New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I've followed through so far with P90x and im loving it. can't wait to start seeing results.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I'm in the 2nd week of my first phase.

    I'm about ready to ditch the Yoga. Did about 45 minutes of it yesterday, then got fed up with it and turned it off.

    Today is Legs and Back. This one I find to be brutal. I can't do a pull up to save my life, so I've been using bands. Not sure what those are doing for me.

    Looking forward to Kenpo.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I started 2 days ago, but I won't be doing any of the ones with pull up bars (the majority of them) until I can get a decent pull up bar! But I am in for the support of the other ones
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Got my pullup bar yesterday, and some of those swivel pushup handles, so I'm good to go!
    My husband is really enjoying his first week of the program. And I'm really enjoying listening to him realize that he's not superman! (I don't mean that in a bad way, but he's already pretty ripped and it's nice to know even he can tire out sometimes)
    I've been doing Ab Ripper with him and it's amazing how good my back feels with a stronger core!! I'm so pumped to start this!!
  • shannonreeves11
    P90X is hardcore! I had a friend who lost 30 pounds in 3 and a half months!!! Awesome!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Friday and good morning! Just had my Shakeology and then time to push play! I can't believe I'm finished with my hybrid! 20 weeks of Chalene Extreme and Turbo Fire! Whew! I'm sooo looking forward to all the funny comments from Tony and the gang! It's pretty sad when you've got the majority of the DVD's memorized! I know some people can't stand him, but I love him!

    Shannon: Wow, that's awesome about your friend! Good for her! Are you planning on doing the program? You should join us!

    Lizard: Doesn't sound right calling you What's your real name? I can't wait to start either and sounds like your hubby is doing good but being challenged! We all need that sometimes!

    loathesome: Nice job! Thanks for joining us!

    crowhorse: your pic is hilarious! Love it! I was actually thinking that instead of the P90X yoga now, I might do the Turbo Fire stretch 40 DVD because there's yoga in that and it's a lot shorter! I love legs and back days! Gotta love Fridays! lol I actually don't use a pull up bar either, I use bands for the simple fact that I get a better burn and work my back more with the bands! So, go for it!

    Stephr: Keep up the good work! The results will naturally follow! You'll be amazed!

    Well, welcome to everyone! Looks like we're gonna have a lot of support and motivation on this thread! Let's keep building it! The more, the marrier! Have a great weekend everyone!

  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I started yesterday. I'm so excited! I need to see some change!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I started yesterday. I'm so excited! I need to see some change!

    Welcome! Get ready for the change cuz it's coming! Woo hoo!
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    I'm in the 2nd week of my first phase.

    I'm about ready to ditch the Yoga. Did about 45 minutes of it yesterday, then got fed up with it and turned it off.

    Today is Legs and Back. This one I find to be brutal. I can't do a pull up to save my life, so I've been using bands. Not sure what those are doing for me.

    Looking forward to Kenpo.

    I've heard a lot of people bashing the P90x Yoga. Is it not a good yoga program or do you guys just not like yoga itself?

    I haven't tried any of P90x yet, but I enjoy yoga from other sources so this has me curious.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm in the 2nd week of my first phase.

    I'm about ready to ditch the Yoga. Did about 45 minutes of it yesterday, then got fed up with it and turned it off.

    Today is Legs and Back. This one I find to be brutal. I can't do a pull up to save my life, so I've been using bands. Not sure what those are doing for me.

    Looking forward to Kenpo.

    I've heard a lot of people bashing the P90x Yoga. Is it not a good yoga program or do you guys just not like yoga itself?

    I haven't tried any of P90x yet, but I enjoy yoga from other sources so this has me curious.

    I love yoga but I think what people don't like about the P90X yoga is that it's too long, it's 90 min. But, Tony Horton's yoga in general is amazing! I've have the opportunity to workout with him twice live now, and he's done yoga, he's very into yoga and it's brutal! No joke!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    The yoga section is long, and very brutal, especially if you have extra weight on you. I also find it boring. It's also hard for me to breath in some of the positions they put you in, which isn't good in an exercise in which you are suppose to breath throughout.

