Pregnancy 2011-February



  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Ok, I am probably opening a huge can or worms here... but what is everyone planning to do re: circumcision? (if you have a boy)

    Personally for my husband and I, I don't feel we need to do it. Hundreds of thousands of men are not circumsized. It will hurt the baby. There can be complications.

    Hubby is cut, so he of course feels his son should be too. But that was almost 30 years ago and times have changed now. I am so torn!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    my son was circumsised and he didn't even cry when they did it. This boy on the way will be as well and so is my husband. I think it depends on your culture and the area you grew up in.

    I would think men who are uncirc. deal with issues as they are growing. In fact I've never seen an uncirc. man before. I only saw my little boy before his was done.

    It really is a personal descision.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Ok, I am probably opening a huge can or worms here... but what is everyone planning to do re: circumcision? (if you have a boy)
    I'm not for circ. My brother isn't, but i think my dad is. there was never any talk that he wasn't "the same". I think it's silly to "do it so boy is the same as dad."

    I think that it's mutilation unless it's medically necessary. (i know it's a harsh statement, sorry)

    Both my sisters circ'd their sons. they never talked to me about it, and I never said boo.
    it's the parents decision, but all i can think of is, "I wouldn't want it done to my daughter, why would i do it to my son?" (i know it's not the same but in other countries... *shudder*)

    Doctors in Canada are now charging $300-$400 to circ, when it use to be covered by our provincial health care. it's no longer considered medically necessary. that's all i need to know.

  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ dpage617 - Congrats! :D

    @ AnneElise - Yay! I hope this is the turning point for your m/s. :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ok, I am probably opening a huge can or worms here... but what is everyone planning to do re: circumcision? (if you have a boy)

    Personally for my husband and I, I don't feel we need to do it. Hundreds of thousands of men are not circumsized. It will hurt the baby. There can be complications.

    Hubby is cut, so he of course feels his son should be too. But that was almost 30 years ago and times have changed now. I am so torn!

    Before we knew we're having a girl, we had decided not to circumcise if we were having a boy. We're not religious & after lots of research and thought, we couldn't think of any other reason to do it. My hubby is circumcised and so are all the men in both of our families (as far as we know... which fortunately isn't too far :tongue:) but we still absolutely agreed 100% about how we feel about it. If we have a boy in the future, he won't be circumcised.

    Circumcision is rapidly becoming far less common in the US and isn't very common at all in most other countries.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Ok, I am probably opening a huge can or worms here... but what is everyone planning to do re: circumcision? (if you have a boy)

    Personally for my husband and I, I don't feel we need to do it. Hundreds of thousands of men are not circumsized. It will hurt the baby. There can be complications.

    Hubby is cut, so he of course feels his son should be too. But that was almost 30 years ago and times have changed now. I am so torn!

    Before we knew we're having a girl, we had decided not to circumcise if we were having a boy. We're not religious & after lots of research and thought, we couldn't think of any other reason to do it. My hubby is circumcised and so are all the men in both of our families (as far as we know... which fortunately isn't too far :tongue:) but we still absolutely agreed 100% about how we feel about it. If we have a boy in the future, he won't be circumcised.

    Circumcision is rapidly becoming far less common in the US and isn't very common at all in most other countries.

    That is so funny:laugh: It makes me want to puke thinking if the other men in the family are circumsised:sick: LOL:laugh: I don't want to go there.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Ok, I am probably opening a huge can or worms here... but what is everyone planning to do re: circumcision? (if you have a boy)

    Personally for my husband and I, I don't feel we need to do it. Hundreds of thousands of men are not circumsized. It will hurt the baby. There can be complications.

    Hubby is cut, so he of course feels his son should be too. But that was almost 30 years ago and times have changed now. I am so torn!

    Before we knew we're having a girl, we had decided not to circumcise if we were having a boy. We're not religious & after lots of research and thought, we couldn't think of any other reason to do it. My hubby is circumcised and so are all the men in both of our families (as far as we know... which fortunately isn't too far :tongue:) but we still absolutely agreed 100% about how we feel about it. If we have a boy in the future, he won't be circumcised.

    Circumcision is rapidly becoming far less common in the US and isn't very common at all in most other countries.

    Here's a good article from 2007 about your point. Seems like it is from an influx of immigration.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    My husband is circumcised, if we have a boy he will be too.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    That is so funny:laugh: It makes me want to puke thinking if the other men in the family are circumsised:sick: LOL:laugh: I don't want to go there.

    I am too embarassed to ask my mom about my brother! That is the only other man really in our family except for my father in law and step father. And I am DEFINATELY not going there. Lol!

    I find it surprising that you have not seen someone who was not before ckmama - but again like you said it probably depends on your area, etc.

