Pregnancy 2011-February



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Mwilson - I think it’s great that your hubby wants to be at every appointment with you. Mine says he’s going to, but I have a feeling that will only last about half way through.

    LynnW52 – my cousin had a lot of problems with her second pregnancy, so she had 12 ultrasounds - every single one said girl. Out came Christopher! The doctor told her that boys are often mistaken for girls but not the other way around.

    I’m one of those people who’s not happy in any extreme weather. My favorite times of the year are spring and fall. I’m NOT looking forward to being pregnant during the summer. But I thrilled that I’ll be on maternity leave for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.

    Can someone tell me what LO stands for? I just can’t figure that out.

    How long did you ladies wait to tell people at work you’re pregnant? The only one who knows is my direct supervisor and I’d really like to wait until I’m out of my first trimester before I make it public knowledge. But 3 different people straight out asked me if I was this week. I KNOW I’m not showing yet, but apparently I have that “drained” look. Right now I can pass if off on being sick, but that won’t last for long.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I can't wait to feel my LO. Nothing yet. When do you usually start being able to feel something?

    Being your first likely 16-20 weeks. Though once you start feeling it you will likely realize that you had been feeling it before but didn't realize it. A lot of people watch for or wait for kicks, but it's just little twitches, I liken then to when your eye twitches, that you feel first. I've been feeling this one, actually once or twice around 12 weeks i am positive, then not again until about 14/15 with some flutters then around 18 it turned into definite kicks and now at 21+ every so often it gets a good pop into my bladder - which I know will only get worse... It hasn't stopped squirming around a ton since about 17 weeks. It's like Alien.

    Hahaha, hubby calls her the alien, the other night I fell asleep and he was cuddling me and she kicked him. He said it creeped him out. I do enjoy feeling her move but she does some horrible things to me like stretching from top to bottom and it hurts so bad. My bladder feels like it has been poked with a catheder or something. I am one who does not enjoy being pregnant, I always have complications and I just say my body was not meant to have kids. I do however miss the feeling of the baby after the baby comes. The baby will be here soon and this is my LAST for sure since shop will be closing the day after delivery so I am trying to enjoy it as much as possible. 3rd trimester has brought on horrible mood swings, fatigue and more morning sickness. Today has been really good no nausea but that was after puking my guts out before bed last night.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    What?! It's sleeting outside. :noway: It was 70 degrees yesterday!

    LO = little one

    I told my part-time job (physical, sometimes heavy lifting) at 5 weeks because I wanted less hours (not even working there anymore). Waited until 12+3 to tell my supervisor at my full-time job (the day after my 1st appointment/ultrasound). It was really tough waiting that long because there were many days (weeks) where I thought I'd just throw up & die right here at my desk. But I was paranoid & I didn't want all the excessive coworker sympathy if something happened (and I was convinced something bad would happen).
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member

    Can someone tell me what LO stands for? I just can’t figure that out.

    How long did you ladies wait to tell people at work you’re pregnant? The only one who knows is my direct supervisor and I’d really like to wait until I’m out of my first trimester before I make it public knowledge. But 3 different people straight out asked me if I was this week. I KNOW I’m not showing yet, but apparently I have that “drained” look. Right now I can pass if off on being sick, but that won’t last for long.

    I'm pretty sure that LO stands for little one.

    I told my administrator at about 6 weeks just because I wanted her to know why I might be taking sick days off, Dr's appointments, and things like that. I waited until we went to our first Dr's appointment to tell everyone else. We were at 11 weeks, and the Dr said everything was great, he had a nice strong heartbeat and I was healthy.

    Right before I went to my appointment, I told my immediate supervisor I had to step out to run and have labs drawn. She said "oh I hope everything is ok", and she looked at another co-worker and said "oh I'll bet she's pregnant!" I said how'd you know!?! You're right, I'm pregnant with quadruplets and our medical director is the daddy!! They all knew I was kidding so I left it at that :wink: If people continue to ask you if you are or make comments to you about it and you're not ready to tell them, make light of it, it worked for me!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Can someone tell me what LO stands for? I just can’t figure that out.

    How long did you ladies wait to tell people at work you’re pregnant? The only one who knows is my direct supervisor and I’d really like to wait until I’m out of my first trimester before I make it public knowledge. But 3 different people straight out asked me if I was this week. I KNOW I’m not showing yet, but apparently I have that “drained” look. Right now I can pass if off on being sick, but that won’t last for long.

    My husband and I didn't tell anyone (not even family) until I was about 10-11 weeks. But that is just because I was nervous to announce something so early.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    How long did you ladies wait to tell people at work you’re pregnant? The only one who knows is my direct supervisor and I’d really like to wait until I’m out of my first trimester before I make it public knowledge. But 3 different people straight out asked me if I was this week. I KNOW I’m not showing yet, but apparently I have that “drained” look. Right now I can pass if off on being sick, but that won’t last for long.