    Maybe my arms are too short, or I'm just plain too fat, but I can't hook my arms around behind my back like they do, either.

    The very end isn't too bad, because it's mostly stretching, but the beginning gets really tedious. The middle is more balance poses.

    It also doesn't help that I have a toddler that has a toy wave runner that he rides around on while I'm trying to do it, and then he likes to scoot under me while I'm in downward dog position.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I have yoga x to do tomorrow, and I'm already dreading it!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Does anyone else get sick to their stomach when working out?
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Since we're on the yoga topic... I find it extremely boring. I know it is supposed to be good for you, and heavens knows that I could be more flexible. What do people think about during yoga? Maybe if I turn off the tv sound and put some other music on I could focus on that instead? I must be A.D.D. when it comes to yoga. But, I did buy a yoga mat yesterday so I am not totally against it! I will do the whole thing the first week and see how it goes.
    Also, does it get really twisty later on? My knee surgery won't let me do a lot of contortionist poses.
    Only 10 days to go!

  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Im going shopping this weekend and was wondering what all Im gonna need for this program.

    1. Am I gonna need the pull up bar the first week?
    2. Am I gonna need all 3 resistance bands the first wk or do I change through out the program?
    3. As far as the recovery drink is there something I can use other than the shakeology mixes. Like maybe chocolate milk mixed with something I can get from GNC?

  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Im going shopping this weekend and was wondering what all Im gonna need for this program.

    1. Am I gonna need the pull up bar the first week?
    2. Am I gonna need all 3 resistance bands the first wk or do I change through out the program?
    3. As far as the recovery drink is there something I can use other than the shakeology mixes. Like maybe chocolate milk mixed with something I can get from GNC?


    I have a pull-up bar that I hook the resistance bands around to do the pull up parts.

    If you don't already have a mat, I'd get one.

    Free weights (I have 10, 8, 5, and 3 lbs). I guess you could use resistance bands for this, too, but I prefer the weights for the arms/shoulders, etc.

    You might want the push-up handle things. I haven't gotten any yet, but probably will.

    As far as a recovery drink, you can get a regular protein shake of your choice. That Shakeology is pretty expensive (at least I think so).
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    Does anyone else get sick to their stomach when working out?

    I used to when I first started working out in oct, but never felt it again...
  • BrittanyShelton20

    I am new to MyFitnessPal but not P90X. I just finished the fourth week of my fourth round. I was wondering if how you report the p90x workouts in the exercise section. Are there particular categories you use?

    I'm so glad you have started this thread because although I enjoy the p90x workouts, I find that I am less motivated to do them this time around. It 's getting a little old for me. I'm hoping that seeing how all of you are doing and the progress you are making will get and keep me motivated.

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Britt! Welcome to MFP! So, you're on your 4th round too, huh? Nice job! How were your results for the first 3 rounds? Is this the only BB program you've done so far?

    I calculate my workouts using my BodyMedia; I've only had it for about a month, but before that, I had a HRM with a chest strap.

    I'm glad you found us! We'll help motivate you girl! I am soooo excited and determined this round!

    Dara: Love the new profile pic!

    Tia: I personally use the bands for the pull ups, I get more of a burn from them. I also use the free weights too for the other routines but the bands work too; you make them as heavy of a resistence as you need. The Shakeology isn't used for a recovery drink, it's more of a meal replacement shake. But, as far as a recovery drink, choc milk will do the trick! :wink:
  • BrittanyShelton20

    Thanks for the tip about the HRM and BodyMedia. Yes, this is the only BB programs I've tried so far. I haven't had stunning results like so many people, but I was never really committed to the nutrition plan. So I haven't lost significant weight, however, I am stronger and my arms and legs are more defined. I know that if I want to see better results I have to start watching what I eat. I'm hoping the MFP will help me with that.

    What other BB programs do you do and how do they compare?