Team UK - February 2011



  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning... and happy Valentine's Day to all :heart:

    I had a lovely relaxing weekend, didn't do much at all apart from a cycle yesterday, and I didn't go over my calories!! WIN!!

    The cycle yesterday was funny... my bf was boasting about how fast he is on the bike and challenged me to a race! He gave me a slight head start, and after a few minutes I looked back only to see him leaning up against a park bench exhausted! Oh how I laughed!! Turns out I'm a lot fitter than I was the last time we went out on the bikes, and he's a lot less fit!

    Morning everyone :) hope you all had a good weekend........mine was filled with tequila and a hell of a lot of wallowing yesterday! So worth it!

    Well done on the cycle ride! I went to the gym with my super fit friend a couple of weeks ago and she couldn't manage my workout that I do - made me feel fantastic!!

    Hope you're all good - my super busy weekends are over at the moment so aiming to get back on plan 100% this week (valentines cupcakes allowing...........!) xxx
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I hope everyone had a better Valentine's day that I did. My DH booked us in for a meal at my fav restaurant in town. But his boss had other ideas & he ended up down in London instead!:explode: It happens every flaming time.

    Needless to say I had a mini binge last night. 4 packets of Tesco's mini Pretzels! At least I managed to stop at 4 and not eat the other 2 packets. But today I am SO bloated (anything wheat based bloats me up like you would not believe)
    So tonight when I hit the gym I'll be on the treadmill walking to make up for it.

    Oh! And no cupcakes or choccies for me. My DH got me some handmade soap from a shop in town. They smell lovely, but he then proceeded to tell me proudly that 'They're medicated, for skin conditions'!
    He really is useless sometimes!:laugh:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Aw Jain, it's the thought that counts!

    My bf actually forgot about Valentine's day until I reminded him on Sunday! He gave me a card and a pressie at 11pm last night, TBH, I think his mum felt bad for me and went to get something while we were out!

    But, I got a lovely card, a box of thornton's chocolates and a Me to You cushion...
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Grrr it does irritate me when people claim they know best to lose weight.

    Attempting to explain to a colleague about calories (she's skinny and never needed to understand!) - another colleague said women need 1300 calories a day to maintain their weight....................!

    Ummmm I dunno what everyone else thinks, but that so isn't right!!

    Oh dear, this reminds me of my mum haha every now and then she starts a 'diet' - nothing for breakfast then about 11am she has some crackers with tomato on it then by dinner time she's so starving that she completely binges and says 'I'll start tomorrow' and after a few weeks of this, gives up altogether but still I can't talk her into the idea of losing weight on a less constrictive 'diet'!!

    Hi everyone, I enjoyed hearing everyone's valentines day stories. I got chocolates unfortunately but burned 800kcal at the gym yesterday so I think I got away with it. I also got an engraved silver trinket box which I love - I think my fiance gets a bit worried about the way I toss my engagement ring around hahaha so now I have somewhere to keep it. We went out for Japanese food for dinner then saw the Priscilla musical which was fab, it's still got 'Alf' from Home and Away in it at the moment.

    I'm off work now until I leave, trying not to eat too much in my boredom!

  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Great valentine storys :laugh: :laugh: Well we had a fantastic time in Bath and I managed to log all my food but it wasn't pretty! Yesterday, stupidly made up some sandwiches for my lunch using out of date hummous and tuna. Within an hour of eating I started to come all over achey and by the time I'd driven home from work I felt dizzy, sick and took myself off to bed. Phoned hubby to prepare him for having to sort himself and littleun out with tea etc. I stayed in bed til 8 am then decided to make myself a cup of tea (because I didn't want to be a bother to anyone) and promptly fainted in the bathroom ...... oh heck! Have a nice egg shaped lump on my forehead :ohwell:

    I'm feeling tons better now and have learnt a very valuable lesson about eating out of date food, and that my stomach isn't made out of cast-iron like I sometimes brag it is.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Great valentine storys :laugh: :laugh: Well we had a fantastic time in Bath and I managed to log all my food but it wasn't pretty! Yesterday, stupidly made up some sandwiches for my lunch using out of date hummous and tuna. Within an hour of eating I started to come all over achey and by the time I'd driven home from work I felt dizzy, sick and took myself off to bed. Phoned hubby to prepare him for having to sort himself and littleun out with tea etc. I stayed in bed til 8 am then decided to make myself a cup of tea (because I didn't want to be a bother to anyone) and promptly fainted in the bathroom ...... oh heck! Have a nice egg shaped lump on my forehead :ohwell:

    I'm feeling tons better now and have learnt a very valuable lesson about eating out of date food, and that my stomach isn't made out of cast-iron like I sometimes brag it is.

    Glad you're feeling better now :) xxx
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I used my wii fit for the first time in a while today... it was pretty awesome seeing it say 'you have lost 1 stone 3lbs since your last weigh in', I wasn't so impressed that it then went on to tell me that because I'm overweight I should start watching what I'm eating!! At least give me a few minutes to enjoy my success! haha
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Great valentine storys :laugh: :laugh: Well we had a fantastic time in Bath and I managed to log all my food but it wasn't pretty! Yesterday, stupidly made up some sandwiches for my lunch using out of date hummous and tuna. Within an hour of eating I started to come all over achey and by the time I'd driven home from work I felt dizzy, sick and took myself off to bed. Phoned hubby to prepare him for having to sort himself and littleun out with tea etc. I stayed in bed til 8 am then decided to make myself a cup of tea (because I didn't want to be a bother to anyone) and promptly fainted in the bathroom ...... oh heck! Have a nice egg shaped lump on my forehead :ohwell:

    I'm feeling tons better now and have learnt a very valuable lesson about eating out of date food, and that my stomach isn't made out of cast-iron like I sometimes brag it is.

    Poor you! I hope you feel better today.

    I've done the same with hummus, it was months before I could even look at it again. Bleh:sick:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Jain I feel pretty stupid about it now, and all self-inflicted. The thought of eating it again turns my stomach at the mo :sick:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning all :)

    After my not-so-great couple of weeks recently, I was dreading going out for dinner with friends tonight as I'm out friday night as well! Thankfully, I think we're going to Prezzo and they do flatbread pizzas for 650 calories or less! Rather excited about giving those a go!

    Hope you're all having a good week xxx
  • jenkins89
    jenkins89 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    It's nice to be talking a team UK after being annoyed for so long at having to convert my weight into pound everytime I update my profile!

    Have been counting calories (not religiously i must add) for about 2 months now, my motivation is a holiday in July and I would like to look somewhat presentable!! Unfortunately I do have a one of those boyfriends who seems to be able to eat all he likes without putting on a single pound! This is where i tend to fall off the wagon when he comes home!!

    Does anybody else have this problem or know any tips for keeping focused when there is temptation??

    I am able to exercise and usually just run on my treadmill but can only manage to actually run for a few mintues at a time and have to 'fast walk' the rest of it. This can also be unmotivating as I remember how difficult it was the previous day and so leave it a few days before doing more. I don't drive so for things like going into town shopping or going to University I walk but i'm not sure how much of that I would call beneficial exercise.

    Anyway, just thought I would get involved...Sorry for the long post! I look forward to hearing from you all and getting to know you :smile:
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    Hi jenkins89

    I have the same problem - I've put on a stone since I moved in with my boyfriend 2 1/2 years ago! He eats loads and loads, and needs about double the amount of food I do - he also does a lot more exercise than me...