    I think we will end up not doing it, as most of the baby books I have been reading say that it is generally not recommended anymore (in Canada anyways). But we will talk to our dr and see what she says.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Happy February Ladies! Yay!
    So, i'm 17 weeks today :) I'm feeling
    better than normal so I'm glad :)
    There was so much to catch up on
    going back to read up on how everyone
    is doing. Have a good weekend!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Got a good start of the high carb diet today, went to a buffet for lunch and had potato soup, mac and cheese and bread yum. Can't each much anymore though. I am not looking forward to have them draw blood so many times but I have convinced my hubby that I will deserve a bacon cheddar burger after the appointment is done since I will be starving from midnight til about 11am.

    Congrats on the new expectant mothers, these girls are all so great

    As for circ vs no circ, it is a personal decision and there is no medical reason to do so. Hubby is not but he was born in another country. Both of our boys are though after lots of consideration, my cousin works for a urologist and said it was much better and cleaner for the boys. I was worried after reading a story of a botched job but both turned out just fine. I think my 3 1/2 year old would notice a difference considering he asked me if someone cut off my penis and testicles :laugh: oh yes we had a long talk.

    I would love to have a work from home job but we are fortunate enough that we can get by on my income and hubby is a SAHD. I think it would be very difficult to work from home though, my 3 1/2 year old wants my constant attention all day long. Good thing he loves doing yard work with daddy or else I would never get a break.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    YEA! Yesterday I went 1 whole day without getting sick! This hasn't happened in over 7 weeks. I am hopeful!

    and it is friday! Happy friday ladies!

    I think that is a good sign. For me it started out one good day, and then I would have a couple more, until the good days now out number the bad.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I wasn't around to comment the last couple of days. My internet was out.

    We went to the Dr. today and had our 18wk ultrasound. We are having a little girl!! I'm so excited! We already decided on our girl name awhile back: Emma Jolie Miller. I can't wait to meet her.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Congratulations on your girl.:smile:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    . I think my 3 1/2 year old would notice a difference considering he asked me if someone cut off my penis and testicles :laugh: oh yes we had a long talk.

    Too funny, my nephew thought my sisters was in her butt, that's why she sat down to pee.:laugh: Mine just asked me if I had an "inny"
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Congrats on the lil girl, looks like we are starting to get more and more pink around here!

    My older son never questioned anything but the lil guy is super curious, when he was 2 he cried for a candy out of the machine in the ladies room so I had to explain pads and tampons. He never got over that one and ALWAYS asks me if I need a tampon when he sees the machines. Hubby thinks our lil guy knows too much, especially since he goes around telling all of our family that his sister is going to come out of mommys vagina but oh well. I think that it is better to give them the correct information in a very fact of the matter way.

    Where do babies come from? hmm, that was an easy one right? I am sure I am not the only one who was asked that question. My answer was simple. You pray and ask god to put a baby seed in mommys tummy then it gets watered somehow and the baby grows like zuchinni in our garden. Okay so I wasn't ready to answer all of the questions yet but for 3 and 6 those seem like appropriate answers right now. On the other hand my 6 year old reads everything and asked me what plan b was when we were at the OB office. That was another easy answer " Mommy will tell you all about it when you go to middle school" Scary how young they have to be educated these days but I prefer being open and honest, everything my mom wasnt. All we can do is trust that we are raising them right and they will make good choices in life, especially when they know about all of the horrible diseases out there!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I wasn't around to comment the last couple of days. My internet was out.

    We went to the Dr. today and had our 18wk ultrasound. We are having a little girl!! I'm so excited! We already decided on our girl name awhile back: Emma Jolie Miller. I can't wait to meet her.

    Congratulations on your baby girl :flowerforyou: I love the name, very pretty!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Congratulations on having a girl!! :smile:

    " Mommy will tell you all about it when you go to middle school"

    This made me laugh. When I was little I asked my dad what sex was. I don't know where I heard the word, but I was way to young to get the correct answer. Without missing a beat he said, "it doesn't matter because you have to be 35 and pass a test before you can do it." My response was, "oh ok, like driving!"
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ok, I am probably opening a huge can or worms here... but what is everyone planning to do re: circumcision? (if you have a boy)

    Personally for my husband and I, I don't feel we need to do it. Hundreds of thousands of men are not circumsized. It will hurt the baby. There can be complications.

    Hubby is cut, so he of course feels his son should be too. But that was almost 30 years ago and times have changed now. I am so torn!

    My first is. It was no big deal for him. I figured for the low risk it really is, that I would rather do it when he was little than have the possibility of problems when he is older, or god forbid having to have it done when he was older!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I wasn't around to comment the last couple of days. My internet was out.

    We went to the Dr. today and had our 18wk ultrasound. We are having a little girl!! I'm so excited! We already decided on our girl name awhile back: Emma Jolie Miller. I can't wait to meet her.

    Congrats on the girl! How fun! I love the name.