Pregnancy 2011-February



  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Just got done with our 2nd ultrasound. It's crazy how much he's changed in the last month!

    He is still a boy! :laugh: I've had so many people tell me that they were told they were having a boy and it ended up being a girl. I figure I'll take my chances now since they've said boy 2/2 times. They said he weighs about 13 oz and is 10.5 inches long. She said my placenta has moved up a bit since my last ultrasound, and it should keep moving up. Odds are, I'll be able to deliver naturally.

    She made me a little bit nervous though towards the end. She was looking at the chambers of the heart, and she stayed fixated on it for quite a bit. She kept changing different settings, moving the doppler, going in and out, and then she asked me when my next Dr's appointment was...I asked her if she could see the 4 chambers and she said yes. My husband asked her if everything looked ok and she said yes, but I don't think a tech would/is allowed to tell you if anything is wrong. I'm guessing if anything was wrong, they would have had the Dr. come right in to look at the ultrasound, or would have sent us somewhere else for further testing? I'm probably just worrying over nothing....
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Just got done with our 2nd ultrasound. It's crazy how much he's changed in the last month!

    He is still a boy! :laugh: I've had so many people tell me that they were told they were having a boy and it ended up being a girl. I figure I'll take my chances now since they've said boy 2/2 times. They said he weighs about 13 oz and is 10.5 inches long. She said my placenta has moved up a bit since my last ultrasound, and it should keep moving up. Odds are, I'll be able to deliver naturally.

    She made me a little bit nervous though towards the end. She was looking at the chambers of the heart, and she stayed fixated on it for quite a bit. She kept changing different settings, moving the doppler, going in and out, and then she asked me when my next Dr's appointment was...I asked her if she could see the 4 chambers and she said yes. My husband asked her if everything looked ok and she said yes, but I don't think a tech would/is allowed to tell you if anything is wrong. I'm guessing if anything was wrong, they would have had the Dr. come right in to look at the ultrasound, or would have sent us somewhere else for further testing? I'm probably just worrying over nothing....

    I wouldnt worry, we had to go in 2 or 3 times because our princess wouldnt cooperate and so they had to keep bringing us back until all chambers could be seen. I was getting worried but everything was fine. At Kaiser they have a doctor who does nothing but that all day long so his tech starts the exam but then he comes in and finishes it up and goes over everything with you. I like that he focuses on nothing but these exams all day long and takes as much time as necessary with each patient.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    YAY :smile: My husband can't go this time, but that's ok,...he was there last time. This will actually be the first OB appointment I've been to without him. He's so supportive :love:

    Oh what a good husband! I've only had two apts. and my husband has insisted on going to those two and the next. It's nice that he wants to be a part of it. We also get an ultrasound every apt. so it's fun to actually see the baby every time. Good luck with your 4d, I hope your baby cooperates for you. :)

    My hubby has been to all mine too. We don't get an US at every one, lucky girl! But he doesn't want to miss hearing the info that I am getting or hearing the heart beat!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    She made me a little bit nervous though towards the end. She was looking at the chambers of the heart, and she stayed fixated on it for quite a bit. She kept changing different settings, moving the doppler, going in and out, and then she asked me when my next Dr's appointment was...I asked her if she could see the 4 chambers and she said yes. My husband asked her if everything looked ok and she said yes, but I don't think a tech would/is allowed to tell you if anything is wrong. I'm guessing if anything was wrong, they would have had the Dr. come right in to look at the ultrasound, or would have sent us somewhere else for further testing? I'm probably just worrying over nothing....

    They are not allowed to tell you if anything is wrong since they are only imagers, but the 4 chambers is the hardest shot to get. It took mine about 20 minutes to get that one shot and only about 20 to do all the rest total. I remember that took longest on my first too. She may have just been doing small talk or finding out if you were going to be back in the office fairly soon to try again when it was being more cooperative (ie, hands in the way, upside down, etc)
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    @Carina73- I am in South East Alberta- about an hour outside of Calgary. We are lucky though - it is plus 3 today as a chinook rolled in and brought the warm weather with it! That is when I enjoy Alberta in the winter.

    @littlespy- I hear ya on worrying about summer! granted it does not get as hot here as it does there, I am not looking forward to being due in August in the heat of the summer. I think I will invest in a swimming pool (childrens one) and also an air conditioner!

