Pregnancy 2011-February



  • Mamatoabunch
    Round ligament pain, so annoying! If it is a bad one get onto hands and knees and arch your back into cat pose.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    mwilson - that is so funny that the kids are in an uproar! I am sure police and dogs make the guilt show right on their faces! I LOVE the name you picked out. It is so cute.

    We had our first lamaze/baby basics class last night. Honestly, it was a huge waste of time and money. I am hoping that class 2-4 are better than class 1. We listened to the instructor tell about herself for about 45 minutes, watch a 2 minute video of her daughter breast feeding, and then broke up into groups (the women and the men) and brainstormed what we liked about pregnancy and what we didn't like. That was ok, but the guys just really don't get what it is like to be pregnant. They were complaining about the extra pillows in the bed and the fact that the women had to go to the bathroom all the time. I was like, you try it for a day and you wont be complaining about a few extra pillows in the bed:noway:

    Then we layed on the floor and went through a relaxation thing. I had such a stressful day at work, no matter what I did, all I could think about was what needed to get done, what time I needed to leave the house, etc. I guess I was just frustrated as I thought for $80, I would learn something, and I really didn't find out anything I didn't already know.
  • Mamatoabunch
    mwilson - that is so funny that the kids are in an uproar! I am sure police and dogs make the guilt show right on their faces! I LOVE the name you picked out. It is so cute.

    We had our first lamaze/baby basics class last night. Honestly, it was a huge waste of time and money. I am hoping that class 2-4 are better than class 1. We listened to the instructor tell about herself for about 45 minutes, watch a 2 minute video of her daughter breast feeding, and then broke up into groups (the women and the men) and brainstormed what we liked about pregnancy and what we didn't like. That was ok, but the guys just really don't get what it is like to be pregnant. They were complaining about the extra pillows in the bed and the fact that the women had to go to the bathroom all the time. I was like, you try it for a day and you wont be complaining about a few extra pillows in the bed:noway:

    Then we layed on the floor and went through a relaxation thing. I had such a stressful day at work, no matter what I did, all I could think about was what needed to get done, what time I needed to leave the house, etc. I guess I was just frustrated as I thought for $80, I would learn something, and I really didn't find out anything I didn't already know.

    That is very common, gobbledygook of hospital based birthing classes. I found the same thing 17 years ago when I took a similar type of class w/ y first pregnancy. You might request a refund and go w/ the bradley method, or hypobabies, or birthing w/in classes.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    We finally decided on a name! :smile: Her name is Anabelle Katherine. This is one that we've been talking about for a few weeks but would never commit. Well we finally committed! Katherine is my husband's grandmother's name, so we knew we wanted to use that for the middle name for a while (the women in my family have terrible names). My cousin is having a baby and was going to name is Anna for a girl or Jack for a boy (she'd had these names picked out since she found out she was preggo - long before I thought of Anabelle) so I was waiting to find out the sex...didn't want to have an Anna and Anabelle. Needless to say she's having a boy! :smile: It feels nice to finally have that out of the way and be able to call her by name instead of just "baby girl." :heart:
    Oh, I meant to say this earlier. I LOVE Anabelle. Very pretty name you've chosen. :smile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    my daughter is 5 months pregnant and just found out they are having a girl . Anyway my question is she is outgrowing all of her bras , she was a 38 DD before she got pregnant and is having trouble finding good bras in bigger sizes for reasonable. Do you ladies have any suggestions? thanks and congrats on your little ones
    she is naming the baby Elianna and calling her Ella they havent came up with the middle name though.......
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The cops just showed up at our school to do their search with the dogs for drugs, weapons, phones (they can't have cell phones at school), etc (I think they do it twice a year, maybe?) and all the kids are in an uproar. can totally tell the guilty ones!!!!

    Yep, hilarious! I wasn't an angel in high school by any stretch of the imagination, but I just couldn't ever figure out why people were dumb enough to bring stuff like that to school with them. Kids that dumb definitely need to be caught & reprimanded before they do something even dumber.
  • Mamatoabunch
    my daughter is 5 months pregnant and just found out they are having a girl . Anyway my question is she is outgrowing all of her bras , she was a 38 DD before she got pregnant and is having trouble finding good bras in bigger sizes for reasonable. Do you ladies have any suggestions? thanks and congrats on your little ones
    she is naming the baby Elianna and calling her Ella they havent came up with the middle name though.......

