Pregnancy 2011-February



  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    So weird question. At the ultrasound they mentioned an echogenic heart focus, which is something like a calcium deposit on the heart that goes away. They said it was actually quite common, but that they had to tell me that, of all the babies who have this, there is a very low percentage that have down syndrome. However, of all the children born with down syndrome, a high percent have this echogenic heart focus. I don't know if that makes sense. I have looked it up and it seems like a very slim chance that it means our baby has DS. I keep telling myself not to worry about it. I don't think that I am, but my mind keeps going back to it.

    Have any of you had this before and gone on to have perfectly healthy babies?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    So weird question. At the ultrasound they mentioned an echogenic heart focus, which is something like a calcium deposit on the heart that goes away. They said it was actually quite common, but that they had to tell me that, of all the babies who have this, there is a very low percentage that have down syndrome. However, of all the children born with down syndrome, a high percent have this echogenic heart focus. I don't know if that makes sense. I have looked it up and it seems like a very slim chance that it means our baby has DS. I keep telling myself not to worry about it. I don't think that I am, but my mind keeps going back to it.

    Have any of you had this before and gone on to have perfectly healthy babies?

    Did you do the AFP or NST testing? They usually tell you the odds of your baby having anything.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Haha! That's funny about the little questions. I've had a few questions about how the baby got in my tummy at the childcare. I try to veer off the subject.

    That was one thing I was worried about if we had a boy. There was never a question over circumcising. I was just worried about changing diapers and bathtime while the little one healed.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Did you do the AFP or NST testing? They usually tell you the odds of your baby having anything.

    We didn't. We're both in our early 20s with no history of genetic abnormalities on either side of the family. We figured it would be a waste to get a risk percentage that could just worry us and turn out not to mean anything. Now I'm wondering if I should just do that blood test he offered us today. He said we could only do it until 20 weeks, so it's a small window.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Did you do the AFP or NST testing? They usually tell you the odds of your baby having anything.

    We didn't. We're both in our early 20s with no history of genetic abnormalities on either side of the family. We figured it would be a waste to get a risk percentage that could just worry us and turn out not to mean anything. Now I'm wondering if I should just do that blood test he offered us today. He said we could only do it until 20 weeks, so it's a small window.

    The only reason I plan on doing it is because my BIL who is a dr. said they may deliver the baby differently or do something differently at birth if there is a high risk of something.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have had the testing with all of my kids, I had my first at 21 second at 24 and will be 28 this time around so fairly young with all of them. I just would rather know if something were wrong so that both I and the doctors could be prepared if there was anything wrong. I know that there are no risk factors based on our age nor do any of our families have any history but I am a planner. I would get the testing if I were you, perhaps they would be able to get your more information about the baby's condition. I would think they would be able to tell you if it is down syndrome or anything like that. It is a simple test, all they do is draw some blood from you so to me it is super simple for all that it can tell you. I did the NST this time around which was a blood draw at 10 or so weeks then an ultrasound at 12 weeks followed by another blood draw closer to 20 weeks. We had a hard time seeing all of the chambers of the heart since the princess LOVED to show us her back side.... I had to get several ultrasounds but everything turned out just fine and I got to be told repeatedly that she is a girl which is comforting. Besides, who doesnt want to see their baby extra times?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So weird question. At the ultrasound they mentioned an echogenic heart focus, which is something like a calcium deposit on the heart that goes away. They said it was actually quite common, but that they had to tell me that, of all the babies who have this, there is a very low percentage that have down syndrome. However, of all the children born with down syndrome, a high percent have this echogenic heart focus. I don't know if that makes sense. I have looked it up and it seems like a very slim chance that it means our baby has DS. I keep telling myself not to worry about it. I don't think that I am, but my mind keeps going back to it.

    Have any of you had this before and gone on to have perfectly healthy babies?

    The blood test will just tell you if there is a chance that there might be something. It has a very high false positive rate and does not tell you anything about what it is that may or may not be wrong. It is a prescreen to send you in for more - and riskier - tests like an amnio. I would not consent myself to the risks of an amnio simply to predetermine possible genetic problems. Plus, with DS, it is something that further along ultrasounds can help to predict (shorter femur length etc) if all you want is to be emotionally prepared should there be anything "wrong". I opted out of the genetic testing. 1) like i said, I would not consent to an amnio and 2) if it had something I wouldn't abort it so why bother with the risks? I don't think that the shock or emotions or preparation would be any different than finding out at birth. There's always a chance that something is or goes wrong. I just don't worry about it.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Ok, I am probably opening a huge can or worms here... but what is everyone planning to do re: circumcision? (if you have a boy)

    Personally for my husband and I, I don't feel we need to do it. Hundreds of thousands of men are not circumsized. It will hurt the baby. There can be complications.

    Hubby is cut, so he of course feels his son should be too. But that was almost 30 years ago and times have changed now. I am so torn!