    @LynnW52 - That would make me nervous too. But I totally agree- if they really thought something was wrong they probably would have called in a dr right then and there. So try not to worry. Also.. forgive me if I am remembering wrong, but you were maybe having twins right?? Or am I remembering someone else? If so I guess that is not the case?

    I am counting down until my first and only (unless there are problems) ultrasound. 7 more weeks! Super excited. Hubby will come to that too I hope. I am jealous that you guys get them so early! I imagine you have to pay for them though.

    I have been feeling really good lately. Not sickly at all, and my self esteem has been building. Before I got preggo, and in the beginning, I was feeling fat and ugly and mad at myself for gaining weight. I never wore make up anymore and hardly any of my clothes fit. But now I have some maternity clothes to grow into, and just, am embracing my body i guess. I am wearing make up again and making an effort and it feels good!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I keep wishing I could feel her move more distinctly and then I keep telling myself I'm going to want to retract that wish in a couple months. :laugh:
    Haha. Yes. Yes you will!

    I cannot say I have ever gotten tired of feeling the movement and actually enjoy every minute of it. And if you are like me, when they are born you will miss it.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member

    @LynnW52 - That would make me nervous too. But I totally agree- if they really thought something was wrong they probably would have called in a dr right then and there. So try not to worry. Also.. forgive me if I am remembering wrong, but you were maybe having twins right?? Or am I remembering someone else? If so I guess that is not the case?

    No twins, just one little boy! At my Dr's appointment in December, she heard two heartbeats with the doppler, so for about a week we thought we were having twins. We had an ultrasound in January and found out there was only one.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I keep wishing I could feel her move more distinctly and then I keep telling myself I'm going to want to retract that wish in a couple months. :laugh:
    Haha. Yes. Yes you will!

    I cannot say I have ever gotten tired of feeling the movement and actually enjoy every minute of it. And if you are like me, when they are born you will miss it.

    I've really enjoyed being pregnant so far! I was telling my husband the other day that I'm really gonna miss it once the baby comes.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am counting down until my first and only (unless there are problems) ultrasound. 7 more weeks! Super excited. Hubby will come to that too I hope. I am jealous that you guys get them so early! I imagine you have to pay for them though.

    I have been feeling really good lately. Not sickly at all, and my self esteem has been building. Before I got preggo, and in the beginning, I was feeling fat and ugly and mad at myself for gaining weight. I never wore make up anymore and hardly any of my clothes fit. But now I have some maternity clothes to grow into, and just, am embracing my body i guess. I am wearing make up again and making an effort and it feels good!

    My insurance covers the ultrasounds that I get as long as they are recommended by the dr. I pay about 30 dollars when I go for an US. But I am sure it is different for everyone with different insurance coverages.

    I am glad you are feeling so good! Thats awesome. I can't wait to feel better. I think I have been putting less effort in just because I feel like such poo most of the time. I am SO excited for when coaching basketball is over (2.5ish weeks) and I have more time! I feel like getting more rest and getting back into an exercise routine is going to help.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I keep wishing I could feel her move more distinctly and then I keep telling myself I'm going to want to retract that wish in a couple months. :laugh:
    Haha. Yes. Yes you will!

    I cannot say I have ever gotten tired of feeling the movement and actually enjoy every minute of it. And if you are like me, when they are born you will miss it.

    I've really enjoyed being pregnant so far! I was telling my husband the other day that I'm really gonna miss it once the baby comes.

    I can't wait to feel my LO. Nothing yet. When do you usually start being able to feel something?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I was sure I felt something at 13+6 and what I feel now does feel the same as what I felt then. But I went for a good 2 weeks before I really felt anything else after that. Then it was just a little poke here or a tickle there. Hardly noticeable. But the last 2 days I've felt at least 3 episodes of total wiggle party time so I'm totally sure I'm feeling her now. Mostly a squirmy/fluttery type feeling. I haven't felt any real kicks yet.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I keep wishing I could feel her move more distinctly and then I keep telling myself I'm going to want to retract that wish in a couple months. :laugh:
    Haha. Yes. Yes you will!

    I cannot say I have ever gotten tired of feeling the movement and actually enjoy every minute of it. And if you are like me, when they are born you will miss it.

    I've really enjoyed being pregnant so far! I was telling my husband the other day that I'm really gonna miss it once the baby comes.