    I I love the Goddess 511 for larger busted mamas, no wire, nursing bra w/ loads of support. Another great option is the Bravado nursing tank. I love these!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I’ve been trying to decide if I want a jogging stroller or a regular one. I go on a lot of walks/jogs and our neighborhood doesn’t have many sidewalks, so I think a jogging stroller might be better on the gravel roads and trails by my house.

    Mwilson --- I love the name Anabelle. If we have a girl her middle name will also be Kathryn (just spelled a little differently than yours).

    I’m having a difficult day. It took me several tries to leave the house in the morning. I started to drive into work when I realized I forgot my lunch. Ok, no big deal, there are plenty of places to get food by my office. But I forgot my purse too. I can’t buy lunch without money, so I had to go back. Then I was backing out of the driveway (with my purse and lunch) I saw that I wasn’t wearing my wedding rings. Since I was still in the driveway I went back in. Good thing too, because I forgot to set the alarm the last time I left the house. I forgot yesterday too, and I really didn’t want to come home to another 10 minute speech about that again!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    but something tells me that hubby will cooperate much better with the Bumgenius AIOs at first. He's not keen on cleaning poo. We'll have the same deal with the kid as we do with the dogs -- he's on vomit patrol while I take on poop duty.

    Mine has changed about 8 diapers total in our 3 yrs old's life. Three the first two days he was born and then a couple when I was in the hospital for my back. He refuses to touch the diapers at all. Even just wet ones. Great, because I love doing it so much 100% of the time.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    The cops just showed up at our school to do their search with the dogs for drugs, weapons, phones (they can't have cell phones at school), etc (I think they do it twice a year, maybe?) and all the kids are in an uproar. can totally tell the guilty ones!!!!

    Can't have them at school or just not in class? I think I would want my kid to have a phone at school. Though they would also have enough fear of god and dad in them to not even think of using it when they're not supposed to. I'd totally be a minute checker grounding mom. (oh and by "grounding" i mean "manual labor".)
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    So happy to find this thread!

    I'm 9 weeks pregnant with my second child. We gave birth to our son end of April 2010 so our babies are going to be about 16.5 months apart.

    Other than feeling sick to my stomach all day and into the evening I'm doing ok. Looking forward to the second trimester when hopefully (if this pregnancy remains to be like the first) I'll feel better and more energized.

    I gained 54 pounds with my first pregnancy (did not exercise and ate what I wanted). I'm not going to do that this time. After giving birth I managed to lose all but three pounds of that weight with A TON of hard work about six months post-partum (Slim in 6, Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, Insanity - all home workouts while baby naps). I tried keeping up to the 30 Day Shred these past few weeks but I just don't have the energy.

    I've purchased a few pre-natal workout DVD's to use now. Buff Moms to Be, Complete Pregnancy Fitness with Erin O'Brien and The Perfect Pregnancy Workout Vol. 1 with Karyne Steben. Hope they do the trick to ward off my sweet cravings that I know I'll cave in to. Have any of you been using and workout DVD's?

    I go for my first 10 week ultrasound on Valentine's Day (next Monday!) so I'm very much looking forward to that. When the time comes we won't be finding out what we're having. We love the surprise too much. We didn't find out with our son either and the surprise was so, so, SO worth it after three days of labor (ending in c-section unfortunately). This time around we're hoping for a natural delivery. Fingers crossed!

    Look forward to sharing experiences with you all.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Hi Ladies,

    So happy to find this thread!

    I'm 9 weeks pregnant with my second child. We gave birth to our son end of April 2010 so our babies are going to be about 16.5 months apart.

    Other than feeling sick to my stomach all day and into the evening I'm doing ok. Looking forward to the second trimester when hopefully (if this pregnancy remains to be like the first) I'll feel better and more energized.