    My 4 boys are not circ'ed and if this one shall be a boy he will not either. My dh is circ'ed, but prefers non circ for his boys. It has made no difference to my boys that their dad is and they are not, all penises look different regardless. I see it as a human rights issue. I would never cut my girls so why would I cut my boys. If they desire that in the future it will be their choice. I will never take that right from them.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I saw a post on here from another thread about a calorie calculator website for women who are pregnant.

    what's everyone's thoughts on this?
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I thought about it and did about as much research as one can do online last night. Basically, this spot can occur in up to 20% of 2nd and 3rd trimester ultrasounds. Many believe that it would occur in even more if doctors were able to get a good view of the heart on all ultrasounds. Less than 1% end up having any sort of birth defect. As far as DS, the spot is one of 7 soft indicators. In order to say that there is a high probability of my baby having anything, the doctor would have had to have seen the other 6 soft indicators, which they did not. In fact they said we have a perfectly healthy baby girl in all other aspects. The spot does not in any way indicate a heart defect. In most circumstances it is just one of those things that goes away in time and means absolutely nothing.

    I think I'm just going to take all of this information and relax. I won't be doing the blood test. First of all, blood tests make me pass out, which I've already done twice at this office and don't wish to do again :) Second, with the whole false positive posibility, I don't feel the need to put myself through any more stress.

    I guess this was a good way to put this information out there in case anyone else finds the "echogenic heart focus" in their 18-20wk ultrasound. It is nothing to worry about if you are young and have no history of chromosomal abnormalities in your family.

    THE END! Time to simply celebrate my little girl! hehe.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I would like to just because I have seen the problems it brings when not. My little brother never was and had numerous problems esp. as a baby with it. He loved playing in the sandbox and ended up getting a horrible infection *there* due to not being circ'ed. It was very traumatizing at the time for him/us (thank god he doesn't remember).
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    my son was circumsised and he didn't even cry when they did it. This boy on the way will be as well and so is my husband. I think it depends on your culture and the area you grew up in.

    I would think men who are uncirc. deal with issues as they are growing. In fact I've never seen an uncirc. man before. I only saw my little boy before his was done.

    It really is a personal descision.

    I completely agree. We had our son circumsised as well and will be doing so with this little guy. My husband is too and really feel it should be up to them to make the decision. They know what it is like to be in a locker room with a bunch of guys . . . My son had no issues and it was over so quickly. Seriously no man remembers if it hurt or not.

    It truly is a personal decision and I think you need to take your husband's opinion very seriously. No one knows what it is like to be in a guy's shoes except them.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I find it surprising that you have not seen someone who was not before ckmama - but again like you said it probably depends on your area, etc.

    I have only seen one uncircumsised and it was that of my German boyfriend at the time (exchange student). Never have I seen one like that before or since.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I saw a post on here from another thread about a calorie calculator website for women who are pregnant.

    what's everyone's thoughts on this?

    I checked out the website. According to it, I'm not eating enough calories. I disagree because I am gaining weight (10-12 lbs) and I'm only now just beginning my third trimester. My weekly sonograms are saying that baby's weight is right where it is supposed to be.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I saw a post on here from another thread about a calorie calculator website for women who are pregnant.

    what's everyone's thoughts on this?

    I checked out the website. According to it, I'm not eating enough calories. I disagree because I am gaining weight (10-12 lbs) and I'm only now just beginning my third trimester. My weekly sonograms are saying that baby's weight is right where it is supposed to be.

    Woah, I agree. I eat less than that (on average) and I've already gained TOO MUCH weight (15 lbs) in my opinion. :noway:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    I saw a post on here from another thread about a calorie calculator website for women who are pregnant.

    what's everyone's thoughts on this?

    I checked out the website. According to it, I'm not eating enough calories. I disagree because I am gaining weight (10-12 lbs) and I'm only now just beginning my third trimester. My weekly sonograms are saying that baby's weight is right where it is supposed to be.

    I am not eating anywhere close to that. I just eat what I feel my body needs. However, I haven't gained any weight either. It's just before I got pregnant I was eating 1200 cal. a day, so now I eat between 1600-1800 which feels like a lot to me. Maybe I should eat more, I don't know.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, another girlie!! :happy: Congrats!

    I love the name Emma! My oldest dog is named Emma. And I'm not insinuating it's a dog name! :laugh: I name my dogs like I'd name my children (only I feel a little less pressure :tongue:).
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    painting my eldest sons new room today...YAY, that way he can be moved into the larger room so the baby can be in the smaller one, that is already painted for baby...yay only painting 1 room not 2 YAY....

    I'm kind of pooped out though, so pray my energy stays to finish.

    :yawn: :smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I havn't been counting my calories. It was too hard with getting sick all the time to know what I was actually eating. I really thinking that its going away though! Yesterday I only got sick one time and so far none today. Hooray! I think probably once I start gaining I will start counting again. I was eating 1400-1500 before I got pregnant (thats no including exercise calories). I think I will probably aim for 2000 when I start counting again.

    Today we decided what color we are going to paint our nursery. yea!

    I hope you all are having a nice weekend.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I saw a post on here from another thread about a calorie calculator website for women who are pregnant.

    what's everyone's thoughts on this?

    I checked out the website. According to it, I'm not eating enough calories. I disagree because I am gaining weight (10-12 lbs) and I'm only now just beginning my third trimester. My weekly sonograms are saying that baby's weight is right where it is supposed to be.

    It gave me a # about 200-250 higher than it should since i base mine on my BODYMEDIA fit that gives me a really accurate image of how many calories I burn a day. Based strictly on height, age, and weight, you can't get an accurate calories intake measurement. Not a good one at least.