New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Im going shopping this weekend and was wondering what all Im gonna need for this program.

    1. Am I gonna need the pull up bar the first week?
    2. Am I gonna need all 3 resistance bands the first wk or do I change through out the program?
    3. As far as the recovery drink is there something I can use other than the shakeology mixes. Like maybe chocolate milk mixed with something I can get from GNC?


    My husband looked up what was recommended in his Power Training book for a post workout fix and he compared it to the chocolate milk he drinks. It was pretty similar actually. But you could also add some protein powder to it.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Thanks for the tip about the HRM and BodyMedia. Yes, this is the only BB programs I've tried so far. I haven't had stunning results like so many people, but I was never really committed to the nutrition plan. So I haven't lost significant weight, however, I am stronger and my arms and legs are more defined. I know that if I want to see better results I have to start watching what I eat. I'm hoping the MFP will help me with that.

    What other BB programs do you do and how do they compare?

    No prob. Yeah, I didn't stick too much to the diet my first round but I had so much fat to lose anyway that I still got results. This time however, I am sticking to the plan and am excited to see what kind of results I can get. The eating is such a huge part of it! I've done 3 rounds of P90X, 3 rounds of Chalean Extreme, 1 round of Insanity, 1 round of Slim In 6 and just finished my hybrid of Chalean Extreme & Turbo Fire. I am hooked on their products because they work!
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I finished up Day 5's workout today - legs and back/ab ripper x. Really felt the legs and back workout. I can't do all the ab ripper moves now, but my goal is to be able to do them by the end. I used the bands for the chin-up bar parts and that worked great.

    I only made it through 45 minutes of yoga yesterday. I saw some of the other posts on the yoga dvd and I've got to agree that it is boring. I kept waiting for Tony to move on from the vinyasa (sp?) and we just get doing it again and again. . 45 minutes into it I'd had enough. I'm thinking I'll pick up a yoga dvd that has less repitition to it and switch off with the yoga x.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I finished up Day 5's workout today - legs and back/ab ripper x. Really felt the legs and back workout. I can't do all the ab ripper moves now, but my goal is to be able to do them by the end. I used the bands for the chin-up bar parts and that worked great.

    I only made it through 45 minutes of yoga yesterday. I saw some of the other posts on the yoga dvd and I've got to agree that it is boring. I kept waiting for Tony to move on from the vinyasa (sp?) and we just get doing it again and again. . 45 minutes into it I'd had enough. I'm thinking I'll pick up a yoga dvd that has less repitition to it and switch off with the yoga x.

    I am on day 11, yoga still kills me, I'm just not flexible, and get confused with a majority of the moves, but I still kept up with it! I'm looking forward to legs and back tomorrow, and as many times I've done Ab ripper x, it still kicks my booty! Keep pushing play!!!! Good luck to you ;)
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I did the legs and back yesterday and didn't think I would be that sore. I was wrong. I'm waddling around today because my legs and butt are sore.

    Still have to do Kenpo, but I was feeling light-headed. Had a hard time eating breakfast this morning because it was making me sick to my stomach. Then had some spaghetti hoping that would help with being light-headed.

    Trying to get the gumption up to do Kenpo, and I'm just not feeling it today, but if I can just make it through it, then I have rest day tomorrow. As badly as I've been dragging this week, I really need it.

    I probably should have taken the days off when I was seriously sick, but I didn't want to get derailed. I think it's catching up to me.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I did the legs and back yesterday and didn't think I would be that sore. I was wrong. I'm waddling around today because my legs and butt are sore.

    Still have to do Kenpo, but I was feeling light-headed. Had a hard time eating breakfast this morning because it was making me sick to my stomach. Then had some spaghetti hoping that would help with being light-headed.

    Trying to get the gumption up to do Kenpo, and I'm just not feeling it today, but if I can just make it through it, then I have rest day tomorrow. As badly as I've been dragging this week, I really need it.

    I probably should have taken the days off when I was seriously sick, but I didn't want to get derailed. I think it's catching up to me.

    Awe - hope your feeling better soon!!!! I love kenpo x! I was sore my first week, and now I'm not! Just push through, you'll be fine!!!!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I pushed myself to do Kenpo. Almost upchucked a few times near the end. I was pooped out by the time there was 15-20 minutes left. By then, between the upset stomach and weariness, I was really dragging. I did the best I could with the rest, but I was thrilled when it was cool down time.

    I burned about 560 with the workout, butt dragging and all.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I pushed myself to do Kenpo. Almost upchucked a few times near the end. I was pooped out by the time there was 15-20 minutes left. By then, between the upset stomach and weariness, I was really dragging. I did the best I could with the rest, but I was thrilled when it was cool down time.

    I burned about 560 with the workout, butt dragging and all.

    Awe, sounds like you need to take a rest day! :) don't over do it!!!!!!!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I pushed myself to do Kenpo. Almost upchucked a few times near the end. I was pooped out by the time there was 15-20 minutes left. By then, between the upset stomach and weariness, I was really dragging. I did the best I could with the rest, but I was thrilled when it was cool down time.

    I burned about 560 with the workout, butt dragging and all.

    Awe, sounds like you need to take a rest day! :) don't over do it!!!!!!!

    Well, tomorrow is my rest day. I'm looking forward to it because I'm pretty sure I need it.

    Then starts week 3 of phase 1.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I pushed myself to do Kenpo. Almost upchucked a few times near the end. I was pooped out by the time there was 15-20 minutes left. By then, between the upset stomach and weariness, I was really dragging. I did the best I could with the rest, but I was thrilled when it was cool down time.