    I gained 54 pounds with my first pregnancy (did not exercise and ate what I wanted). I'm not going to do that this time. After giving birth I managed to lose all but three pounds of that weight with A TON of hard work about six months post-partum (Slim in 6, Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, Insanity - all home workouts while baby naps). I tried keeping up to the 30 Day Shred these past few weeks but I just don't have the energy.

    I've purchased a few pre-natal workout DVD's to use now. Buff Moms to Be, Complete Pregnancy Fitness with Erin O'Brien and The Perfect Pregnancy Workout Vol. 1 with Karyne Steben. Hope they do the trick to ward off my sweet cravings that I know I'll cave in to. Have any of you been using and workout DVD's?

    I go for my first 10 week ultrasound on Valentine's Day (next Monday!) so I'm very much looking forward to that. When the time comes we won't be finding out what we're having. We love the surprise too much. We didn't find out with our son either and the surprise was so, so, SO worth it after three days of labor (ending in c-section unfortunately). This time around we're hoping for a natural delivery. Fingers crossed!

    Look forward to sharing experiences with you all.

    I was at the same level of intensity when I became pregnant. I continued doing the Shred and other Jillian Michaels and others until 18 weeks when I just couldn't keep up and hurt my sacro iliac joint. I have now been doing a prenatal yoga, Jennifer Wolfe's. It is intense and I just started Summer Sanders dvd yesterday. It was also a good workout. I am trying Lindsay Brin's second tri dvd today.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hi mommies and mommies-to-be,

    I got recommended to this thread. I'm currently 4 weeks pregnant, and I just found out today! My predicted due date is October 14th. This is my first child, but I do have two stepchildren. I'm excited, and I also don't know what to expect! I've just upped my calories from 1300 to 2000, and I guess I'm going to continue doing my exercise program until my doctor tells me otherwise? I'm not sure!

    I currently weigh 161, and my goal weight was 145. We weren't "trying" to get pregnant, we just weren't NOT trying, lol. :P

    I definitely want to keep from gaining unnecessary weight, but I want to be sure my baby gets all of the nutrients it needs!

    I look forward to hearing everyone's advice and I hope the next 36 weeks or so are smooth sailing! :\

  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I would not go with a jogging stroller other than for walking, we had one with #2 and that sucker was so big and heavy I couldn't get it in and out of my Dodge Durango nor could I put the back seats up. I hated that sucker because I felt like I needed hubby in order to take the kids out anywhere. We got a Chicco Cortina after that but at $400 we had to get a gently used one on Craigslist. We only got the stroller and it was $85 that thing is still going, it is by far the BEST stroller we have ever had. My MIL bought us our new travel system for Brooklynn and it is just the one I wanted, it is safety first so hopefully it is good. I had to get a sit and stand as well since hubby will have to walk the oldest to school while taking the babies with him, no possible way for him to push 2 strollers. We walk alot and all as a family plus we like to take the kids on lots of outings so we go through strollers like crazy, it is 100% a necessity for us but I do see those moms at school take out the stroller just to walk up and get their kid. I take my stroller and walk to the school from my house instead, it is about 3 miles round trip and makes for a great time to catch up with hubby.

    Round ligament pain is the worse, the main thing I would say is to watch how you get up go slow and turn rather than just pop up. You may want a support belt, I have one but recently it has become too annoying. I think the sneeze pee is hilarious! It is very embarrassing I first got it with # 2 and it can be pretty bad at times. My suggestion is to wear a panty liner or pad, especially if you catch a cold. I hate the feeling, I also puke many times when I brush my teeth so that is something I dont think will go away.

    I have never taken any birthing classes, I probably would do the bradleys had I chosen to do a natural birth with any of my kids but I choose to have the drugs every time. My mom says I am weak but oh well, I have to have an epidural this time anyways since they are doing my tubal ligation after birth. If you are not planning a natural birth I do not think that they will teach you anything in birthing class that the nurse wont teach you in the delivery room.

    MWilson totally love the name, dont worry if you don't get the pump just check on ebay or craigslist and replaced tubing and such or sterilize. You will save a ton of money! Glad grandma is getting the baby stuff together for you, that is what they do. We had a voucher from a recalled crib so our crib was only about $50 out of pocket and family so far has purchased a travel system, playpen, highchair, swing, infant seat and bedding. We will have our shower on 2/20 so hopefully we will be pretty set.

