*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #7 Discussion (Close



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey Snowflakes! I did day 10 of the 30 Day Shred today!! It's going really well for me, and I've got GREAT measurements today. (I'll share my start and end ones when I'm finished 30 days.) I'm bummed cause my weight is up a little again. I think I've been going a little crazy with the sodium lately, though, so when I get that under control again (tomorrow, since my shwarma chicken is gone now!), I think things will get a better. I always think about this one thing I read once (I think it was the Inner Game book) that talked about how there things are only good or bad when we give that meaning to them. Instead of thinking about results being good or bad, it was suggested that we just see things as results. Sodium will slow weight loss with water retention. That isn't good or bad. It's simply a result that I can change if I choose to, but doing something different. :happy:

    Krys... Was it you that recommended the book "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan? I got the book from the library, and it is FANTASTIC! It's so short and sweet, and everything is laid out. It really struck a chord with me. Loved it!

    Chantal... Thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad you're here. :flowerforyou: That's wonderful that you have several people at home supporting you! You BE selfish! You deserve it more than anyone! (We all do!)

    Positively_Me... I've been losing inches with the 30 Day Shred, but I'm GAINING weight. Let's not let the number fool us into thinking that nothing positive is going on. Congrats on feeling terrifically tight!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I had my first training run today for my 10K that's 6 weeks from Saturday. I ran 2 miles in 23:15! I think that's pretty good for my first run!
    Whitt... That's very inspiring. CONGRATS ON YOUR RUN!!
    we also got a noise complaint at our apartment(we live on the third floor) so now I am a little worried that I am not going to be able to do my workouts anymore....im kinda freakin out!!!
    Amanda... Really?! :noway: Dang neighbours... Did I tell you about the guy that pounded on his ceiling for me to stop pounding on my treadmill? AT 11 AM!!! :mad: Now, even doing jumping jacks makes me worry that he might get annoyed. Meanwhile, the guy upstairs literally BLASTS his music, and I don't do a thing! Some people... What type of workout did you do to get the complaint? Was it loud music? :laugh:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Hump Day Snowflakes!! I hope everyone is having a great week!! As for me this week, things have been a little out of wack. Over the weekend I was pretty much over on calories everyday!! I just couldnt stop eating no matter what. Yesterday I started clinical observations so I have been going straight from class to the hospital so I am not having a whole lot of time to plan meals or workout, we also got a noise complaint at our apartment(we live on the third floor) so now I am a little worried that I am not going to be able to do my workouts anymore....im kinda freakin out!!!

    Are you studying to be a Nurse? No worries about the weekend girly...the weekend has come and gone and you can always get back on track! I totally know how I feel about living on the 3rd floor..that's why I try to do my workouts before quiet hours (10:00pm) but tonight I said "Oh well my neighbors can get over it!" LOL. That's the only thing that sucks about being upstairs...but my neighbors are pretty nice because I would think you could definitely hearing me do Zumba!

    But just keep focused and that is AMAZING trying to do this, go to school, raise a baby, and workout and eat right! WOO Especially if you are doing Nursing! You can do it...
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Guys, I need help. I am try to do my workouts regularly. I try to do the elliptical, C25K and started Insanity last week (On a break this week and planning to restart next week) However, its the food that I am having trouble with and the weekends. How do you overcome this?
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Krys & Steph--
    I have no idea why we are getting a noise complaint, I mean we are really quiet because my daughter hates loud noises, plus I have never worked out even past 8pm!!! Not to mention the new dvd I am doing is less jumping than the last one i was doing so I would think I would be a lot quieter!! I'm just a little pissed because they have kept us up at night and they are below us!!! they are so loud some nights we thought someone was in our apartment!! so I am just thinking "They really have the nerve to say something about us? when we are in bed by 10 everynight!?" ugh its just annoying. I am not going to let it stop me from working out though!! If we get another complaint I am going to ask details like when this so called noise is happening because they said we were keeping them up at night!! ha we are in bed before anyone else in this building!!! stupid neighbors!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Thursday Snowflakes!! One day til weigh in :ohwell: Not looking forward to it this week!! I am definately not expecting a loss, I will really just be happy if I dont see a gain!!! I am skipping class today since it is just a review day and no clinical observations so it will be great just to stay home with my little ChloBugg :happy::smooched: Even though I have a ton of studying to do!! Its My first Algebra test tomorrow and i am super nervous!!! I am horrible at math!!---I can breeze through an anatomy test which most ppl say is the hardest class they have ever taken, but you throw numbers at me and i go blank :noway: Its frustrating to try so hard and just not understand!!! not to mention this is like the 4th or 5th time taking the class:blushing: So its kinda now or never for me!! If I cant get through this time It is going to screw up my whole plan for next year!!! So hopefully I can do it!! Just gonna work my butt off today!! Thank goodness I have a B in there right now from the quizzes but Im sure that will drop :sad: I am hoping to get in a good workout tonight too, even though today was supposed to be rest day...I didnt get to workout yesterday so i have to make up for it today!!! and I am going to try really hard to stay under cals!! :happy: Have a great day everyone and good luck in the morning :bigsmile:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Weigh-in is tomorrow and I am feeling anxious. I have some friends coming into town tonight that I haven't seen since July- I've lost around 25 lbs since then. Which is noticeable but I don't think hugely since I still have 60 lbs to go to get to my goal weight. Not that it will take to get to my goal weight for the weight loss to be noticeable- just saying when you have 85 lbs to lose sometimes 25 lbs isn't that much of a difference.