    I burned about 560 with the workout, butt dragging and all.

    Awe, sounds like you need to take a rest day! :) don't over do it!!!!!!!

    I did the x stretch on my rest day at the end of week 1, it was much needed!!!!! I start week 3 of phase 1 on Wednesday !!!! Enjoy your day off!!!!

    Well, tomorrow is my rest day. I'm looking forward to it because I'm pretty sure I need it.

    Then starts week 3 of phase 1.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Day 6 - LOVE KENPO!! I think I could do this everyday! Felt pretty uncoordinated on some of the combination punches but thought it was a blast and got me sweating.

    Does anyone use the recovery formula after workouts? GNC has something called Endurox that the guy recommended, but wasn't sure if this is comparable to the p90x recovery drink? GNC's has 270 calories for 2 scoops - anyone know the p90x recovery drink calories? Thanks for any info!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Well, I am pretty bummed. Today was scale day, and I had gained weight. It was only half a pound, but with as fat as I am, I was hoping I'd shed some weight.

    I need to be down at least 25 lbs by May, and this is not very promising.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Day 6 - LOVE KENPO!! I think I could do this everyday! Felt pretty uncoordinated on some of the combination punches but thought it was a blast and got me sweating.

    Does anyone use the recovery formula after workouts? GNC has something called Endurox that the guy recommended, but wasn't sure if this is comparable to the p90x recovery drink? GNC's has 270 calories for 2 scoops - anyone know the p90x recovery drink calories? Thanks for any info!

    I love Kenpo too! I use weighted gloves when I do it. I use the recovery formula, have for a while now and love it! Fore 2 scoops of the P90X recovery, it's 220 calories. Also, Tony Horton said that if us girls are watching our calories, we can use only 1 scoop and we'd be just fine.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Well, I am pretty bummed. Today was scale day, and I had gained weight. It was only half a pound, but with as fat as I am, I was hoping I'd shed some weight.

    I need to be down at least 25 lbs by May, and this is not very promising.

    Don't get too upset about the scale. So many things could be a factor. And I'm going to bet that you've gained some decent muscle with all this P90X work!! Pretty soon it will start to melt away! Maybe if you weighed in after your rest day to give your muscles time to recover it would be different. At least that is what I am planning to do.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Unfortunately I now have a scheduling conflict on Feb 28th and have no time to get my first P90X workout in. Unless I want to take off from work! It probably isn't smart to start on the same day as my last physical therapy appointment anyway. So I'm going to do the first one on the 27th and hop in with everyone else on March 1.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Well, we took our photos tonight and will start the X tomorrow! How is it that I've been married to this man for more than 20 years and given birth in front of him four times yet found those pictures to be so awful?! Yeesh! I have them though and hopefully in 30 days I will be able to see some improvement. And if I start to lose focus I know where to look first! Those pictures ought to get me back on track!

    On the Yoga X: my 14 year old daughter did it the other day since she LOVES yoga. She ran through the whole DVD and seemed to enjoy it but I'm not sure I will and I'm pretty positive that my husband isn't going to be doing 90 minutes of yoga! Fortunately for us, in our set that we bought they threw in two extra workouts, one of which is a much shorter (40 minutes I think?) yoga DVD so we might just sub that one for the super long. If we can't stand either of them I'm just going to buy a good yoga DVD and use that but we'll see.

    I'm excited! Tomorrow will be tough for me with all those pushups and pull ups (I'll be using the bands) but I know it's going to be worth it! My biceps are bigger than my husbands and it ain't muscle in there so I'm looking forward to slimming those babies up!

    I did Kenpo last week just because I needed some cardio and wanted to try it. I LOVED IT! I do Taekwondo so many of the moves were familiar and it was nice having his twist on a few things. However, being that I do already do martial arts I found some of the things I modified to do them the way my TKD instructor has use do them. I don't want to mess up my TKD and the changes aren't anything major so I don't think it's a problem. :)
  • Cheylaing
    Hi everyone i just joined last night an today's my first full day...can you tell me what is p90x please x x
  • Tracey1234
    Tracey1234 Posts: 18 Member
    So I finished my first week. I don't know about anyone else, but P90X is kicking my butt. WOW! In 1 week I can feel my muscles getting firmer. This is awesome. I also found my ideal time to work out (4:30AM before everyone is up). I am sure to get it in then. So excited!!!!
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Although I started round 2 in late November, the last 3 weeks have been sporadic due to my travel schedule. The flipside is that I am down 13 pounds since then.

    I will join this group and look forward to being X fit by summer...
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey gang! Sorry for not getting around to posting this weekend, it's been busy! This week is my recovery week and I'm looking forward to it!!! But, I'm soooo excited to start on Monday!

    Glad to see so many new peeps! This is going to be great!

    rower: welcome and congrats on your weight loss!!! You are definately going to be ripped by summer!

    Tracey: Way to go girl! It's amazing how you feel after just one week, huh? Love it! And kudos to you to getting it done before the sun comes up! I used to workout at that time.

    Cheylaing: So, do you have P90X? It's an at home 90 day program that includes 3 days of resistence, 3 days of cardio; intense but doable for anyone!

    knittnponder: Hey girl! Sooooo......have you pushed play yet today? I can't wait to see how day 1 goes! And I am sooo excited for you to take your 30 day pics! You are going to be blown away!

    lizzard: no prob! anytime is good as long as you're pushing play along side of us!

    Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to the store to load up on my food!!! Keep pushing play everyone! Great job!