    Mommy is in Toy Story land right now, I have the boys party just 3 weeks after my shower at which point I'll be 37 weeks. I am having a good time though since with bedrest I have lots of time on my hands to research projects for the kiddos to do and such. Hubby handles all housework, I just cook when I feel like it.... Spoiled mama! too bad pregnancy and bedrest end :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Welcome 911 girl.

    I love the name that you choose mwilson! Oh, and I teach in a high school too! We have those exact moments when we go into lockdown and the kids panic!!! Gosh, cell phones at school cause SO MUCH trouble. uhg. I don't even want to get started....

    I had a really sad day today at school... nothing pregnancy related... just lost faith in some of my students today. We have this kid who is special needs (has many different problems), I had him in class last semester and he was AWESOME. Today we found out that these kids have been torturing him at school. They took a cookie to another class in the school and video taped it being kicked around the floor then gave it to him and told him to eat it... and put it on utube. They took tons of video of him at lunch and edited it to make fun of him and put it on utube. They also went so far that they knew he liked pokemon so they brought a magazine and filled it with notes saying things like Bob is dumb and put it on his chair. Honestly, it makes me want to cry. I am so ashamed of those students... I had them in class last year and just never imagined they could do that. :cry:

    Thanks for the advice on the sharp pain, I was just suprised this morning! I havn't had any spotting so I think its okay.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Welcome to you too Ashley! We posted at the same time!
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    Hi All! I am new to this thread. I am 15 weeks pregnant with my second little one. Doing good so far, haven't gained too much, and finally over the frequent migraines!!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Wow lots to catch up on!

    Annelise- I get pains like that all the time too. Nothing to worry about!

    Lynnw52 - Glad you tried that laundry soap- I am wanting to try it as well, just want to get the hubby on board to help me!

    Brittonymilller- Sucks about the sneezing (and what I have to look forward to) but I laughed so hard when I read that! I sneeze A LOT at work too because of the airconditioning system.

    Mwilson - I love love love Annabelle as well. It is on our list of girl names too.

    Tahmed- Sorry you did not like your prenatal class. We are signed up for one too through our public health office but won't be going until June. It's free though so might not cover as much.

    Themommie- In terms of Bras- you can find many reasonably priced plus sized bras as plus sized stores- like Addition Elle (not sure if that is just Canadian) and I even find them at walmart
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Came home from work last night, hubby had made me supper since he had a snow day. Well... his idea of supper was egg noodles mixed with cheese whiz, and salsa for extra "flavour". I didn't say anything, because he made an effort, but really??? lol!!

    Went to bed at 6:30 last night, and slept all the way through until 6:30 this AM. It felt sooo good!

    I feel as though I am starting to show, but that it is too early to really show yet. I must just be gaining weight or something, lol! It is all in my stomach, between my belly button and boobs that is getting very rounded and sticking out.

    My boobs are getting huge too. I started this pregnancy in a C38 (because I was heavy) but normally I am in a B36 when in decent shape. I am outgrowing my D40 bras, I keep spilling out the top! I can't believe how big they are getting! lol

    Also noticing that I am hungry sooo much sooner! Like 1-2 hours after having a snack or meal I am hungry again.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    I had a really sad day today at school... nothing pregnancy related... just lost faith in some of my students today. We have this kid who is special needs (has many different problems), I had him in class last semester and he was AWESOME. Today we found out that these kids have been torturing him at school. They took a cookie to another class in the school and video taped it being kicked around the floor then gave it to him and told him to eat it... and put it on utube. They took tons of video of him at lunch and edited it to make fun of him and put it on utube. They also went so far that they knew he liked pokemon so they brought a magazine and filled it with notes saying things like Bob is dumb and put it on his chair. Honestly, it makes me want to cry. I am so ashamed of those students... I had them in class last year and just never imagined they could do that. :cry:

    That is sooo unspeakably awful, I am litterally sick to my stomach reading this. I HATE hearing about stuff like this. Will these kids be punished by the school at all? Will the school intervene?