to hit Netflix, then when it did it was very disappointing to me. I had thought you would actually see and learn things about how and why they did things differently and not just observe different things they did. It would have been 20 times better with a narrator and some facts and description.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I keep wishing I could feel her move more distinctly and then I keep telling myself I'm going to want to retract that wish in a couple months. :laugh:

    Haha. Yes. Yes you will!
    I also hate being really cold. I'm pretty sure I've never felt -35*F and I don't think I ever want to. :noway: I start being a huge wimp around 20*F.

    I've only felt that low in wind chill growing up in Chicago area. But now in TN sometimes 15 or 30 feels colder to me than it did there. It's such a wet cold here it sticks with you. When I had to work outside in the winter here I would come in and still be shivering an hour later like my bones had not dried out yet. In Chicago it was like, you come in an in 15 mins the freeze burn wore off and you were fine and warm. Though I have somewhat come to the conclusion that I would probably complain about the weather wherever I lived :laugh: I found myself calling it chilly sometimes when we lived in Phoenix for a year and a half!:laugh:

    Summer here though... ugh! Yep, we're similar to you - 100 and 85-95% humid on days. I remember when my son was born the week after i got him home it was 110 (not heat index, just normal heat) in Nashville an humid. We lived in 350 square feet and I couldn't go anywhere an we had to buy a portable air conditioner with the hose that goes out the window because our little air thing froze up and it would get to be like 150 inside our little "tin can" as I like to call it. Even then it would not get below about 85 inside. Same thing in this house here (tin again) in the summer when the air went out. It was 105 out so about 120 in! With the air I can get it down to about 80 when it's working and none of the windows open so in the evening we could not air it out, so we spend hot summers here! Miserable! I can't wait since our new rental is all brick with a real roof an real insulation! Yay! :happy:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    YAY :smile: My husband can't go this time, but that's ok,...he was there last time. This will actually be the first OB appointment I've been to without him. He's so supportive :love:

    I can't imagine waking mine up at 6:30am to drag him an hour away to watch them weight me, do a doppler, and send me home! :laugh: At least too if I can rush home before he has to go to work I don't have to wake up and drag my 3 yr old with me either.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Summer here though... ugh! Yep, we're similar to you - 100 and 85-95% humid on days. I remember when my son was born the week after i got him home it was 110 (not heat index, just normal heat) in Nashville an humid. We lived in 350 square feet and I couldn't go anywhere an we had to buy a portable air conditioner with the hose that goes out the window because our little air thing froze up and it would get to be like 150 inside our little "tin can" as I like to call it. Even then it would not get below about 85 inside. Same thing in this house here (tin again) in the summer when the air went out. It was 105 out so about 120 in! With the air I can get it down to about 80 when it's working and none of the windows open so in the evening we could not air it out, so we spend hot summers here! Miserable! I can't wait since our new rental is all brick with a real roof an real insulation! Yay! :happy:

    Ugh. Our house stays about 80-85 in the summer because it's 100 years old & pretty poorly insulated. But 80-85 feels soooooo good when you're coming in out of a soggy 110. :laugh: We have central air (and a humongous electric bill from May-October :laugh:) but I have a feeling we'll be getting a window unit this year, too. I can't sleep when it's so hot. I'd be okay if we cooled down at night, but you know that doesn't happen in the southeast thanks to the humidity.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    YAY :smile: My husband can't go this time, but that's ok,...he was there last time. This will actually be the first OB appointment I've been to without him. He's so supportive :love:

    Oh what a good husband! I've only had two apts. and my husband has insisted on going to those two and the next. It's nice that he wants to be a part of it. We also get an ultrasound every apt. so it's fun to actually see the baby every time. Good luck with your 4d, I hope your baby cooperates for you. :)