    Any who- I am excited to see if they notice and what they think. Luckily I am making dinner so the food will stay healthy and I am still going to be able to hit the gym since they are only going to be here for a couple of days. I hope tomorrows weigh-in goes well since last weeks weigh-in was during TOM and I still managed to lose weight, but sometimes it takes a weeek or two after TOM finishes for all my bloating to go away.

    I hope everyone else is keeping up the great work. I know that what has been working for me is logging every bite, really thinking about the nutritional value in things (while a free muffin for breakfast would be delicious, its not worth the 410 cals), and pushing myself in the gym. I guess we'll see the stats tomorrow!
  • forgiven4life
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning Snowflakes...

    I , like a few others have mentioned, feel anxious about weighing in tomorrow. I got on the scale Monday and was up 3 lbs. I have been drinking a gang of water and dropped my sodium intake to under 2,000 because it has to be bloating. I know that in my mind, but I know what that scale did to me in my heart. I gave it--a mere machine--too much power. It can excite me, drain me, derail me into negative thinking. I am patient and annoyed with myself at the same time. My family just surprised me and told me to make a list of names of people because they are going to throw me a graduation party in May. 11 weeks from tomorrow. I am excited but now obsessive. I've told myself---ohh ohh, I want to lose 20 pounds by then...No no, I want to wear a smaller dress...No no, I want to just maintain my exercise and food commitments and wherever I land is where I land...No, no, ooohhh, I have to look for a some dresses to wear, one for graduation, one for the party. Wait! When should I start shopping, will I have lost weight?

    I swear if my mind was a muscle it would be rock solid because of how much I work it. I am struggling to just calm myself and be patient. I almost cried this morning because I had this moment of despair that I won't get "there", wherever that is. I was thinking, why I am working this hard and nothing is happening? Something is happening, my mind is changing. But this morning, it didn't feel like "enough".:sad:
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Hi snowflakes :)

    Hope everyone is doing well! I am ready to start level 2 of the 30 Day Shred today. I have seen a small loss on the scale this morning so we shall what tom. brings. I have ate very well this week so I am really proud of myself there. I am also trying to plan out my weekend meals so I can be better on the weekends. Weekends seem to be my problem!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Good morning Snowflakes...

    I , like a few others have mentioned, feel anxious about weighing in tomorrow. I got on the scale Monday and was up 3 lbs. I have been drinking a gang of water and dropped my sodium intake to under 2,000 because it has to be bloating. I know that in my mind, but I know what that scale did to me in my heart. I gave it--a mere machine--too much power. It can excite me, drain me, derail me into negative thinking. I am patient and annoyed with myself at the same time. My family just surprised me and told me to make a list of names of people because they are going to throw me a graduation party in May. 11 weeks from tomorrow. I am excited but now obsessive. I've told myself---ohh ohh, I want to lose 20 pounds by then...No no, I want to wear a smaller dress...No no, I want to just maintain my exercise and food commitments and wherever I land is where I land...No, no, ooohhh, I have to look for a some dresses to wear, one for graduation, one for the party. Wait! When should I start shopping, will I have lost weight?