    I always tell my husband I don't get people who like being pregnant :smile: I don't dislike it I guess, (I don't even feel preg, and prob won't until 8 mos when I get super fat, then it's just annoying) but I would not say I like it. Initial nausea and exhaustion, having to pee all the time, sleeping worse than I usually do, being more tired, being kicked in the bladder, not being able to do stuff (ie rock climbing or sky diving (i totally would have gone this Dec if I were not preg)) ... I don't see these as good things. :laugh: I'm also totally not the "bond with the baby" before it's born type, so I see it more as just a biological incubator thing and not some emotional miracle of life experience. I know most people don't think like I do though.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I am counting down until my first and only (unless there are problems) ultrasound. 7 more weeks! Super excited. Hubby will come to that too I hope. I am jealous that you guys get them so early! I imagine you have to pay for them though.

    I have been feeling really good lately. Not sickly at all, and my self esteem has been building. Before I got preggo, and in the beginning, I was feeling fat and ugly and mad at myself for gaining weight. I never wore make up anymore and hardly any of my clothes fit. But now I have some maternity clothes to grow into, and just, am embracing my body i guess. I am wearing make up again and making an effort and it feels good!

    I thought I was only going to have the 1 too, b/c of insurance but have had 2 more since. It really all depends on factors, like growth, pains, etc. Glad you are feeling better.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    My insurance covers the ultrasounds that I get as long as they are recommended by the dr. I pay about 30 dollars when I go for an US. But I am sure it is different for everyone with different insurance coverages.

    I think most pay if it's recommended by a Dr. It's just a matter of if the Dr recommends it or not. My MW asked at my apt if I wanted one, but I said I did not think it was covered unless she had a medical reason to make up. I didn't really care to see it at that point anyway. I imagine a lot of if Drs recommend them or not, is based on their knowledge of how much they get paid by the insurance company to do one. If they get $200 to do a scan that is not necessary, but they can "recommend" and spend 15 minutes doing - they're likely going to recommend it. I'm on state care, they probably get $30 to do it. They're not going to recommend any more than necessary for me. Cynical? Maybe. True? Probably.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I keep wishing I could feel her move more distinctly and then I keep telling myself I'm going to want to retract that wish in a couple months. :laugh:
    Haha. Yes. Yes you will!

    I cannot say I have ever gotten tired of feeling the movement and actually enjoy every minute of it. And if you are like me, when they are born you will miss it.

    I was feeling that way, well still do, I"m glad he's moving, but since I've been in this week they have gotten extreme and uncomfortable.

    My SIL says how much she hates being pregnant all the time. It's really no biggie for me, except now I'm in that I feel ginormous stage and only getting bigger.:happy:
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    I would love to join this! Do I need to add all of you, or just come to this page each time I log in? Hope to talk to all of you soon!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I can't wait to feel my LO. Nothing yet. When do you usually start being able to feel something?

    Being your first likely 16-20 weeks. Though once you start feeling it you will likely realize that you had been feeling it before but didn't realize it. A lot of people watch for or wait for kicks, but it's just little twitches, I liken then to when your eye twitches, that you feel first. I've been feeling this one, actually once or twice around 12 weeks i am positive, then not again until about 14/15 with some flutters then around 18 it turned into definite kicks and now at 21+ every so often it gets a good pop into my bladder - which I know will only get worse... It hasn't stopped squirming around a ton since about 17 weeks. It's like Alien.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I just found this board. Count me in please!

    I am 27 weeks and up 11 pounds.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I can't wait to feel my LO. Nothing yet. When do you usually start being able to feel something?

    I thought that I was feeling something around 15/16 weeks. It was kind of like a tickle, made me think of seaweed or something flowing in water, it was a very light gentle kind of movement, but I wasn't 100% sure it was him. Around 17/18 weeks I started feeling more of a tumble feeling, almost like he was doing flips in there! And that is what it feels like to me right now, tumbling. Only once have I felt a distinct kick, and I felt that from the outside too. But, most of the time when I can feel him moving on the inside, I don't feel it on the outside.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I hated being pregnant 1st trimester. I was excited, of course, but I was bored and exhausted and really getting fed up with being nauseous all the time. I've liked 2nd tri a lot more. Especially with feeling her move & knowing I'll be able to feel her more very soon. I think the only times I won't like feeling her move is 1) when it hurts a lot and 2) when I'm desperately trying to sleep. I haven't been sleeping well for about a month now so I naturally automatically hate anything that stands between me & whatever crappy sleep I can get these days.
    My guess is I'll probably enjoy it for the most part from now until the last half of 3rd tri.