*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #7 Discussion (Close



  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    So I was reading on the internet about Vitamin D deficiency and it's link to Obesity and a few other things. I thought it would be a good idea for us ladies, next time we visit our doctors, to ask to have our Vitamin D levels checked. According to the article I was reading...this can be the reason why some of us lose weight and gain it back, insulin resistance or just plain on weight gain.

    Once the levels are checked, if it does come back low you can take a Vitamin D supplement that will assist in getting you to the recommended levels for your age.


    Check it Out!

    Even better than waiting to hear back from your doctor, watch your Vitamin D levels in your food diary!! I set mine to watch calcium and since I did that I have been doing so much better about reaching my calcium goals daily.
  • bhonniered
    A great piece from Tyler over at 344pounds.com

    Thanks Mollie - I had never seen his site before!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Another thing I wanted to point out....I really think that looking at the scale everyday is so detrimental to the psyche. LOL....But I will say this...what I do is use a gain or a maintain in the middle of the week as a challenge. I looked at the scale on Monday when I was up and said, "Ok, Krystle...let's do work...no gains! If you can at least maintain you will be ok" I had to do this because I use to get so upset when I saw that I had gained before weigh-in or even before this challenge...and then I would have the attitude like, "Fine! I might as well eat what I want to eat now since I'm not losing or since I have already gained!" Then that one day would turn into a whole week of not working out and eating bad. It was so damaging to my confidence. I had to stop it!

    So look at it as a challenge if you feel the need to look at the scale before weigh-ins. Don't allow yourself to get discouraged by the number on the scale....It is just a number that will change if you truly work hard and don't let your MIND get the best of you...let your body do the talking :)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    So look at it as a challenge if you feel the need to look at the scale before weigh-ins. Don't allow yourself to get discouraged by the number on the scale....It is just a number that will change if you truly work hard and don't let your MIND get the best of you...let your body do the talking :)

    I totally agree. The scale does not define us!!

    Personally, I like to weigh in every day NO MATTER WHAT. Take this morning for instance: I went over my sodium by at least 1500 mg yesterday (AWFUL!). So I knew I would see a gain...and there it was, 2 lbs. A gain is not a bad thing. It is a reminder that I need to choose foods that are lower in sodium!!

    I find that if I only weigh in once a week, I will eat worse Day 1-3 of the week and pick it up at the end of the week to make up for it. Weighing in every day keeps me accountable and teaches me how different foods affect me.

    That being said, I don't let the numbers on the scale affect me. For those that are more easily affected by the scale, weighing in once a week is definitely better.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well! I am ready to start level 2 of the 30 Day Shred today. I have seen a small loss on the scale this morning so we shall what tom. brings. I have ate very well this week so I am really proud of myself there. I am also trying to plan out my weekend meals so I can be better on the weekends. Weekends seem to be my problem!
    Woo! Level 2 is HARD!! :drinker: You will feel the moves all over again!