    The ways in which I've tried to make it work for me are keeping tabs on portion sizes (he gets twice as much carbs - rice, potato, pasta, bread - as me, and usually more protein), avoiding alcohol during the week, trying to do some kind of exercise 3 times a week (running, long walk, weights etc), trying not to feel too guilty if I eat chocolate, or hot cross buns covered in butter (I'm not feeling well, so I treated myself this afternoon!),

    As for keeping motivated running, almost every running training schedule has you starting at walk/running (walk 1 min, run 1 min). The key is to carry on the intervals, so after walking for a bit, run for a few mins, then walk again, then run again, etc... There's more info on the Runners World website:

    Hope that helps!
  • jenkins89
    jenkins89 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you! That is very helpful and nice to know little tips that have helped you!

    I will try to stay as motivated as possible.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi all

    I've been mostly absent lately cos I've been preoccupied spending most of my time at home exercising. Trying to shift the last few pounds but they're not going anywhere quickly! Discovered I'd missed updating my weight on here and on the couple of 'competition' threads that I'm on so I really must start concentrating again.

    Welcome to the thread Jenkins89 - nice to have you on board. Unfortunately I don't have any good tips as I gained about 15lbs in 6 months when I was with someone!!!!!

    Hoping everyone's doing ok this week food-wise. Sending hugs to all who need them x
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    *bump* so I can keep track :drinker:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    It's gotten quiet in here! Surprising since it seems to have gotten all miserable and cold again :( Anyone getting snow? I'm hoping it stays away from London - we are flying out for the wedding next Monday and I don't want any delays!!

    There is a thread on here at the moment about someone who wanted to know how to make sausages and mash for her British boyfriend haha does that mean they don't have sausages in America?!? I was telling my mum the other day that I would have jacket potato for dinner at the pub and she thought that was very strange - I've adjusted so much to the food here that I've forgotten the things that aren't common in Australia! hahaha

    My Fiance is off on his Buck's day (stag do) today so I just did some shopping and now trying to stay indoors. Might do some wii fit later. Hope everyone else is having a fab weekend x
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I got myself fitted for new trainers yesterday. I went to a specialist running shop in Leeds, 'Up & Running' , even tho all I'm doing ATM is walking & the gym. I explained all that & they couldnt have been more helpful, I even had my gait analyzedn and I was amazed that even my damaged ankle is steady as a rock on fast walking.
    I ended up with a pair of Mizuno Wave Riders, and they are the most comfy trainers I've ever had!
    So a big thank you to Up & Running.
  • MistahLee31
    Hey all,

    Hope you are all doing really well. I'm on the detox this week, need to get myself over this plateau that I'm on. Furthermore, I 've decided to up my cardio in the gym, so much so that I'm going to attempt a half marathon on the treadmill, or do as much of one as I can. I've been walking an awful lot recently, did two days of walking from home to work via 2 train stations (both days burnt 900cals and did 6.25 miles!!). I have my car back now, but still walking. The Rugby League season has started now, so I'll be walking 2miles there and back to all the home games!

    I now have a goal to work too as I've finally, yes finally booked my holiday! :drinker: :happy: So I have 3 months to drop as much as I can in order to get myself that beach body that I've so deperately wanted. Bought Men's Fitness the other day and it's got a chart with loads of exercises using dumbells and kettle weights so I'm going to put it on the wall and follow it rigorously. Also joined a new gym that starts in a few weeks and because it's 24 hours a day I can go whenever I want without any hassle. Will work out better for me.

    All of you have a good week and I'll let you know the results on Friday!

    Take care!

    Lee. :glasses:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you all had a good weekend!

    I've now done routine A and routine B of my new workout at the gym and can honestly say I have no upper body strength! Chin ups and reverse arm row things are the hardest things ever! I'm surprised I can even type today!!

    I had a cheat day on Friday but only went over my 300 calories, and I didn't deduct standing at a gig and dancing away for 4 hours! So feeling quite positive really - although in my mind I think I deserve another treat day as I didn't use it to my full advantage on friday!

    Hope you're all doing ok (despite the quietness on this board - everyone must be busier than me at work!)