    I told my two best friends immediately, when I was 4 weeks and just found out. My hubby told his best friend then too. We waited to tell our family until xmas, (I was 7 weeks), I told work and everyone else at 10 weeks. No particular reason, it just felt right.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    My husband and I didn't tell anyone (not even family) until I was about 10-11 weeks. But that is just because I was nervous to announce something so early.

    We told my family the day we found out (just my grandma, my folks, and the inlaws, and my BFF - but telling Grandma is like getting a billboard so we knew the family would all know within a day, but she is the most emotional / excited of anyone so we always (well... twice) tell her first) then everyone else around 12 weeks. Oh, and I told my gym class since I was obviously sub par during the exhaustive first tri and they were catching on anyway. We just put a specific request in to family to keep it off Facebook until we said OK. I figured that if I miscarried (which since i found out at like 7 weeks was unlikely) that my immediate family would know anyway so why not share the good (or not so good as I think some thought it) news early? If I found out at like 4 weeks I might have kept it quiet until 7 or 8 from family but I never set out to get pregnant we just figured when it happened it happened, so I was never rushing out for a preg test if I was a day late.
  • 1fitmama
    1fitmama Posts: 207 Member
    mwilson your picture is so cute. Perfectly round.

    My belly button never pops out. Didn't with my last one either. I had a friend who said I must have a deep bb, I just figure its surrounded by lots of fat. LOL

    I ate almost a whole small King Cake filled with cream cheese yesterday plus a box of chocolate covered almonds. So ashamed. Today's a new day. Oh a king cake for those that don't live in s. louisiana is a giant cinnamon roll covered in icing and sprinkles. Yum.

    Wow, that sounds yummy!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    My husband and I didn't tell anyone (not even family) until I was about 10-11 weeks. But that is just because I was nervous to announce something so early.

    We told my family the day we found out (just my grandma, my folks, and the inlaws, and my BFF - but telling Grandma is like getting a billboard so we knew the family would all know within a day, but she is the most emotional / excited of anyone so we always (well... twice) tell her first) then everyone else around 12 weeks. Oh, and I told my gym class since I was obviously sub par during the exhaustive first tri and they were catching on anyway. We just put a specific request in to family to keep it off Facebook until we said OK. I figured that if I miscarried (which since i found out at like 7 weeks was unlikely) that my immediate family would know anyway so why not share the good (or not so good as I think some thought it) news early? If I found out at like 4 weeks I might have kept it quiet until 7 or 8 from family but I never set out to get pregnant we just figured when it happened it happened, so I was never rushing out for a preg test if I was a day late.

    I would have loved to tell my family earlier, but I knew if I told one, then everyone would know (including Facebook, lol). My husband and I each have huge families too. I also wanted to wait till Christmas, which was totally worth it to tell my parents and in-laws on Christmas. :) We made a calendar and each month had a bunch of pictures of family members. On July the picture was of Chad and I and it said "We are having a baby!" and then I had the due date marked. It was awesome when they turned to that month. There was screaming and crying. :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    My husband is reading "The Expectant Father"....he's driving me crazy. Every other sentence out of his mouth is questions about whether I'm getting enough of a certian nutrient or food group. He's telling me things I already know. At first I though it was really cute, but now it's starting to bug me. He just said I shouldn't get my nails done while I'm pregnant. I told him that if he's worried about fumes and chemicals that he should start cleaning the bathrooms for me. :laugh: I know he means well, but I just may hurt him.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    My husband is reading "The Expectant Father"....he's driving me crazy. Every other sentence out of his mouth is questions about whether I'm getting enough of a certian nutrient or food group. He's telling me things I already know. At first I though it was really cute, but now it's starting to bug me. He just said I shouldn't get my nails done while I'm pregnant. I told him that if he's worried about fumes and chemicals that he should start cleaning the bathrooms for me. :laugh: I know he means well, but I just may hurt him.

    My favorite part of the website I bookmarked for weekly development is the "Dad/Partner" part. It's like reading "The Onion" to me. It seriously says things like "now that you are at 20 weeks and the 1/2 way mark, it might be a good time to present mom with a present from the baby" and "to be involved with the pregnancy and mom's growing belly, perhaps consider a family project of some intimate time painting her belly and then taking photos".... seriously, I feel like I'm reading a hoax website on these things! If my husband ever seriously wanted to paint my belly I think I would divorce him.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    My husband is reading "The Expectant Father"....he's driving me crazy. Every other sentence out of his mouth is questions about whether I'm getting enough of a certian nutrient or food group. He's telling me things I already know. At first I though it was really cute, but now it's starting to bug me. He just said I shouldn't get my nails done while I'm pregnant. I told him that if he's worried about fumes and chemicals that he should start cleaning the bathrooms for me. :laugh: I know he means well, but I just may hurt him.