    I swear if my mind was a muscle it would be rock solid because of how much I work it. I am struggling to just calm myself and be patient. I almost cried this morning because I had this moment of despair that I won't get "there", wherever that is. I was thinking, why I am working this hard and nothing is happening? Something is happening, my mind is changing. But this morning, it didn't feel like "enough".:sad:

    Im right there with ya!! I absolutely hate stepping on the scale now!! I checked this morning and I was up .5 from saturday!! I hate that it has so much of an effect on my mood!! I can wake up excited and after stepping on and off the scale 4 or 5 times hoping the number will magically change and then I am depressed for a while. I just dont understand whats up with my metabolism!! I know that MFP calculates a calorie deficit and I follow it for the most part (I rarely go over, other than this past weekend) so theoretically I should be losing weight even without exercising and I'm not losing even with working out!! Its frustrating, sometimes I think there is something wrong with me and I will never reach my goal no matter what i do. I sometimes just feel like its an uphill battle and I cant seem to get anywhere. Especially since I have lost 20lbs and I havent even dropped a dress size yet!! I guess we just have to keep doing what we are doing and hope for a loss!!! As for your graduation party that is great!!--try not to let it stress you so much though!! I know you want to make a huge impression and have everyone see how hard you have been working but dont think so much about it!! If I were you I would wait to get a dress though because you never know how much you are going to lose!! I could end up losing a dress size by then!! (or not and if not dont beat yourself up over it) you are doing great (whether the scale reflects that or not) Keep your chin up girl and quit stressin!!!:happy:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Guys, I need help. I am try to do my workouts regularly. I try to do the elliptical, C25K and started Insanity last week (On a break this week and planning to restart next week) However, its the food that I am having trouble with and the weekends. How do you overcome this?

    Honestly, for me this is the hardest part too. I know I have talked about it before but the book, "The Eat Clean Diet' by Tosca Reno helped me a lot...also a documentary called "Food Matters" really opened my eyes to a lot of stuff! Once I realized how processed things are that we eat EVERYDAY it really made me WANT to fule my body with only good things! Now do I still have my days where I may take a bite of an oreo or eat a handful of goldfishes...yes! But I am a lot more cautious now after reading that book and seeing that movie. And I feel SOOOO much better throughout the day feeding my body good things that are rich in protein, whole wheats, healthy fats...its truly amazing!

    But you can do it...just take one day at a time! That is all you can do. Find one area in your diet you want to work on each week and improve that until you change the majority of your diet regimen. Also, very important to eat every two to three hours so your metabolism speeds up and you don't get really hungry.

    I hope this helps...just stay strong girl!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi snowflakes :)

    Hope everyone is doing well! I am ready to start level 2 of the 30 Day Shred today. I have seen a small loss on the scale this morning so we shall what tom. brings. I have ate very well this week so I am really proud of myself there. I am also trying to plan out my weekend meals so I can be better on the weekends. Weekends seem to be my problem!

    Weekends are always killer for me..unless I am working because I bring all my lunch and snacks. But what I try to do is make sure I am REALLY good for breakfast, snacks, and lunch so that way...just in case I have a lapse of judgement for dinner or my Boyfriend wants to go out somewhere...I know that I was good during the day, and I just have to make sure I get a good workout in.

    But you are doing great...good job eating well this week!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Weigh-in is tomorrow and I am feeling anxious. I have some friends coming into town tonight that I haven't seen since July- I've lost around 25 lbs since then. Which is noticeable but I don't think hugely since I still have 60 lbs to go to get to my goal weight. Not that it will take to get to my goal weight for the weight loss to be noticeable- just saying when you have 85 lbs to lose sometimes 25 lbs isn't that much of a difference.

    Any who- I am excited to see if they notice and what they think. Luckily I am making dinner so the food will stay healthy and I am still going to be able to hit the gym since they are only going to be here for a couple of days. I hope tomorrows weigh-in goes well since last weeks weigh-in was during TOM and I still managed to lose weight, but sometimes it takes a weeek or two after TOM finishes for all my bloating to go away.

    I hope everyone else is keeping up the great work. I know that what has been working for me is logging every bite, really thinking about the nutritional value in things (while a free muffin for breakfast would be delicious, its not worth the 410 cals), and pushing myself in the gym. I guess we'll see the stats tomorrow!