    My favorite part of the website I bookmarked for weekly development is the "Dad/Partner" part. It's like reading "The Onion" to me. It seriously says things like "now that you are at 20 weeks and the 1/2 way mark, it might be a good time to present mom with a present from the baby" and "to be involved with the pregnancy and mom's growing belly, perhaps consider a family project of some intimate time painting her belly and then taking photos".... seriously, I feel like I'm reading a hoax website on these things! If my husband ever seriously wanted to paint my belly I think I would divorce him.

    I'm going to make sure my husband never hears anything about painting my belly. He'd be the one that would want to do it! :laugh:

    OMG........he just asked me about my discharge. I'm going to kill my cousin for giving him that book!!!
  • Mamatoabunch

    My favorite part of the website I bookmarked for weekly development is the "Dad/Partner" part. It's like reading "The Onion" to me. It seriously says things like "now that you are at 20 weeks and the 1/2 way mark, it might be a good time to present mom with a present from the baby" and "to be involved with the pregnancy and mom's growing belly, perhaps consider a family project of some intimate time painting her belly and then taking photos".... seriously, I feel like I'm reading a hoax website on these things! If my husband ever seriously wanted to paint my belly I think I would divorce him.

    Really? My dh did a henna design on my belly, last pregnancy at the end. It certainly wasn't his idea, but we all had fun. Then we did henna designs on all the girl's feet and the boy's shoulders.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    OMG........he just asked me about my discharge. I'm going to kill my cousin for giving him that book!!!

    This totally made me crack up. People say LOL all the time, but seriously LOL.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member

    My favorite part of the website I bookmarked for weekly development is the "Dad/Partner" part. It's like reading "The Onion" to me. It seriously says things like "now that you are at 20 weeks and the 1/2 way mark, it might be a good time to present mom with a present from the baby" and "to be involved with the pregnancy and mom's growing belly, perhaps consider a family project of some intimate time painting her belly and then taking photos".... seriously, I feel like I'm reading a hoax website on these things! If my husband ever seriously wanted to paint my belly I think I would divorce him.

    Really? My dh did a henna design on my belly, last pregnancy at the end. It certainly wasn't his idea, but we all had fun. Then we did henna designs on all the girl's feet and the boy's shoulders.

    LOL no, totally not my thing, I can see how some people would love it, but no - not happening here! He's the only one I let rub my belly though, and he likes doing that, so I'm not a totally cold-hearted person! :laugh:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    My husband is reading "The Expectant Father"....he's driving me crazy. Every other sentence out of his mouth is questions about whether I'm getting enough of a certian nutrient or food group. He's telling me things I already know. At first I though it was really cute, but now it's starting to bug me. He just said I shouldn't get my nails done while I'm pregnant. I told him that if he's worried about fumes and chemicals that he should start cleaning the bathrooms for me. :laugh: I know he means well, but I just may hurt him.

    Lol! That is kind of cute... but I can see how it would get annyoing.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Does anyone have one of those front load washers that are supposed to only use "high effiiciency" detergent? We just got one a few weeks ago. Can I really not use regular detergent, or is that just a ploy to have us buy more expensive stuff?
  • Mamatoabunch
    Does anyone have one of those front load washers that are supposed to only use "high effiiciency" detergent? We just got one a few weeks ago. Can I really not use regular detergent, or is that just a ploy to have us buy more expensive stuff?

    I have had a front loader, HE type washer for 10 years. I have never used HE detergent. You just need much less of regular detergent. You do not want to see suds, that can cause issues w/ HE's. Start w/ a quarter of what you would normally use. I make my own detergent and have for years, it works great and it a $1 to make a 3 gallons of liquid detergent.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Does anyone have one of those front load washers that are supposed to only use "high effiiciency" detergent? We just got one a few weeks ago. Can I really not use regular detergent, or is that just a ploy to have us buy more expensive stuff?

    I have had a front loader, HE type washer for 10 years. I have never used HE detergent. You just need much less of regular detergent. You do not want to see suds, that can cause issues w/ HE's. Start w/ a quarter of what you would normally use. I make my own detergent and have for years, it works great and it a $1 to make a 3 gallons of liquid detergent.

    Oooo that sounds interesting! What is the recipe for making your own?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    YEA! Yesterday I went 1 whole day without getting sick! This hasn't happened in over 7 weeks. I am hopeful!

    and it is friday! Happy friday ladies!