    This is funny...I actually was just thinking about this yesterday...I said..when you have 90lbs to lose...25lbs is what...However, When I had lost 17lbs and went back to California for a wedding...my friends definitely noticed! So no worries...they will notice! And if they don't...they are just jealous LOL JK....but Honeslty, I have the same amount of weight to lose as you and when I first started...I said that there was no way I can imagine losing 90lbs...but here I am almost half way to that point and it will be almost a year in May! So just focus on small 10lb goals...and you will get there girl! You can do it...just stay focused and know that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I was reading on the internet about Vitamin D deficiency and it's link to Obesity and a few other things. I thought it would be a good idea for us ladies, next time we visit our doctors, to ask to have our Vitamin D levels checked. According to the article I was reading...this can be the reason why some of us lose weight and gain it back, insulin resistance or just plain on weight gain.

    Once the levels are checked, if it does come back low you can take a Vitamin D supplement that will assist in getting you to the recommended levels for your age.


    Check it Out!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Another cool link I found is a visual guide to what 300 calorie meals look like.....

  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Another cool link I found is a visual guide to what 300 calorie meals look like.....


    This reminds me why I use a measuring cup...So good to see it.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Im right there with ya!! I absolutely hate stepping on the scale now!! I checked this morning and I was up .5 from saturday!! I hate that it has so much of an effect on my mood!! I can wake up excited and after stepping on and off the scale 4 or 5 times hoping the number will magically change and then I am depressed for a while. I just dont understand whats up with my metabolism!! I know that MFP calculates a calorie deficit and I follow it for the most part (I rarely go over, other than this past weekend) so theoretically I should be losing weight even without exercising and I'm not losing even with working out!! Its frustrating, sometimes I think there is something wrong with me and I will never reach my goal no matter what i do. I sometimes just feel like its an uphill battle and I cant seem to get anywhere. Especially since I have lost 20lbs and I havent even dropped a dress size yet!! I guess we just have to keep doing what we are doing and hope for a loss!!! As for your graduation party that is great!!--try not to let it stress you so much though!! I know you want to make a huge impression and have everyone see how hard you have been working but dont think so much about it!! If I were you I would wait to get a dress though because you never know how much you are going to lose!! I could end up losing a dress size by then!! (or not and if not dont beat yourself up over it) you are doing great (whether the scale reflects that or not) Keep your chin up girl and quit stressin!!!:happy:

    Thanks for the encouragement...I really appreciate it. A reminder of looking positively rather than being negative
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    A great piece from Tyler over at 344pounds.com just after he pigged out for superbowl sunday, that I thought I would share:

    "One meal doesn’t derail a weight loss journey and neither does a Super Bowl. You don’t want to look for excuses to pig out and to eat whatever you want, but again, this is a lifestyle, not a diet. The free birthday cake at your office for the co-worker you’ve never liked isn’t an excuse to pig out, but the Super Bowl can be, if you’d like. So can the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and out on the lake on Memorial Day.

    There are over 52 weeks in a year and Super Bowl Sunday is one day out of those 52 weeks. Even if you stop counting calories on every post office holiday throughout the year (what I mentioned above, plus some), plus 30 more random days (a whole month!) throughout the year, you’d be “cheating” 41 days a year.

    That still means by any standards you’d be eating and living “well,” healthy, whatever you want to call it, most of the time — about 325 days a year. If you could manage to do this, you’d slowly lose weight and improve your health. And, if you could manage to count our calories even more days, you’d lose even more weight.

    Unfortunately, most people don’t try to be healthy 325 days. Instead, we all try to make a commitment to be healthy and lose weight 365 days a year by being perfect boys and girls with our grilled chicken and salads, then when the Super Bowl comes around we think we failed when we have some hot wings.

    Super Bowl Sunday isn’t a failure. It’s just the first day out of 41. Just make sure that you don’t make today day number two and you’ll be just fine."
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well I actually woke up at 6AM and jogged today! I was so proud of myself for this! Now, I use to get up early and work out before...but it was always my "On Demand" workouts. But for me to get up, put on clothes and shoes, and venture outside in the dark was AMAZING for me LOL! But I am so happy that I did! I feel really energized when I got to work...But I will say, I am a little sleepy at 4pm. But I am still going to go home and do Zumba tonight. I need that little bit of fun at the end of my day.

    I decided to make it a Subway night because I cook 5 times a week now...and I am tired! LOL Plus, I want to be able to truly lay in the bed by 10:00pm even if I don't go to sleep...I just want to be able to lay and read a book to my little man!